Hello everyone, I’m really sorry to use this mailing list, but seems impossible to notify a strange behaviour that is happening with the Spark UI. I’m sending also the link to the stackoverflow question here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76632692/spark-ui-executors-tab-its-empty
I’m trying to run the Spark UI on a web server. I need to configure a specific port for running the UI and a redirect URL. I’m setting up the following OPTS: ``` export SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS="-Dspark.history.fs.logDirectory=${LOCAL_PATH_LOGS} -Dspark.history.ui.port=18080 -Dspark.eventLog.enabled=true -Dspark.ui.proxyRedirectUri=${SERVER_URL}" ./start-history-server.sh `` What is happening: The UI is accessible through the url https://${SERVER_URL}/proxy/18080 <https://${server_url}/proxy/18080> When I’m selecting an application and I’m clicking on the tab “Executors”, it remains empty. By looking at the API calls done by the UI, I see there is the "/allexecutors” which returns 404. Instead of calling https://${SERVER_URL}/proxy/18080/api/v1/applications/${APP_ID}/allexecutors <https://${server_url}/proxy/18080/api/v1/applications/$%7BAPP_ID%7D/allexecutors> I see that the URL called is https://${SERVER_URL}/proxy/18080/api/v1/applications/18080/allexecutors <https://${server_url}/proxy/18080/api/v1/applications/18080/allexecutors> Seems that the appId is not correctly identified. Can you please provide a solution for this, or an estimated date for fixing the error? Thank you,