Re: Region start row and end row

2016-10-12 Thread Anil
Apache Ignite.

On 13 October 2016 at 12:05, Cheyenne Forbes <> wrote:

> May I ask which in memory db are you using?

Re: Region start row and end row

2016-10-12 Thread Cheyenne Forbes
May I ask which in memory db are you using?

Re: Region start row and end row

2016-10-12 Thread Anil
You are correct. Not all the data.. but with specific start row and end row.


On 13 October 2016 at 11:39, Cheyenne Forbes <> wrote:

> Hi Anil,
> Basically what you want to do is copy all the data you had input with
> Phoenix to your in memory db?

Re: Region start row and end row

2016-10-12 Thread Cheyenne Forbes
Hi Anil,

Basically what you want to do is copy all the data you had input with
Phoenix to your in memory db?

Re: Region start row and end row

2016-10-12 Thread Anil
Do you have any inputs ?

On 12 October 2016 at 15:45, Anil  wrote:

> HI,
> I am trying to load Phoenix data into In-Memory DB.
> Is there any way to get the regions information (start row and end row) of
> a table based on a column of composite primary key ? So that data will be
> loaded into in-memory in parallel.
> Are there any better approaches for the same ?
> Thanks

Re: Creating secondary index on Phoenix view on Hbase table throws error

2016-10-12 Thread Mich Talebzadeh
Yes correct that is hbase-site.xml Ted.

i am running Hbase in standalone mode. Do I need region server?


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

On 12 October 2016 at 23:25, Ted Yu  wrote:

> bq. my h-base-site.xml
> Seems to be typo above - did you mean hbase-site.xml ?
> Have you checked every region server w.r.t. the value
> for hbase.regionserver.wal.codec ?
> Cheers
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Mich Talebzadeh <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In the following "marketDataHbase" is a view on Hbase table.
>> This is my h-base-site.xml (running Hbase on standalone mode)
>>  hbase.defaults.for.version.skip
>>  true
>>  hbase.regionserver.wal.codec
>>  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEd
>> itCodec
>>   hbase.region.server.rpc.scheduler.factory.class
>>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.PhoenixRpcSchedulerFactory
>>   Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that uses
>> separate queues for index and metadata updates
>>   hbase.rpc.controllerfactory.class
>>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.controller.ServerRpcContr
>> ollerFactory
>>   Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that uses
>> separate queues for index and metadata updates
>>  phoenix.functions.allowUserDefinedFunctions
>>  true
>>  enable UDF functions
>> and I have restarted Hbase but still getting the below error!
>> 0: jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=http://rhes564:8765> create index ticker_index
>> on "marketDataHbase" ("ticker");
>> Error: Error -1 (0) : Error while executing SQL "create index
>> ticker_index on "marketDataHbase" ("ticker")": Remote driver error:
>> RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable
>> secondary indexes must have the hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set
>> to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec in the
>> hbase-sites.xml of every region server. tableName=TICKER_INDEX ->
>> SQLException: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable secondary indexes must have the
>> hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set to 
>> org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec
>> in the hbase-sites.xml of every region server. tableName=TICKER_INDEX
>> (state=0,code=-1)
>> Thanks
>> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
>> LinkedIn * 
>> *
>> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for
>> any loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may
>> arise from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly
>> disclaimed. The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages
>> arising from such loss, damage or destruction.

Re: Creating secondary index on Phoenix view on Hbase table throws error

2016-10-12 Thread Ted Yu
bq. my h-base-site.xml

Seems to be typo above - did you mean hbase-site.xml ?

Have you checked every region server w.r.t. the value
for hbase.regionserver.wal.codec ?


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Mich Talebzadeh 

> Hi,
> In the following "marketDataHbase" is a view on Hbase table.
> This is my h-base-site.xml (running Hbase on standalone mode)
>  hbase.defaults.for.version.skip
>  true
>  hbase.regionserver.wal.codec
>  org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.
> IndexedWALEditCodec
>   hbase.region.server.rpc.scheduler.factory.class
>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.PhoenixRpcSchedulerFactory
>   Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that uses
> separate queues for index and metadata updates
>   hbase.rpc.controllerfactory.class
>   org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.controller.
> ServerRpcControllerFactory
>   Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that uses
> separate queues for index and metadata updates
>  phoenix.functions.allowUserDefinedFunctions
>  true
>  enable UDF functions
> and I have restarted Hbase but still getting the below error!
> 0: jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=http://rhes564:8765> create index ticker_index
> on "marketDataHbase" ("ticker");
> Error: Error -1 (0) : Error while executing SQL "create index
> ticker_index on "marketDataHbase" ("ticker")": Remote driver error:
> RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable
> secondary indexes must have the hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set
> to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec in the
> hbase-sites.xml of every region server. tableName=TICKER_INDEX ->
> SQLException: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable secondary indexes must have the
> hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.
> regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec in the hbase-sites.xml of every
> region server. tableName=TICKER_INDEX (state=0,code=-1)
> Thanks
> Dr Mich Talebzadeh
> LinkedIn * 
> *
> *Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
> loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
> from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
> The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
> such loss, damage or destruction.

Creating secondary index on Phoenix view on Hbase table throws error

2016-10-12 Thread Mich Talebzadeh

In the following "marketDataHbase" is a view on Hbase table.

This is my h-base-site.xml (running Hbase on standalone mode)




  Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that uses
separate queues for index and metadata updates


  Factory to create the Phoenix RPC Scheduler that uses
separate queues for index and metadata updates

 enable UDF functions

and I have restarted Hbase but still getting the below error!
0: jdbc:phoenix:thin:url=http://rhes564:8765> create index ticker_index on
"marketDataHbase" ("ticker");
Error: Error -1 (0) : Error while executing SQL "create index
ticker_index on "marketDataHbase" ("ticker")": Remote driver error:
RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable
secondary indexes must have the hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set
to org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec in the
hbase-sites.xml of every region server. tableName=TICKER_INDEX ->
SQLException: ERROR 1029 (42Y88): Mutable secondary indexes must have the
hbase.regionserver.wal.codec property set to
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.wal.IndexedWALEditCodec in the
hbase-sites.xml of every region server. tableName=TICKER_INDEX


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn *

*Disclaimer:* Use it at your own risk. Any and all responsibility for any
loss, damage or destruction of data or any other property which may arise
from relying on this email's technical content is explicitly disclaimed.
The author will in no case be liable for any monetary damages arising from
such loss, damage or destruction.

Region start row and end row

2016-10-12 Thread Anil

I am trying to load Phoenix data into In-Memory DB.

Is there any way to get the regions information (start row and end row) of
a table based on a column of composite primary key ? So that data will be
loaded into in-memory in parallel.

Are there any better approaches for the same ?
