Re: GraphX Pregel not update vertex state properly, cause messages loss

2016-11-28 Thread rohit13k
Found the exact issue. If the vertex attribute is a complex object with
mutable objects the edge triplet does not update the new state once already
the vertex attributes are shipped but if the vertex attributes are immutable
objects then there is no issue. below is a code for the same. Just changing
the mutable hashmap to immutable hashmap solves the issues. ( this is not a
fix for the bug, either this limitation should be made aware of the users
are the bug needs to be fixed for immutable objects.)

import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.{ SparkConf, SparkContext }
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.log4j.Level
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap

object PregelTest {
  val logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName());
  def run(graph: Graph[HashMap[String, Int], HashMap[String, Int]]):
Graph[HashMap[String, Int], HashMap[String, Int]] = {

def vProg(v: VertexId, attr: HashMap[String, Int], msg: Integer):
HashMap[String, Int] = {
  var updatedAttr = attr
  if (msg < 0) {
// init message received 
if (v.equals(0.asInstanceOf[VertexId])) updatedAttr =
attr.+=("LENGTH" -> 0)
else updatedAttr = attr.+=("LENGTH" -> Integer.MAX_VALUE)
  } else {
updatedAttr = attr.+=("LENGTH" -> (msg + 1))

def sendMsg(triplet: EdgeTriplet[HashMap[String, Int], HashMap[String,
Int]]): Iterator[(VertexId, Integer)] = {
  val len = triplet.srcAttr.get("LENGTH").get
  // send a msg if last hub is reachable 
  if (len < Integer.MAX_VALUE) Iterator((triplet.dstId, len))
  else Iterator.empty

def mergeMsg(msg1: Integer, msg2: Integer): Integer = {
  if (msg1 < msg2) msg1 else msg2

Pregel(graph, new Integer(-1), 3, EdgeDirection.Either)(vProg, sendMsg,

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Pregel Test")
conf.set("spark.master", "local")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val test = new HashMap[String, Int]

// create a simplest test graph with 3 nodes and 2 edges 
val vertexList = Array(
  (0.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new HashMap[String, Int]),
  (1.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new HashMap[String, Int]),
  (2.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new HashMap[String, Int]))
val edgeList = Array(
  Edge(0.asInstanceOf[VertexId], 1.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new
HashMap[String, Int]),
  Edge(1.asInstanceOf[VertexId], 2.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new
HashMap[String, Int]))

val vertexRdd = sc.parallelize(vertexList)
val edgeRdd = sc.parallelize(edgeList)
val g = Graph[HashMap[String, Int], HashMap[String, Int]](vertexRdd,

// run test code 
val lpa = run(g)

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Re: GraphX Pregel not update vertex state properly, cause messages loss

2016-11-24 Thread 吴 郎
Thank you, Dale, I've realized in what situation this bug would be activated. 
Actually, it seems that any user-defined class with dynamic fields (such Map, 
List...) could not be used as message, or it'll lost in the next supersteps. to 
figure this out, I tried to deep-copy an new message object everytime the 
vertex program runs, and it works till now, though it's obviously not an 
elegant way. 

fuz woo
吴   郎


湖南省长沙市开福区 邮编:410073


-- Original --
From: "Dale Wang"<>; 
Date: 2016年11月24日(星期四) 中午11:10
To: "吴 郎"<>; 
Cc: "user"<>; 
Subject: Re: GraphX Pregel not update vertex state properly, cause messages loss

The problem comes from the inconsistency between graph’s triplet view  and 
vertex view. The message may not be lost but the message is just not  sent in 
sendMsgfunction because sendMsg function gets wrong value  of srcAttr! 
 It is not a new bug. I met a similar bug that appeared in version 1.2.1  
according to  JIAR-6378 before. I  can reproduce that inconsistency bug with a 
small and simple program  (See that JIRA issue for more details). It seems that 
in some situation  the triplet view of a Graph object does not update 
consistently with  vertex view. The GraphX Pregel API heavily relies on  
mapReduceTriplets(old)/aggregateMessages(new) API who heavily relies  on the 
correct behavior of the triplet view of a graph. Thus this bug  influences on 
behavior of Pregel API.
 Though I cannot figure out why the bug appears either, but I suspect  that the 
bug has some connection with the data type of the vertex  property. If you use 
primitive types such as Double and Long, it is  OK. But if you use some 
self-defined type with mutable fields such as  mutable Map and mutable 
ArrayBuffer, the bug appears. In your case I  notice that you use JSONObject as 
your vertex’s data type. After  looking up the definition ofJSONObject, 
JSONObject has a java map as  its field to store data which is mutable. To 
temporarily avoid the bug,  you can modify the data type of your vertex 
property to avoid any  mutable data type by replacing mutable data collection 
to immutable data  collection provided by Scala and replacing var field to val 
field.  At least, that suggestion works for me.
 Zhaokang Wang

2016-11-18 11:47 GMT+08:00 fuz_woo <>:
hi,everyone, I encountered a strange problem these days when i'm attempting
 to use the GraphX Pregel interface to implement a simple
 single-source-shortest-path algorithm.
 below is my code:
 import org.apache.spark.graphx._
 import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
 object PregelTest {
   def run(graph: Graph[JSONObject, JSONObject]): Graph[JSONObject,
 JSONObject] = {
 def vProg(v: VertexId, attr: JSONObject, msg: Integer): JSONObject = {
   if ( msg < 0 ) {
 // init message received
 if ( v.equals(0.asInstanceOf[VertexId]) ) attr.put("LENGTH", 0)
 else attr.put("LENGTH", Integer.MAX_VALUE)
   } else {
 attr.put("LENGTH", msg+1)
 def sendMsg(triplet: EdgeTriplet[JSONObject, JSONObject]):
 Iterator[(VertexId, Integer)] = {
   val len = triplet.srcAttr.getInteger("LENGTH")
   // send a msg if last hub is reachable
   if ( len, it seems that the
 messages sent to vertex 2 was lost unexpectedly. I then tracked the debugger
 to file Pregel.scala,  where I saw the code:
 In the first iteration 0, the variable messages in line 138 is reconstructed
 , and then recomputed in line 143, in where activeMessages got a value 0,
 which means the messages is lost.
 then I set a breakpoint in line 138, and before its execution I execute an
 expression " g.triplets().collect() " which just collects the updated graph
 data. after I done this and execute the rest code, the messages is no longer
 empty and activeMessages got value 1 as expected.
 I have tested the code with both spark& 1.4 and 1.6 in scala 2.10,
 and got the same result.
 I must say this problem makes me really confused, I've spent almost 2 weeks
 to resolve it and I have no idea how to do it now. If this is not a bug, I
 totally can't understand why just executing a non-disturb expression (
 g.triplets().collect(), it just collect the data and do noting computing )
 could changing the essential, it's really ridiculous.
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Re: GraphX Pregel not update vertex state properly, cause messages loss

2016-11-23 Thread Dale Wang
The problem comes from the inconsistency between graph’s triplet view and
vertex view. The message may not be lost but the message is just not sent
in sendMsgfunction because sendMsg function gets wrong value of srcAttr!

It is not a new bug. I met a similar bug that appeared in version 1.2.1
according to JIAR-6378 
before. I can reproduce that inconsistency bug with a small and simple
program (See that JIRA issue for more details). It seems that in some
situation the triplet view of a Graph object does not update consistently
with vertex view. The GraphX Pregel API heavily relies on
mapReduceTriplets(old)/aggregateMessages(new) API who heavily relies on the
correct behavior of the triplet view of a graph. Thus this bug influences
on behavior of Pregel API.

Though I cannot figure out why the bug appears either, but I suspect that
the bug has some connection with the data type of the vertex property. If
you use *primitive* types such as Double and Long, it is OK. But if you use
some self-defined type with mutable fields such as mutable Map and mutable
ArrayBuffer, the bug appears. In your case I notice that you use JSONObject
as your vertex’s data type. After looking up the definition ofJSONObject,
JSONObject has a java map as its field to store data which is mutable. To
temporarily avoid the bug, you can modify the data type of your vertex
property to avoid any mutable data type by replacing mutable data
collection to immutable data collection provided by Scala and replacing var
field to val field. At least, that suggestion works for me.

Zhaokang Wang

2016-11-18 11:47 GMT+08:00 fuz_woo :

> hi,everyone, I encountered a strange problem these days when i'm attempting
> to use the GraphX Pregel interface to implement a simple
> single-source-shortest-path algorithm.
> below is my code:
> import
> import org.apache.spark.graphx._
> import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
> object PregelTest {
>   def run(graph: Graph[JSONObject, JSONObject]): Graph[JSONObject,
> JSONObject] = {
> def vProg(v: VertexId, attr: JSONObject, msg: Integer): JSONObject = {
>   if ( msg < 0 ) {
> // init message received
> if ( v.equals(0.asInstanceOf[VertexId]) ) attr.put("LENGTH", 0)
> else attr.put("LENGTH", Integer.MAX_VALUE)
>   } else {
> attr.put("LENGTH", msg+1)
>   }
>   attr
> }
> def sendMsg(triplet: EdgeTriplet[JSONObject, JSONObject]):
> Iterator[(VertexId, Integer)] = {
>   val len = triplet.srcAttr.getInteger("LENGTH")
>   // send a msg if last hub is reachable
>   if ( len   else Iterator.empty
> }
> def mergeMsg(msg1: Integer, msg2: Integer): Integer = {
>   if ( msg1  msg2 ) msg1 else msg2
> }
> Pregel(graph, new Integer(-1), 3, EdgeDirection.Out)(vProg, sendMsg,
> mergeMsg)
>   }
>   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
> val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(Pregel Test)
> conf.set(spark.master, local)
> val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
> // create a simplest test graph with 3 nodes and 2 edges
> val vertexList = Array(
>   (0.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new JSONObject()),
>   (1.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new JSONObject()),
>   (2.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new JSONObject()))
> val edgeList = Array(
>   Edge(0.asInstanceOf[VertexId], 1.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new
> JSONObject()),
>   Edge(1.asInstanceOf[VertexId], 2.asInstanceOf[VertexId], new
> JSONObject()))
> val vertexRdd = sc.parallelize(vertexList)
> val edgeRdd = sc.parallelize(edgeList)
> val g = Graph[JSONObject, JSONObject](vertexRdd, edgeRdd)
> // run test code
> val lpa = run(g)
> lpa
>   }
> }
> and after i run the code, I got a incorrect result in which the vertex 2
> has
> a LENGTH label valued Integer.MAX_VALUE>, it seems that the
> messages sent to vertex 2 was lost unexpectedly. I then tracked the
> debugger
> to file Pregel.scala,  where I saw the code:
>  file/n28100/%E7%B2%98%E8%B4%B4%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87.png>
> In the first iteration 0, the variable messages in line 138 is
> reconstructed
> , and then recomputed in line 143, in where activeMessages got a value 0,
> which means the messages is lost.
> then I set a breakpoint in line 138, and before its execution I execute an
> expression " g.triplets().collect() " which just collects the updated graph
> data. after I done this and execute the rest code, the messages is no
> longer
> empty and activeMessages got value 1 as expected.
> I have tested the code with both spark& 1.4 and 1.6 in scala 2.10,
> and got the same result.
> I must say this problem makes me really confused, I've spent almost 2 weeks
> to resolve it and I have no idea how to do it now. If this is not a bug, I
> totally can't understand why just executing a non-disturb 

Re: GraphX Pregel not update vertex state properly, cause messages loss

2016-11-23 Thread rohit13k
Created a JIRA for the same

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Re: GraphX Pregel not update vertex state properly, cause messages loss

2016-11-23 Thread rohit13k

I am facing a similar issue. It's not that the message is getting lost or
something. The vertex 1 attributes changes in super step 1 but when the
sendMsg gets the vertex attribute from the edge triplet in the 2nd superstep
it stills has the old value of vertex 1 and not the latest value. So as per
your code no new msg will be generated in the superstep. I think the bug is
in the replicatedVertexView where the srcAttr and dstAttr of the
edgeTripplet is updated from the latest version of the vertex after each

How to get this bug raised? I am struggling to find an exact solution for it
except for recreating the graph after every superstep to reinforce edge
triplets to have the latest value of the vertex. but this is not a good
solution performance wise.

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