[OT] ConvertUtils Mess

2005-08-16 Thread Nitish Kumar
I am using my custom converters to convert from String to Date, we are using
Quartz as well, which also does the same with its own DateConverters.
Unfortunately my date formats and quartz date formats are different. 
Initially my idea was to register the converters as a part of plugin, which
has already been discussed over in this forum. 
Now with quartz changing the converters in the middle of running
application, I have to re-register the converters every time I want to use
them, the problem however is that I still can not say with surety which
converters would be used where. 
Has any one ever came across such a scenario and if yes, what is the

Thanks and Regards, 
Nitish Kumar 


Session Problem

2005-08-16 Thread Senthilrajan VS
Hi all,

I am having serious session problem in some of the browsers(Not all). I'm using 
struts. In the Action class I am using 

HttpSession Session=request.getSession(true);

to get the session and I'm keep on calling this action for different condition. 
The problem is For each request it is creating the new session and I'm not able 
to get the session values. Please help me to come out of this problem

Thanks  Regards,
SenthilRajan VS

Populate drop down box

2005-08-16 Thread Gooshy GooSHY

I'm pretty new to struts and haven't been using it for very long.  I
have spent the past few days trawling though web sites and usenet
trying to find the answer to my problem below.  If anyone can help it
would be much appreciated.

I am trying to find an example of code that will populate a collection
within a form bean and then forward it on to a jsp where the drop down
box will have the contents of the collection.

I have got the gist of how this is done but can't quite get the syntax
correct.  I have the following in my forwarded JSP:

html:select property=makeText
html:options collection=MakeCollectionFormBean 

MakeCollectionFormBean is set up to only contain a getter and setter
for my Vector collections as shown below:

import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public class MakeCollectionFormBean extends ActionForm
private Vector makes;

public Vector getMakes() 
return makes;

public void setMakes(Vector makes) 
this.makes = makes;

My Vector contains LabelValueBean objects.

If anyone can help with what should go where it would be really helpfull.


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Problem with Html File Object

2005-08-16 Thread Pramod
Hi All,

I am facing a problem with html file object. Can we assign value to file object 
externally ?. 

Thanks in Advance

SV: Session Problem

2005-08-16 Thread hermod . opstvedt

Yes, indeed this will happen: use geSession() or getSession(false), also
avoid redirect combined with this.


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Senthilrajan VS [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 16. august 2005 11:08
Til: Sturts Mailing list
Emne: Session Problem

Hi all,

I am having serious session problem in some of the browsers(Not all).
I'm using struts. In the Action class I am using 

HttpSession Session=request.getSession(true);

to get the session and I'm keep on calling this action for different
condition. The problem is For each request it is creating the new
session and I'm not able to get the session values. Please help me to
come out of this problem

Thanks  Regards,
SenthilRajan VS

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SV: Populate drop down box

2005-08-16 Thread hermod . opstvedt

Use :
html:optionsCollection name=MakeCollectionFormBean property=values

label=label value=label /

From the docs:

This tag operates on a collection of beans, where each bean has a label
property and a value  property. The actual names of these properties can
be configured using the label and value attributes of this tag.

Use for instance ArrayList for MakeCollectionFormBean, not an ActionForm


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Gooshy GooSHY [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 16. august 2005 11:11
Til: user@struts.apache.org
Emne: Populate drop down box


I'm pretty new to struts and haven't been using it for very long.  I
have spent the past few days trawling though web sites and usenet
trying to find the answer to my problem below.  If anyone can help it
would be much appreciated.

I am trying to find an example of code that will populate a collection
within a form bean and then forward it on to a jsp where the drop down
box will have the contents of the collection.

I have got the gist of how this is done but can't quite get the syntax
correct.  I have the following in my forwarded JSP:

html:select property=makeText
html:options collection=MakeCollectionFormBean 

MakeCollectionFormBean is set up to only contain a getter and setter
for my Vector collections as shown below:

import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;

public class MakeCollectionFormBean extends ActionForm
private Vector makes;

public Vector getMakes() 
return makes;

public void setMakes(Vector makes) 
this.makes = makes;

My Vector contains LabelValueBean objects.

If anyone can help with what should go where it would be really


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Re: Struts weaknesses question

2005-08-16 Thread Ted Husted
On 8/15/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The latest buzzword being tossed around lately is RIA, Rich Internet
 Applications.  Some of us laugh at the term because we've been doing
 RIA's for 5+ years now and never thought to attach a special term to it
 :)  But I digress...

Continuing the digression theme ... Buzzword would be one
categorization, but pattern name might be another. Many people used
Facade and Composite, et al, for years before the GOF gave them names.
Ditto for POJO. To name a thing is to own a thing. Of late, we've come
to own POJOs, Ajax, and RIAs. :)


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Fwd: null pointer exception

2005-08-16 Thread Balkan Guler
I changed it to session.setAttribute and fixed it,
 But now I have another problem even I push the edit link of the second or 
third or any row,
 the projectname and seqno of the last row is sent to the action.
 What can I do?

 On 8/15/05, Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 which line is line 26 in edit action? Can you provide the entire stack 
 Off hand I would guess that your call to request.getAttribute(key)
 is returning null...I don't see any other likely suspects.
 Your JSP does this:
 pageContext.setAttribute(key,key); what is pageContext?
 if you are putting a variable in page scope, it will not be available
 for the action when you repost to the server...you have a new page
 scope (which is different from request scope) when you come back to
 the server. If you want a variable to live across multiple trips to
 the server, try putting it in the session.
 On 8/15/05, Balkan Guler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a action form operForm and List operMenus field. operMenu is an
  other class that has some field.
  I am listing all of the operMenu objects and their fields.
  At the end of the each row I have an edit link that sends, its row's 
  key to an action.
  operMenu class has two primary key and I instantiate a hashmap and put 
  primary keys into hashmap.
  In action class I want to get the hashmap but I am taking null pointer
  logic:iterate id=omenu indexId = count name=operForm
  td class ='row%=count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu 
  = compositeId.projectname//td
  td class ='row%=count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu 
  td class ='row%= count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu
  property =parentseqno//td
  td class ='row%=count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu 
  bean:define id=projectName name=omenu property=
  bean:define id=seqNo name=omenu property=compositeId.seqno /
  %java.util.HashMap key = new java.util.HashMap();
  key.put(projectname, projectName);
  key.put(seqno, seqNo);
  td class = 'row%=count.intValue() %2 %'html:link action =edit
  paramId=index paramName=keyEdit/html:link/td
  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws 
 Exception {
  java.util.HashMap keymap = (java.util.HashMap
  String projectname = (String)keymap.get(projectname);
  String seqno = (String)keymap.get(seqno);
  return mapping.findForward(FORWARD_detail);
  And the error message:
  at actions.editAction.execute(editAction.java:26)
  What is the problem??
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How JSESSIONID is passes

2005-08-16 Thread Senthilrajan VS
Hi all,

How Jsessionid is passed in the struts application and I don't have any control 
for that. how to avoid that. In my application I am facing the problem in the 
session it is creating the new session for every request. Is this problem 
related to Jsessionid?

Thanks  Regards,
SenthilRajan VS

Re: Can nested tile layouts be done?

2005-08-16 Thread BHansard

It can get a little difficult to keep up with.

Basically, you have to know the Hierarchy of your tile and call the top most one.  In this case, you would call .base which would intern call myEndUserPage.page1 and finally myEndUserPage.jsp.  to change to another.jsp you would call .anotherPage in your action forward.  Nesting tiles can be very useful when switching components of a tile, but can quickly become a headache when changing tiles in both layouts.  I use the nested for menus only and have been debating on switching to struts menu because of the complexity.  The only thing that has prevented me from doing this is waiting to see if I can jump to JSF or AJAX/D-HTML instead.


Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
08/15/2005 04:55 PM

Please respond to
Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org

Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org


Re: Can nested tile layouts be done?

Thanks, I think this is better. I still must be missing something about how 
Tiles works internally, though.

In my app, the tiles definition for the end user page (the one that defines 
body) is called endUserPage.tiles and Tiles is smart enough to handle 
requests for endUserPage.jsp in the correct tiled way. You have this 
arranged differently, where the end user page definition has a more cryptic 
name (.myEndUserPage.page1) and is referenced by .base.

If I do it your way, then, how does Tiles know which URL to map to the tile 
layout we just produced? I just implemented my layout the way you've 
described, but now I don't know what URL to request because
tiles-config.xmlno longer contains URLs.

Thanks for your help

On 8/15/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 OK, I see:
 Your definition would need to extend .sublayout..
 definition name=.base page=/layout/layout.jsp
 put name=section1 page=menu.jsp
 put name=section2 page=.myEndUserPage.page1
 definition name=.anotherPage page=.base
 put name=section2 page=.myEndUserPage.page2
 Definition name=.sublayout page=/layout/layout2.jsp
 put name=head page=xyz.jsp
 put name=body page=123.jsp
 definition name=.myEndUserPage.page1 extends=.sublayout
 put name=body value=/myEndUserPage.jsp/
 definition name=.myEndUserPage.page2 extends=.sublayout
 put name=body value=/another.jsp/
 [image: Inactive hide details for Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]]Daniel 
   *Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]* 
   08/15/2005 03:51 PM Please respond to
   Struts Users Mailing List 

 Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org 
 Re: Can nested tile layouts be done?  
 This still isn't working for me. I need to tweak your example because the 
 value of body changes for each page. So if I add one more definition to 
 tiles-config.xml for an actual end-user page that a user would point a 
 browser to:
 definition name=/myEndUserPage.tiles extends=.base
 put name=body value=/myEndUserPage.jsp/
 It's not clear which of your definitions I should extend. If I extend 
 (the logical choice), I get the same behavior where the layout.jsp is 
 rendered and layout2.jsp is substituted in, but no substitutions are made 
 inside the layout2.jsp. If I extend .sublayout, I get even weirder 
 where it appears to render layout2.jsp but makes no substitutions at all.
 I looked at the Tiles examples and they don't seem to define individual 
 pages in the tiles-config.xml, as I did above. Could that be my problem?
 On 8/15/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Yes, this can be done. The VBox example is a good example of this. 
  Basically it is laid out as follows.
  definition name=.base page=/layout/layout.jsp
  put name=section1 page=menu.jsp
  put name=section2 page=.sublayout
  Definition name=.sublayout page=/layout/layout2.jsp
  put name=head page=xyz.jsp
  put name=body page=123.jsp
  you can then substitute out different components of each section based 
  what you are doing.
  [image: Inactive hide details for Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]]Daniel 
  *Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]* 
  08/15/2005 02:18 PM Please respond to
  Struts Users Mailing List 
  Can nested tile layouts be done? 
  Hi everyone, I have a question about nesting layouts with Struts
  tiles. I've seen this sort of thing discussed in the past, but in
  searching I didn't see an example that I could apply to my situation,
  nor did I see a good solution.
  Executive summary:
  What I want to do is have a simple 

RE: Struts weaknesses question

2005-08-16 Thread Robert Nicholls
 For those who may want to see an event model built on top of Struts I
suggest that they look at the code base generated by Common-Controls:
The software may be considered as two interrelated parts: View and Control.
The control is built on Struts with events that are defined by the view but
can be independently defined with a little effort.  The view is based on a
set of rich custom tags.  It may be a way station to something more like JSF
but for the moment it has proven to be very useful to us in building faux

Bob N-

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 10:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts weaknesses question

The latest buzzword being tossed around lately is RIA, Rich Internet
Applications.  Some of us laugh at the term because we've been doing RIA's
for 5+ years now and never thought to attach a special term to it
:)  But I digress...

It's true that Struts doesn't have any built-in provisions for event-driven
web development, but it does nothing to stop you from implementing it
yourself.  I mean, in the end, ASP.Net, JSF, Shale, the work of Michael
Jouravlev, and all the other contenders are doing exactly that... it's still
HTTP underneath it all.

What does the event-driven model offer you?  It allows you to build webapps
that are much more like fat-client apps in terms of how they work and how
the user interacts with it.

We're far enough along in things that we can now differentiate two types of
webapps... one is the classic model, as I like to call it... this is the
fill in some form fields, click a button, wait for a new page to appear
model.  This served us well for a couple of years, but even from the
beginning you could see that is was a step back from what we were used to in
terms of native apps.  There just wasn't much choice... we didn't yet know
how to do anything else!

Now we're moving on to the RIA's... these are applications that don't
necessarily flow from page to page, instead the user can navigate them at
will, more or less.  Events that occur on the client-side don't
automatically have to result in a whole new page being rendered (and this
DOES NOT require AJAX, the other buzzword of the day, although it is one
good way to achieve the result).

As I said at the beginning, Struts doesn't offer this capability natively,
but it does nothing to stop you from doing it yourself.  At the end of the
day, an event-driven model is more about a conceptual approach than it is
concrete techniques.  Don't view your webapp as a series of pages.  Instead,
view it as a collection of loosely-coupled services that you nit together
to form a whole.  You've probably heaard the term SOA, Service-Oriented
Architecture... usually this refers to Web Services, but you can create a
SOA-based single application just as well.

Web development is going to continue to march more and more towards the RIA
model of things.  It's pretty much inevitable in my view.  People are just
now putting forth a number of different ways to get there, and it will be
interesting to see which ones survive the shakedown period... 
I'm not sure it's fair to say that Struts lack of a true event model is a
weakness... it simply wasn't a coherent concept when Struts was created.


Yuniar Setiawan wrote:
 Hi there,
  I've just read Struts in Action and found that one of struts 
 weakness is no event model, means Struts is tightly coupled with 
 the request-response model used by HTTP, this can be restricting to 
 developers used to finely grained events
  I've found all about this event model in JSF too. What I don't really 
 understand is, why do we really need event model for web application? 
 Isn't it suitable for desktop application? do we expected to code web 
 application like VB or delphi or others?
  What's event model offered?
  Thanks in advance

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RE: Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.taglib .htm l.MessagesTei

2005-08-16 Thread Christian Dionne

Big Big Big thanks to you that was the problem!  Now everything is working

Thanks to Laurie too for trying hard to help me.


-Original Message-
From: Nick Heudecker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 15, 2005 11:17 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.taglib
.htm l.MessagesTei

This error is caused by a jsp-api.jar in your application.

On 8/15/05, Laurie Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You said you were using Struts 1.2.7. I'm guessing those 1.1 TLDs are
 declaring the TEI class Tomcat's failing to load in the old location. Try
 using the TLDs (and other configuration files) that correspond to the
 Struts release you're using.
 Christian Dionne wrote:
  Hi Laurie,
  Thanks for your answer.  I did a quick search to find if that
  was my problem and unfortunately it isn't.  I don't have any other
  copy of struts.jar in any other directory than in my project directory
  Here is the struts structure I have:
  I just hope this ok.  Thanks again for helping me.  This is really
  since I have been able to use struts without any problem on older Tomcat
  Christian Dionne
  -Original Message-
  From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Laurie Harper
  Sent: August 15, 2005 1:30 PM
  To: user@struts.apache.org
  Subject: Re: Error: java.lang.ClassCastException:
  org.apache.struts.taglib.htm l.MessagesTei
  You probably have multiple copies of the struts jar on you application's
  class path. Make sure that struts.jar only exists in your WEB-INF/lib
  directory and not elsewhere in whatever application server or servlet
  container you're using. Assuming you're using Tomcat, look for copies of
  struts.jar in common/lib, shared/lib, etc.
  Christian Dionne wrote:
 I'm using Tomcat 5.5.9 with Struts 1.2.7.  I am trying to convert my
 application that was working
 fine with Tomcat 5.0.30.  I mostly fixed everything except that now I am
 getting this error.
 This occurs when parsing a .jsp file that includes a struts .tld.
 Any idea how to fix this?  I saw a lot of similar post on the internet
 this problem
 but no solution.
 org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate
 TagExtraInfo class: org.apache.struts.taglib.html.MessagesTei
 root cause
 java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.taglib.html.MessagesTei

RE: Merging form properties

2005-08-16 Thread Cadariu, Mihai
I couldn't find any utility method to only copy non-null properties from the
form bean.

I tried your suggestion to describe() the formbean then filter out the
nulls, then populate() the destination formbean. That worked for formbeans
which do not have nested indexed formbeans. A describe() of the nested
formbean collection puts the toString() representation of the Collection
into the Map, thus losing the collection object.

So finally, I created a mergeBean(srcBean, destBean) method to copy non-null
properties and call a similar mergeBean() on each of the nested formbeans.


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Laurie Harper
Sent: 29 July 2005 03:59
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: Re: Merging form properties

Wendy Smoak wrote:

 From: Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 if in the getPropertyDescriptors method you checked the values for 
 null and only returned those that weren't null would this work?
 That's what I was thinking... but looking at the BeanInfo interface, you 
 don't have access to the bean itself, so as Laurie said you would have 
 to know in advance which properties to expose.  Never mind, then. :)
 You should probably ask on commons-user... I bet there's a simple way to 
 do this.   (The next thing that comes to mind is subclassing 
 BeanUtilsBean and overriding the copyProperty method to make it ignore 
 properties for which the incoming value is null.  Would that work?)

For what it's worth, I think I just realized I need to solve the same 
problem, so I'll try and remember to post here if I come up with a nice 
solution. If you get anything from commons-user drop me a note ;-)

Laurie, Open Source advocate, Java geek and novice blogger:

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Re: How JSESSIONID is passes

2005-08-16 Thread GRamani
Hi Senthilrajan:

As Hermod mentioned in his note, your session problems are caused because 
you have (from your previous note):
HttpSession Session=request.getSession(true);

The true means create a new session. So instead use:
HttpSession Session=request.getSession(false);

or just:
HttpSession Session=request.getSession();

and your problem will disappear.


Senthilrajan VS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2005 07:54:10 AM:

 Hi all,
 How Jsessionid is passed in the struts application and I don't have 
 any control for that. how to avoid that. In my application I am 
 facing the problem in the session it is creating the new session for
 every request. Is this problem related to Jsessionid?
 Thanks  Regards,
 SenthilRajan VS
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Re: Struts weaknesses question

2005-08-16 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
On Tue, August 16, 2005 7:01 am, Ted Husted said:
 On 8/15/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The latest buzzword being tossed around lately is RIA, Rich Internet
 Applications.  Some of us laugh at the term because we've been doing
 RIA's for 5+ years now and never thought to attach a special term to it
 :)  But I digress...

 Continuing the digression theme ... Buzzword would be one
 categorization, but pattern name might be another. Many people used
 Facade and Composite, et al, for years before the GOF gave them names.
 Ditto for POJO. To name a thing is to own a thing. Of late, we've come
 to own POJOs, Ajax, and RIAs. :)

Fair point... I guess I'm just annoyed that *I* didn't come up with a name
for it :)

I'm quite sure I wasn't the first, but I did an app that would very
clearly be called an RIA today just over 6 years ago as of two weeks
ago... didn't use AJAX as we know it today but did use a hidden frame to
receive XML-based responses which were then inserted into pre-loaded HTML
pages, so the server never rendered a full page except when the app was
first loaded, all 20+ pages (screens) of the app were in the browser
throughout the lifetime of the app, data was just inserted, fields
enabled/disabled, and different screens shown... the app is IE-only, but
not because any IE-specific features were used, just because the layout as
speced makes it look, feel and work almost exactly like a VB-based app,
and that was far easier to accomplish when cross-browser concerns aren't
in play.

Like I said, I'm sure I wasn't the first, but clearly I had an opportunity
to come up with a name.  I missed the chance :)



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Re: null pointer exception

2005-08-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I'm really not sure I see what it is you are trying to do.  I don't
see any submit buttons in your jsp...so I don't see what is being
submitted on a form click.  Also I don't see you writing to any fields
that will get submitted to your bean.  There is also no attempt to
pull anything out of your form bean in the Action.  I don't mean to
sound condescending, but I am wondering if you have had much
experience with Struts?  If not...you should find a good book (there
are many good recommendations in the list archives) and if so...you
may be a little confused about how a form bean works (you should take
another look at this).  I only say this because the list is not the
quickest way to get answers about the basics of Struts.  There are
many good tutorials/books out there that will get you up to speed much
faster than we can.

As far as why you get the last seqNo...your loop creates a new
instance of HashMap every time through and assigns it to the key
key.  Every time you do that you overwrite it, so the only one that
actually stays in the session is the last one.  Then you pull it out
of session in your action and it is the only one there, so it is the
one you get.


On 8/16/05, Balkan Guler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I changed it to session.setAttribute and fixed it,
  But now I have another problem even I push the edit link of the second or
 third or any row,
  the projectname and seqno of the last row is sent to the action.
  What can I do?
  On 8/15/05, Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  which line is line 26 in edit action? Can you provide the entire stack
  Off hand I would guess that your call to request.getAttribute(key)
  is returning null...I don't see any other likely suspects.
  Your JSP does this:
  pageContext.setAttribute(key,key); what is pageContext?
  if you are putting a variable in page scope, it will not be available
  for the action when you repost to the server...you have a new page
  scope (which is different from request scope) when you come back to
  the server. If you want a variable to live across multiple trips to
  the server, try putting it in the session.
  On 8/15/05, Balkan Guler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have a action form operForm and List operMenus field. operMenu is an
   other class that has some field.
   I am listing all of the operMenu objects and their fields.
   At the end of the each row I have an edit link that sends, its row's
   key to an action.
   operMenu class has two primary key and I instantiate a hashmap and put
   primary keys into hashmap.
   In action class I want to get the hashmap but I am taking null pointer
   logic:iterate id=omenu indexId = count name=operForm
   td class ='row%=count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu
   = compositeId.projectname//td
   td class ='row%=count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu
   td class ='row%= count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu
   property =parentseqno//td
   td class ='row%=count.intValue() %2 %' bean:write name=omenu
   bean:define id=projectName name=omenu property=
   bean:define id=seqNo name=omenu property=compositeId.seqno /
   %java.util.HashMap key = new java.util.HashMap();
   key.put(projectname, projectName);
   key.put(seqno, seqNo);
   td class = 'row%=count.intValue() %2 %'html:link action =edit
   paramId=index paramName=keyEdit/html:link/td
   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
  Exception {
   java.util.HashMap keymap = (java.util.HashMap
   String projectname = (String)keymap.get(projectname);
   String seqno = (String)keymap.get(seqno);
   return mapping.findForward(FORWARD_detail);
   And the error message:
   at actions.editAction.execute(editAction.java:26)
   What is the problem??
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[OT] Re: How JSESSIONID is passes

2005-08-16 Thread Dave Newton


HttpSession Session=request.getSession(true);

The true means create a new session.

For which J2EE versions is that correct? In my 1.3 JavaDocs it says:

Returns the current |HttpSession| associated with this request or, if 
if there is no current session and |create| is true, returns a new session.


Re: [OT] Re: How JSESSIONID is passes

2005-08-16 Thread GRamani
You are quite right; I was being sloppy.. Should have added the if 
there's no current session bit.. thanks for the catch..

Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2005 10:54:39 AM:

 HttpSession Session=request.getSession(true);
 The true means create a new session.
 For which J2EE versions is that correct? In my 1.3 JavaDocs it says:
 Returns the current |HttpSession| associated with this request or, if 
 if there is no current session and |create| is true, returns a new 
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Re: [OT] Re: How JSESSIONID is passes

2005-08-16 Thread Dave Newton


You are quite right; I was being sloppy.. Should have added the if 
there's no current session bit.. thanks for the catch..

Which makes me wonder why the original poster was continually getting 
new sessions; seems weird.


Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2005 10:54:39 AM:


HttpSession Session=request.getSession(true);

The true means create a new session.

For which J2EE versions is that correct? In my 1.3 JavaDocs it says:

Returns the current |HttpSession| associated with this request or, if 
if there is no current session and |create| is true, returns a new 


accessing variables using logic:iterate

2005-08-16 Thread Jay Sheth
Currently I have a action class which does
where v_recurringTaskSummary is a vector of type
SpRecurringTaskSummary which has certain variables such as
EmployeeName, EmployeeRef etc.

I am using logic:iterate as follows:
logic:iterate id = rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary/

The output is name of objects. However I want to somehow access the
variables employeename, employeeref etc. How do I do that ?


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Re: Can nested tile layouts be done?

2005-08-16 Thread Daniel Hannum
I was able to get it working now. Thanks.

On 8/16/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 It can get a little difficult to keep up with.
 Basically, you have to know the Hierarchy of your tile and call the top 
 most one. In this case, you would call .base which would intern call 
 myEndUserPage.page1 and finally myEndUserPage.jsp. to change to 
 another.jsp you would call .anotherPage in your action forward. Nesting 
 tiles can be very useful when switching components of a tile, but can 
 quickly become a headache when changing tiles in both layouts. I use the 
 nested for menus only and have been debating on switching to struts menu 
 because of the complexity. The only thing that has prevented me from doing 
 this is waiting to see if I can jump to JSF or AJAX/D-HTML instead.
 [image: Inactive hide details for Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]]Daniel 
 *Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]* 
 08/15/2005 04:55 PM Please respond to
 Struts Users Mailing List 
 Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org 
 Re: Can nested tile layouts be done?
 Thanks, I think this is better. I still must be missing something about 
 Tiles works internally, though.
 In my app, the tiles definition for the end user page (the one that 
 body) is called endUserPage.tiles and Tiles is smart enough to handle 
 requests for endUserPage.jsp in the correct tiled way. You have this 
 arranged differently, where the end user page definition has a more 
 name (.myEndUserPage.page1) and is referenced by .base.
 If I do it your way, then, how does Tiles know which URL to map to the 
 layout we just produced? I just implemented my layout the way you've 
 described, but now I don't know what URL to request because
 tiles-config.xmlno longer contains URLs.
 Thanks for your help
 On 8/15/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  OK, I see:
  Your definition would need to extend .sublayout..
  definition name=.base page=/layout/layout.jsp
  put name=section1 page=menu.jsp
  put name=section2 page=.myEndUserPage.page1
  definition name=.anotherPage page=.base
  put name=section2 page=.myEndUserPage.page2
  Definition name=.sublayout page=/layout/layout2.jsp
  put name=head page=xyz.jsp
  put name=body page=123.jsp
  definition name=.myEndUserPage.page1 extends=.sublayout
  put name=body value=/myEndUserPage.jsp/
  definition name=.myEndUserPage.page2 extends=.sublayout
  put name=body value=/another.jsp/
  [image: Inactive hide details for Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]]Daniel 
  *Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]* 
  08/15/2005 03:51 PM Please respond to
  Struts Users Mailing List 
  Struts Users Mailing List user@struts.apache.org 
  Re: Can nested tile layouts be done? 
  This still isn't working for me. I need to tweak your example because 
  value of body changes for each page. So if I add one more definition 
  tiles-config.xml for an actual end-user page that a user would point a 
  browser to:
  definition name=/myEndUserPage.tiles extends=.base
  put name=body value=/myEndUserPage.jsp/
  It's not clear which of your definitions I should extend. If I extend 
  (the logical choice), I get the same behavior where the layout.jsp is 
  rendered and layout2.jsp is substituted in, but no substitutions are 
  inside the layout2.jsp. If I extend .sublayout, I get even weirder 
  where it appears to render layout2.jsp but makes no substitutions at 
  I looked at the Tiles examples and they don't seem to define individual 
  pages in the tiles-config.xml, as I did above. Could that be my problem?
  On 8/15/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Yes, this can be done. The VBox example is a good example of this. 
   Basically it is laid out as follows.
   definition name=.base page=/layout/layout.jsp
   put name=section1 page=menu.jsp
   put name=section2 page=.sublayout
   Definition name=.sublayout page=/layout/layout2.jsp
   put name=head page=xyz.jsp
   put name=body page=123.jsp
   you can then substitute out different components of each section based 
   what you are doing.
   [image: Inactive hide details for Daniel Hannum 
   *Daniel Hannum [EMAIL PROTECTED]* 
   08/15/2005 02:18 PM Please respond to
   Struts Users Mailing List 

Re: [OT] Re: How JSESSIONID is passes

2005-08-16 Thread GRamani
I was thinking of that too.. He did say in his initail post: I'm keep on 
calling this action for different
condition.. so the clue maybe hidden in that.. 

But then again, having been up since 3am, I perhaps shouldn't be posting 
to any lists..;)

Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/16/2005 11:21:36 AM:

 Which makes me wonder why the original poster was continually getting 
 new sessions; seems weird.

Re: [OT] Tomcat, JAAS and Kerberos

2005-08-16 Thread Adam Hardy

Hi Wendy,

if you set up tomcat to use the JAAS realm, then tomcat will set up a 
LoginContext, which is what you configure by pointing it to your 

You either code your LoginModule or perhaps use the Sun one you mention 
(if the code does what it's meant to), you just need to configure it 
with the right options.

The User and Role classes are more or less simple DTOs, one User object 
for the user and x Role objects for each role the User is in.

Getting the classes all in the classpath is obviously important, and 
depending on how tomcat does it, you might need to jar them up 
seperately from your app and put them in the internal tomcat lib dir.


C.F. Scheidecker Antunes on 13/08/05 00:54, wrote:


Check out this article on JAAS with LDAP. I am sure that it might not be 
as hard to use Kerberos. I've seen an example of the userClassNames and 
roleClassNames somewhere this week. Let me see if I find it and I will 
forward it to you.

The article on JAAS is at:

Wendy Smoak wrote:

As I mentioned earlier today, we've licensed a (Struts-based, so I'm 
not *entirely* off topic) third-party webapp that comes pre-configured 
to do LDAP authentication.  We, of course, do not have LDAP.  We have 
Kerberos. Easy enough, I thought... surely there's a KerberosRealm I 
can configure and plug in.  Apparently not.

I can successfully authenticate with Kerberos at the command line 
using the code in the tutorial:

I can not, however, figure out what I'm supposed to do to fit that 
part into the Catalina JAASRealm, as described here:

The first thing it says is Write your own LoginModule.  
(Frightening... *I* have to talk to the Kerberos service?)  But 
there's already com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule which is 
used in the tutorial, so maybe not.  I have that in 
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/jaas.config with JAVA_OPTS set properly.

And that's about as far as I can get.  When I go to configure 
server.xml, it wants class names for users and roles:

 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JAASRealm

Even if I write a couple of classes and fill in the blanks, I don't 
see what's ever going to instantiate them.

What am I missing?  This can't be as hard as I'm making it.

Wendy Smoak

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Re: accessing variables using logic:iterate

2005-08-16 Thread Stéphane Zuckerman

Hi Jay,


SpRecurringTaskSummary [...] has certain variables such as
EmployeeName, EmployeeRef etc.

I am using logic:iterate as follows:
logic:iterate id = rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary/

The output is name of objects. However I want to somehow access the
variables employeename, employeeref etc. How do I do that ?

Just do something like :

logic:iterate id=rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary property=employeeName/

Don't forget to use the bean naming conventions, though.


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RE: Struts weaknesses question

2005-08-16 Thread Paranj, Bala
Developers who are really busy don't have time to give a fancy name to
something that already has a name. Looks like there are enough idiots
out there who have lot of time in their hands to rename things that
already have names. This would spread their name and popularity among
the developer community??? POJO? WTF???

-Original Message-
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 7:02 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts weaknesses question

On 8/15/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The latest buzzword being tossed around lately is RIA, Rich Internet
 Applications.  Some of us laugh at the term because we've been doing
 RIA's for 5+ years now and never thought to attach a special term to
 :)  But I digress...

Continuing the digression theme ... Buzzword would be one
categorization, but pattern name might be another. Many people used
Facade and Composite, et al, for years before the GOF gave them names.
Ditto for POJO. To name a thing is to own a thing. Of late, we've come
to own POJOs, Ajax, and RIAs. :)


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Re: accessing variables using logic:iterate

2005-08-16 Thread Dave Newton

Stéphane Zuckerman wrote:

I am using logic:iterate as follows:
logic:iterate id = rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary/

The output is name of objects. However I want to somehow access the
variables employeename, employeeref etc. How do I do that ?

logic:iterate id=rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary property=employeeName/

Don't forget to use the bean naming conventions, though.

As a followup, you may want to consider switching to JSTL for 
straight-forward tasks such as this: where functionality is duplicated 
between the Struts tags and JSTL it's generally recommended to go the 
JSTL route. It's a trivial switch to make, and can be done mechanically 
in most cases.


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Re: accessing variables using logic:iterate

2005-08-16 Thread Jay Sheth
When i do :
logic:iterate id=rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary property=employeeName/

it says not getter for employeeName in bean rtsummary. 
'recurringTaskSummary' is a vector and not a bean. 
I tried using the attribute type=SpRecurringTaskSummary but got the
same error.

I think I am missing the big picture or something basic in logic:iterate.



On 8/16/05, Stéphane Zuckerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Jay,
  SpRecurringTaskSummary [...] has certain variables such as
  EmployeeName, EmployeeRef etc.
  I am using logic:iterate as follows:
  logic:iterate id = rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
  bean:write name=rtSummary/
  The output is name of objects. However I want to somehow access the
  variables employeename, employeeref etc. How do I do that ?
 Just do something like :
 logic:iterate id=rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
bean:write name=rtSummary property=employeeName/
 Don't forget to use the bean naming conventions, though.
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Re: accessing variables using logic:iterate

2005-08-16 Thread Dave Newton

Jay Sheth wrote:

When i do :
logic:iterate id=rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
   bean:write name=rtSummary property=employeeName/

it says not getter for employeeName in bean rtsummary. 
'recurringTaskSummary' is a vector and not a bean. 
I tried using the attribute type=SpRecurringTaskSummary but got the

same error.

I think I am missing the big picture or something basic in logic:iterate.

(1) The 'type' attribute expects a full classname, but that's probably 
not relevant here.
(2) What he was saying was that the Vector's objects must follow 
JavaBean naming conventions.


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Re: [OT] Tomcat, JAAS and Kerberos

2005-08-16 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED]

if you set up tomcat to use the JAAS realm, then tomcat will set up a
LoginContext, which is what you configure by pointing it to your

You either code your LoginModule or perhaps use the Sun one you mention
(if the code does what it's meant to), you just need to configure it with
the right options.

Thanks!  I finally managed to get the Tomcat 5.0 'jsp-examples' webapp to 
use Kerberos for authentication:


It's very much a hack-- in my environment, Sun's LoginModule only comes back
with a single KerberosPrincipal, so I had to add user@krb realm as a
'role' in the webapp's web.xml to allow access.

The User and Role classes are more or less simple DTOs, one User object
for the user and x Role objects for each role the User is in.

This is where I'm stuck.  Right now I'm playing with extending
Krb5LoginModule, just wrapping it and passing through all the method calls
except 'commit' where I'll need to add more Principals (Users  Roles) to
the Subject.  I think.  It made sense yesterday...  Does that sound remotely

Getting the classes all in the classpath is obviously important, and
depending on how tomcat does it, you might need to jar them up seperately
from your app and put them in the internal tomcat lib dir.

Interesting note... on
the 'useContextClassLoader' attribute seems to work *backwards*.  If you set
it to true... Tomcat will not find a LoginModule implementation in
WEB-INF/lib, you have to put it in /server/lib.  I think the attribute name
should really be 'useContainerClassLoader.  (This only applies to your own
LoginModule implementation-- it can find Sun's Krb5LoginModule regardless.)

I *still* cannot believe no one else has done this yet.  If they have,
Google doesn't know about it.  I can't even find a commercial

Wendy Smoak

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RE: Displaying errors for all except one key

2005-08-16 Thread Chris Loschen
Thank you very much for the idea. I'm starting to wrestle with it.

My first instinct is that I'm going to need to extend html:messages
because the JSP solution below wouldn't work (I think!) with the HTML
structure -- in other words, I'm going to end up with a new divul
for every new error instead of the single div and ul for the whole set
that I need. But I couldn't rearrange it either because then if I have
only the error I want to exclude, I still get the (now empty) divul.
Does that sound right?

I'm tracking down the appropriate source code so that I can look at the
messages tag. I'm thinking that what I need to do is simply iterate
through my errors, copy each one that isn't in my excluded list (for
now, only one, but might grow later) to a new collection, and then pass
that new collection to super along with the appropriate arguments. Does
that sound reasonable, or am I missing something?

Thanks again for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Kishore Senji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:15 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Displaying errors for all except one key

I believe the reason that the Validator errors are missing is that
Validator keys the errors with the property name of the form field.
And so, if you say that just show the errors whose property is
ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR you would definitely miss out on the
Validator errors. It has nothing to do with the usage of the deprecated
ActionError and I believe you would still run in to this problem even if
you use ActionMessage

There are two options.

1) Extend html:messages to shown messages for all but a given property
In the JSP you would follow the following steps

ActionErrors actionErrors = (ActionErrors)
Iterator errors = actionErrors.properties();
pageContext.setAttribute(errors, errors); logic:iterate id=property
  logic:notEqual name=property
value=%=RIGHT_PANE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY% type=java.lang.String
div class=errorMsgul
   html:messages id=message message=false
   libean:write name=message//li

Basically, you would be iterating over all the properties and showing
the errors to all but the property that you don't want to show  the
errors for. [Note: one thing to note would be, I don't know if the
ordering of the errors will be the same of that you would get if you
leave the iteration to the html:messages.]

On 8/15/05, Chris Loschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone have some ideas for me? Thank you!

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Re: Multiple file upload

2005-08-16 Thread Laurie Harper

C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:
Is there any way to perform multiple file uploads using Jakarta Commons 
Upload on a Struts application?

Is there any howto on this issu?

Just use multiple file inputs on the form. There's no way to provide a 
single 'select multiple files to upload' widget, if that's what you're 
asking; HTML only provides the single-file form input. But there's nothing 
to stop you having more than one of them on a page.

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: accessing variables using logic:iterate

2005-08-16 Thread Jay Sheth
Thanks a lot. Got it. As you said, the naming conventions were
followed, but I made a typo in the property attribute.

Sorry for the trouble.


On 8/16/05, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jay Sheth wrote:
 When i do :
 logic:iterate id=rtSummary name=recurringTaskSummary
 bean:write name=rtSummary property=employeeName/
 it says not getter for employeeName in bean rtsummary.
 'recurringTaskSummary' is a vector and not a bean.
 I tried using the attribute type=SpRecurringTaskSummary but got the
 same error.
 I think I am missing the big picture or something basic in logic:iterate.
 (1) The 'type' attribute expects a full classname, but that's probably
 not relevant here.
 (2) What he was saying was that the Vector's objects must follow
 JavaBean naming conventions.
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Re: scope=request attribute in action mapping

2005-08-16 Thread Laurie Harper
Hard to tell what's going wrong without the full stack trace. Where, 
exactly, is the error raised?


Joe Smith wrote:

When I put scope=request in action mappings, I got the following
HTTP 500 error. 

But if i take it out, then everything is fine. any ideas??

[Servlet Error]-[Cannot find bean logonForm in any scope]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean logonForm in any

!-- Action Mappings --
   action name=logonForm path=/logon scope=request
  forward name=success redirect=true path=/success.jsp/forward

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: Problem with Html File Object

2005-08-16 Thread Laurie Harper

Pramod wrote:
I am facing a problem with html file object. Can we assign value to file object externally ?. 

I'm not sure what it is you want to do; if you're asking if it's possible 
to pre-populate a file input with a file to upload if the user doesn't 
change it, the answer is no: browsers will not let you do that (I think I 
heard that Opera may, but it's the exception).

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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Re: Displaying errors for all except one key

2005-08-16 Thread Kishore Senji
On 8/16/05, Chris Loschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you very much for the idea. I'm starting to wrestle with it.
 My first instinct is that I'm going to need to extend html:messages
 because the JSP solution below wouldn't work (I think!) with the HTML
 structure -- in other words, I'm going to end up with a new divul
 for every new error instead of the single div and ul for the whole set
 that I need. But I couldn't rearrange it either because then if I have
 only the error I want to exclude, I still get the (now empty) divul.
 Does that sound right?

If you have the something like this in your jsp, even if you have only
one error that you would want to exculde you will be left with only a

div class=errorMsg
  logic:iterate id=property name=errors
 logic:notEqual name=property
value=%=RIGHT_PANE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY% type=java.lang.String
 html:messages id=message message=false property=%=property%
   libean:write name=message//li

If you don't like to display the empty div when there are no errors,
you would have to do some processing of the properties to see if you
have atleast one other property other than the one that you want to
exclude then only show the div and the errors. But anyway, is showing
an empty div that big of an issue?

 I'm tracking down the appropriate source code so that I can look at the
 messages tag. I'm thinking that what I need to do is simply iterate
 through my errors, copy each one that isn't in my excluded list (for
 now, only one, but might grow later) to a new collection, and then pass
 that new collection to super along with the appropriate arguments. Does
 that sound reasonable, or am I missing something?

There is no super method in HtmlMessages tag that can take the
collection of errors and iterate. You would have to override the
doStartTag of the HtmlMessages tag and create the iterator excluding
the errors that you don't want to see.

 Thanks again for your help.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kishore Senji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:15 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Displaying errors for all except one key
 I believe the reason that the Validator errors are missing is that
 Validator keys the errors with the property name of the form field.
 And so, if you say that just show the errors whose property is
 ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR you would definitely miss out on the
 Validator errors. It has nothing to do with the usage of the deprecated
 ActionError and I believe you would still run in to this problem even if
 you use ActionMessage
 There are two options.
 1) Extend html:messages to shown messages for all but a given property
 In the JSP you would follow the following steps
 ActionErrors actionErrors = (ActionErrors)
 Iterator errors = actionErrors.properties();
 pageContext.setAttribute(errors, errors); logic:iterate id=property
  logic:notEqual name=property
 value=%=RIGHT_PANE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY% type=java.lang.String
div class=errorMsgul
   html:messages id=message message=false
   libean:write name=message//li
 Basically, you would be iterating over all the properties and showing
 the errors to all but the property that you don't want to show  the
 errors for. [Note: one thing to note would be, I don't know if the
 ordering of the errors will be the same of that you would get if you
 leave the iteration to the html:messages.]
 On 8/15/05, Chris Loschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone have some ideas for me? Thank you!
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Re: scope=request attribute in action mapping

2005-08-16 Thread Rick Reumann

Joe Smith wrote the following on 8/15/2005 7:30 PM:

When I put scope=request in action mappings, I got the following
HTTP 500 error. 

But if i take it out, then everything is fine. any ideas??

[Servlet Error]-[Cannot find bean logonForm in any scope]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean logonForm in any

!-- Action Mappings --
   action name=logonForm path=/logon scope=request
  forward name=success redirect=true path=/success.jsp/forward

I bet you also have another mapping that you are calling somewhere along 
that puts a logonForm in Session scope?

Where is the actual error occuring?  Are you getting that error on the 
page that uses the above action mapping OR on the resulting jsp 
(success.jsp) ?


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2005-08-16 Thread glenn . deschenes

I am unable to find a solution... even after searching... and waiting for 
the espresso to kick in.

I have messages and would like to determine the number of messages in the 
If there is more than one message format the output as a list or else just 
display the message.
Unable to come up with something.

This is what I am currently using:
logic:messagesPresent message=true
  td colspan=5 class=informationalMessage
  html-el:messages id=message message=true
 bean: write name=message filter=false/br
  td colspan=6 height=5/td

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !
- Glenn

JasperReports issue

2005-08-16 Thread Rafael Nami
Hi everyone. What is the best approach to configure and manage reports
using jasperreports? I don't know if I have to implement a Controller,
or an extension point of DispatchAction, or if I have to implement it
on a servlet directly.

Best Regards

Rafael Mauricio Nami

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Re: [OT] Tomcat, JAAS and Kerberos

2005-08-16 Thread Adam Hardy

Wendy Smoak on 16/08/05 17:26, wrote:

The User and Role classes are more or less simple DTOs, one User object
for the user and x Role objects for each role the User is in.

This is where I'm stuck.  Right now I'm playing with extending
Krb5LoginModule, just wrapping it and passing through all the method calls
except 'commit' where I'll need to add more Principals (Users  Roles) to
the Subject.  I think.  It made sense yesterday...  Does that sound 
remotely correct?

Yes that's more or less what I did when writing a JBoss login module. 
Unfortunately the JBoss stuff was really still in beta and I had to do a 
fair amount of debugging to work out how to make it work.

Good luck

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RE: Displaying errors for all except one key

2005-08-16 Thread Chris Loschen
Yes, I wouldn't be able to get away with the empty div tag -- it would
create a great big red box on my page which wouldn't be acceptable.

I'm working on extending html:messages, and it's working quite well (and
surprisingly easily) so far. I'll do some more testing tomorrow and if
all goes well, I'll post what I've done.

Again, thank you very much for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Kishore Senji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Displaying errors for all except one key

On 8/16/05, Chris Loschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you very much for the idea. I'm starting to wrestle with it.
 My first instinct is that I'm going to need to extend html:messages 
 because the JSP solution below wouldn't work (I think!) with the HTML 
 structure -- in other words, I'm going to end up with a new divul 
 for every new error instead of the single div and ul for the whole set

 that I need. But I couldn't rearrange it either because then if I have

 only the error I want to exclude, I still get the (now empty)
 Does that sound right?

If you have the something like this in your jsp, even if you have only
one error that you would want to exculde you will be left with only a

div class=errorMsg
  logic:iterate id=property name=errors
 logic:notEqual name=property
value=%=RIGHT_PANE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY% type=java.lang.String
 html:messages id=message message=false
   libean:write name=message//li

If you don't like to display the empty div when there are no errors, you
would have to do some processing of the properties to see if you have
atleast one other property other than the one that you want to exclude
then only show the div and the errors. But anyway, is showing an empty
div that big of an issue?

 I'm tracking down the appropriate source code so that I can look at 
 the messages tag. I'm thinking that what I need to do is simply 
 iterate through my errors, copy each one that isn't in my excluded 
 list (for now, only one, but might grow later) to a new collection, 
 and then pass that new collection to super along with the appropriate 
 arguments. Does that sound reasonable, or am I missing something?

There is no super method in HtmlMessages tag that can take the
collection of errors and iterate. You would have to override the
doStartTag of the HtmlMessages tag and create the iterator excluding the
errors that you don't want to see.

 Thanks again for your help.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kishore Senji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 6:15 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Displaying errors for all except one key
 I believe the reason that the Validator errors are missing is that 
 Validator keys the errors with the property name of the form field.
 And so, if you say that just show the errors whose property is 
 ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR you would definitely miss out on the 
 Validator errors. It has nothing to do with the usage of the 
 deprecated ActionError and I believe you would still run in to this 
 problem even if you use ActionMessage
 There are two options.
 1) Extend html:messages to shown messages for all but a given property
 In the JSP you would follow the following steps
 ActionErrors actionErrors = (ActionErrors) 
 Iterator errors = actionErrors.properties(); 
 pageContext.setAttribute(errors, errors); logic:iterate
  logic:notEqual name=property
 value=%=RIGHT_PANE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY% type=java.lang.String
div class=errorMsgul
   html:messages id=message message=false
   libean:write name=message//li
 Basically, you would be iterating over all the properties and showing 
 the errors to all but the property that you don't want to show  the 
 errors for. [Note: one thing to note would be, I don't know if the 
 ordering of the errors will be the same of that you would get if you 
 leave the iteration to the html:messages.]
 On 8/15/05, Chris Loschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone have some ideas for me? Thank you!
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Re: Multiple file upload

2005-08-16 Thread C.F. Scheidecker Antunes
Thanks that's what I thought regarding the form. But what I really want 
is to know how to separate them when they are uploaded.
Files are uploaded like email mime attachments. So there is a begining 
and end of each file. Therefore, how do you separate them?
I image that you would have to create a FormBean to accept n file inputs 
and then get the content to each one separately and assign them to a 
stream class. Checking for each input whether it is null or not.

Laurie Harper wrote:

C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

Is there any way to perform multiple file uploads using Jakarta 
Commons Upload on a Struts application?

Is there any howto on this issu?

Just use multiple file inputs on the form. There's no way to provide a 
single 'select multiple files to upload' widget, if that's what you're 
asking; HTML only provides the single-file form input. But there's 
nothing to stop you having more than one of them on a page.


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Re: Multiple file upload

2005-08-16 Thread Laurie Harper
Parsing the data from the request is all handled for you by Struts. You 
just get a bunch of java.io.File objects to work with.


C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

Thanks that's what I thought regarding the form. But what I really want 
is to know how to separate them when they are uploaded.
Files are uploaded like email mime attachments. So there is a begining 
and end of each file. Therefore, how do you separate them?
I image that you would have to create a FormBean to accept n file inputs 
and then get the content to each one separately and assign them to a 
stream class. Checking for each input whether it is null or not.

Laurie Harper wrote:

C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

Is there any way to perform multiple file uploads using Jakarta 
Commons Upload on a Struts application?

Is there any howto on this issu?

Just use multiple file inputs on the form. There's no way to provide a 
single 'select multiple files to upload' widget, if that's what you're 
asking; HTML only provides the single-file form input. But there's 
nothing to stop you having more than one of them on a page.


Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek: http://www.holoweb.net/laurie
Founder, Zotech Software: http://www.zotechsoftware.com/

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