2022-12-15 Thread prashanth t

Re: saveAsTable does not respect spark.sql.warehouse.dir

2018-02-11 Thread prashanth t
Hi Lian,

Please add below command before creating table.
"Use (database_name)"
By default saveAsTable uses default database of hive. You might not have
access to it that's causing problems.

Prashanth Thipparthi

On 11 Feb 2018 10:45 pm, "Lian Jiang"  wrote:

I started spark-shell with below command:

spark-shell --master yarn --conf spark.sql.warehouse.dir="/user/spark"

In spark-shell, below statement can create a managed table using
/user/spark HDFS folder:

spark.sql("CREATE TABLE t5 (i int) USING PARQUET")

However, below statements still use spark-warehouse in local folder like

case class SymbolInfo(name: String, sector: String)

val siDS = Seq(
  SymbolInfo("AAPL", "IT"),
  SymbolInfo("GOOG", "IT")


How can I make saveAsTable respect spark.sql.warehouse.dir when creating a
managed table? Appreciate any help!