Re: How to handle java.sql.Date inside Maps with to_json / from_json

2018-06-28 Thread Patrick McGloin
Hi all,

I tested this with a Date outside a map and it works fine so I think the
issue is simply for Dates inside Maps. I will create a Jira for this unless
there are objections.

Best regards,

On Thu, 28 Jun 2018, 11:53 Patrick McGloin, 

> Consider the following test, which will fail on the final show:
> * case class *UnitTestCaseClassWithDateInsideMap(map: Map[Date, Int])
> test(*"Test a Date as key in a Map"*) {
>  *val *map =  *UnitTestCaseClassWithDateInsideMap*(*Map*(Date.*valueOf*(
> *"2018-06-28"*) -> 1))
>  *val *options = *Map*(*"timestampFormat" *-> *"/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"*,
> *"dateFormat" *-> *"/MM/dd"*)
>  *val *schema = Encoders.*product*
> [UnitTestCaseClassWithDateInsideMap].schema
>  *val *mapDF = *Seq*(map).toDF()
>  *val *jsonDF =*to_json*(*struct*(mapDF.columns.head,
> mapDF.columns.tail:_*), options))
>  *val *jsonString =
>  *val *stringDF = *Seq*(jsonString).toDF(*"json"*)
>  *val *parsedDF =*from_json*(*$"json"*, schema, options))
> }
> The result of the line "" is as follows:
> +---+
> |structstojson(named_struct(NamePlaceholder(), map))|
> +---+
> |{"map":{"17710":1}}|
> +---+
> As can be seen the date is not formatted correctly.  The error with
>  "" is:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
> cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
> I have tried adding the options to to_json / from_json but it hasn't
> helped.  Am I using the wrong options?
> Is there another way to do this?
> Best regards,
> Patrick
> This message has been sent by ABN AMRO Bank N.V., which has its seat at Gustav
> Mahlerlaan 10 (1082 PP) Amsterdam, the Netherlands
> ,
> and is registered in the Commercial Register of Amsterdam under number
> 34334259.

How to handle java.sql.Date inside Maps with to_json / from_json

2018-06-28 Thread Patrick McGloin
Consider the following test, which will fail on the final show:

* case class *UnitTestCaseClassWithDateInsideMap(map: Map[Date, Int])

test(*"Test a Date as key in a Map"*) {
 *val *map =  *UnitTestCaseClassWithDateInsideMap*(*Map*(Date.*valueOf*(
*"2018-06-28"*) -> 1))
 *val *options = *Map*(*"timestampFormat" *-> *"/MM/dd
HH:mm:ss.SSS"*, *"dateFormat"
*-> *"/MM/dd"*)
 *val *schema = Encoders.*product*

 *val *mapDF = *Seq*(map).toDF()
 *val *jsonDF =*to_json*(*struct*(mapDF.columns.head,
mapDF.columns.tail:_*), options))

 *val *jsonString =

 *val *stringDF = *Seq*(jsonString).toDF(*"json"*)
 *val *parsedDF =*from_json*(*$"json"*, schema, options))

The result of the line "" is as follows:

|structstojson(named_struct(NamePlaceholder(), map))|

As can be seen the date is not formatted correctly.  The error with
 "" is:

java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer

I have tried adding the options to to_json / from_json but it hasn't
helped.  Am I using the wrong options?

Is there another way to do this?

Best regards,
This message has been sent by ABN AMRO Bank N.V., which has its seat at Gustav
Mahlerlaan 10 (1082 PP) Amsterdam, the Netherlands
and is registered in the Commercial Register of Amsterdam under number