
Handle null values,
check if the content of column z is definitely integer values,
ensure that no whitecharacters are included (e.g. "11 ").

Ultimately, you can read the z column as chararray and process it with udf.
This will give you chance to log the faulty record.

Tell if any of this removed the problem.

30 maj 2014 12:02 "Patcharee Thongtra" <patcharee.thong...@uni.no>

> Hi,
> I got very strange exception.
> 80693 [main] ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt  - ERROR 1066: Unable
> to open iterator for alias ordered. Backend error : java.lang.String cannot
> be cast to java.lang.Integer
> 14/05/30 11:53:22 ERROR grunt.Grunt: ERROR 1066: Unable to open iterator
> for alias ordered. Backend error : java.lang.String cannot be cast to
> java.lang.Integer
> In my pig script below, z is integer but pig complains as it is String.
> query = load 'fino32' USING org.apache.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader() as (
> date: chararray,
> u: float,
> v: float,
> t: float,
> zone: int,
> z: int);
> ordered = ORDER query BY z;
> dump ordered;
> Any suggestion is appreciated.
> Patcharee

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