This could be the result of you not setting the location of eventLog properly. 
By default, it's/TMP/Spark-Events, and since the files in the/TMP directory are 
cleaned up regularly, you could have this problem.

------------------ Original ------------------
From:&nbsp;"Xin Jinhan"<;;
Date:&nbsp;Thu, Jul 2, 2020 08:39 PM

Subject:&nbsp;Re: File Not Found: /tmp/spark-events in Spark 3.0


First, the /tmp/spark-events is the default storage location of spark
eventLog, but the log is stored only when you set the
'spark.eventLog.enabled=true', which maybe your spark 2.4.6 set to false. So
you can just set it to false and the error will disappear. 
Second, I suggest to open the eventLog and you can specify the log location
with 'spark.eventLog.dir' either a filesystem or local one, because you
maybe to check the log later.(can simplely use spark-history-server)


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