Re: contrib/struts-shale-mailreader

2004-11-14 Thread BaTien Duong
Struts User wrote:
Having said all this, the framework is powerful for sophisticated web
production side, where all fragments of each page are completely dynamic
based on built-in backend intelligence. Tiles is appropriate for such
page, rather than each page need a backing bean. 

Hi Batien,
I am running the struts-shale-mailreader and just started to look into
Java Server Faces and Shale. Thus, I am not totally familiar with the
new frameworks and hope you can bear with me.
Are you saying that Tile and backing bean don't have to co-exist? I
thought Tiles and backing bean are two different things. Backing bean
is sort of like ActionForm in Struts. More accurately, backing bean is
like OzPage in Tak's introductory document.

Backing beans and tiles need to co-exist in any decent dynamic web or 
portlet application. This is a very powerful presentation framework.

Backing bean is a power tool under jsf. In a typical dynamic page, there 
is NOT a 1-to-1 mapping between a backing bean and a navigated page. A 
page is made of many dynamic fragments, each fragment has its own 
backing bean to receive data input from user and to push relevant data 
back to the user depending on user request context. Jsf provides this 
required infrastructure and fully configurable under managed beans. For 
example, if user asks any information related to company X in your 
portal directory, the portal supply requested information together with 
user existing authorized services under a complete layout of company X 
name brand (with company X logo vision, product vision, and copyright, 
etc) by just changing the contents of the company backing bean. The 
components and layouts to make up a page are re-useable.

Tiles enables you to encapsulate the layouts and insert dynamic 
fragments to the page. For example, your portal enables user with 
different portal tabs so user can organize his/her authorized services 
in relevant portal tab, named by the user in his/her own language. Each 
portal tab has differnet layout designed for its purpose. The design of 
your portlet authorized services may follow a typical portlet layout 
with a portlet header for current status of PortletMode and portlet 
WindowState, followed by portlet contents. Hence, in each portal tab 
page, you have a tab layout and the portlet layout as raw templates. You 
insert relevant contents to the raw components having their own backing 
beans in the raw templates. Tiles is a very clean and powerful for this job.

Under Shale, Tiles can be a plug in, similar to current tiles under 
struts. The design can be similar to what has been done under MyFaces 
for tiles. Each nagigated page is routed to a tiles definition with its 
own layout. Any attribute in a definition can be a page fragment or 
another definition. This enables you to be simple at the beginning and 
further drill down for more dynamic content implementation. I hope 
someone has time to port Tiles under Shale so it can be used under any 
compliant JSF implementation. If i have time i will do it. But life will 
not always go according to your wishes.

Currently, i use MyFaces + Tiles + Spring IoC. I will use Shale as a 
framework for application filter to leverage on whatever developed under 
Shale, while inserting whatever servlet filters you already have for 
your current applications using common-chain in Shale.

Please correct me if I am wrong.
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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] exception when using ValidatorPlugIn

2004-11-14 Thread Flemming G. Jensen
Hi List,
I have a rather annoying problem with the ValidatorPlugIn in a project  
using Struts:

1) I implement the ValidatorPlugIn as stated in James Holmes Struts. The  
Complete Reference (and several other

2) In struts-config.xml I have
!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN;
3) In the validator-rules.xml file and validation.xml file I have this
!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules  
Configuration 1.1//EN;

The reference;  
is mapped to the validator_1_1.dtd in the
application directory.

3) Running the application in Oracle OC4J at one site behind a usual Linux  
PC firewall works.

4) Remove the internet connection and rerun the application.
 Result: it fails when it loads validator.xml with a  
http.// could not be contacted.

 Remove the ValidatorPlugin from theapplication and the rerun. Result the  
application does not fail.

4) Run the application from Tomcat 5.0 behind a rather restrictive  
firewall with ValidatorPlugIn enabled.

Result: The application fails with a timeout exception from  
because could not be contacted.

5)  Run the application from Tomcat 5.0 behind a rather restrictive  
firewall without ValidatorPlugIn enabled.

Result: The applicaiton does not fail.
6) Put in a hard reference like this and rerun the application behind  
the firewall

!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules  
Configuration 1.1//EN

   Result: The application runs.
Conclusion: The mapping in 2) does not require the xml parser to validate  
the document against

  but the ValidatorPlugIn forces the xml parser to  
validate the document against

So my question is simple:
How do I configure the application server so it does not  
validate against the real dtd?
Why is ValidatorPlugIn a special case in this context?

Flemming G. Jensen
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
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Re: exception when using ValidatorPlugIn

2004-11-14 Thread Joe Germuska
I have a rather annoying problem with the ValidatorPlugIn in a 
project using Struts:
Can you look at this message (and its thread) and see if you are 
having the same problem?
Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

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Re: contrib/struts-shale-mailreader

2004-11-14 Thread Franz-Josef Herpers
is there any way to find out which versions of the commons-libs are 
included in a particular version of Struts. I'm especially interested in 
versions Struts 1.1 and 1.2.4?
Thank you in advance for any hints.

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Versions of commons-libs in Struts versions

2004-11-14 Thread Franz-Josef Herpers
is there any way to find out which versions of the commons-libs are 
included in a particular version of Struts. I'm especially interested in 
versions Struts 1.1 and 1.2.4?
Thank you in advance for any hints.

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Nightly Builds

2004-11-14 Thread Craig McClanahan
I've adjusted the nightly build scripts to account for the
reorganization of our Subversion repository that was recently done,
and caused last night's build (20041114) to break.  Tonight's should
be fine.  Nightly builds of the core Struts distribution are at:

Struts Core Distribution:

In addition, I've started building two of the sandbox packages on a
nightly basis to make progress on their development more accessible. 
The distributions for these packages are combined sources and
binaries, so you only need one download.



In addition, nightly builds of the Struts-Faces integration library
(also combined binary and source) continue to be available:



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Re: Versions of commons-libs in Struts versions

2004-11-14 Thread Niall Pemberton
The easiest way to find out is to drop the struts-documentation.war into
your servlet container for each of the versions and then look at the
Installation section of the user guide (in the prerequisite software

The struts web site has the latest version, but dependancies have changed
since 1.2.4 (commons lang and collections have been removed as dependencies
and beanutils and digester dependencies have moved on to the latest


- Original Message - 
From: Franz-Josef Herpers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:23 PM
Subject: Versions of commons-libs in Struts versions


 is there any way to find out which versions of the commons-libs are
 included in a particular version of Struts. I'm especially interested in
 versions Struts 1.1 and 1.2.4?
 Thank you in advance for any hints.


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Re: using multiple action forms in one action. Best practice?

2004-11-14 Thread Bill Keese
Martin Kindler wrote:
in my application I have a rather complex object to deal with. I have split
the process in several jsps (JSP1, ..., JSPn) using different ActionForms
(AF1, ..., AFm)...
2. merge all ActionForms to one big mega ActionForm
Pro: works
Con: no modularization; if I need to use one (partial) ActionForm in another
place, I have to take everything or replicate the needed part

You are talking about a wizard, right?  IE, one logical form split over 
several JSP pages.  In that case, I think you should just use one 
ActionForm with the data from all the JSP pages.  I think the manual 
says something to the same effect.   You can either:

 1. make the ActionForm a session level form (see
 2. (or) make the ActionForm request level, in which case all your JSP 
pages must have hiden fields representing the data that has already been 
input on the previous JSP pages.

I'm not sure how to do the forwarding from one JSP page to the next page 
(preserving the contents of the partially filled ActionForm).  Do you 
need to write a dummy Action for each JSP page,  or can you/should you 
forward directly from one JSP page to the next one, like this?  Try it 
out and let me know, if you can.

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Jericho and StrutsServerFaces

2004-11-14 Thread Dakota Jack
Would anyone be interested in working on a StrutsServerFaces
consistent with the controller model in Jericho as opposed to the page
based controller in JavaServerFaces?

I am becoming  more and more distanced from the idea of a page based
controller, but do see that someone has to step up to the plate and
provide at least one implementation of a decent view architecture for

From what I can tell, Jericho is an extension and improvement on
Struts and Shale simply is not Struts at all.  JSF, however, does
provide a lot of view code that could be massaged into interfaces
consistent with Jericho but without the page based controller.

If I am wrong, I would be happy to be corrected.  I've gotten used to
that in life.  ;-)

Looks like you were the original Jericho idea-guy, Ted.  Are you
working on that?  Would you like a *sou chef* or do you already have a
crew in house?


You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

~Native Proverb~

Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary for eagles to be crows.

~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~

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Re: contrib/struts-shale-mailreader

2004-11-14 Thread Struts User
Thanks for the great explaination, Batien! 

It certainly makes sense to have tiles to work with any JSF implementation!


On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 10:37:27 -0700, BaTien Duong
 Struts User wrote:
 Having said all this, the framework is powerful for sophisticated web
 production side, where all fragments of each page are completely dynamic
 based on built-in backend intelligence. Tiles is appropriate for such
 page, rather than each page need a backing bean.
 Hi Batien,
 I am running the struts-shale-mailreader and just started to look into
 Java Server Faces and Shale. Thus, I am not totally familiar with the
 new frameworks and hope you can bear with me.
 Are you saying that Tile and backing bean don't have to co-exist? I
 thought Tiles and backing bean are two different things. Backing bean
 is sort of like ActionForm in Struts. More accurately, backing bean is
 like OzPage in Tak's introductory document.
 Backing beans and tiles need to co-exist in any decent dynamic web or
 portlet application. This is a very powerful presentation framework.
 Backing bean is a power tool under jsf. In a typical dynamic page, there
 is NOT a 1-to-1 mapping between a backing bean and a navigated page. A
 page is made of many dynamic fragments, each fragment has its own
 backing bean to receive data input from user and to push relevant data
 back to the user depending on user request context. Jsf provides this
 required infrastructure and fully configurable under managed beans. For
 example, if user asks any information related to company X in your
 portal directory, the portal supply requested information together with
 user existing authorized services under a complete layout of company X
 name brand (with company X logo vision, product vision, and copyright,
 etc) by just changing the contents of the company backing bean. The
 components and layouts to make up a page are re-useable.
 Tiles enables you to encapsulate the layouts and insert dynamic
 fragments to the page. For example, your portal enables user with
 different portal tabs so user can organize his/her authorized services
 in relevant portal tab, named by the user in his/her own language. Each
 portal tab has differnet layout designed for its purpose. The design of
 your portlet authorized services may follow a typical portlet layout
 with a portlet header for current status of PortletMode and portlet
 WindowState, followed by portlet contents. Hence, in each portal tab
 page, you have a tab layout and the portlet layout as raw templates. You
 insert relevant contents to the raw components having their own backing
 beans in the raw templates. Tiles is a very clean and powerful for this job.
 Under Shale, Tiles can be a plug in, similar to current tiles under
 struts. The design can be similar to what has been done under MyFaces
 for tiles. Each nagigated page is routed to a tiles definition with its
 own layout. Any attribute in a definition can be a page fragment or
 another definition. This enables you to be simple at the beginning and
 further drill down for more dynamic content implementation. I hope
 someone has time to port Tiles under Shale so it can be used under any
 compliant JSF implementation. If i have time i will do it. But life will
 not always go according to your wishes.
 Currently, i use MyFaces + Tiles + Spring IoC. I will use Shale as a
 framework for application filter to leverage on whatever developed under
 Shale, while inserting whatever servlet filters you already have for
 your current applications using common-chain in Shale.
 Please correct me if I am wrong.
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