I am using spark structured streaming 2.2.1 and am using flatMapGroupWithState 
and a groupBy count operators.
 In the StreamExecution logs I see two enteries for stateOperators
"stateOperators" : [ {
    "numRowsTotal" : 1617339,
    "numRowsUpdated" : 9647
  }, {
    "numRowsTotal" : 1326355,
    "numRowsUpdated" : 1398672
  } ],
My questions are:1. Is there way to figure out which stats is for 
flatMapGroupWithState and which one for groupBy count ?  In my case, I can 
guess based on my data but want to be definitive about it.2. For the second 
stats - how can the numRowsTotal (1326355) be less than numRowsUpdated 
(1398672) ?
If there in documentation I can use to understand the debug output, please let 
me know.


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