Re: Having Spark read a JSON file

2014-02-23 Thread Debasish Das

If you don't want to use avro thrift protbuf etc use a library like
lift-json and write the json as string, read it as text file and de
serialize using lift can use standard separators like comma tab

I am sure there will be better ways to do it but I am new to spark as

On Feb 23, 2014 9:10 PM, nicholas.chammas

 I'm new to this field, but it seems like most Big Data examples --
 Spark's included -- begin with reading in flat lines of text from a file.

 How would I go about having Spark turn a large JSON file into an RDD?

 So the file would just be a text file that looks like this:

 [{...}, {...}, ...]

  where the individual JSON objects are arbitrarily complex (i.e. not
 necessarily flat) and may or may not be on separate lines.

 Basically, I'm guessing Spark would need to parse the JSON since it cannot
 rely on newlines as a delimiter. That sounds like a costly thing.

 Is JSON a bad format to have to deal with, or can Spark efficiently
 ingest and work with data in this format? If it can, can I get a pointer as
 to how I would do that?


 View this message in context: Having Spark read a JSON 
 Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list 

Re: MLLib Sparse Input

2014-02-05 Thread Debasish Das
Hi Xiangrui,

We are also adding support for sparse format in mllib...if you have a pull
request or jira link could you please point to it ? Jblas does not
implememt sparse formats the last time I looked at it but colt had sparse
formats which could be reused...

 On Jan 31, 2014 11:15 AM, Xiangrui Meng wrote:

 Hi Jason,

 Sorry, I didn't see this message before I replied in another thread.
 So the following is copy-and-paste:

 We are currently working on the sparse data support, one of the
 highest priority features for MLlib. All existing algorithms will
 support sparse input. We will open a JIRA ticket for progress tracking
 and discussions.


 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 10:49 AM, jshao wrote:
  Spark is absolutely amazing for machine learning as its iterative
 process is
  super fast. However one big issue that I realized was that the MLLib API
  isn't suitable for sparse inputs at all because it requires the feature
  vector to be a dense array.
  For example, I currently want to run a logistic regression on data that
  wide and sparse (each data point might have 3 million fields with most of
  them being 0). It is impossible to represent each data point as an array
  length 3 million.
  Can I expect/contribute to any changes that might handle sparse inputs?
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: Hadoop MapReduce on Spark

2014-02-01 Thread Debasish Das
Most of the use cases fall into two categories...

1. Pre-processing over TB/PB scale data where the data size is larger than
total RAM available on the cluster...Due to maturity of map-reduce, a DAG
based job scheduling framework running on top of Map Reduce
(Scalding/Cascading and Scrunch/Crunch) gives you the power to write code
in a higher abstraction as Sean mentioned. Since anyway you are shuffing
results on disk, here I don't see much difference between Map-Reduce and
Spark pipelines

2. Running iterative algorithms over features: Here the data has been
cleaned from 1 and you are running algorithmic analysis, perhaps going to
convergence of some sort...Map-Reduce paradigm was not meant for such
tasks...Even for distributed graphs and streaming data the same analogy
holds. Here Spark starts to shine as you can take the DAG and mark parts of
the DAG or the whole DAG to be cached in-memory. Scalding/Scrunch can also
come up with the api for in-memory caching of parts of the DAG but it is
not available yet.

Basically to sum up, I think we will need both the tools for different
use-cases till they are merged (?) by a higher abstraction layer (hopefully
scalding/scrunch !

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Sean Owen wrote:

 An M/R job is a one-shot job, in itself. Making it iterative is what a
 higher-level controller does, by running it several times and pointing
 it at the right input. That bit isn't part of M/R. So I don't think
 you would accomplish this goal by implementing something *under* the

 M/Rs still get written but I think most people serious about it are
 already using higher-level APIs like Apache Crunch, or Cascading.

 For those who haven't seen it, Crunch's abstraction bears a lot of
 resemblance to the Spark model -- handles on remote collections. So,
 *the reverse* of this suggestion (i.e. Spark-ish API on M/R) is
 basically Crunch, or Scrunch if you like Scala.

 I know Josh Wills has put work into getting Crunch to operate *on top
 of Spark* even. That might be of interest to the original idea of
 getting a possibly more familiar API, for some current Hadoop devs,
 running on top of Spark. (Josh tells me it also enables a few tricks
 that are hard in Spark.)

 Sean Owen | Director, Data Science | London

 On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 11:57 PM, nileshc wrote:
  This might seem like a silly question, so please bear with me. I'm not
  about it myself, just would like to know if you think it's utterly
  unfeasible or not, and if it's at all worth doing.
  Does anyone feel like it'll be a good idea to build some sort of a
  that allows us to write code for Spark using the usual bloated Hadoop
  This is for the people who want to run their existing MapReduce code
  NIL or minimal adjustments) with Spark to take advantage of its speed and
  its better support for iterative workflows.
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at

Re: Advices if your worker die often

2014-01-23 Thread Debasish Das
I have also seen that if one of users of the cluster writes some buggy code
the workers die...any idea if these fixes will also help in that scenario ?

If you write buggy yarn apps and the code fails on cluster, jvm don't
On Jan 23, 2014 3:07 AM, Sam Bessalah wrote:

 Definitely. Thanks. I usually just played around timeouts before. But this
 helps. Thx

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Guillaume Pitel wrote:

  Hi sparkers,

 So I had this problem where my workers were dying or disappearing (and I
 had to manually kill -9 their processes) often. Sometimes during a
 computation, sometimes when I Ctrl-C'd the driver, sometimes right at the
 end of an application execution.

 It seems that these tuning have solved the problem (in

 export SPARK_DAEMON_JAVA_OPTS=-Dspark.worker.timeout=600 
 -Dspark.akka.timeout=200 -Dspark.shuffle.consolidateFiles=true

 export SPARK_JAVA_OPTS=-Dspark.worker.timeout=600 -Dspark.akka.timeout=200 

 Explanation : I've increased the timeout because I had this problem that
 the master was missing a heartbeat, thus removing the worker, and after
 that complaining that an unknown worker was sending heartbeats. I've also
 set the consolidateFiles option, because I noticed that deleting shuffle
 files in /tmp/spark-local* was taking forever because of the many files my
 job created.

 I also added this to all my programs right after the creation of the
 sparkContext (sc = sparkContext) to cleanly shutdown when cancelling a job

 sys.addShutdownHook( { sc.stop() } )

 Hope this can be useful to someone

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Re: Quality of documentation (rant)

2014-01-19 Thread Debasish Das
Hi Ognen,

We have been running hdfs, yarn amd spark on 20 beefy nodes. I give half of
the cores to spark and use rest for yarn mr. For optimizing the network
transfer for rdd creation it is better to have spark run on all nodes of

For preprocessing the data for algorithms I use yarn mr app since the input
data can be stored in various formats that spark does not support yet
(things like parquet) but platform people like them due to various reasons
like data compression. Once the preprocessor saves the data on hdfs as text
file or sequence file,  then spark gives you orders of magnitude runtime
compared to yarn algorithm.

I have benchmarked ALS and could run the dataset in 14 mins for 10
iteration while scalable als algorithm from clodera oryx ran 6 iterations
in an hour. Note the they are supposedly implementing same als paper. On
the same dataset mahout als fails as it needs more memory than 6 gb which
default yarn uses. I have to still look into results in more details and
the code to be sure what they are doing.

Note that mahout algorithms are not optimized for yarn yet and the master
mahout branch is broken for yarn. Thanks to Cloudera help, we could patch
it up. Number of yarn algorithms are not very high right now.

Cdh5.0 is integrating spark with their cdh manager similar to what they did
with solr. It should be released by March 2014. They have the beta already.
It will definitely ease up the process to make spark operational.

I have not tested my setup on ec2 (it runs on internal hadoop cluster) but
for that most likely I will use cdh manager from 5 beta. I will update you
more with the ec2 experience.

On Jan 19, 2014 6:53 AM, Ognen Duzlevski wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Ognen Duzlevski

 My basic requirement is to set everything up myself and understand it.
 For testing purposes my cluster has 15 xlarge instances and I guess I will
 just set up a hadoop cluster to run over these instances for the purposes
 of getting the benefits of HDFS. I would then set up hdfs over S3 with

 By this I mean I would set up a Hadoop cluster running in parallel on the
 same instances just for the purposes of running Spark over HDFS. Is this a
 reasonable approach? What kind of a performance penalty (memory, CPU
 cycles) am I going to incur by the Hadoop daemons running just for this


Re: How to make Spark merge the output file?

2014-01-07 Thread Debasish Das
Hi Nan,

A cleaner approach is to export a RESTful service to the external system.

The external system calls the service with appropriate api.

For Scala, Spray can be used to make these services. Twitter oss also many
examples of this service design.


On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Nan Zhu wrote:

  Hi, all

 Thanks for the reply

 I actually need to provide a single file to an external system to process
 it…seems that I have to make the consumer of the file to support multiple


 Nan Zhu

 On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Aaron Davidson wrote:

 HDFS, since 0.21, has a
 concat() method which would do exactly this, but I am not sure of the
 performance implications. Of course, as Matei pointed out, it's unusual to
 actually need a single HDFS file.

 On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 9:08 PM, Matei Zaharia matei.zaha...@gmail.comwrote:

 Unfortunately this is expensive to do on HDFS — you’d need a single writer
 to write the whole file. If your file is small enough for that, you can use
 coalesce() on the RDD to bring all the data to one node, and then save it.
 However most HDFS applications work with directories containing multiple
 files instead of single files for this reason.


 On Jan 6, 2014, at 10:56 PM, Nan Zhu wrote:

  Hi, all
  maybe a stupid question, but is there any way to make Spark write a
 single file instead of partitioned files?
  Nan Zhu

Re: Spark Matrix Factorization

2014-01-03 Thread Debasish Das
Hi Dmitri,

We have a mahout mirror from github but I don't see any of the math-scala

Where do I see the math-scala code ? I thought github mirror is updated
with svn repo.


On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Dmitriy Lyubimov wrote:

 On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 10:28 AM, Sebastian Schelter s...@apache.orgwrote:

  I wonder if anyone might have recommendation on scala native
  of SVD.

 Mahout has a scala implementation of an SVD variant called Stochastic SVD:

 Mahout also has SVD and Eigen decompositions  mapped to scala as svd() and
 eigen(). Unfortunately i have not put it on wiki yet but the summary is
 available here

 Mahout also has distributed PCA implementation (which is based on
 distributed Stochastic SVD and has a special provisions for sparse matrix
 cases). Unfortunately our wiki is in flux now due to migration off
 confluence to CMS so the SSVD page has not yet been migrated to CMS so
 confluence version is here

 Otherwise, all the major java math libraries (mahout math, jblas,
 commons-math) should provide an implementation that you can use in scala.


  On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 7:06 PM, Ameet Talwalkar 
  Hi Deb,
  Thanks for your email.  We currently do not have a DSGD implementation
  MLlib. Also, just to clarify, DSGD is not a variant of ALS, but rather
  different algorithm for solving the same the same bi-convex objective
  It would be a good thing to do add, but to the best of my knowledge, no
  one is actively working on this right now.
  Also, as you mentioned, the ALS implementation in mllib is more
  robust/scalable than the one in spark.examples.
  On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Debasish Das
  I am not noticing any DSGD implementation of ALS in Spark.
  There are two ALS implementations.
  org.apache.spark.examples.SparkALS does not run on large matrices and
  seems more like a demo code.
  org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS looks feels more robust
  and I am experimenting with it.
  References here are Jellyfish, Twitter's implementation of Jellyfish
  called Scalafish, Google paper called Sparkler and similar idea put
  by IBM paper by Gemulla et al. (large-scale matrix factorization with
  distributed stochastic gradient descent)
  Are there any plans of adding DSGD in Spark or there are any existing
  JIRA ?

Re: Spark Matrix Factorization

2014-01-03 Thread Debasish Das
Hi Ameet,

Matrix factorization is a non-convex problem and ALS solves it using 2
convex problems, DSGD solves the problem by finding a local minima.

I am experimenting with Spark Parallel ALS but I intend to port Scalafish to Spark as well.

For bigger matrices jury is not out that which algorithms provides a better
local optima with an iteration bound. It is also highly dependent on
datasets I believe.


On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Ameet Talwalkar am...@eecs.berkeley.eduwrote:

 Hi Deb,

 Thanks for your email.  We currently do not have a DSGD implementation in
 MLlib. Also, just to clarify, DSGD is not a variant of ALS, but rather a
 different algorithm for solving the same the same bi-convex objective

 It would be a good thing to do add, but to the best of my knowledge, no
 one is actively working on this right now.

 Also, as you mentioned, the ALS implementation in mllib is more
 robust/scalable than the one in spark.examples.


 On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Debasish Das debasish.da...@gmail.comwrote:


 I am not noticing any DSGD implementation of ALS in Spark.

 There are two ALS implementations.

 org.apache.spark.examples.SparkALS does not run on large matrices and
 seems more like a demo code.

 org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS looks feels more robust version
 and I am experimenting with it.

 References here are Jellyfish, Twitter's implementation of Jellyfish
 called Scalafish, Google paper called Sparkler and similar idea put forward
 by IBM paper by Gemulla et al. (large-scale matrix factorization with
 distributed stochastic gradient descent)

 Are there any plans of adding DSGD in Spark or there are any existing


Data locality during Spark RDD creation

2014-01-03 Thread Debasish Das

I have HDFS and MapReduce running on 20 nodes and a experimental spark
cluster running on subset of the HDFS node (say 8 of them).

If some ETL is done using MR most likely the data will be replicated across
all 20 nodes (assuming I used all the nodes).

Is it a good idea to run spark cluster on all 20 nodes where HDFS is
running so that all the RDDs are data local and the bulk data transfer is
minimized ?


Standalone spark cluster dead nodes

2014-01-02 Thread Debasish Das

I have been running standalone spark cluster but sometimes I do see dead
nodes. The physical machines are not dead but the JVM worker dies.

Is there a methodology which automatically restart worker JVM if it dies ?


Re: Tree classifiers in MLib

2013-12-29 Thread Debasish Das
Hi Evan,

Could you please point to the git repo for the decision tree classifier or
the enhancement JIRA ?

 On Dec 29, 2013 8:55 AM, Evan Sparks wrote:

 Yes - Manish Amde and Hirakendu Das have been working on a distributed
 tree classifier. We are taking the current version through large scale
 testing and expect to merge it into the master branch soon. I expect that
 ensembled tree learned (random forests, GBDTs) will follow shortly.

 On Dec 29, 2013, at 10:35 AM, Charles Earl

 In the latest API docs off of the web page
 I had not seen tree classifiers included.
 Are there plans to include decision trees etc at some point. Is there an

 - Charles

Worker failure

2013-12-18 Thread Debasish Das

I started spark standalone cluster with 4 nodes each running around 8 core.
I want to scale it to even larger number of nodes.

The issue is that I am noticing lot of worker failure.

I believe I am looking for a zookeeper based coordination where if a worker
fails, another one is added from a pool of zookeeper host.

I am building from the github master. Can I use the zookeeper patch for
standalone cluster ?


Spark shell vs Spark job

2013-12-18 Thread Debasish Das

I have the equivalent code written in a spark script and spark job.

My script runs 3X faster than the job.

Any idea why I am noticing this discrepancy ? Is spark shell using kryo
serialization by default ?

Spark shell: use script ./wordcount.scala

SPARK_MEM=2g ./spark-shell
scala :load wordcount.scala
Loading wordcount.scala...
inputPath: String = hdfs://
outputPath: String = hdfs://
start: Long = 1387388284050
file: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MappedRDD[1] at textFile at
words: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] = MappedRDD[3] at map at
counts: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] = MapPartitionsRDD[6] at
reduceByKey at console:18
end: Long = 1387388301740

Non-cached wordcount runtime 17 sec

Spark job: use org.apache.spark.examples.HdfsWordCount

[debasish@istgbd011 sag_spark]$ SPARK_MEM=2g ./run-example
org.apache.spark.examples.HdfsWordCount spark:// hdfs://

Non-cached wordcount runtime 53 sec

I like the 17 sec runtime since it is around 3X faster than exact same code
in scalding and I have not yet utilized the caching feature.
