[Spark SQL] [Spark 2.4.0] Performance regression when reading parquet files from S3

2018-11-14 Thread Yann Moisan

A Spark job on EMR reads parquet files located in an s3 bucket.

I use this option : spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.experimental.input.fadvise=random

When the ec2 instances and the bucket are in the same region, performance
are quite the same but when there are not, performance drops down (job
duration is multiplied by 2).

Note :  using the default value for the parameter mitigate the issue.


Any idea on what has changed in Spark 2.4.0 that could explain this issue ?

[SPARK-SQL] Writing partitioned parquet requires huge amounts of memory

2018-11-14 Thread Lienhart, Pierre (DI IZ) - AF (ext)
Hi everyone,
The team I am working with is currently plagued by storing its data in hundreds 
of thousands of tiny parquet files. I am trying 1) to reduce the number of file 
2) reduce the number of partitions. I wrote a very simple (Py)spark (Spark 
2.1.1 packaged within HDP application which aims at producing one file 
per partition :
.option('basePath', old_dir_path)\
.option('compression', 'snappy')\
My issue is that my executors are keep getting killed by YARN because of memory 
overhead when writing the new parquet files. The thing is that my executors 
(app settings described later below) are rather big compared to the amount of 
data to be written : 23GiB heap vs 300MB of gzipped parquet (1.6GB if cached in 
Spark UI description of failure : Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 169 in 
stage 2.0 failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost task 169.0 in stage 2.0 
(TID 98, x.xx.airfrance.fr, executor 1): ExecutorLostFailure 
(executor 1 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Container killed 
by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 24.1 GB of 24 GB physical memory used. 
Consider boosting spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead.
Every time, I see the process trying to dump HUGE amount of sort data to disk :
18/11/14 14:09:21 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 68 spilling sort data of 
15.4 GB to disk (0  time so far)
I have already tried / made sure of many things :

-  Data distribution is not skewed

-  Partitions are rather even in size and not huge

-  Increased memory available to each worker by increasing 
spark.executor.memory / increasing spark.memory.fraction / decreasing 
spark.executor.cores / increasing spark.executor.instances but still, even when 
it works, it seems that each worker needs a huge amount of memory compared to 
the amount of data to process.
The job always fails the same way : the container gets killed by YARN because 
of a memory overhead. I have seen a handful of SO mainly unanswered posts about 
this: same logs, writing parquet and amazed that so little data OOMs "big" 
executors. I found a few discussions mentioning that writing partitioned 
parquet uses a lot of memory. SPARK-12546 seems related but the issue should be 
solved in my version (brings spark.sql.sources.maxConcurrentWrites default 
value down to 1 from 5). Spark 1.6.0 release notes mention this problem as a 
KNOWN ISSUE and advise to bring down (why?) spark.memory.fraction to 0.4 for 
instance and set spark.hadoop.parquet.memory.pool.ratio to 0.3 (why?).
The latter solution seems to help but still, memory consumption seems high. For 
example : with 2 executors with 2 cores, 23GiB spark.executor.memory and 1GiB 
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead each, spark.memory.fraction = 0.4 and 
spark.hadoop.parquet.memory.pool.ratio = 0.3, repartitioning 300MB of gzipped 
parquet (1.6Gb if cached into memory) implies a high execution memory peak (7.8 
Gb read in Spark UI), dropping huge quantities of data to disk (see logs below 
+ Spark UI : Shuffle read size : 3.5 Gb). What is going on here ?
18/11/14 14:29:34 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.8 GB to disk (0  time so far)
18/11/14 14:31:12 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.8 GB to disk (1  time so far)
18/11/14 14:32:12 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.8 GB to disk (2  times so far)
18/11/14 14:33:32 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.8 GB to disk (3  times so far)
18/11/14 14:34:29 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.8 GB to disk (4  times so far)
18/11/14 14:35:24 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.8 GB to disk (5  times so far)
18/11/14 14:37:19 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
7.9 GB to disk (0  time so far)
18/11/14 14:38:00 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
8.0 GB to disk (1  time so far)
18/11/14 14:38:42 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
8.0 GB to disk (2  times so far)
18/11/14 14:39:24 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
8.0 GB to disk (3  times so far)
18/11/14 14:40:05 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
8.0 GB to disk (4  times so far)
18/11/14 14:40:47 INFO UnsafeExternalSorter: Thread 61 spilling sort data of 
8.0 GB to disk (5  times so far)
18/11/14 14:41:08 INFO FileFormatWriter: Sorting complete. Writing out 
partition files one at a time.
18/11/14 14:41:09 INFO CodecConfig: Compression: SNAPPY
18/11/14 14:41:09 INFO CodecConfig: Compression: SNAPPY
18/11/14 14:41:09 INFO ParquetOutputFormat: Parquet block size to 134217728
18/11/14 14:41:09 INFO ParquetOutputFormat: Parquet page size to 1048576

Re: Read Avro Data using Spark Streaming

2018-11-14 Thread Michael Shtelma

you can use this project in order to read Avro using Spark Structured

Spark 2.4 has also built in support for Avro, so you can use from_avro
function in Spark 2.4.


On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 4:34 AM Divya Narayan 

> Hi,
> I produced avro data to kafka topic using schema registry and now I want
> to use spark streaming to read that data and do some computation in real
> time. Can some one please give a sample code for doing that . I couldn't
> find any working code online. I am using spark version 2.2.0 and
> spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.11.
> Thanks
> Divya

Re: Read Avro Data using Spark Streaming

2018-11-14 Thread chandan prakash
In case you are using old Spark Streaming and processing Avro data from
kafka, this might be useful:


On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 9:04 AM Divya Narayan 

> Hi,
> I produced avro data to kafka topic using schema registry and now I want
> to use spark streaming to read that data and do some computation in real
> time. Can some one please give a sample code for doing that . I couldn't
> find any working code online. I am using spark version 2.2.0 and
> spark-streaming-kafka-0-10_2.11.
> Thanks
> Divya

Chandan Prakash

RE: [Spark SQL] Does Spark group small files

2018-11-14 Thread Lienhart, Pierre (DI IZ) - AF (ext)
Hello Yann,

From my understanding, when reading small files Spark will group them and load 
the content of each batch into the same partition so you won’t end up with 1 
partition per file resulting in a huge number of very small partitions. This 
behavior is controlled by the spark.files.maxPartitionBytes parameter set to 
128 MiB by default. For example if you have only 8 MiB files on your file 
system, you will end up with partitions holding the content of 16 files. If 
your files are heavily compressed, it can result in pretty fat partitions of 
size spark.files.maxPartitionBytes/compression ratio.

I can’t give you a link to a specific source code snippet but this is my 
experience from working with a lot of small parquet files.



De : Yann Moisan [mailto:yam...@gmail.com]
Envoyé : mardi 13 novembre 2018 21:28
À : user@spark.apache.org
Objet : [Spark SQL] Does Spark group small files


I'm using Spark 2.3.1.

I have a job that reads 5.000 small parquet files into s3.

When I do a mapPartitions followed by a collect, only 278 tasks are used (I 
would have expected 5000). Does Spark group small files ? If yes, what is the 
threshold for grouping ? Is it configurable ? Any link to corresponding source 
code ?




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