Re: [PySpark Structured Streaming] How to tune .repartition(N) ?

2023-10-04 Thread Shao Yang Hong
Hi Raghavendra,

Yes, we are trying to reduce the number of files in delta as well (the
small file problem [0][1]).

We already have a scheduled app to compact files, but the number of
files is still large, at 14K files per day.


On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 12:53 PM Raghavendra Ganesh
> Hi,
> What is the purpose for which you want to use repartition() .. to reduce the 
> number of files in delta?
> Also note that there is an alternative option of using coalesce() instead of 
> repartition().
> --
> Raghavendra
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 10:15 AM Shao Yang Hong 
>  wrote:
>> Hi all on user@spark:
>> We are looking for advice and suggestions on how to tune the
>> .repartition() parameter.
>> We are using Spark Streaming on our data pipeline to consume messages
>> and persist them to a Delta Lake
>> (
>> We read messages from a Kafka topic, then add a generated date column
>> as a daily partitioning, and save these records to Delta Lake. We have
>> 60 Kafka partitions on the Kafka topic, 15 Spark executor instances
>> (so 4 Kafka partitions per executor).
>> How then, should we use .repartition()? Should we omit this parameter?
>> Or set it to 15? or 4?
>> Our code looks roughly like the below:
>> ```
>> df = (
>> spark.readStream.format("kafka")
>> .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", os.environ["KAFKA_BROKERS"])
>> .option("subscribe", os.environ["KAFKA_TOPIC"])
>> .load()
>> )
>> table = (
>> from_protobuf(
>> "value", "table", "/opt/protobuf-desc/table.desc"
>> ).alias("msg")
>> )
>> .withColumn("uuid", col("msg.uuid"))
>> # etc other columns...
>> # generated column for daily partitioning in Delta Lake
>> .withColumn(CREATED_DATE,
>> date_format(from_unixtime("msg.logged_at"), "-MM-dd"))
>> .drop("msg")
>> )
>> query = (
>> table
>> .repartition(10).writeStream
>> .queryName(APP_NAME)
>> .outputMode("append")
>> .format("delta")
>> .partitionBy(CREATED_DATE)
>> .option("checkpointLocation", os.environ["CHECKPOINT"])
>> .start(os.environ["DELTA_PATH"])
>> )
>> query.awaitTermination()
>> spark.stop()
>> ```
>> Any advice would be appreciated.
>> --
>> Best Regards,
>> Shao Yang HONG
>> -
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Best Regards,
Shao Yang HONG
Software Engineer, Pricing, Tech

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[PySpark Structured Streaming] How to tune .repartition(N) ?

2023-10-04 Thread Shao Yang Hong
Hi all on user@spark:

We are looking for advice and suggestions on how to tune the
.repartition() parameter.

We are using Spark Streaming on our data pipeline to consume messages
and persist them to a Delta Lake

We read messages from a Kafka topic, then add a generated date column
as a daily partitioning, and save these records to Delta Lake. We have
60 Kafka partitions on the Kafka topic, 15 Spark executor instances
(so 4 Kafka partitions per executor).

How then, should we use .repartition()? Should we omit this parameter?
Or set it to 15? or 4?

Our code looks roughly like the below:

df = (
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", os.environ["KAFKA_BROKERS"])
.option("subscribe", os.environ["KAFKA_TOPIC"])

table = (
"value", "table", "/opt/protobuf-desc/table.desc"
.withColumn("uuid", col("msg.uuid"))
# etc other columns...

# generated column for daily partitioning in Delta Lake
date_format(from_unixtime("msg.logged_at"), "-MM-dd"))

query = (
.option("checkpointLocation", os.environ["CHECKPOINT"])


Any advice would be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Shao Yang HONG

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[PySpark Structured Streaming] How to tune .repartition(N) ?

2023-10-04 Thread Shao Yang Hong
Hi all on user@spark:

We are looking for advice and suggestions on how to tune the
.repartition() parameter.

We are using Spark Streaming on our data pipeline to consume messages
and persist them to a Delta Lake

We read messages from a Kafka topic, then add a generated date column
as a daily partitioning, and save these records to Delta Lake. We have
60 Kafka partitions on the Kafka topic, 15 Spark executor instances
(so 4 Kafka partitions per executor).

How then, should we use .repartition()? Should we omit this parameter?
Or set it to 15? or 4?

Our code looks roughly like the below:

df = (
.option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", os.environ["KAFKA_BROKERS"])
.option("subscribe", os.environ["KAFKA_TOPIC"])

table = (
"value", "table", "/opt/protobuf-desc/table.desc"
.withColumn("uuid", col("msg.uuid"))
# etc other columns...

# generated column for daily partitioning in Delta Lake
date_format(from_unixtime("msg.logged_at"), "-MM-dd"))

query = (
.option("checkpointLocation", os.environ["CHECKPOINT"])


Any advice would be appreciated.

Best Regards,
Shao Yang HONG

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