Profiling tasks

2014-05-27 Thread Puneet Lakhina

Is it possible to increase the logging to get more details on what exactly
are the tasks doing? I have slow operation for which Im trying to find out
where is the time being spent. The operation is a cogroup() followed by a
count(). In the logs on each worker node all I see is the fetch of map
outputs which are not local.



Re: Broadcast Variables

2014-05-27 Thread Puneet Lakhina
To answer my own question, that does seem to be the right way. I was
concerned about whether the data that a broadcast variable would end up
getting serialized if I used it as an instance variable of the function. I
realized that doesnt happen because the broadcast variable's value is
marked as transient.

1. Http -
2. Torrent -

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Puneet Lakhina wrote:

> Hi,
> Im confused on what is the right way to use broadcast variables from java.
> My code looks something like this:
> Map<> val = //build Map to be broadcast
> Broadcast> broadastVar = sc.broadcast(val);
> sc.textFile(...).map(new SomeFunction()) {
> //Do something here using broadcastVar
> }
> My question is, should I pass the broadcastVar to the SomeFunction as a
> constructor parameter that it can keep around as an instance variable i.e.
> sc.textFile(...).map(new SomeFunction(broadcastVar)) {
> //Do something here using broadcastVar
> }
> class SomeFunction extends Function {
>  public SomeFunction(Broadcast> var) {
>this.var = var
>  }
>  public T call() {
>   //Do something
>  }
> }
> Is above the right way to utilize broadcast Variables when not using
> anonymous inner classes as functions?
> --
> Regards,
> Puneet


Broadcast Variables

2014-05-22 Thread Puneet Lakhina

Im confused on what is the right way to use broadcast variables from java.

My code looks something like this:

Map<> val = //build Map to be broadcast
Broadcast> broadastVar = sc.broadcast(val);

sc.textFile(...).map(new SomeFunction()) {
//Do something here using broadcastVar

My question is, should I pass the broadcastVar to the SomeFunction as a
constructor parameter that it can keep around as an instance variable i.e.

sc.textFile(...).map(new SomeFunction(broadcastVar)) {
//Do something here using broadcastVar

class SomeFunction extends Function {
 public SomeFunction(Broadcast> var) {
   this.var = var

 public T call() {
  //Do something

Is above the right way to utilize broadcast Variables when not using
anonymous inner classes as functions?

Text file and shuffle

2014-05-17 Thread Puneet Lakhina

I'm new to spark and I wanted to understand a few things conceptually so that I 
can optimize my spark job. I have a large text file (~14G, 200k lines). This 
file is available on each worker node of my spark cluster. The job I run calls 
sc.textFile(...).flatmap(...) . The function that I pass into flat map splits 
up each line from the file into a key and value. Now I have another text file 
which is smaller in size(~1.5G) but has a lot more lines because it has more 
than one value per key spread across multiple lines. . I call the same textFile 
and flatmap functions on they other file and then call groupByKey to have all 
values for a key available as a list. 

Having done this I then cogroup these 2 RDDs. I have the following questions

1. Is this sequence of steps the best way to achieve what I want, I.e a join 
across the 2 data sets?

2. I have a 8 node (25 Gb memory each) . The large file flatmap spawns about 
400 odd tasks whereas the small file flatmap only spawns about 30 odd tasks. 
The large file's flatmap takes about 2-3 mins and during this time it seems to 
do about 3G of shuffle write. I want to understand if this shuffle write is 
something I can avoid. From what I have read, the shuffle write is a disk 
write. Is that correct? Also is the reason for the shuffle write the fact that 
the partitioner for flatmap ends up having to redistribute the data across the 

Please let me know if I haven't provided enough information. I'm new to spark 
so if you see anything fundamental that I don't understand please feel free to 
just point me to a link that provides some detailed information.
