Operators supported by Spark Structured Streaming

2019-11-28 Thread shicheng31...@gmail.com
Spark Structured Streaming uses the DataFrame API. When programming, there 
are no compilation errors, but when running, it will report various unsupported 
conditions. The official website does not seem to have a document to list the 
unsupported operators. This will Inconvenient when developing. How did you 
solve this problem?


ThriftServer gc over exceed and memory problem

2019-05-07 Thread shicheng31...@gmail.com
Hi all:
My spark's version is 2.3.2. I start thriftserver with default spark 
config. On another hand, I use java-application to query result  via JDBC  .
The query application has plenty of statement to execute. The previous 
statement executes very quickly, and the latter statement executes slower and 
slower.  I try to observe actions of appliction 'Thrit JDBC Server' on web ui. 
I keep refreshing the page, but the page response is getting slower and slower.
Finally, it shows gc over exceed. 
  Then , I try to config the memory of executor in config  spark-env.sh . And 
the executor's memory does increase. But the problem still exists.
  What puzzles me is  The JDBC Server  application serves as driver, only 
handle some code distribution and rpc connection works.Does it need so much 
meormy? If so , how to increase it's memory?   


Structured Streaming initialized with cached data or others

2019-04-22 Thread shicheng31...@gmail.com
Hi ,all:
As we all known, structured streaming  is used to handle incremental 
problems.  However, if I need to make an increment based on an initial value, I 
need to get a previous state value when the program is initialized. 
Is there any way to assign an initial value to the'state'? Or other 


returning type of function that needs to be passed to method 'mapWithState'

2019-03-11 Thread shicheng31...@gmail.com
Hi all:
In the `mapWithState`method in spark streaming, you need to pass in an 
anonymous function. This function maintains a state and should return a  
result. It can be said that the final stateful result can be obtained from the 
state object.
So, what is the significance of returning result? 
I looked up the official API, and it  did not specifically say that the 
result is used for,just give a simple explanation, as follows:

// A mapping function that maintains an integer state and return a String
def mappingFunction(key: String, value: Option[Int], state: State[Int]): 
Option[String] = {
  // Use state.exists(), state.get(), state.update() and state.remove()
  // to manage state, and return the necessary string
val spec = StateSpec.function(mappingFunction).numPartitions(10)
val mapWithStateDStream = keyValueDStream.mapWithState[StateType, 
   Can anyone help me with this problem?Thanks!



Fw: how to reset streaming state regularly

2019-02-26 Thread shicheng31...@gmail.com

Hi all:
In Spark Streaming, I want to count some metrics by day, but in method  
"mapWithState", there is no API for this. Of course, I can achieve this by 
adding some time information to the record. However, I still want to use the 
spark API implementation . So, is there any direct or indirect   API for this 
in spark? Or is there any better solution for this? 
