Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-25 Thread Thúy Hằng Lê
Thanks all for the feedback so far.
I havn't decided which external storage will be used yet.
HBase is cool but it requires Hadoop in production. I only have 3-4 servers
for the whole things ( i am thinking of a relational database for this, can
be MariaDB, Memsql or mysql) but they are hard to scale.
I will try various appoaches before making any decision.

In addition, using Spark Streaming is there any way to update only new data
to external storage after using updateStateByKey?
The foreachRDD function seems to loop over all RDDs( includes one that
havent changed) i believe Spark streamming must has a way to do it, but i
still couldn't find an example doing similar job.

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-25 Thread Adrian Tanase
Just use the official connector from DataStax

Your solution is very similar. Let’s assume the state is

case class UserState(amount: Int, updates: Seq[Int])

And your user has 100 - If your user does not see an update, you can emit

Some(UserState(100, Seq.empty))

Otherwise maybe you can emit

Some(UserState(130, List(50, -20)))

You can then process the updates like this

usersState.filter(_.updates.length > 0).foreachRdd { ... }

Regarding optimizations, I would not worry too much about it. Going through 
users with no updates is most likely a no-op. Spark HAS to iterate through all 
the state objects since it does not operate with deltas from one batch to the 
next – the StateDStream is really the whole app state packed as a RDD.
You could look at one of the other updateStateByKey methods – maybe you can 
write more efficient code there:

def updateStateByKey[S: ClassTag](
updateFunc: (Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => Iterator[(K, S)],
partitioner: Partitioner,
rememberPartitioner: Boolean
  ): DStream[(K, S)] = …

What you can do though (and here you’ll be glad that spark also executes the 
code for state objects w/o updates) is cleanup users if they haven’t received 
updates for a long time, then load the state from DB the next time you see 
them. I would consider this a must-have optimization to keep some bounds on the 
memory needs.


From: Thúy Hằng Lê
Date: Friday, September 25, 2015 at 2:05 PM
To: Adrian Tanase
Subject: Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

Hi Adrian,

Thanks Cassandra seems to be good candidate too. I will give it a try.
Do you know any stable connector that help Spark work with Cassandra? Or I 
should write it myself.

Regards my second question, i think i figuring the another solution, i will 
append another flag ( like isNew) to the tupe in updateStateByKey function. 
Then using filter to know which record i should update to database.
But it would be great if you could share your solution too( i don't quite get 
the idea of emitting new tupe).

In addition to this, for Spark design, seems it have to iterate to all key( 
includes one that not change) to do aggregation for each batch. For my use 
cases i have 3M keys, but only 2-3K change for each batch ( every 1 second) is 
there any way to optimize this process?

On Sep 25, 2015 4:12 PM, "Adrian Tanase" 
<<>> wrote:
Re: DB I strongly encourage you to look at Cassandra – it’s almost as powerful 
as Hbase, a lot easier to setup and manage. Well suited for this type of 
usecase, with a combination of K/V store and time series data.

For the second question, I’ve used this pattern all the time for “flash 
messages” - passing info as a 1 time message downstream:

  *   In your updateStateByKey function, emit a tuple of (actualNewState, 
  *   Then filter this on !changedData.isEmpty or something
  *   And only do foreachRdd on the filtered stream.

Makes sense?


From: Thúy Hằng Lê
Date: Friday, September 25, 2015 at 10:31 AM
Cc: "<>"
Subject: Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

Thanks all for the feedback so far.
I havn't decided which external storage will be used yet.
HBase is cool but it requires Hadoop in production. I only have 3-4 servers for 
the whole things ( i am thinking of a relational database for this, can be 
MariaDB, Memsql or mysql) but they are hard to scale.
I will try various appoaches before making any decision.

In addition, using Spark Streaming is there any way to update only new data to 
external storage after using updateStateByKey?
The foreachRDD function seems to loop over all RDDs( includes one that havent 
changed) i believe Spark streamming must has a way to do it, but i still 
couldn't find an example doing similar job.

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-25 Thread Adrian Tanase
Re: DB I strongly encourage you to look at Cassandra – it’s almost as powerful 
as Hbase, a lot easier to setup and manage. Well suited for this type of 
usecase, with a combination of K/V store and time series data.

For the second question, I’ve used this pattern all the time for “flash 
messages” - passing info as a 1 time message downstream:

  *   In your updateStateByKey function, emit a tuple of (actualNewState, 
  *   Then filter this on !changedData.isEmpty or something
  *   And only do foreachRdd on the filtered stream.

Makes sense?


From: Thúy Hằng Lê
Date: Friday, September 25, 2015 at 10:31 AM
Cc: "<>"
Subject: Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

Thanks all for the feedback so far.
I havn't decided which external storage will be used yet.
HBase is cool but it requires Hadoop in production. I only have 3-4 servers for 
the whole things ( i am thinking of a relational database for this, can be 
MariaDB, Memsql or mysql) but they are hard to scale.
I will try various appoaches before making any decision.

In addition, using Spark Streaming is there any way to update only new data to 
external storage after using updateStateByKey?
The foreachRDD function seems to loop over all RDDs( includes one that havent 
changed) i believe Spark streamming must has a way to do it, but i still 
couldn't find an example doing similar job.

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-23 Thread ALEX K

if you decide to go with Hbase for external storage consider using a
light-weight SQL layer such as Apache Phoenix, it has a spark plugin
<> & JDBC driver, and
throughput is pretty good even for heavy market data feed (make sure to use
batched commits).

In our case we send Kafka streams directly into Hbase via Phoenix JDBC
upserts <>, and
Spark dataframes are mapped to Phoenix tables for downstream analytics.

Alternatively you can use Cassandra
for the backend, but phoenix saves  you a lot of coding, and a lot of
optimizations for joins & aggregations are already done for you (it plugs
into Hbase coprocessors).


On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Thúy Hằng Lê <>

> That's great answer Andrian.
> I find a lots of information here. I have direction for application now, i
> will try your suggestion :)
> Vào Thứ Ba, ngày 22 tháng 9 năm 2015, Adrian Tanase <>
> đã viết:
>>1. reading from kafka has exactly once guarantees - we are using it
>>in production today (with the direct receiver)
>>1. ​you will probably have 2 topics, loading both into spark and
>>   joining / unioning as needed is not an issue
>>   2. tons of optimizations you can do there, assuming everything
>>   else works
>>2. ​for ad-hoc query I would say you absolutely need to look at
>>external storage
>>1. ​querying the Dstream or spark's RDD's directly should be done
>>   mostly for aggregates/metrics, not by users
>>   2. if you look at HBase or Cassandra for storage then 50k
>>   writes /sec are not a problem at all, especially combined with a smart
>>   client that does batch puts (like async hbase
>>   <>)
>>   3. you could also consider writing the updates to another kafka
>>   topic and have  a different component that updates the DB, if you 
>> think of
>>   other optimisations there
>>3. ​by stats I assume you mean metrics (operational or business)
>>1. ​there are multiple ways to do this, however I would not encourage
>>   you to query spark directly, especially if you need an archive/history 
>> of
>>   your datapoints
>>   2. we are using OpenTSDB (we already have a HBase cluster) +
>>   Grafana for dashboarding
>>   3. collecting the metrics is a bit hairy in a streaming app - we
>>   have experimented with both accumulators and RDDs specific for metrics 
>> -
>>   chose the RDDs that write to OpenTSDB using foreachRdd
>> ​-adrian
>> --
>> *From:* Thúy Hằng Lê <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, September 20, 2015 7:26 AM
>> *To:* Jörn Franke
>> *Cc:*
>> *Subject:* Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app
>> Thanks Adrian and Jorn for the answers.
>> Yes, you're right there are lot of things I need to consider if I want to
>> use Spark for my app.
>> I still have few concerns/questions from your information:
>> 1/ I need to combine trading stream with tick stream, I am planning to
>> use Kafka for that
>> If I am using approach #2 (Direct Approach) in this tutorial
>> <>
>> Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide - Spark 1.4.1 ...
>> Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide. Apache Kafka is
>> publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed, partitioned,
>> replicated commit log service.
>> <>
>> Will I receive exactly one semantics? Or I have to add some logic in my
>> code to archive that.
>> As your suggestion of using delta update, exactly one semantic is
>> required for this application.
>> 2/ For ad-hoc query, I must output of Spark to external storage and query
>> on that right?
>> Is there any way to do ah-hoc query on Spark? my application could have
>> 50k updates per second at pick time.
>> Persistent to external storage lead to high latency in my app.
>> 3/ How to get real-time statistics from Spark,
>> In  most of the Spark streaming examples, the statistics are echo to the
>> stdout.

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-22 Thread Thúy Hằng Lê
That's great answer Andrian.
I find a lots of information here. I have direction for application now, i
will try your suggestion :)

Vào Thứ Ba, ngày 22 tháng 9 năm 2015, Adrian Tanase <> đã

>1. reading from kafka has exactly once guarantees - we are using it in
>production today (with the direct receiver)
>1. ​you will probably have 2 topics, loading both into spark and
>   joining / unioning as needed is not an issue
>   2. tons of optimizations you can do there, assuming everything else
>   works
>2. ​for ad-hoc query I would say you absolutely need to look at
>external storage
>1. ​querying the Dstream or spark's RDD's directly should be done
>   mostly for aggregates/metrics, not by users
>   2. if you look at HBase or Cassandra for storage then 50k
>   writes /sec are not a problem at all, especially combined with a smart
>   client that does batch puts (like async hbase
>   <>)
>   3. you could also consider writing the updates to another kafka
>   topic and have  a different component that updates the DB, if you think 
> of
>   other optimisations there
>3. ​by stats I assume you mean metrics (operational or business)
>1. ​there are multiple ways to do this, however I would not encourage
>   you to query spark directly, especially if you need an archive/history 
> of
>   your datapoints
>   2. we are using OpenTSDB (we already have a HBase cluster) +
>   Grafana for dashboarding
>   3. collecting the metrics is a bit hairy in a streaming app - we
>   have experimented with both accumulators and RDDs specific for metrics -
>   chose the RDDs that write to OpenTSDB using foreachRdd
> ​-adrian
> --
> *From:* Thúy Hằng Lê <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 20, 2015 7:26 AM
> *To:* Jörn Franke
> *Cc:*
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>
> *Subject:* Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app
> Thanks Adrian and Jorn for the answers.
> Yes, you're right there are lot of things I need to consider if I want to
> use Spark for my app.
> I still have few concerns/questions from your information:
> 1/ I need to combine trading stream with tick stream, I am planning to use
> Kafka for that
> If I am using approach #2 (Direct Approach) in this tutorial
> <>
> Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide - Spark 1.4.1 ...
> Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide. Apache Kafka is
> publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed, partitioned,
> replicated commit log service.
> <>
> Will I receive exactly one semantics? Or I have to add some logic in my
> code to archive that.
> As your suggestion of using delta update, exactly one semantic is required
> for this application.
> 2/ For ad-hoc query, I must output of Spark to external storage and query
> on that right?
> Is there any way to do ah-hoc query on Spark? my application could have
> 50k updates per second at pick time.
> Persistent to external storage lead to high latency in my app.
> 3/ How to get real-time statistics from Spark,
> In  most of the Spark streaming examples, the statistics are echo to the
> stdout.
> However, I want to display those statics on GUI, is there any way to
> retrieve data from Spark directly without using external Storage?
> 2015-09-19 16:23 GMT+07:00 Jörn Franke <
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>:
>> If you want to be able to let your users query their portfolio then you
>> may want to think about storing the current state of the portfolios in
>> hbase/phoenix or alternatively a cluster of relationaldatabases can make
>> sense. For the rest you may use Spark.
>> Le sam. 19 sept. 2015 à 4:43, Thúy Hằng Lê <
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>> a écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am going to build a financial application for Portfolio Manager, where
>>> each portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased,
>>> and the purchase price.
>>> Another source of information is stocks price from market data. The
>>> application need to calculate real-time 

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-21 Thread Adrian Tanase
  1.  reading from kafka has exactly once guarantees - we are using it in 
production today (with the direct receiver)
 *   ​you will probably have 2 topics, loading both into spark and joining 
/ unioning as needed is not an issue
 *   tons of optimizations you can do there, assuming everything else works
  2.  ​for ad-hoc query I would say you absolutely need to look at external 
 *   ​querying the Dstream or spark's RDD's directly should be done mostly 
for aggregates/metrics, not by users
 *   if you look at HBase or Cassandra for storage then 50k writes /sec are 
not a problem at all, especially combined with a smart client that does batch 
puts (like async hbase<>)
 *   you could also consider writing the updates to another kafka topic and 
have  a different component that updates the DB, if you think of other 
optimisations there
  3.  ​by stats I assume you mean metrics (operational or business)
 *   ​there are multiple ways to do this, however I would not encourage you 
to query spark directly, especially if you need an archive/history of your 
 *   we are using OpenTSDB (we already have a HBase cluster) + Grafana for 
 *   collecting the metrics is a bit hairy in a streaming app - we have 
experimented with both accumulators and RDDs specific for metrics - chose the 
RDDs that write to OpenTSDB using foreachRdd


From: Thúy Hằng Lê <>
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 7:26 AM
To: Jörn Franke
Subject: Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

Thanks Adrian and Jorn for the answers.

Yes, you're right there are lot of things I need to consider if I want to use 
Spark for my app.

I still have few concerns/questions from your information:

1/ I need to combine trading stream with tick stream, I am planning to use 
Kafka for that
If I am using approach #2 (Direct Approach) in this tutorial

Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide - Spark 1.4.1 ...
Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide. Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe 
messaging rethought as a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log 

Will I receive exactly one semantics? Or I have to add some logic in my code to 
archive that.
As your suggestion of using delta update, exactly one semantic is required for 
this application.

2/ For ad-hoc query, I must output of Spark to external storage and query on 
that right?
Is there any way to do ah-hoc query on Spark? my application could have 50k 
updates per second at pick time.
Persistent to external storage lead to high latency in my app.

3/ How to get real-time statistics from Spark,
In  most of the Spark streaming examples, the statistics are echo to the stdout.
However, I want to display those statics on GUI, is there any way to retrieve 
data from Spark directly without using external Storage?

2015-09-19 16:23 GMT+07:00 Jörn Franke 

If you want to be able to let your users query their portfolio then you may 
want to think about storing the current state of the portfolios in 
hbase/phoenix or alternatively a cluster of relationaldatabases can make sense. 
For the rest you may use Spark.

Le sam. 19 sept. 2015 à 4:43, Thúy Hằng Lê 
<<>> a écrit :
Hi all,

I am going to build a financial application for Portfolio Manager, where each 
portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased, and the 
purchase price.
Another source of information is stocks price from market data. The application 
need to calculate real-time gain or lost of each stock in each portfolio ( 
compared to the purchase price).

I am new with Spark, i know using Spark Streaming I can aggregate portfolio 
possitions in real-time, for example:
user A contains:
  - 100 IBM stock with transactionValue=$15000
  - 500 AAPL stock with transactionValue=$11400

Now given the stock prices change in real-time too, e.g if IBM price at 151, i 
want to update the gain or lost of it: gainOrLost(IBM) = 151*100 - 15000 = $100

My questions are:

 * What is the best method to combine 2 real-time streams( transaction 
made by user and market pricing data) in Spark.
 * How can I use real-time Adhoc SQL again portfolio's positions, is 
there any way i can do SQL on the output of Spark Streamming.
 For example,
  select sum(gainOrLost) from portfolio where user='A';
 * What are prefe

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-20 Thread Jörn Franke
I think generally the way forward would be to put aggregate statistics to
an external storage (eg hbase) - it should not have that much influence on
latency. You will probably need it anyway if you need to store historical
information. Wrt to deltas - always a tricky topic. You may want to work
with absolute values and when the application queries the external
datastore then it calculates deltas. Once this works you can think if you
still need to do the delta approach or not.

Le dim. 20 sept. 2015 à 6:26, Thúy Hằng Lê  a écrit :

> Thanks Adrian and Jorn for the answers.
> Yes, you're right there are lot of things I need to consider if I want to
> use Spark for my app.
> I still have few concerns/questions from your information:
> 1/ I need to combine trading stream with tick stream, I am planning to use
> Kafka for that
> If I am using approach #2 (Direct Approach) in this tutorial
> Will I receive exactly one semantics? Or I have to add some logic in my
> code to archive that.
> As your suggestion of using delta update, exactly one semantic is required
> for this application.
> 2/ For ad-hoc query, I must output of Spark to external storage and query
> on that right?
> Is there any way to do ah-hoc query on Spark? my application could have
> 50k updates per second at pick time.
> Persistent to external storage lead to high latency in my app.
> 3/ How to get real-time statistics from Spark,
> In  most of the Spark streaming examples, the statistics are echo to the
> stdout.
> However, I want to display those statics on GUI, is there any way to
> retrieve data from Spark directly without using external Storage?
> 2015-09-19 16:23 GMT+07:00 Jörn Franke :
>> If you want to be able to let your users query their portfolio then you
>> may want to think about storing the current state of the portfolios in
>> hbase/phoenix or alternatively a cluster of relationaldatabases can make
>> sense. For the rest you may use Spark.
>> Le sam. 19 sept. 2015 à 4:43, Thúy Hằng Lê  a
>> écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am going to build a financial application for Portfolio Manager, where
>>> each portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased,
>>> and the purchase price.
>>> Another source of information is stocks price from market data. The
>>> application need to calculate real-time gain or lost of each stock in each
>>> portfolio ( compared to the purchase price).
>>> I am new with Spark, i know using Spark Streaming I can aggregate
>>> portfolio possitions in real-time, for example:
>>> user A contains:
>>>   - 100 IBM stock with transactionValue=$15000
>>>   - 500 AAPL stock with transactionValue=$11400
>>> Now given the stock prices change in real-time too, e.g if IBM price at
>>> 151, i want to update the gain or lost of it: gainOrLost(IBM) = 151*100 -
>>> 15000 = $100
>>> My questions are:
>>>  * What is the best method to combine 2 real-time streams(
>>> transaction made by user and market pricing data) in Spark.
>>>  * How can I use real-time Adhoc SQL again
>>> portfolio's positions, is there any way i can do SQL on the output of Spark
>>> Streamming.
>>>  For example,
>>>   select sum(gainOrLost) from portfolio where user='A';
>>>  * What are prefered external storages for Spark in this use
>>> case.
>>>  * Is spark is right choice for my use case?

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-20 Thread Huy Banh
Hi Thuy,

You can check Rdd.lookup(). It requires the rdd is partitioned, and of
course, cached in memory. Or you may consider a distributed cache like
ehcache, aws elastic cache.

I think an external storage is an option, too. Especially nosql databases,
they can handle updates at high speed, at constant time.


On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 11:26 AM Thúy Hằng Lê  wrote:

> Thanks Adrian and Jorn for the answers.
> Yes, you're right there are lot of things I need to consider if I want to
> use Spark for my app.
> I still have few concerns/questions from your information:
> 1/ I need to combine trading stream with tick stream, I am planning to use
> Kafka for that
> If I am using approach #2 (Direct Approach) in this tutorial
> Will I receive exactly one semantics? Or I have to add some logic in my
> code to archive that.
> As your suggestion of using delta update, exactly one semantic is required
> for this application.
> 2/ For ad-hoc query, I must output of Spark to external storage and query
> on that right?
> Is there any way to do ah-hoc query on Spark? my application could have
> 50k updates per second at pick time.
> Persistent to external storage lead to high latency in my app.
> 3/ How to get real-time statistics from Spark,
> In  most of the Spark streaming examples, the statistics are echo to the
> stdout.
> However, I want to display those statics on GUI, is there any way to
> retrieve data from Spark directly without using external Storage?
> 2015-09-19 16:23 GMT+07:00 Jörn Franke :
>> If you want to be able to let your users query their portfolio then you
>> may want to think about storing the current state of the portfolios in
>> hbase/phoenix or alternatively a cluster of relationaldatabases can make
>> sense. For the rest you may use Spark.
>> Le sam. 19 sept. 2015 à 4:43, Thúy Hằng Lê  a
>> écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am going to build a financial application for Portfolio Manager, where
>>> each portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased,
>>> and the purchase price.
>>> Another source of information is stocks price from market data. The
>>> application need to calculate real-time gain or lost of each stock in each
>>> portfolio ( compared to the purchase price).
>>> I am new with Spark, i know using Spark Streaming I can aggregate
>>> portfolio possitions in real-time, for example:
>>> user A contains:
>>>   - 100 IBM stock with transactionValue=$15000
>>>   - 500 AAPL stock with transactionValue=$11400
>>> Now given the stock prices change in real-time too, e.g if IBM price at
>>> 151, i want to update the gain or lost of it: gainOrLost(IBM) = 151*100 -
>>> 15000 = $100
>>> My questions are:
>>>  * What is the best method to combine 2 real-time streams(
>>> transaction made by user and market pricing data) in Spark.
>>>  * How can I use real-time Adhoc SQL again
>>> portfolio's positions, is there any way i can do SQL on the output of Spark
>>> Streamming.
>>>  For example,
>>>   select sum(gainOrLost) from portfolio where user='A';
>>>  * What are prefered external storages for Spark in this use
>>> case.
>>>  * Is spark is right choice for my use case?

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-19 Thread Jörn Franke
If you want to be able to let your users query their portfolio then you may
want to think about storing the current state of the portfolios in
hbase/phoenix or alternatively a cluster of relationaldatabases can make
sense. For the rest you may use Spark.

Le sam. 19 sept. 2015 à 4:43, Thúy Hằng Lê  a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I am going to build a financial application for Portfolio Manager, where
> each portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased,
> and the purchase price.
> Another source of information is stocks price from market data. The
> application need to calculate real-time gain or lost of each stock in each
> portfolio ( compared to the purchase price).
> I am new with Spark, i know using Spark Streaming I can aggregate
> portfolio possitions in real-time, for example:
> user A contains:
>   - 100 IBM stock with transactionValue=$15000
>   - 500 AAPL stock with transactionValue=$11400
> Now given the stock prices change in real-time too, e.g if IBM price at
> 151, i want to update the gain or lost of it: gainOrLost(IBM) = 151*100 -
> 15000 = $100
> My questions are:
>  * What is the best method to combine 2 real-time streams(
> transaction made by user and market pricing data) in Spark.
>  * How can I use real-time Adhoc SQL again portfolio's positions,
> is there any way i can do SQL on the output of Spark Streamming.
>  For example,
>   select sum(gainOrLost) from portfolio where user='A';
>  * What are prefered external storages for Spark in this use case.
>  * Is spark is right choice for my use case?

Re: Using Spark for portfolio manager app

2015-09-18 Thread Adrian Tanase
Cool use case! You should definitely be able to model it with Spark.

For the first question it's pretty easy - you probably need to keep the user 
portfolios as state using updateStateByKey.
You need to consume 2 event sources - user trades and stock changes. You 
probably want to Cogroup the stock changes with users that have that stock in 
their portfolio, then union the 2 message streams.

As messages come in, you consume the union of these 2 streams and you update 
the state. Messages modeled as case classes and a pattern match should do the 
trick (assuming scala). After the update, you need to emit a tuple with 
(newPortfolio, gainOrLost) so you can also push the deltas somewhere.

For the Sql part, you need to create a Dataframe out of the user portfolio 
DStream, using foreachrdd. Look around for examples of Sql + spark streaming, I 
think databricks had a sample app / tutorial. 
You can then query the resulting DataFrame using SQL.
If instead of one update you want to provide a graph then you need to use a 
window over the gainOrLose.

That being said, there are a lot of interesting questions you'll need to answer 
about state keeping, event sourcing, persistance, durability - especially 
around outputting data out of spark, where you need to do more work to achieve 
exactly once semmantics. I only focused on the main dataflow.

Hope this helps, that's how I'd model it, anyway :)


Sent from my iPhone

> On 19 Sep 2015, at 05:43, Thúy Hằng Lê  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am going to build a financial application for Portfolio Manager, where each 
> portfolio contains a list of stocks, the number of shares purchased, and the 
> purchase price. 
> Another source of information is stocks price from market data. The 
> application need to calculate real-time gain or lost of each stock in each 
> portfolio ( compared to the purchase price).
> I am new with Spark, i know using Spark Streaming I can aggregate portfolio 
> possitions in real-time, for example:
> user A contains: 
>   - 100 IBM stock with transactionValue=$15000
>   - 500 AAPL stock with transactionValue=$11400
> Now given the stock prices change in real-time too, e.g if IBM price at 151, 
> i want to update the gain or lost of it: gainOrLost(IBM) = 151*100 - 15000 = 
> $100
> My questions are:
>  * What is the best method to combine 2 real-time streams( 
> transaction made by user and market pricing data) in Spark.
>  * How can I use real-time Adhoc SQL again portfolio's positions, is 
> there any way i can do SQL on the output of Spark Streamming.
>  For example,
>   select sum(gainOrLost) from portfolio where user='A';
>  * What are prefered external storages for Spark in this use case.
>  * Is spark is right choice for my use case?