Re: showing nested collections in a JSP

2005-08-18 Thread Tremal Naik
 I think I can figure out how to display the tables using the nested:XX tags,
 but cant figure out how to display the nested collection by radio button. I
 guess I need to understand how to index a collection dynamiclly.  I know
 JSTL is the preferred way, but I'm stuck with only the struts tags to build

Don't know if I undeerstood well your need, but I would use client
logic, as javascript functions, to realize this behaviour. Why don't
make use of the 'style' property of visual elements to hide/display
them depending on radio button clicking events?


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Pre-population of html:select tag using multiple html:option tags

2005-08-18 Thread Chatzinikos, Fotis, VF-GR Consultant
Hello Everybody,


I am trying to pre-populate a jsp page form via the reset function of an
ActionForm. All values appear correctly in the form except the select /
option combinations. Could somebody have a look at the following and
provide some pointers? (Have not used html:select before...)


The ActionForm:


public final class ProccessPropertiesFormAction extends ActionForm


private String listlength = 20 ;

private String usesig = 0 ;

private String signature =  ;

private String fullname =  ;

private String replyto =  ;

private String maxwidth = 72 ;

private String maxheight = 20 ;

private String defsort = date ;  --- used to create the select




public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)


User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute(user) ;


listlength = Integer.toString(user.getPagesize()) ;


if (user.getUseSig())

usesig = 1 ;


usesig = 0 ;


signature = user.getSignature();


fullname = user.getRealname() ;

replyto = user.getReplyto() ;

maxwidth = user.getMaxwidth() ;

maxheight = user.getMaxheight();

defsort = user.getSortby();  // -- (this is date, subject,


and the JSP Page:



html:form action=/ProcessProperties

  tr class=row1

td align=leftbean:message key=properties.replyto//td

td align=righthtml:text size=30 property=replyto//td



  tr class=row2

  td align=left

bean:message key=properties.defsort/


  td colspan=2 align =right

html:select property=defsort

option value=subjectbean:message

option value=datebean:message

option value=senderbean:message

option value=sizebean:message

option value=newbean:message

option value=repforbean:message






Thanks in advance,


Problems declaring DataSources

2005-08-18 Thread C.F. Scheidecker Antunes

Hello All,

I have the following datasource declared. The password, URL and user 
name as well as Database name (on the URL) are corrected and I have them 

Here it is:

data-source key=ds1 type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
  set-property property=driverClass value=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver /
  set-property property=url value=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Test 
  set-property property=user value=antunes /
 set-property property=password value=antunes /
 set-property property=description value=Test_db /
 set-property property=readOnly value=false /
 set-property property=autoCommit value=false /
 set-property property=loginTimeout value=5000 /
 set-property property=maxWait value=5000 /
 set-property property=maxActive value=500 /

However, when I put it in my struts-config.xml I have the erros bellow.

What am I missing here? Am I missing any properties? Shall I use any 
other type other than org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource for MySQL?




SEVERE: Unable to initialize Struts ActionServlet due to an unexpected 
exception or error thrown, so marking the servlet as unavailable.  Most likely, 
this is due to an incorrect or missing library dependency.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/impl/GenericObjectPool
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Aug 18, 2005 2:33:21 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: Marking servlet action as unavailable
Aug 18, 2005 2:33:21 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext loadOnStartup
SEVERE: Servlet /upload2 threw load() exception
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(

Re: Shale ... where can I find out more?

2005-08-18 Thread Lixin Chu
is there a road map/milestone for Shale developemnt ? 
I am pretty comfortable with Struts now but would like to explore
Shale in the next project.


On 8/18/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/17/05, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 11:49 AM +0100 8/17/05, John Atherton wrote:
  Okay I've found the place to go for all things Shale but my other two
  questions still stand.
  first, a disclaimer:  I've never written a JSF app let alone a Shale app.
 Then I came across Shale.  I've never used JSF so firstly, is this now 
way to go?
  Roughly, Shale is to JSF as Struts is to JSP: it provides a framework
  which supports best-practices application development with features
  that are outside of the scope of the basic Sun technology.
 Roughly that's pretty accurate :-), although there is one level of
 internal difference that you will want to be aware of.  JSF includes a
 controller servlet (like Struts and other MVC frameworks), and
 supports other controller features like navigation, itself.  Shale
 builds around the edges to add value (functionality and/or ease of use
 improvements), without any attempt to redundantly implement features
 that JSF provides by itself.
 One place I *don't* see Shale going, by the way, is to become yet
 another library of JSF components.  There will be a few such
 components that integrate directly with Shale features (like the ones
 that integrate the Commons Validator facilities), but the whole idea
 of a standard component API is that you should be able to use
 *anyone's* components with it.
  If you're going to use JSF, you should probably check out Shale.
 I would agree with this ... especially for new app development.
  You can use struts-faces to connect JSF to Struts, but if you have no
  deep Struts experience, you wouldn't be gaining much of anything, and
  in fact you'd lose all the benefits that Shale has by virtue of
  learning from several years of Struts development experience.
 The integration library should be primarily considered as a tool
 useful in a migration strategy.
  Secondly, where can I find out more?  And finally how steep is
the learning curve?  There doesn't appear to be the Shale equivalent of
 Shale's website, by the way, is at:
 The feature descriptions have not all been fleshed out yet, but the
 javadocs are pretty thorough for those cases.
  I'm not sure what the second question was: about the learning curve?
  I'm not the one to answer that.  But since Shale is a subproject of
  Struts, there is no
  Since there has not been a full release of Shale, the struts-dev list
  is generally considered the more fruitful place for discussions about
  Hope this helps,
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Re: Problems declaring DataSources

2005-08-18 Thread C.F. Scheidecker Antunes

Hi all,

Problem solved. So I will share the solution in case someone has the 
same problem.

Just use the following class:
com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource  as the DataSource class.
so, the correct code is:

   data-source key=ds1 

 set-property property=driverClass value=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver /
 set-property property=url 
value=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Test /

 set-property property=user value=antunes /
set-property property=password value=antunes /
set-property property=description value=Test_db /
set-property property=readOnly value=false /
set-property property=autoCommit value=false /
set-property property=loginTimeout value=5000 /
set-property property=maxWait value=5000 /
set-property property=maxActive value=500 /


C.F. Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

Hello All,

I have the following datasource declared. The password, URL and user 
name as well as Database name (on the URL) are corrected and I have 
them tested.

Here it is:

data-source key=ds1 
  set-property property=driverClass 
value=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver /
  set-property property=url 
value=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Test /

  set-property property=user value=antunes /
 set-property property=password value=antunes /
 set-property property=description value=Test_db /
 set-property property=readOnly value=false /
 set-property property=autoCommit value=false /
 set-property property=loginTimeout value=5000 /
 set-property property=maxWait value=5000 /
 set-property property=maxActive value=500 /

However, when I put it in my struts-config.xml I have the erros bellow.

What am I missing here? Am I missing any properties? Shall I use any 
other type other than org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource for MySQL?




SEVERE: Unable to initialize Struts ActionServlet due to an unexpected 
exception or error thrown, so marking the servlet as unavailable.  
Most likely, this is due to an incorrect or missing library dependency.

at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(
at java.lang.Class.getConstructor0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(



at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(






at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(



at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(

at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(

SV: Tiles standalone jar

2005-08-18 Thread hermod . opstvedt
Thnx :)


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 17. august 2005 17:52
Til: Struts Users Mailing List
Emne: Re: Tiles standalone jar

 Does anbody know where to get hold of the Tiles standalone .jar file.
 have only found the source files in the SVN sandbox.

Nightly builds are available at:

Be warned, however, that a couple of changes in the Struts 1.3 version
of Tiles have not yet been ported over ... I hope to do that this


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LookupDispatchAction, trying Ted Husted Tip #3

2005-08-18 Thread Tiller, Volker
Trying the example in

#3 Use LookupDispatchAction ...

I use following Action, Form, JSP, and struts-config


public final class MyAction extends LookupDispatchAction {

private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MyAction.class);

protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(button.add, add);
  map.put(button.delete, delete);
  return map;

public ActionForward add(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  // do add in add());
  return mapping.findForward(success);

public ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
  // do delete in delete());
  return mapping.findForward(success);



public final class MyForm extends ActionForm {
private String prop;

public String getProp() {
return prop;

public void setProp(String prop) {
this.prop = prop;


+++JSP: /tiles/test.jsp

%@ page language=java contentType=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
%@ include file=taglibs.jsp%
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
titletest LookupDispatchAction.../title

html:form action=/test
html:submit property=method
bean:message key=button.add/
html:submit property=method
bean:message key=button.delete/


button.add=add it all
button.delete=delete it all


forward name=welcome path=/
forward name=testit path=/


 action path=/test
forward name=success path=/

The forward
 html:link forward=testit styleClass=menuitemtest it/html:link

ERROR DispatchAction:220 - Request[/test] does not contain handler parameter 
named 'method'.  This may be caused by whitespace in the label text.

Altering the global forward 'testit' to

forward name=testit path=/


javax.servlet.ServletException: Action[/test] missing resource 'button.add' in 
key method map






What have I missunderstood about LookupDispatchAction ?
Many thanks for a hint!

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Re: What do you do with ActionError in Struts 1.2

2005-08-18 Thread Gaet
use saveMessages(request, errors); instead

- Original Message - 
From: Tuan Jean Tee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 6:06 AM
Subject: RE: What do you do with ActionError in Struts 1.2


 Thank you for the good link. Base on it, I have change the code to the


 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
 import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
 import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;


 public ActionMessage validate(HttpServletRequest request) {

 ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();

 if (firstName == null || firstName.trim().equals()) {

   messages.add( ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE,
 new ActionMessage( not.authorized.for.account
 ) );



 I have got the error of:

 The method saveErrors is undefined.

 Have I missed out anything.

 Thank you again.



  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 18/Aug/2005 12:27:14 pm 

 I think you should check out various wiki sections relating to the
 you're using and the one you plan on switching over to.  You probably
 to scroll down to the section marked ActionError(s) and
 in the page:


 -Original Message-
 From: Tuan Jean Tee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 10:14 PM
 Subject: What do you do with ActionError in Struts 1.2

 I am learning Struts 1.2 and would like to find out what is the
 for ActionError knowing it's deprecated in Struts 1.2

 if (firstName == null || firstName.trim().equals())
 errors.add(firstName, new

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RE: Tomcat 5.5.9 with Struts 1.2.7 - ClassCastException - looks like a Tomcat bug

2005-08-18 Thread stewart.cambridge

Thank you Christian - you are correct. A colleague also referred me to: 

I had a copy of jsp-api.jar in my app (/WEB-INF/lib/jsp-api.jar)
And Tomcat (both 5.0.28 and 5.5.9) has a copy under

This makes the copy in my app redundant and it can safely be removed.
By removing it, it resolves the ClassCastException with

But why should this double presence of jsp-api.jar be a problem for
Tomcat 5.5.9 but not for 5.0.28?

Thank you,


-Original Message-
From: Christian Dionne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 17 August 2005 14:14
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.9 with Struts 1.2.7 - ClassCastException -
looks like a Tomcat bug

Hi Stewart,

I had the same problem and I received a great answer on this mailing
a few days ago.

The problem is caused by either one of these libraries that are
conflicting with Struts: 
- jsp-api.jar
- jsp-2.0-api.jar

On my side, removing these libraries from my project (they were not
solved the problem.


-Original Message-
Sent: August 17, 2005 6:24 AM
Subject: Tomcat 5.5.9 with Struts 1.2.7 - ClassCastException - looks
like a
Tomcat bug

Using Struts 1.2.7 with the latest Tomcat 5.5.9 I get the following in when I first try to access my web application: 

17-Aug-2005 11:02:02 org.apache.catalina.core.Stand-ardHostValve custom 
SEVERE: Exception Processing 
ErrorPage[exceptionType=java.l-ang.Exception, location=/error.jsp] 
org.apache.jasper.JasperExcept-ion: Failed to load or instantiate 
TagExtraInfo class: org.apache.struts.taglib.html.-MessagesTei 

And in stdout_date.log I get: 

Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception 
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.taglib.html.-MessagesTei

Through trial and error I have found that this does not happen with 
Tomcat 5.0.28, with all other factors (struts, my application, etc) 
kept the same. 

Thought you all might like to know. 



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How to write logic:iterate for the Collection of HashMap.

2005-08-18 Thread Amol Yadwadkar

Hello List,

I need to display the results stored in the Hashmap.

How can I achieve it by using logic:iterate  

I know the way to do it for List type data.

Can anyone help me in this ?

Thankx n regds,


RE: Question on log on with SecurityFilter and JDBCRealm

2005-08-18 Thread Mitchell, Steven C
Have you considered using a Filter to put the extra stuff in your
Session?  We use an initialization Filter that looks up a User record
based on the authenticated user id.  We then place that User object both
in the Session and a thread local variable so that it is available to
all the layers of our framework.  Our DAO classes use the thread local
variable to set things like Last Updated By.  If you use the thread
local variable make sure the last thing the Filter does is to set it to
null so that the thread is not returned to the container's thread pool
with the User object.

public void doFilter( final ServletRequest servletRequest, 
final ServletResponse servletResponse, 
final FilterChain filterChain )
throws IOException, ServletException
if ( servletRequest instanceof HttpServletRequest )
final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = 
(HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
final String remoteUser =
if ( DataHelper.empty( remoteUser ) || 
null.equalsIgnoreCase( remoteUser ) )
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( No User info Available );
} //end if

ThreadContext.setUser( null );
} //end if
final HttpSession session =
httpServletRequest.getSession( true );
User user = (User) session.getAttribute(
if ( user == null )
user = UserController.findUserByLoginId(
remoteUser );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( Initializing user  +
user.getUserId() );
} //end if
} //end try
catch ( final Exception e )
throw new ServletException( e );
} //end catch

session.setAttribute( SESSION_TOKEN_SYSUSER, user );
} //end if

ThreadContext.setUser( user );
} //end else
} //end if

filterChain.doFilter( servletRequest, servletResponse );
ThreadContext.setUser( null ); //Clear the thread before
returning it to the server's thread pool

Steve Mitchell
UMB Bank

-Original Message-
From: C.F. Scheidecker Antunes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:50 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Question on log on with SecurityFilter and JDBCRealm

Hello all,

I've managed to have successful authentication with securityFilter and 

I have a few questions that I was hoping you could clarify for me.

After the login is successful, is there any way to forward that to a 
success page/action
so that I can add extra stuff to the session context? This is my 
login-config session
in the securityfilter-config.xml file:


My second question is concernig accessing the username value from the 
session context.
How is that stored in the session? How can I access it?
My login.jsp form uses standard j_security_check for the action on the 
login form, j_username, j_password for the 2 inputs.

I would like, after the login is succesful to forward that to an action 
in order to access the database using the username as a key and return
an userID number that I also want to store in the session. How can I
accomplish this?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [OT] Loading data for view

2005-08-18 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Sometimes the simplest answer is the best... and even when it isn't the
best, it's *still* simple :) ...

How about just creating a new DAO/DTO that only contains the data you need?

It would be a duplication to a degree, but that's not *always* an
absolutely evil thing... especially since it sounds like the new A object
you want to display on the page may not truly model a real domain object
(where they others I presume are) but is instead something of a hybrid, I
could personally live with this.

Either that, or I would just create a single Miscellaneous DAO that has
methods that don't *quite* fit in other DAOs... maybe this is one of
them... then you would still have a DTO for this particular case, and a
new one for each particular case in the DAO, if any more came up.

FYI, most of my apps have the true DAO/DTOs, but they all also have such a
miscellaneous class for handling things exactly like this.  There tend to
be very few such cases, but they do come up, and I find this to be a nice
way to organize them.  In fact, in a couple of cases I've decided to make
the DTOs inner classes of the DAO, just to make it obvious they are
related and probably limited in their use cases.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Thu, August 18, 2005 8:00 am, Tom Ziemer said:
 Hi everybody!

 In my app, I am using DAOs/DTOs to perform CRUD operations on a legacy
 database packed with lots of triggers and stored procedures. Some of my
 DTOs are pretty complex, meaning, they have to be assembled from many

 A simple example:
 Object a (loaded by aDAO) has a list of b objects (loaded by bDAO),
 which in turn has a list of c objects (loaded by cDAO)

 The problem:
 In my struts-based webapp, I want to display some a objects on a page
 (the objects won't be used after that anymore). I need a few attributes
 from related object b but nothing at all from the related c objects.
 When I use my aDAO to retrieve my a objects, this will cause a large
 number of sql queries (1 per object), resulting in lots of data I do not

 The question:
 Wouldn't it be more effecient to use a single query, that only loads the
 required data? This would mean though, that I cannot use my DTOs.

 Any thoughts?


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Struts and Laszlo

2005-08-18 Thread Lucas Bern

Hia guys...

I´would it be a nosense to integrate Laszlo with struts???

I think Laszlo is responsible for controlling the application, so, may be we 
can hav struts incharge of generating data in XML format so that Laszlo 
presentation server show it???

I´m thinking of extending struts so that its output be XML for laszlo (or who 
ever), abstracting it form HTML...

am I making a mountain from a stone ...

I mean, a servlet would be enough???


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html-el:messages - bis

2005-08-18 Thread glenn . deschenes

I have sent this post more almost 2 days ago without one response.
I hope it was simply lost with other posts but still worthy of attention.
Here is the original post:

I am unable to find a solution... even after searching... and waiting for 
the espresso to kick in.

I have messages and would like to determine the number of messages in the 
If there is more than one message format the output as a list or else just 
display the message.
Unable to come up with something.

This is what I am currently using:
logic:messagesPresent message=true
  td colspan=5 class=informationalMessage
  html-el:messages id=message message=true
 bean: write name=message filter=false/br
  td colspan=6 height=5/td

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !
- Glenn

RE: [OT] Loading data for view

2005-08-18 Thread McDonnell, Colm (MLIM)
If you are thinking about using a single query and bypassing your DTO's
then consider using the Data Transfer RowSet pattern; it can be a useful
pattern for easily transferring data from a DAO to a view component. If
it's disadvantages (clients need to know something about the database
metadata, it ignores the domain model) are not relevant in your
situation or if they can be minimised (allow its use for read only
display or closely controlled use cases only) then it might work for
you. BeanUtils provides a neat wrapper for the disconnected recordsets
used in this pattern: org.apache.commons.beanutils.RowSetDynaClass.

-Original Message-
From: Tom Ziemer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2005 13:01
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: [OT] Loading data for view

Hi everybody!

In my app, I am using DAOs/DTOs to perform CRUD operations on a legacy 
database packed with lots of triggers and stored procedures. Some of my 
DTOs are pretty complex, meaning, they have to be assembled from many 

A simple example:
Object a (loaded by aDAO) has a list of b objects (loaded by bDAO), 
which in turn has a list of c objects (loaded by cDAO)

The problem:
In my struts-based webapp, I want to display some a objects on a page 
(the objects won't be used after that anymore). I need a few attributes 
from related object b but nothing at all from the related c objects. 
When I use my aDAO to retrieve my a objects, this will cause a large 
number of sql queries (1 per object), resulting in lots of data I do not


The question:
Wouldn't it be more effecient to use a single query, that only loads the

required data? This would mean though, that I cannot use my DTOs.

Any thoughts?


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Re: Modularizing struts-config.xml

2005-08-18 Thread Joe Germuska

At 11:44 AM +0530 8/18/05, sachin wrote:

hi ,

 Yes, you can use any number of struts-config files; there is a
 servlet init parameter which accepts a comma-separated list.

I Have many struts-config files in one of my application and i 
initialized them with a comma separeted List ...

EveryThing Works fine until it comes to ActionMessages 

In each struts-config file i defined the message-resources with a 
Key and accesssed them with that Key ...

message-resources key=master
null=false / 

But the ActionMessage could not pick up messages from resource files 
which gave the biggest blow to my software and i had to show 
messages with JavaScript.

could u please tell me how to Make the ActionMessages work with 
Multiple Struts Config file

If you use key when defining a message resources file, then you 
must use the same value in the bundle attribute when using JSP tags 
which are meant to retrieve messages.  As in:

html:messages bundle=master id=msg${msg}/html:messages

I've never needed to use more than one message-resources element in a 
project, so I haven't spent much time using these features, but 
that's how it works.  If you are not specifying a bundle in 
html:messages or html:errors then Struts will look for a 
message-resources which was configured without any key attribute.



Joe Germuska
Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex

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Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Graham Smith
Hi folks,

This isn't your usual How do I do X? type question so get ready. Hopefully 
it will fuel a good discussion. I'm fairly new to struts but have a solid 
grasp of Model 2 design ideas. The problem, I suppose, is that I am a lone 
developer (for my own company) which makes it hard to get the balanced view 
of the technology arena that is aquired through working with other 
developers. Therefore I have a couple of high level architecture questions 
that I am interested to hear your views on.

The current application that I am working on uses XSLT to generate web pages. 
As you wold expect a bunch of beans (and some other objects) get converted 
into XML, run against a stylesheet and out pops a page. This is fine and the 
application uses a good dose of Model 2 goodness so it's easy to manage and 
extend. Unfortunately, it has been developed with it's own MVC framework. I 
would like to convert it to use Struts but I don't want to throw away the 
flexibility given by using XSLT.

Whoa. Before you all shout But Struts can use any technology for the view 
look at stxx I have had a look at it and stxx has the smell of death around 
it. As far as I can tell it has been abandoned and doesn't support Struts 
1.2.x (the front page hasn't been updated in well over a year). Further more 
it is fairly obvious that Struts was designed with JSP in mind and while it 
may work with XSLT my experience of other technologies is that this type of 
usage with not be easy or pleasant.

You are probably wondering by now why I even want to use XSLT rather than JSP. 
The reason is simple. XSLT provides a huge amount of flexibility and the 
cleanest separation of the view that I have found. I admit that it is a 
little more work to create a stylesheet rather than a JSP but I feel that is 
worth it. I'm not 100% dead set on using XSLT. I have learnt that it is 
generally not a good idea to go against the grain and if the arguments are 
compelling enough I will switch to JSP. The problem I have with JSP is that 
with every release it feels like it gets closer to XSLT. A site I recently 
developed using JSF + JSP 2.0 (jspx) felt like the pages were nothing more 
than dumbed down stylesheets.

My other concern is that Struts 2.x seems to be heading towards total 
integration with JSF. While I love the simplicity of JSF and the speed with 
which one can create a web application it is unsuitable for use on an 
ecommerce site where the users are expected to be able to bookmark pages 
(using a refresh is a poor hack IMHO) and, more importantly, robots can't 
navigate JSF sites. A combination of technologies could be used but that then 
multiplies the cost of development and maintenance.

Finally then the questions.

* Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of JSP?
* Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x will turn 
out but will the idea of view technology independence be maintained?
* If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin to JSF 
will XSLT still be a viable option?

Thanks for reading this far. I really look forward to hearing your views.


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Re: [OT] Loading data for view

2005-08-18 Thread Tom Ziemer

Thanks for your answers.

I added a new method to my DAO that allows me to execute predefined 
queries and returns kind of general-purpose-dtos, that only consist of 
a treemap which stores the requested values from the db. So I get one 
g-p-DTO per row in my ResultSet that can be passed to the view for 

Is this a bad design? Is the Transfer RowSet pattern suggested by Colm 
a cleaner approach?

I am wondering whether this is not a common problem for any application 
that is based on database with a hierarchical design. Most of the time 
you won't need an entire object tree but only parts of it.


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best... and even when it isn't the
best, it's *still* simple :) ...

How about just creating a new DAO/DTO that only contains the data you need?

It would be a duplication to a degree, but that's not *always* an
absolutely evil thing... especially since it sounds like the new A object
you want to display on the page may not truly model a real domain object
(where they others I presume are) but is instead something of a hybrid, I
could personally live with this.

Either that, or I would just create a single Miscellaneous DAO that has
methods that don't *quite* fit in other DAOs... maybe this is one of
them... then you would still have a DTO for this particular case, and a
new one for each particular case in the DAO, if any more came up.

FYI, most of my apps have the true DAO/DTOs, but they all also have such a
miscellaneous class for handling things exactly like this.  There tend to
be very few such cases, but they do come up, and I find this to be a nice
way to organize them.  In fact, in a couple of cases I've decided to make
the DTOs inner classes of the DAO, just to make it obvious they are
related and probably limited in their use cases.

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Re: Struts and Laszlo

2005-08-18 Thread Guillaume Lederrey
On 8/18/05, Lucas Bern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I´would it be a nosense to integrate Laszlo with struts???

  Not a complete non-sense, but maybe an overkill ...

 I think Laszlo is responsible for controlling the application, so, may be we 
 can hav struts incharge of generating data in XML format so that Laszlo 
 presentation server show it???

  Struts is great for the controller model it provides. If you develop
a Laszlo application, Laszlo will probably take the role of the
controller (at least that's how I would do it). The the server side
should only serve stateless XML data. That's pretty easy to do with
whatever technology.

 I´m thinking of extending struts so that its output be XML for laszlo (or who 
 ever), abstracting it form HTML...
 am I making a mountain from a stone ...

  More or less yes. There's not much HTML dependant in Struts. I would
say that the tag libs are the only really HTML dependant parts of
Struts. And it's pretty easy to output XML with just the JSTL ...

 I mean, a servlet would be enough???

  Yo uhave to think at which parts of Struts will be usefull for you.
The input checking forms are probably usefull, the taglibs probably
not ...

  I hope that helps a bit ...


PS : I've worked with Laszlo for a few month before abandoning it and
coming back to Struts (with the help of AndroMDA -
There was too many problems with memory management, asynchronous
execution ...  be carefull !

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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Graham Smith
On Thursday 18 August 2005 16:02, Don Brown wrote:
 Hmm...smell of death for stxx might be a bit harsh :)  

Yeah ok, it was a bit harsh - sorry. I'll take another look. It's sometimes 
hard to know when a project is on it's last legs though. A message from one 
of the core developers within an hour is a pretty good assurance that it's 
alive and kicking though :o)

 While it true I 
 need to get a release out that better supports 1.2, I've been using it
 in production for over a year without problems, and would recommend
 you take another look.  You, of course, are welcome to get involved,
 submit patches, even join the project.

I have been looking for a project to work on in my spare time (just a mo while 
I pick myself up off the floor from laughing at the idea of having spare 
time). If I decide to stick with XSLT I'll probably contribute.

 Regarding Struts and XSLT, I've had a good experience ditching JSP.
 XSLT is powerful and fun even once you get the hang of it.  Now to
 your questions...

 On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 snip /

  * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of
  JSP? * Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x
  will turn out but will the idea of view technology independence be

 Of course there isn't a Struts 2.0, yet anyways, but Struts Shale is
 already exploring an alternate view, HTML templates, for JSF and JSF
 itself is designed to be view independent, however, I haven't heard of
 any view handlers that use XSLT yet.  

I certainly couldn't call myself a JSF expert but I have, I believe, had 
enough experience of it to realise that the intended goal writing one page 
and using alternative renders for different devices doesn't really work. 
While it's great that you can, in theory, install other renders for the JSF 
tags it rapidly becomes almost impossible to maintain. 

I can't believe, for instance, that it would be possible to develop a page 
that would look good in both a standard browser and a mobile phone. This is 
at the heart of my interest in XSLT. It removes the whole plug-in render mess 
that JSF seems to have got itself into. On the flip side the reason I am 
interested in using JSPs is that I only need to develop for fully featured 

Thanks for the feedback,


 Another project we are working 
 on in the sandbox, Struts Ti, already has support for XSLT.

 Hope that helps,


  * If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin to
  JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?
  Thanks for reading this far. I really look forward to hearing your views.
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link with img and request attribute

2005-08-18 Thread Sławek Tuleja
Hi EveryBody

i have problem with this:

1) i have:

a name=user property=idUser 

2) and it works fine, but i want to put image button insted of link add

3) how do i have to do that?

html:link href= ? ? ? ? 
html:img page=/button.gif / 

4) where put bean:write name=user property=idUser / ?

thanks for reply

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Need help using tiles taglib with JSTL

2005-08-18 Thread Michael Mattox
I'm trying to use the tiles taglib with JSTL (servlet spec 2.4).. if I use
just the HTML tags they work file, and JSTL 1.1 by itself works fine. The
problem comes when I need to use them together.  Here I have a list of
inscriptions in the request scope and I want to loop through them and pass
each one to a tile to display each one (individually).  I can't figure out
the way to call the tiles:useAttribute tag:

c:forEach items=${listeInscriptions.inscriptions} var=inscription

  tiles:insert name=web-inscription flush=true
tiles:useAttribute id=${inscription}


I'd be grateful for a bit of help with this.  I've tried asking about
mixing struts tags  JSTL in the past week but haven't had a concrete
example like this and now I'm really stuck. :)


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RE: [OT] Loading data for view

2005-08-18 Thread McDonnell, Colm (MLIM)
Sounds like you're using a data transfer (tree)map pattern, this is
largely similar to the rowset version except for the following:

 * You have to copy values from the underlying data access 
   solution into the TreeMap

 * Your view component needs to know about the contract for
   attribute keys in the map (or perhaps not, perhaps this is 
   why you are using a TreeMap)

In the rowset version you would wrap a disconnected recordset along with
some meta data then use this meta data in your view component e.g.
iterate over the metadata to output column headers for your table, then
iterate over the data rows to output your data rows.

Which is better? No cut and dried answer but here are the pros and cons
for both so that you can decide.

Rowset Approach


 * Common interface for all general purpose, read only query 

 * Enables you to write generic table display code by using 
   taglibs to iterate over the rowset/map

 * Responds well to change - the absence of a data translation 
   layer coupled with the use of generic table display code
   leaves you view indifferent to changes in the underlying
   data set


 * Clients need to know the name of database table columns 

 * Bypasses the domain model, breaks some rules about separation
   of responsibilities (this shouldn't be a showstopper if it is 
   used in carefully controlled situations such as displaying 
   read only data in a tabular manner)

 * Loss of type safety (no compile time checking)

Map Approach


 * Minimises the data translation layer (assuming you can generically
   translate a record set into a map) 

 * Enables you to write generic table display code by using 
   taglibs to iterate over the rowset/map (assuming you can make
   assumptions about the order in which the map entries are stored)

 * Responds well to change - although not as well as the rowset version


 * Clients need to know about the contract governing the naming of the
   map keys

 * Loss of type safety (no compile time checking)

 * You'll need to wrap primitives and most access will require casting 

-Original Message-
From: Tom Ziemer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2005 15:52
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Loading data for view

Thanks for your answers.

I added a new method to my DAO that allows me to execute predefined 
queries and returns kind of general-purpose-dtos, that only consist of

a treemap which stores the requested values from the db. So I get one 
g-p-DTO per row in my ResultSet that can be passed to the view for 

Is this a bad design? Is the Transfer RowSet pattern suggested by Colm

a cleaner approach?

I am wondering whether this is not a common problem for any application 
that is based on database with a hierarchical design. Most of the time 
you won't need an entire object tree but only parts of it.


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
 Sometimes the simplest answer is the best... and even when it isn't
 best, it's *still* simple :) ...
 How about just creating a new DAO/DTO that only contains the data you
 It would be a duplication to a degree, but that's not *always* an
 absolutely evil thing... especially since it sounds like the new A
 you want to display on the page may not truly model a real domain
 (where they others I presume are) but is instead something of a
hybrid, I
 could personally live with this.
 Either that, or I would just create a single Miscellaneous DAO that
 methods that don't *quite* fit in other DAOs... maybe this is one of
 them... then you would still have a DTO for this particular case, and
 new one for each particular case in the DAO, if any more came up.
 FYI, most of my apps have the true DAO/DTOs, but they all also have
such a
 miscellaneous class for handling things exactly like this.  There tend
 be very few such cases, but they do come up, and I find this to be a
 way to organize them.  In fact, in a couple of cases I've decided to
 the DTOs inner classes of the DAO, just to make it obvious they are
 related and probably limited in their use cases.

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Re: [OT] Loading data for view

2005-08-18 Thread Tom Ziemer

Thank you, for your very elaborate answer.

After reading your post, it seems that there is really no big difference 
between the two approaches, so I guess I'll stick with what I've already 

I guess losing type safety is not a big issue, since I'll only use my 
special DTOs for display purposes and thus all values are casted to 
stings anyway.

So could we summarize this thread by saying, use DTOs only when all 
relationships are required and stick to custom queries when it comes to 
displaying data, or is this view to simplistic? Are there any common 
guidelines that help you decide, which approach to apply in a given 


McDonnell, Colm (MLIM) wrote:

Sounds like you're using a data transfer (tree)map pattern, this is
largely similar to the rowset version except for the following:

 * You have to copy values from the underlying data access 
   solution into the TreeMap

 * Your view component needs to know about the contract for
   attribute keys in the map (or perhaps not, perhaps this is 
   why you are using a TreeMap)

In the rowset version you would wrap a disconnected recordset along with
some meta data then use this meta data in your view component e.g.
iterate over the metadata to output column headers for your table, then
iterate over the data rows to output your data rows.

Which is better? No cut and dried answer but here are the pros and cons
for both so that you can decide.

Rowset Approach


 * Common interface for all general purpose, read only query 

 * Enables you to write generic table display code by using 
   taglibs to iterate over the rowset/map

 * Responds well to change - the absence of a data translation 
   layer coupled with the use of generic table display code

   leaves you view indifferent to changes in the underlying
   data set


 * Clients need to know the name of database table columns 

 * Bypasses the domain model, breaks some rules about separation
   of responsibilities (this shouldn't be a showstopper if it is 
   used in carefully controlled situations such as displaying 
   read only data in a tabular manner)

 * Loss of type safety (no compile time checking)

Map Approach


 * Minimises the data translation layer (assuming you can generically
   translate a record set into a map) 

 * Enables you to write generic table display code by using 
   taglibs to iterate over the rowset/map (assuming you can make

   assumptions about the order in which the map entries are stored)

 * Responds well to change - although not as well as the rowset version


 * Clients need to know about the contract governing the naming of the
   map keys

 * Loss of type safety (no compile time checking)

 * You'll need to wrap primitives and most access will require casting 

-Original Message-
From: Tom Ziemer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2005 15:52

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Loading data for view

Thanks for your answers.

I added a new method to my DAO that allows me to execute predefined 
queries and returns kind of general-purpose-dtos, that only consist of

a treemap which stores the requested values from the db. So I get one 
g-p-DTO per row in my ResultSet that can be passed to the view for 

Is this a bad design? Is the Transfer RowSet pattern suggested by Colm

a cleaner approach?

I am wondering whether this is not a common problem for any application 
that is based on database with a hierarchical design. Most of the time 
you won't need an entire object tree but only parts of it.


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Sometimes the simplest answer is the best... and even when it isn't


best, it's *still* simple :) ...

How about just creating a new DAO/DTO that only contains the data you


It would be a duplication to a degree, but that's not *always* an
absolutely evil thing... especially since it sounds like the new A


you want to display on the page may not truly model a real domain


(where they others I presume are) but is instead something of a

hybrid, I

could personally live with this.

Either that, or I would just create a single Miscellaneous DAO that


methods that don't *quite* fit in other DAOs... maybe this is one of
them... then you would still have a DTO for this particular case, and


new one for each particular case in the DAO, if any more came up.

FYI, most of my apps have the true DAO/DTOs, but they all also have

such a

miscellaneous class for handling things exactly like this.  There tend


be very few such cases, but they do come up, and I find this to be a


way to organize them.  In fact, in a couple of cases I've decided to


the DTOs inner classes of the DAO, just to make it obvious they are
related and probably limited in their use cases.

Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of JSP?

Two thoughts strike me as I read your discussion, and the reasoning
for which you like XSLT:

* You seem to be concluding that XSLT and JSP are mutually exclusive.
  Especially with JSP 2.0, this isn't really true ... any well formed
XML document
  is also a valid JSP2 page (in the XML syntax).  Why not build your XML
  document templates as JSPX pages, use the Struts or JSF tags to pull
  in the dynamic data, and post-process with XSLT in a filter?

* If you really like XSLT, you should probably look at using a framework
  like Cocoon, where transformation pipelines *are* the mainstream


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RE: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Mark Benussi
I used XSLT for all my applications to generate content as html files which
Struts includes in a page template using tiles.

It also allows me to search the pages as pure html content.

If you are putting logic in your page you could... don't shudder, use XSLT
to generate JSP's.

-Original Message-
From: Graham Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 18 August 2005 15:13
Subject: Struts with XSLT

Hi folks,

This isn't your usual How do I do X? type question so get ready. Hopefully

it will fuel a good discussion. I'm fairly new to struts but have a solid 
grasp of Model 2 design ideas. The problem, I suppose, is that I am a lone 
developer (for my own company) which makes it hard to get the balanced view 
of the technology arena that is aquired through working with other 
developers. Therefore I have a couple of high level architecture questions 
that I am interested to hear your views on.

The current application that I am working on uses XSLT to generate web
As you wold expect a bunch of beans (and some other objects) get converted 
into XML, run against a stylesheet and out pops a page. This is fine and the

application uses a good dose of Model 2 goodness so it's easy to manage and 
extend. Unfortunately, it has been developed with it's own MVC framework. I 
would like to convert it to use Struts but I don't want to throw away the 
flexibility given by using XSLT.

Whoa. Before you all shout But Struts can use any technology for the view 
look at stxx I have had a look at it and stxx has the smell of death around

it. As far as I can tell it has been abandoned and doesn't support Struts 
1.2.x (the front page hasn't been updated in well over a year). Further more

it is fairly obvious that Struts was designed with JSP in mind and while it 
may work with XSLT my experience of other technologies is that this type of 
usage with not be easy or pleasant.

You are probably wondering by now why I even want to use XSLT rather than
The reason is simple. XSLT provides a huge amount of flexibility and the 
cleanest separation of the view that I have found. I admit that it is a 
little more work to create a stylesheet rather than a JSP but I feel that is

worth it. I'm not 100% dead set on using XSLT. I have learnt that it is 
generally not a good idea to go against the grain and if the arguments are 
compelling enough I will switch to JSP. The problem I have with JSP is that 
with every release it feels like it gets closer to XSLT. A site I recently 
developed using JSF + JSP 2.0 (jspx) felt like the pages were nothing more 
than dumbed down stylesheets.

My other concern is that Struts 2.x seems to be heading towards total 
integration with JSF. While I love the simplicity of JSF and the speed with 
which one can create a web application it is unsuitable for use on an 
ecommerce site where the users are expected to be able to bookmark pages 
(using a refresh is a poor hack IMHO) and, more importantly, robots can't 
navigate JSF sites. A combination of technologies could be used but that
multiplies the cost of development and maintenance.

Finally then the questions.

* Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of JSP?
* Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x will turn 
out but will the idea of view technology independence be maintained?
* If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin to JSF 
will XSLT still be a viable option?

Thanks for reading this far. I really look forward to hearing your views.


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Re: Best way to store config variables

2005-08-18 Thread Konrad Billewicz

 Have you considered Spring and it's IOC framework?  Works wonderfully with
 Struts (even has a lovely plug-in to get the whole thing working together).
 The configuration is only one aspect of the whole Spring framework.

I was reading about Sprint but I was unable to catch what the Spring really is. 
I have found tutorials but there was only presented some features, no 
methodology like in Struts tutorials. I must sit and read about it more.

Configuration using some framework sounds very interesting. Could you give me 
some links where I could see how to handle configuration using Spring?

Best regards,
Konrad Billewicz

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How can I refer a control in javascript which hava a . in its name

2005-08-18 Thread Tony Smith
Hi everyone:

Here is my jsp:

   html:select ... onChange=change(this)


   html:text name=myForm
property=myobject.subobject .../


If user change the selection in the select, I would
like to change the content of the text. Thus, I
write my change() function in javascript:

script language=javascript

function change(select){

document.form[0].myobject.subobject =

But looks like this does not work. The problem is the
name of the text. In the html it is
myobject.subobject. But seems that javascript does
not take that

How can I refer the text in javascript?


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Re: How can I refer a control in javascript which hava a . in its name

2005-08-18 Thread BHansard

html:text name=myForm
property=myobject.subobject styleId=subobject .../

then get the field by using



08/18/2005 01:07 PM

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Struts Users Mailing List

Struts Users Mailing List


How can I refer a control  in _javascript_ which hava a . in its name

Hi everyone:

Here is my jsp:

  html:select ... >


  html:text name=myForm
property=myobject.subobject .../


If user change the selection in the select, I would
like to change the content of the text. Thus, I
write my change() function in _javascript_:

script language=_javascript_

function change(select){

  document.form[0].myobject.subobject =

But looks like this does not work. The problem is the
name of the text. In the html it is
myobject.subobject. But seems that _javascript_ does
not take that

How can I refer the text in _javascript_?



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Re: html-el:messages - bis

2005-08-18 Thread Laurie Harper
I can't think of a way to find out how many messages are queued for 
display, but you could do something like this (ugly, and untested):

c:set var=first value=true/
c:set var=prev value=/
html:messages id=msg
  c:if test=${not empty prev}
%-- 2nd or subsequent messsage --%
c:if test=${first}
  %-- This is the 2nd message of N; start the list --%
  c:set var=first value=false/
%-- output previous message --%
lic:out value=${prev}//li
  %-- Store current message --%
  c:set var=prev value=${msg}/
c:if test=${not empty prev}
  %-- There was at least one message --%
  c:if test=${first}
%-- There was only one message; show it --%
c:out value=${prev}/
  c:if test=${not first}
%-- There was more than one message;
 output final message and end list. --%
lic:out value=${prev}//li/ul



I have sent this post more almost 2 days ago without one response.
I hope it was simply lost with other posts but still worthy of attention.
Here is the original post:

I am unable to find a solution... even after searching... and waiting for 
the espresso to kick in.

I have messages and would like to determine the number of messages in the 
If there is more than one message format the output as a list or else just 
display the message.

Unable to come up with something.

This is what I am currently using:
logic:messagesPresent message=true
  td colspan=5 class=informationalMessage
  html-el:messages id=message message=true
 bean: write name=message filter=false/br
  td colspan=6 height=5/td

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !
- Glenn

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek:
Founder, Zotech Software:

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Re: html-el:messages - bis

2005-08-18 Thread Laurie Harper

Heh: even more of a hack, provided you're OK keeping with lists rather than 
tables as in your original example:

logic:messagesPresent message=true
  c:set var=count value=0/
  ul id=msgs
html:messages id=msg
  c:set var=count value=${count + 1}/
  lic:out value=${msg}//li
  c:if test=${count gt 1}/
  #msgs { list-style: none; }

Laurie Harper wrote:

I can't think of a way to find out how many messages are queued for 
display, but you could do something like this (ugly, and untested):

c:set var=first value=true/
c:set var=prev value=/
html:messages id=msg
  c:if test=${not empty prev}
%-- 2nd or subsequent messsage --%
c:if test=${first}
  %-- This is the 2nd message of N; start the list --%
  c:set var=first value=false/
%-- output previous message --%
lic:out value=${prev}//li
  %-- Store current message --%
  c:set var=prev value=${msg}/
c:if test=${not empty prev}
  %-- There was at least one message --%
  c:if test=${first}
%-- There was only one message; show it --%
c:out value=${prev}/
  c:if test=${not first}
%-- There was more than one message;
 output final message and end list. --%
lic:out value=${prev}//li/ul



I have sent this post more almost 2 days ago without one response.
I hope it was simply lost with other posts but still worthy of attention.
Here is the original post:

I am unable to find a solution... even after searching... and waiting 
for the espresso to kick in.

I have messages and would like to determine the number of messages in 
the bean.
If there is more than one message format the output as a list or else 
just display the message.

Unable to come up with something.

This is what I am currently using:
logic:messagesPresent message=true
  td colspan=5 class=informationalMessage
  html-el:messages id=message message=true
 bean: write name=message filter=false/br
  td colspan=6 height=5/td

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !
- Glenn

Laurie Harper
Open Source advocate, Java geek:
Founder, Zotech Software:

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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread John Martyniak

I have also successfully used Struts and XSLT,  Haven't had an issue.

I currently use JSP to generate the dynamic top component,  and then  
include the XSLT generated HTML in the main content area.

I think that it is easier to manipulate XML with XSLT then it is to  
do it with JSP/Tags.


On Aug 18, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Mark Benussi wrote:

I used XSLT for all my applications to generate content as html  
files which

Struts includes in a page template using tiles.

It also allows me to search the pages as pure html content.

If you are putting logic in your page you could... don't shudder,  
use XSLT

to generate JSP's.

-Original Message-
From: Graham Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 August 2005 15:13
Subject: Struts with XSLT

Hi folks,

This isn't your usual How do I do X? type question so get ready.  

it will fuel a good discussion. I'm fairly new to struts but have a  
grasp of Model 2 design ideas. The problem, I suppose, is that I am  
a lone
developer (for my own company) which makes it hard to get the  
balanced view

of the technology arena that is aquired through working with other
developers. Therefore I have a couple of high level architecture  

that I am interested to hear your views on.

The current application that I am working on uses XSLT to generate web
As you wold expect a bunch of beans (and some other objects) get  
into XML, run against a stylesheet and out pops a page. This is  
fine and the

application uses a good dose of Model 2 goodness so it's easy to  
manage and
extend. Unfortunately, it has been developed with it's own MVC  
framework. I
would like to convert it to use Struts but I don't want to throw  
away the

flexibility given by using XSLT.

Whoa. Before you all shout But Struts can use any technology for  
the view
look at stxx I have had a look at it and stxx has the smell of  
death around

it. As far as I can tell it has been abandoned and doesn't support  
1.2.x (the front page hasn't been updated in well over a year).  
Further more

it is fairly obvious that Struts was designed with JSP in mind and  
while it
may work with XSLT my experience of other technologies is that this  
type of

usage with not be easy or pleasant.

You are probably wondering by now why I even want to use XSLT  
rather than

The reason is simple. XSLT provides a huge amount of flexibility  
and the
cleanest separation of the view that I have found. I admit that it  
is a
little more work to create a stylesheet rather than a JSP but I  
feel that is

worth it. I'm not 100% dead set on using XSLT. I have learnt that  
it is
generally not a good idea to go against the grain and if the  
arguments are
compelling enough I will switch to JSP. The problem I have with JSP  
is that
with every release it feels like it gets closer to XSLT. A site I  
developed using JSF + JSP 2.0 (jspx) felt like the pages were  
nothing more

than dumbed down stylesheets.

My other concern is that Struts 2.x seems to be heading towards total
integration with JSF. While I love the simplicity of JSF and the  
speed with

which one can create a web application it is unsuitable for use on an
ecommerce site where the users are expected to be able to bookmark  
(using a refresh is a poor hack IMHO) and, more importantly, robots  
navigate JSF sites. A combination of technologies could be used but  

multiplies the cost of development and maintenance.

Finally then the questions.

* Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour  
of JSP?
* Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x  
will turn

out but will the idea of view technology independence be maintained?
* If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin  
to JSF

will XSLT still be a viable option?

Thanks for reading this far. I really look forward to hearing your  


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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of JSP?

No. XML/XSLT is more flexible than JSP and has been supported bunch of
other markup tecnhologies like XML, XHTML and XPath for a long time.
Keep it if it works. Don't forget that modern browsers can accept XML
and have built-in XSLT processor. So, you can send your serialized
bean data as XML with linked XSLT stylesheet with linked CSS

 * Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x will turn
 out but will the idea of view technology independence be maintained?
 * If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin to JSF
 will XSLT still be a viable option?

You can do it in Struts 1.x too. Instead of forwarding to JSP page
just stick XML (or XML/XSLT already processed into HTML) into response
object and return null from an Action class. Apparently, you would use
ActionForm for input only with request scope, and store your app data
somewhere in the session or in database.


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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Graham Smith
On Thursday 18 August 2005 20:32, Michael Jouravlev wrote:
 On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of

 No. XML/XSLT is more flexible than JSP and has been supported bunch of
 other markup tecnhologies like XML, XHTML and XPath for a long time.
 Keep it if it works. Don't forget that modern browsers can accept XML
 and have built-in XSLT processor. So, you can send your serialized
 bean data as XML with linked XSLT stylesheet with linked CSS

I'm glad to see there is some support for XSLT. Makes me feel like I haven't 
been barking up the wrong tree for the last few years. Sending the XML to the 
client is a nice idea in principal but has so many problems that IMHO it's 
not worth it. Transformation server side is cheap enough now that I don't 
worry about doing it.

  * Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x will
  turn out but will the idea of view technology independence be maintained?
  * If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin to
  JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?

 You can do it in Struts 1.x too. Instead of forwarding to JSP page
 just stick XML (or XML/XSLT already processed into HTML) into response
 object and return null from an Action class. Apparently, you would use
 ActionForm for input only with request scope, and store your app data
 somewhere in the session or in database.

That's an interesting idea. I have a look into that.




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AW: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Leon Rosenberg

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Michael Jouravlev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. August 2005 21:33
 An: Struts Users Mailing List
 Betreff: Re: Struts with XSLT
 On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in 
 favour of JSP?

Yes :-) Really. We did it a year ago, and gained A LOT of performance. Not
to mention that XSLT 
is much less powerful then jsp (custom tags, etc). At least as long, as you
are using an existing renderer.

 No. XML/XSLT is more flexible than JSP and has been supported 
 bunch of other markup tecnhologies like XML, XHTML and XPath 
 for a long time.

And are very much slower to. 

 Keep it if it works. Don't forget that modern browsers can 
 accept XML and have built-in XSLT processor. So, you can send 
 your serialized bean data as XML with linked XSLT stylesheet 
 with linked CSS stylesheet.

Now this is an urban legend :-) Each browser support it it's own way. Not to
mention each version of the redmond browser supports ist
own extensions. None of them are compatible. 

  * Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how 
 Struts 2.x will 
  turn out but will the idea of view technology independence 
 be maintained?
  * If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use 
 something akin to 
  JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?
 You can do it in Struts 1.x too. Instead of forwarding to JSP 
 page just stick XML (or XML/XSLT already processed into HTML) 
 into response object and return null from an Action class. 
 Apparently, you would use ActionForm for input only with 
 request scope, and store your app data somewhere in the 
 session or in database.

Actually it's better to write out the dom object (if you have one, but you
should, if you seriously want xslt/xml). 
I would also look into rendering with SAX, it could probably give you 40-50%
more performance then dom rendering.


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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Leon Rosenberg

 I'm glad to see there is some support for XSLT. Makes me feel 
 like I haven't been barking up the wrong tree for the last 
 few years. Sending the XML to the client is a nice idea in 
 principal but has so many problems that IMHO it's not worth 
 it. Transformation server side is cheap enough now that I 
 don't worry about doing it.

Aehm... Sorry, but this isn't quite true. Server side transformation is the
most expensive part and the biggest problem of 
XSLT (and client transformation doesn't work properly, as you mentioned). 

We tested relatively complex html pages, rendered with xslt against jsp. The
simpliest transformation (3K page) lasted about 50 milliseconds, a JSP
needed max 5 ms on the same machine. Complex pages (a lot of iterations and
custom/struts tags) needed about 50-70 
ms, same page with XSLT took half a second.

And then, with XSLT DOM transformation you need TONS of RAM. I don't think
you can serve max 200-250 users per machine with XSLT, whether with JSP you
can easily go into 600-700 hundreds on a cheap intel machine (3.4Ghz
prescott with 1024 cache, 2 gig ram for example).


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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Graham Smith
On Thursday 18 August 2005 20:52, Leon Rosenberg wrote:
  I'm glad to see there is some support for XSLT. Makes me feel
  like I haven't been barking up the wrong tree for the last
  few years. Sending the XML to the client is a nice idea in
  principal but has so many problems that IMHO it's not worth
  it. Transformation server side is cheap enough now that I
  don't worry about doing it.

 Aehm... Sorry, but this isn't quite true. Server side transformation is the
 most expensive part and the biggest problem of
 XSLT (and client transformation doesn't work properly, as you mentioned).

 We tested relatively complex html pages, rendered with xslt against jsp.
 The simpliest transformation (3K page) lasted about 50 milliseconds, a JSP
 needed max 5 ms on the same machine. Complex pages (a lot of iterations and
 custom/struts tags) needed about 50-70
 ms, same page with XSLT took half a second.

 And then, with XSLT DOM transformation you need TONS of RAM. I don't think
 you can serve max 200-250 users per machine with XSLT, whether with JSP you
 can easily go into 600-700 hundreds on a cheap intel machine (3.4Ghz
 prescott with 1024 cache, 2 gig ram for example).

I agree it is a lot more expensive than JSP but you get a lot of flexibility 
and it is very easy to create a transformation farm. (Un)Fortunately I 
don't have to deal with those sorts of loads at the moment.



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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 8/18/05, Leon Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in
  favour of JSP?
 Yes :-) Really. We did it a year ago, and gained A LOT of performance. Not
 to mention that XSLT
 is much less powerful then jsp (custom tags, etc). At least as long, as you
 are using an existing renderer.

Examples? Custom tags, you say? Parameterised templates are at least
no worse. Also, XSLT can be used with any host system, be it Java or
.NET. Portability, is what this is called? ;)

  No. XML/XSLT is more flexible than JSP and has been supported
  bunch of other markup tecnhologies like XML, XHTML and XPath
  for a long time.
 And are very much slower to.

Ever heard of translets? But even if you call XSLT processor for every
request, I D-O-N'T C-A-R-E. This is not a software problem, this is a
hardware problem. And even expensive hardware in the end of the day
comes cheaper than money spent for software workarounds. Your
experience with zillions of concurrent customers may tell you
different things, I try to respect that ;)

  Keep it if it works. Don't forget that modern browsers can
  accept XML and have built-in XSLT processor. So, you can send
  your serialized bean data as XML with linked XSLT stylesheet
  with linked CSS stylesheet.
 Now this is an urban legend :-) Each browser support it it's own way. Not to
 mention each version of the redmond browser supports ist
 own extensions. None of them are compatible.

Umm, MSXML or whatever it was called, has an old XSLT implementation.
MSIE 6.0 XSLT processor is much better. And it is around for 5 years,
so customers with MSIE less than version 6 should be simply not
supported. Heck, they probably already have bought a new car since
they installed MSIE 5. Now it is time to change oil in their computer

   * Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how
  Struts 2.x will
   turn out but will the idea of view technology independence
  be maintained?
   * If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use
  something akin to
   JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?
  You can do it in Struts 1.x too. Instead of forwarding to JSP
  page just stick XML (or XML/XSLT already processed into HTML)
  into response object and return null from an Action class.
  Apparently, you would use ActionForm for input only with
  request scope, and store your app data somewhere in the
  session or in database.
 Actually it's better to write out the dom object (if you have one, but you
 should, if you seriously want xslt/xml).
 I would also look into rendering with SAX, it could probably give you 40-50%
 more performance then dom rendering.

Did not quite get that. If you want to work directly with DOM, then
you probably need to return XML, that is what Ajax components usually
do. If you return server-side-processed HTML, then what DOM are you
talking about? Well yes, browser will create DOM based on HTML
received, but you do not alter DOM *directly* from server.

Oh, you did not mean browser DOM? You meant to return XML containg app
data from server-side DOM? Then how does that correlate with your
dismissal of client-side XSLT processing?

Also, try StAX. I have not run any perfomance tests myself, but they
say it is faster than SAX. At least, not slower. And is easier to use.
Get one from Sun's JSWDP 1.6, don't use JSWDP 1.5, it contains a
serious parsing bug. Had a problem and it took a while to realise that
it had been in fact not my fault this time ;)


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Testing Struts With JUnit

2005-08-18 Thread Luiz Godoy


I´m trying to test the action below :

public class FamiliaDNCAction extends BasicAction {

public ActionForward unspecified(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm 
actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws 
BusinessException {
  Set msgs = new HashSet();  
  return loadPage(actionMapping,actionForm,request,response);

public ActionForward loadPage(ActionMapping actionMapping, ActionForm 
actionForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws 
BusinessException {
  HttpSession session=request.getSession();
  CadastroFamiliaDNC cad = new CadastroFamiliaDNC();
 FamiliaDNCForm form = (FamiliaDNCForm) actionForm;
  List dados = cad.findByCodigoDependencia(form.getCodDependencia().intValue());
  return actionMapping.findForward(inicial);


The parameters for the action are -- calls the class
ev -- the parameter for the method, when not set calls unspecified method

public class TestFamiliaDNCAction extends MockStrutsTestCase{
 FamiliaDNCAction fdnca;
  public TestFamiliaDNCAction(String nomeDoTeste) {
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
fdnca = new FamiliaDNCAction();

  public void testLoadPage() {

 I´m getting nullPointerException, when i try to test it. I´m not sure 
witch parameters i add to the request for example in the action form i have:

form name=form2 method=post action=./
  input type=hidden name=codFamiliaDNC value=
  input type=hidden name=codTipoFamiliaInsumo
  input type=hidden name=codDependencia

My question is, witch parameters do i put in the addRequestParameter(?,?); ?

any clue ?

Thanks in advance 


Luiz Octavio Godoy 

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Re: How can I refer a control in javascript which hava a . in its name

2005-08-18 Thread Jeff Beal
You also have the option of doing document.form[0]['myobject.subobject']. 

  html:text name=myForm
  property=myobject.subobject styleId=subobject .../
  then get the field by using

 08/18/2005 01:07 PM  
 Please respond to
  Struts Users Mailing List
  Struts Users Mailing List  

  How can I refer a control  in javascript which hava a . in its name

  Hi everyone:
  Here is my jsp:
 html:select ... onChange=change(this)
 html:text name=myForm
  property=myobject.subobject .../
  If user change the selection in the select, I would
  like to change the content of the text. Thus, I
  write my change() function in javascript:
  script language=javascript
  function change(select){
  document.form[0].myobject.subobject =
  But looks like this does not work. The problem is the
  name of the text. In the html it is
  myobject.subobject. But seems that javascript does
  not take that
  How can I refer the text in javascript?

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AW: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Leon Rosenberg

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Michael Jouravlev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. August 2005 22:11
 An: Struts Users Mailing List
 Betreff: Re: Struts with XSLT

 Ever heard of translets? But even if you call XSLT processor 
 for every request, I D-O-N'T C-A-R-E. This is not a software 
 problem, this is a hardware problem. And even expensive 
 hardware in the end of the day comes cheaper than money spent 
 for software workarounds. Your experience with zillions of 
 concurrent customers may tell you different things, I try to 
 respect that ;)

Well, there are actually some hardware requirements, like max. amount of RAM
you can use effectively on linux and so on. 
But, by the way, who said, the software development with XSLT/XML is faster
then with JSP/JAVA-Objects? I highly doubt it :-)

   Keep it if it works. Don't forget that modern browsers can accept 
   XML and have built-in XSLT processor. So, you can send your 
   serialized bean data as XML with linked XSLT stylesheet 
 with linked 
   CSS stylesheet.
  Now this is an urban legend :-) Each browser support it 
 it's own way. 
  Not to mention each version of the redmond browser supports ist own 
  extensions. None of them are compatible.
 Umm, MSXML or whatever it was called, has an old XSLT implementation.
 MSIE 6.0 XSLT processor is much better. And it is around for 
 5 years, so customers with MSIE less than version 6 should be 
 simply not supported. Heck, they probably already have bought 
 a new car since they installed MSIE 5. Now it is time to 
 change oil in their computer too.

I'm not even sure, that 6.0 sp1 and 6.0 sp2 have the same xslt processor. My
experience with microsoft tells me, that 7.0 will differ. Not to mention
mozilla and opera. And what about the coming google browser?

* Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how
   Struts 2.x will
turn out but will the idea of view technology independence
   be maintained?
* If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use
   something akin to
JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?
   You can do it in Struts 1.x too. Instead of forwarding to 
 JSP page 
   just stick XML (or XML/XSLT already processed into HTML) into 
   response object and return null from an Action class.
   Apparently, you would use ActionForm for input only with request 
   scope, and store your app data somewhere in the session or in 
  Actually it's better to write out the dom object (if you 
 have one, but 
  you should, if you seriously want xslt/xml).
  I would also look into rendering with SAX, it could 
 probably give you 
  40-50% more performance then dom rendering.
 Did not quite get that. If you want to work directly with 
 DOM, then you probably need to return XML, that is what Ajax 
 components usually do. If you return server-side-processed 
 HTML, then what DOM are you talking about? Well yes, browser 
 will create DOM based on HTML received, but you do not alter 
 DOM *directly* from server.
 Oh, you did not mean browser DOM? You meant to return XML 
 containg app data from server-side DOM? Then how does that 
 correlate with your dismissal of client-side XSLT processing?

I must have misunderstand what i read, mea culpa :-) 
But funny things, with resin, a jsp which is rendering xml is faster then
xml written out by servlet, which is faster then xml written out by the
action (The JSPWriter in resin is highly optimized). What i ment with DOM,
was not writing xml somehow, but leting your business logic return
dom-objects instead of whatever-we-might-call-it normal java objects. On
the other hand, it would mean transmitting overhead on the net between
webserver and business logic. But if you use an XML DB on the other hand...
Ok, let's say, you have to test it out :-)

 Also, try StAX. I have not run any perfomance tests myself, 
 but they say it is faster than SAX. At least, not slower. And 
 is easier to use.
 Get one from Sun's JSWDP 1.6, don't use JSWDP 1.5, it 
 contains a serious parsing bug. Had a problem and it took a 
 while to realise that it had been in fact not my fault this time ;)

Notched, thanx.



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RE: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Eduardo Ribeiro da Silva
Anybody knows how I can generate JSP with struts tags with XSLT and pass JSP to 
JSPProcessor, for compile them? Because I have tags that client browse simple 
don't known.

-Original Message- 
From: John Martyniak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 8/18/2005 7:08 AM 
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Subject: Re: Struts with XSLT

I have also successfully used Struts and XSLT,  Haven't had an issue.

I currently use JSP to generate the dynamic top component,  and then 
include the XSLT generated HTML in the main content area.

I think that it is easier to manipulate XML with XSLT then it is to 
do it with JSP/Tags.


On Aug 18, 2005, at 12:36 PM, Mark Benussi wrote:

 I used XSLT for all my applications to generate content as html 
 files which
 Struts includes in a page template using tiles.

 It also allows me to search the pages as pure html content.

 If you are putting logic in your page you could... don't shudder, 
 use XSLT
 to generate JSP's.

 -Original Message-
 From: Graham Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 18 August 2005 15:13
 Subject: Struts with XSLT

 Hi folks,

 This isn't your usual How do I do X? type question so get ready. 

 it will fuel a good discussion. I'm fairly new to struts but have a 
 grasp of Model 2 design ideas. The problem, I suppose, is that I am 
 a lone
 developer (for my own company) which makes it hard to get the 
 balanced view
 of the technology arena that is aquired through working with other
 developers. Therefore I have a couple of high level architecture 
 that I am interested to hear your views on.

 The current application that I am working on uses XSLT to generate web
 As you wold expect a bunch of beans (and some other objects) get 
 into XML, run against a stylesheet and out pops a page. This is 
 fine and the

 application uses a good dose of Model 2 goodness so it's easy to 
 manage and
 extend. Unfortunately, it has been developed with it's own MVC 
 framework. I
 would like to convert it to use Struts but I don't want to throw 
 away the
 flexibility given by using XSLT.

 Whoa. Before you all shout But Struts can use any technology for 
 the view
 look at stxx I have had a look at it and stxx has the smell of 
 death around

 it. As far as I can tell it has been abandoned and doesn't support 
 1.2.x (the front page hasn't been updated in well over a year). 
 Further more

 it is fairly obvious that Struts was designed with JSP in mind and 
 while it
 may work with XSLT my experience of other technologies is that this 
 type of
 usage with not be easy or pleasant.

 You are probably wondering by now why I even want to use XSLT 
 rather than
 The reason is simple. XSLT provides a huge amount of flexibility 
 and the
 cleanest separation of the view that I have found. I admit that it 
 is a
 little more work to create a stylesheet rather than a JSP but I 
 feel that is

 worth it. I'm not 100% dead set on using XSLT. I have learnt that 
 it is
 generally not a good idea to go against the grain and if the 
 arguments are
 compelling enough I will switch to JSP. The problem I have with JSP 
 is that
 with every release it feels like it gets closer to XSLT. A site I 
 developed using JSF + JSP 2.0 (jspx) felt like the pages were 
 nothing more
 than dumbed down stylesheets.

 My other concern is that Struts 2.x seems to be heading towards total
 integration with JSF. While I love the simplicity of JSF and the 
 speed with
 which one can create a web application it is unsuitable for use on an
 ecommerce site where the users are expected to be able to bookmark 
 (using a refresh is a poor hack IMHO) and, more importantly, robots 
 navigate JSF sites. A combination of technologies could be used but 
 multiplies the cost of development and maintenance.

 Finally then the questions.

 * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour 

RE: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Dharmendra . Sharan
Hi All,

   Seems a bit of the silver bullet scenario is going in the discussion of 
XSLT versus Struts approach, someone has correctly said there's no silver 

   You are required to use your judgement based on your experience on which 
tool/technique to use for what situation for optimal results. Again I don't 
claim to know all but here' my 2 cents on some of these off the top of my head:-


i. Multiple rendering formats for multiple channels/devices. 


i. Usually very slow for complex page with lot of transformations

a. Cleaning up very complex navigations into more manageable and 
maintainable structure.


a. It's in bed with JSP rendering, and lot of the add-ons can't be 
utilized generically such as in the case of XMS/XSLT

  Again technologies tend to evolve over time, just like Servlets was the 
thing to do when all you had was CGI, and Struts improvised on Servlets to 
make the hard wiring and navigation of the controller servlet into more 
managable XML configuration. And now there's JSF/Shales/Spring Framework and 
God knows what else... so take your pick and mix and match for best results! 
There no silver bullet is what I'll still say... with time everything changes.


ps: have a good day!

-Original Message-
From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 4:28 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: AW: Struts with XSLT


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Michael Jouravlev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. August 2005 22:11
 An: Struts Users Mailing List
 Betreff: Re: Struts with XSLT

 Ever heard of translets? But even if you call XSLT processor 
 for every request, I D-O-N'T C-A-R-E. This is not a software 
 problem, this is a hardware problem. And even expensive 
 hardware in the end of the day comes cheaper than money spent 
 for software workarounds. Your experience with zillions of 
 concurrent customers may tell you different things, I try to 
 respect that ;)

Well, there are actually some hardware requirements, like max. amount of RAM
you can use effectively on linux and so on. 
But, by the way, who said, the software development with XSLT/XML is faster
then with JSP/JAVA-Objects? I highly doubt it :-)

   Keep it if it works. Don't forget that modern browsers can accept 
   XML and have built-in XSLT processor. So, you can send your 
   serialized bean data as XML with linked XSLT stylesheet 
 with linked 
   CSS stylesheet.
  Now this is an urban legend :-) Each browser support it 
 it's own way. 
  Not to mention each version of the redmond browser supports ist own 
  extensions. None of them are compatible.
 Umm, MSXML or whatever it was called, has an old XSLT implementation.
 MSIE 6.0 XSLT processor is much better. And it is around for 
 5 years, so customers with MSIE less than version 6 should be 
 simply not supported. Heck, they probably already have bought 
 a new car since they installed MSIE 5. Now it is time to 
 change oil in their computer too.

I'm not even sure, that 6.0 sp1 and 6.0 sp2 have the same xslt processor. My
experience with microsoft tells me, that 7.0 will differ. Not to mention
mozilla and opera. And what about the coming google browser?

* Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how
   Struts 2.x will
turn out but will the idea of view technology independence
   be maintained?
* If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use
   something akin to
JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?
   You can do it in Struts 1.x too. Instead of forwarding to 
 JSP page 
   just stick XML (or XML/XSLT already processed into HTML) into 
   response object and return null from an Action class.
   Apparently, you would use ActionForm for input only with request 
   scope, and store your app data somewhere in the session or in 
  Actually it's better to write out the dom object (if you 
 have one, but 
  you should, if you seriously want xslt/xml).
  I would also look into rendering with SAX, it could 
 probably give you 
  40-50% more performance then dom rendering.
 Did not quite get that. If you want to work directly with 
 DOM, then you probably need to return XML, that is what Ajax 
 components usually do. If you return server-side-processed 
 HTML, then what DOM are you talking about? Well yes, browser 
 will create DOM based on HTML received, but you do not alter 
 DOM *directly* from server.
 Oh, you did not mean browser DOM? You meant to return XML 
 containg app data from server-side DOM? Then how does that 
 correlate with your dismissal of client-side XSLT processing?

I must have misunderstand what i read, mea culpa :-) 
But funny things, with resin, a jsp which is rendering xml is faster then
xml written out by servlet, 

Re: Struts and Laszlo

2005-08-18 Thread C.F. Scheidecker Antunes


I have designed Laszlo applications having both PHP and Servlets as 

It worked great and your idea is right on.
In fact I am starting a Struts/Laszlo app pretty soon.
Have in mind that Laszlo is the View of the MVC model.
I understand that you can also use Laszlo as the controler.
But I had a project done for School with laszlo and Servlets and the way 
I've used Laszlo was to
act as the view model and do browser validation as you can have 
Javascript with Laszlo.
Other than that all the logic and interaction with the business layer 
were done by my servlets.

With Struts the principle is the same.

Keep in mind one thing for Laszlo. Even if you only post data to your 
Struts action you have to return some

sort of xml structure or your Laszlo app will crash.
Something like:
or result status=success/

Basicaly instead of having a JSP front end you will have a Laszlo front end.
However programming it with Laszlo is more like doing a GUI app with 
events and all other

than a CGI application.

good luck Luc

Lucas Bern wrote:

Hia guys...

I´would it be a nosense to integrate Laszlo with struts???

I think Laszlo is responsible for controlling the application, so, may be we 
can hav struts incharge of generating data in XML format so that Laszlo 
presentation server show it???

I´m thinking of extending struts so that its output be XML for laszlo (or who 
ever), abstracting it form HTML...

am I making a mountain from a stone ...

I mean, a servlet would be enough???


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Re: Question on log on with SecurityFilter and JDBCRealm

2005-08-18 Thread C.F. Scheidecker Antunes


Yeah, great idea. In fact I was reading about that on O'Reilly's Struts 

I have one question to you though:

How is the filter executed? After the login? Or after every http request 
to the server?
What does fire the filter up? Is it like an event for a GUI app? I would 
like to understand this

concept better.



Mitchell, Steven C wrote:

Have you considered using a Filter to put the extra stuff in your
Session?  We use an initialization Filter that looks up a User record
based on the authenticated user id.  We then place that User object both
in the Session and a thread local variable so that it is available to
all the layers of our framework.  Our DAO classes use the thread local
variable to set things like Last Updated By.  If you use the thread
local variable make sure the last thing the Filter does is to set it to
null so that the thread is not returned to the container's thread pool
with the User object.

public void doFilter( final ServletRequest servletRequest, 
   final ServletResponse servletResponse, 
   final FilterChain filterChain )

   throws IOException, ServletException
   if ( servletRequest instanceof HttpServletRequest )
   final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = 
   (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;

   final String remoteUser =
   if ( DataHelper.empty( remoteUser ) || 
   null.equalsIgnoreCase( remoteUser ) )

   if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
   log.debug( No User info Available );
   } //end if
   ThreadContext.setUser( null );

   } //end if
   final HttpSession session =
httpServletRequest.getSession( true );
   User user = (User) session.getAttribute(
   if ( user == null )
   user = UserController.findUserByLoginId(
remoteUser );
   if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
   log.debug( Initializing user  +
user.getUserId() );
   } //end if
   } //end try
   catch ( final Exception e )
   throw new ServletException( e );
   } //end catch
   session.setAttribute( SESSION_TOKEN_SYSUSER, user );

   } //end if
   ThreadContext.setUser( user );

   } //end else
   } //end if

   filterChain.doFilter( servletRequest, servletResponse );
   ThreadContext.setUser( null ); //Clear the thread before
returning it to the server's thread pool

Steve Mitchell
UMB Bank

-Original Message-
From: C.F. Scheidecker Antunes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 12:50 PM

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Question on log on with SecurityFilter and JDBCRealm

Hello all,

I've managed to have successful authentication with securityFilter and 

I have a few questions that I was hoping you could clarify for me.

After the login is successful, is there any way to forward that to a 
success page/action
so that I can add extra stuff to the session context? This is my 
login-config session

in the securityfilter-config.xml file:


My second question is concernig accessing the username value from the 
session context.

How is that stored in the session? How can I access it?
My login.jsp form uses standard j_security_check for the action on the 
login form, j_username, j_password for the 2 inputs.

I would like, after the login is succesful to forward that to an action 
in order to access the database using the username as a key and return

an userID number that I also want to store in the session. How can I
accomplish this?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: How can I refer a control in javascript which hava a . in i ts name

2005-08-18 Thread Adrian_Rios
Try this: document.all['myForm'].value


Senior Programmer Analyst, Tax Distributed Systems Development

Tax  Compliance Development, ADP IT

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-Original Message-
From: Jeff Beal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:26 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How can I refer a control in javascript which hava a . in its

You also have the option of doing document.form[0]['myobject.subobject']. 

  html:text name=myForm
  property=myobject.subobject styleId=subobject .../
  then get the field by using

 08/18/2005 01:07 PM  
 Please respond to
  Struts Users Mailing List
  Struts Users Mailing List  

  How can I refer a control  in javascript which hava a . in its name

  Hi everyone:
  Here is my jsp:
 html:select ... onChange=change(this)
 html:text name=myForm
  property=myobject.subobject .../
  If user change the selection in the select, I would
  like to change the content of the text. Thus, I
  write my change() function in javascript:
  script language=javascript
  function change(select){
  document.form[0].myobject.subobject =
  But looks like this does not work. The problem is the
  name of the text. In the html it is
  myobject.subobject. But seems that javascript does
  not take that
  How can I refer the text in javascript?

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RE: How can I refer a control in javascript which hava a . in i ts name

2005-08-18 Thread BHansard

Be aware that document.all is IE specific.


08/18/2005 06:43 PM

Please respond to
Struts Users Mailing List



RE: How can I refer a control in _javascript_ which hava a . in i ts name

Try this: document.all['myForm'].value


Senior Programmer Analyst, Tax Distributed Systems Development

Tax  Compliance Development, ADP IT

Phone: (909) 592-6411 Ext. 3863


-Original Message-
From: Jeff Beal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 1:26 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How can I refer a control in _javascript_ which hava a . in its

You also have the option of doing document.form[0]['myobject.subobject']. 

 html:text name=myForm
 property=myobject.subobject styleId=subobject .../
 then get the field by using
 08/18/2005 01:07 PM 
 Please respond to
 Struts Users Mailing List
 Struts Users Mailing List 
 How can I refer a control in _javascript_ which hava a . in its name  
 Hi everyone:
 Here is my jsp:
   html:select ... >
   html:text name=myForm
 property=myobject.subobject .../
 If user change the selection in the select, I would
 like to change the content of the text. Thus, I
 write my change() function in _javascript_:
 script language=_javascript_
 function change(select){
   document.form[0].myobject.subobject =
 But looks like this does not work. The problem is the
 name of the text. In the html it is
 myobject.subobject. But seems that _javascript_ does
 not take that
 How can I refer the text in _javascript_?
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Re: Shale ... where can I find out more?

2005-08-18 Thread Lixin Chu
thanks !

On 8/18/05, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  is there a road map/milestone for Shale developemnt ?
  I am pretty comfortable with Struts now but would like to explore
  Shale in the next project.
 Craig has posted a roadmap on the Struts Wiki:
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Resizing output image from a Struts Action

2005-08-18 Thread C.F. Scheidecker Antunes

Hello all,

I have an action to retrieve an image from a database BLOB field and 
display it.

It works great.

However I wanted to resize the image proportionaly. Hence I think on 
writing a second action, that would
call the first in order to retrieve the image. Then, would work on this 
image to resize it and send it over to the browser.

Or maybe change the original action to do that to save the overhead.

I would like to know how to accomplish image resizing in Java. The image 
can be a JPG, a GIF or a BMP. Hence I need to handle
all these situations depending on the Content/Type that is stored in the 
database along with the BLOB.

When you retrieve a BLOB you write it to a ByteArrayOutputStream. Then 
you just set the response.SetContentType , setContentLength and send the 
ByteArrayOutputStream by calling the method .toByteArray() and .flush.

I have two options, I can change the original Action to accept a request 
attribute to determine the width or height. Then I can work the image 
and spit it out. The way I think about it is that I would need to, 
somehow, create an Image object by taking the ByteArray from the 
ByteArrayOutputStream. This image object could be a JPG, GIF or BMP. I 
would determine which one to use based on the Content/Type of the 
database. They this object could be resized and return a byteArray that 
I could send to the browser.

I guess I have most of it done but I would like advise on how to:

1) Construct a JPG, GIF or BMP object with the ByteArray
2) Resize this object and produce a resided ByteArray so that I can send 
it to the browser.

Any ideas on how to perform that?

Any documentation regarding this that I could browse?



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Using custom tags and struts together

2005-08-18 Thread Murray Collingwood
Hello all

Has anybody successfully used Stuts tags and Custom tags together?

For example:
Consider a custom tag with the following code:
  out.println(html:link action=\\ + entry[ix] + /html:link);

The custom tag appears to write the output directly to the socket without 
further Struts 
tag evaluation, consequently the HTML source on the browser includes 
html:link which 
it doesn't understand.

1. How about writing the link using a href=/WEB-INF/pages/update.jsp/a
  When I do this I lose the connection to my current session.  Not a solution.

2. Try return true in the theBodyShouldBeEvaluatedAgain method.
  I tried this and the code got into a loop (I believe this simply recurses 
back through my 
code).  If I am supposed to use this somebody will need to tell me a simple way 
stopping the recursion.

3. The only other alternative I have is to look into the Struts source code and 
try and 
find some internal method to call to evaluate the generated code before I print 
it to the 

Hope somebody has tried to do this before...

Kind regards

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Re: Struts with XSLT

2005-08-18 Thread Peter Maas
We have been using stxx for a while now, mostly for output
transformations only and it work perfectly. I would recommend you to
consider it, and I have no stock in stxx ;-) !

Apart from this, we quite often use inline XSL transformations provided
by JSTL nowadays not as flexible, but certainly useful in 'hybrid'

Complex form stuff, and pages which need to be update oftern are mostly
taken care of by jsp2.0 pages seems that our designers prefer jsp2.0
over the (for them) more complex XSLT.



On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 16:31 +0100, Graham Smith wrote:
 On Thursday 18 August 2005 16:02, Don Brown wrote:
  Hmm...smell of death for stxx might be a bit harsh :)  
 Yeah ok, it was a bit harsh - sorry. I'll take another look. It's sometimes 
 hard to know when a project is on it's last legs though. A message from one 
 of the core developers within an hour is a pretty good assurance that it's 
 alive and kicking though :o)
  While it true I 
  need to get a release out that better supports 1.2, I've been using it
  in production for over a year without problems, and would recommend
  you take another look.  You, of course, are welcome to get involved,
  submit patches, even join the project.
 I have been looking for a project to work on in my spare time (just a mo 
 I pick myself up off the floor from laughing at the idea of having spare 
 time). If I decide to stick with XSLT I'll probably contribute.
  Regarding Struts and XSLT, I've had a good experience ditching JSP.
  XSLT is powerful and fun even once you get the hang of it.  Now to
  your questions...
  On 8/18/05, Graham Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  snip /
   * Should I just stop fighting city hall and abandon XSLT in favour of
   JSP? * Perhaps it's still a little early to say exactly how Struts 2.x
   will turn out but will the idea of view technology independence be
  Of course there isn't a Struts 2.0, yet anyways, but Struts Shale is
  already exploring an alternate view, HTML templates, for JSF and JSF
  itself is designed to be view independent, however, I haven't heard of
  any view handlers that use XSLT yet.  
 I certainly couldn't call myself a JSF expert but I have, I believe, had 
 enough experience of it to realise that the intended goal writing one page 
 and using alternative renders for different devices doesn't really work. 
 While it's great that you can, in theory, install other renders for the JSF 
 tags it rapidly becomes almost impossible to maintain. 
 I can't believe, for instance, that it would be possible to develop a page 
 that would look good in both a standard browser and a mobile phone. This is 
 at the heart of my interest in XSLT. It removes the whole plug-in render mess 
 that JSF seems to have got itself into. On the flip side the reason I am 
 interested in using JSPs is that I only need to develop for fully featured 
 Thanks for the feedback,
  Another project we are working 
  on in the sandbox, Struts Ti, already has support for XSLT.
  Hope that helps,
   * If Struts 2.x doesn't (essentiall) force us to use something akin to
   JSF will XSLT still be a viable option?
   Thanks for reading this far. I really look forward to hearing your views.
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