Re: Confused - returning RDDs from functions

2016-05-13 Thread Dood

On 5/12/2016 10:01 PM, Holden Karau wrote:
This is not the expected behavior, can you maybe post
  the code where you are running into this?

Hello, thanks for replying!

Below is the function I took out from the code.

def converter(rdd: RDD[(String, JsValue)], param:String): RDD[(String, Int)] = {
  // I am breaking this down for future readability and ease of optimization
  // as a first attempt at solving this problem, I am not concerned with performance
  // and pretty, more with accuracy ;)
  // r1 will be an RDD containing only the "param" method of selection
  val r1:RDD[(String,JsValue)] = rdd.filter(x => (x._2 \ "field1" \ "field2").as[String].replace("\"","") == param.replace("\"",""))
  // r2 will be an RDD of Lists of fields (A1-Z1) with associated counts
  // remapFields returns a List[(String,Int)]
  val r2:RDD[List[(String,Int)]] = => remapFields(x._2 \ "extra"))
  // r3 will be flattened to enable grouping
  val r3:RDD[(String,Int)] = r2.flatMap(x => x)
  // now we can group by entity
  val r4:RDD[(String,Iterable[(String,Int)])] = r3.groupBy(x => x._1)
  // and produce a mapping of entity -> count pairs
  val r5:RDD[(String,Int)] = => (x._1, => y._2).sum))
  // return the result

If I call on the above function and collectAsMap on the returned
RDD, I get an empty Map(). If I copy/paste this code into the
caller, I get the properly filled in Map.

I am fairly new to Spark and Scala so excuse any inefficiencies - my
priority was to be able to solve the problem in an obvious and
correct way and worry about making it pretty later. 


On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Dood@ODDO 
  Hello all,

I have been programming for years but this has me baffled.

I have an RDD[(String,Int)] that I return from a function after
extensive manipulation of an initial RDD of a different type.
When I return this RDD and initiate the .collectAsMap() on it
from the caller, I get an empty Map().

If I copy and paste the code from the function into the caller
(same exact code) and produce the same RDD and call
collectAsMap() on it, I get the Map with all the expected
information in it.

What gives?

Does Spark defy programming principles or am I crazy? ;-)


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Re: Confused - returning RDDs from functions

2016-05-12 Thread Holden Karau
This is not the expected behavior, can you maybe post the code where you
are running into this?

On Thursday, May 12, 2016, Dood@ODDO  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have been programming for years but this has me baffled.
> I have an RDD[(String,Int)] that I return from a function after extensive
> manipulation of an initial RDD of a different type. When I return this RDD
> and initiate the .collectAsMap() on it from the caller, I get an empty
> Map().
> If I copy and paste the code from the function into the caller (same exact
> code) and produce the same RDD and call collectAsMap() on it, I get the Map
> with all the expected information in it.
> What gives?
> Does Spark defy programming principles or am I crazy? ;-)
> Thanks!
> -
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