struts Locale problem after rebooting WebSphere AppServer

2005-09-08 Thread Silvija Cardzic-Mrsa

My struts application is installed on a WebSphere Application Server. 
AppServer and OS is installed in english language version.
In the struts application I'm setting the locale to german, for formatting 
date and time values and saving to database - it works fine so far. 
After rebooting the server (all installed applications will be restarted), 
I get an error message when saving datetime values to database: 
Date/Timeformat is not valid. 
So the application is not working, despite of locale is set correctly.

If I restart the single application in the WebSphere Administratior 
Console it works again.

This problem appears only if server/os language and locale I'm setting are 

Im setting the locale like this:
Locale.setDefault(new Locale("de","DE","EURO"));
Locale loc = new Locale("de","DE","EURO");

IBM WebSphere Application Server for Network Deployment,
JDK Version: 1.4.2_06-b03
Struts 1.1
Versata Struts

[9/7/05 14:56:14:156 CEST]  da6e2e5 WebGroup  I SRVE0180I: [Online 
Reservierung] [/OnlineReservierung] [Servlet.LOG]: [SEVERE] (2005-09-07 
14:56:14 CEST com.versata.vstruts.struts.action.VLSStandardAction 
handleException) Handling exception; forward alias = "saveAllFailure", 
exception message = "DataSource "rentObjTransactDS" cannot parse 
"08.09.2005" as a valid DATE for field "PlanCheckInDate" (using Format 
instance stored under key 
[9/7/05 14:56:14:156 CEST]  da6e2e5 WebGroup  I SRVE0181I: [Online 
Reservierung] [/OnlineReservierung] [Servlet.LOG]: [SEVERE] (2005-09-07 
14:56:14 CEST com.versata.vstruts.struts.action.VLSStandardAction 
handleException) Created ActionError for IllegalArgumentException; key = 
"", exception message = "An exception was encountered 
while updating data"
: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: An exception was encountered while 
updating data

Thanks for help

RE: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Lombart Vincent \(DBB\)

I have removed struts-el.jar, replaced jstl.jar and standard.jar with those 
from jakarta-taglibs-standard-1.1.2 and replaced the  tag with 
the  one.

That does not make a difference,  does not find the bean either.

Best regards

-Original Message-
From: Karr, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: jeudi 8 septembre 2005 15:49
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: nested  and 

If you're using Tomcat 5, a JSP 2.0 container, you shouldn't use
Struts-EL.  Just use the plain Struts jar, and make sure your web.xml
uses the Servlet 2.4 schema.

> -Original Message-
> From: Lombart Vincent (DBB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Does anybody know why the following JSP code does not work:
>paramId="monitorName" paramName="icol">
> "monitorBean" contains rows, and each row contains columns
> (of type String).
> The JSP code should build a table from this bean, displaying
> one String in each cell, with a hyperlink of the type
> ".../".
> However, I get the error:
> 2005-09-08 11:54:47,082 ERROR InsertTag - ServletException in
> '/WEB-INF/jsp/multimonitor.jsp': Cannot find bean icol in any scope
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean icol in any scope
>   at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageExceptio
> n(
>   at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(
>   at
> org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.multimonitor_jsp._jspService(mu
>   at
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
> ...
> I have tried to modify "icol" to be a bean with a String
> property rather than a simple String, but it does not work
> either. If I remove the  part, everything works
> perfectly, i.e.  is able to find "icol". I have put
> some code before the  that shows that "icol" is
> defined in page scope. I have used  paramName="irow"> and it finds "irow", although "irow" is
> defined just like "icol".
> I am using Tomcat 5.0.25 and Struts 1.2.7 with the included
> struts-el.jar.
> Thanks in advance to anybody who can give me an answer...
> Best regards
> --
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Re: el versions

2005-09-08 Thread Ayusman dikshit

Hi All,

This might be a very silly question but what do we mean by an el

Can any one be little elaborate please.



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RE: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

2005-09-08 Thread R Rajendran
Go through the Wrox publication Book - "Professional Jakarta Struts"

From: M. Imran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 9/8/2005 4:58 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

I was wondering if I can use Struts with Eclipse (3.1) or some free plugins.
MyEclipse is a good option but its not free.

- Original Message -
From: "Ayusman dikshit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

> Hi Imran,
> Try to download latest MyEclipse (just google it and u will find it) and
> download this pdf
>  this
> will guide you thru. , hope this helps.
> Regards
> Ayusman
> -Original Message-
> From: M. Imran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7
> Dear all,
> I am trying to build my first application with Tomcat, Eclipse 3.1 &
> Struts 1.2.7, can anyone tell me how to configure them? Any help link or
> example will be much appreciated?
> Thanks you,
> Imran
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Cookie problem is killing me

2005-09-08 Thread David Thielen


No this isn't a struts problem - but this is driving me up the wall and
there are a lot of smart people here.


This is all on my system - Windows XP / IIS 5.1. So I am hitting localhost
from IE to tomcat.


When I add a cookie to the HttpServletResponse, if I leave the cookie domain
unset (ie null), then it creates a cookie using the name of the servlet.


If I set the domain - I have tried "localhost", ".localhost", "belle", and
".belle" (my computer's name is belle), then no cookie is saved.


Any idea why?


Thanks - dave



David Thielen



RE: Struts forward and jsessionid

2005-09-08 Thread Gary VanMatre
You might try using the JSTL tags.  Something like this:

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri=""; %>


-- Original message -- 

> Hi Michael 
> In my case, I'm working with WAP applications that require the jsessionid to 
> be in the URL. In the case of Struts redirect forward it doesn't put the 
> jsessionid in the URL. When I browse using a WAP my session is lost in the 
> process. 
> Regards, 
> Néstor Boscán 
> -Mensaje original- 
> De: Michael Jouravlev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Enviado el: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:18 PM 
> Para: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Asunto: Re: Struts forward and jsessionid 
> On 9/8/05, Néstor Boscán wrote: 
> > Hi 
> > 
> > How can I guarantee that Struts will send the jsessionid parameter 
> > with each forward with redirection?. 
> Struts does not have to send session ID with forward, since forward occurs 
> on server only. Struts (actually, the servlet container) sends session ID to 
> browser when you create session on server. After initial handshake, session 
> ID is sent back and forth as a cookie if browser supports cookies. If not, 
> server rewrites all urls and includes session ID into them, so when you 
> click on link, session ID is sent back to server. 
> JSP has session turned on by default. So even if you do not start session 
> explicitly, it will be started after first JSP is displayed. 
> As application developer you do not need to care about this. This is a 
> problem of servlet container and browser. All you need, is to make sure that 
> session is established and is not recreated anew each time. 
> Michael. 
> - 
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Re: Chain of commands in 1.3

2005-09-08 Thread Joe Germuska

At 4:20 PM -0700 9/8/05, Michael Jouravlev wrote:

I still have couple of questions before checking out the 1.3 source code.

I'm going to take them out of order, as some are simpler than others.

(1) The first one is where to check 1.3 out from?

You figured this one out: has 
information about all the many ways to acquire Struts.  Frankly, if 
you have Maven installed, it's really not a big deal to check out 
code from the repository, and it may be easier to keep up with 
incremental changes.  Do what works for you, of course.

(4) Neither Bill's article nor Vic's example stress out the scope of
the Context. Is it filled out for each request? Can I set up the scope
for the Context? Considering that Context has accessors for request,
session and servletcontext, it should be a long-term object. Whom it
belongs to? Should access to it be synchronized?

The ActionContext instance is request scoped.  It is created by the 
Request Processor before the base chain command is invoked.  Struts 
will never spawn an additional thread which might contend for simple 
properties of the ActionContext, so unless you have some exotic 
programming models, it is probably save to consider it threadsafe.

Of course, the ActionContext may well have references to things which 
may require more careful access, including but not limited to the 

(5) It is nice that process() is changed into a chain, but what are
the relations and dependencies between the commands? How do they
affect each other? What do they store in the context and what do they
expect? What would be the effect of removing a standard command or
adding a new one? This question does not require immediate answer,
rather a reminder for better docs ;-)

I won't try to answer it all now, but note that as we stand right 
now, there are still some unfortunate internal dependencies on order 
of execution which were just a result of an imperfect first pass at 
translating the original RequestProcessor into the chain based one. 
Of course several commands expect one or two objects to be in the 
context, and this should be documented more clearly; however, 
particularly regarding post-form-validation behavior, there's too 
much hard coded logic testing things like "is the form valid."  The 
chain's control logic should actually prevent the context from 
reaching a command which has that concern, but the initial 
commons-chain implementation (as well, perhaps, as the nature of 
expressing conditional logic in XML) make that harder than it should 
be.  This is something which is relatively likely to change before 
Struts 1.3 goes GA.  Not radically, but enough that if you are 
customizing the chain-config.xml for your app, you should pay close 
attention to changes in interim releases and discussions on the dev 

(well, it turns out that I answered more of this later than I thought 
I would, in answering item 6, so read on if your curiosity has been 

(2) How tight is integration between commands from chain-config.xml
and actions from struts-config.xml ? Should not it be possible to
define actions in chain-config.xml as commands? I know that actions
have more attributes and they have  elements, but tighter
integration would be a great thing.

I look at Vic's example [3]:

=== cut here ===


The classes (now there can be more than one!) to be executed in the
testCmd chain are specified in a chain-config.xml, similar to


=== cut here ===

Instead of one config file I have two files now. Um, I would rather
had less XML than more.

Command returns true or false, Action returns ActionForward. How does
this work? Where the action forward is returned to? Is it set into the

There are a few questions in here.  First, the explicit ones at the 
end: the command which executes an action takes the ActionForward 
which is returned and places it in the ActionContext in "the right 
place."  If you chose to attach a command to an  mapping and 
leave out the "type" attribute, then your command should assume the 
responsibility of populating the "actionConfig" property of the 
ActionContext, which is the net effect of the ExecuteAction command.

Note that it is possible to have a command execute in addition to 
having an Action execute.  After some discussions about Struts Ti on 
the dev list, I now wonder if we should have (or ought yet to) set 
that up so that the looked up command is somehow used as the first in 
a chain which is also composed of the rest of those standard 
commands.  I'm not entirely sure how this would happen, but it would 
allow you to set up a Filter instead of a simple command, and 
therefore have access to the action context twice, much like the 
WebWork interceptors that have inspired some of Don's thinking in 
Struts Ti.  I think this is something relatively reachable, but since 
I've never programmed with the Interceptor model, I don't think

Re: To maintain combobox selected

2005-09-08 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Good!  As much as I truly hate being wrong about anything, this is one 
of those times I'm glad I am :)


Laurie Harper wrote:

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

On Thu, September 8, 2005 4:20 pm, Wendy Smoak said:

From: "Pablo Wawrzyniak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How can I do that a combobox is selected after reload the jsp page?

Do you mean how can you ensure that the selected item before the 
submit is

selected again?  If so...

Wow, am I missing something, or is there really no attribute to set the
selected item in a dropdown via the  tag?  Or does it do it
automatically all the time perhaps?  I hope I'm missing something frankly
because I can't imagine no one would have noticed that before.

You're missing something :-) Specifically, that the select value(s) is 
specified on the containing  tag. 

The property the  is bound to should be a value (or array 
of values for a multi-select) that holds the currently selected 
value(s). Options whose value matches (or is contained in) that property 
will be selected automatically when the  tag is rendered.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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RE: Struts forward and jsessionid

2005-09-08 Thread Néstor Boscán
Hi Michael

In my case, I'm working with WAP applications that require the jsessionid to
be in the URL. In the case of Struts redirect forward it doesn't put the
jsessionid in the URL.  When I browse using a WAP my session is lost in the


Néstor Boscán 

-Mensaje original-
De: Michael Jouravlev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:18 PM
Para: Struts Users Mailing List
Asunto: Re: Struts forward and jsessionid

On 9/8/05, Néstor Boscán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> How can I guarantee that Struts will send the jsessionid parameter 
> with each forward with redirection?.

Struts does not have to send session ID with forward, since forward occurs
on server only. Struts (actually, the servlet container) sends session ID to
browser when you create session on server. After initial handshake, session
ID is sent back and forth as a cookie if browser supports cookies. If not,
server rewrites all urls and includes session ID into them, so when you
click on link, session ID is sent back to server.

JSP has session turned on by default. So even if you do not start session
explicitly, it will be started after first JSP is displayed.

As application developer you do not need to care about this. This is a
problem of servlet container and browser. All you need, is to make sure that
session is established and is not recreated anew each time.


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Re: To maintain combobox selected

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

On Thu, September 8, 2005 4:20 pm, Wendy Smoak said:

From: "Pablo Wawrzyniak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How can I do that a combobox is selected after reload the jsp page?

Do you mean how can you ensure that the selected item before the submit is
selected again?  If so...

Wow, am I missing something, or is there really no attribute to set the
selected item in a dropdown via the  tag?  Or does it do it
automatically all the time perhaps?  I hope I'm missing something frankly
because I can't imagine no one would have noticed that before.

You're missing something :-) Specifically, that the select value(s) is 
specified on the containing  tag.

The property the  is bound to should be a value (or array 
of values for a multi-select) that holds the currently selected 
value(s). Options whose value matches (or is contained in) that property 
will be selected automatically when the  tag is rendered.


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Re: Fwd: Re: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper
That suggests that one of the classes or getter methods isn't declared 
public (the sample source you posted does that, so that's probably not 
it) or that addressVO is null in the form bean. How do you populate the 
form bean? What happens if you call getAddressVO().getState() on the 
form bean directly?


temp temp wrote:
I get the following error 

[Invalid argument looking up property addressVO.state
of bean serviceSelectionForm]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Invalid argument
looking up property addressVO.state of bean

Note: forwarded message attached.
thanks & regards

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Re: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form
Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:05:36 -0700
Struts Users Mailing List 

Struts Users Mailing List 

So, what happens if you use 

Put a debug statement in the setter just in case, is it called?


On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

here is my struts config

Note: forwarded message attached.
thanks & regards

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-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:50:06 -0700
Subject: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form
What, it does not work? How about setting form name explicitly:

You have defined the formbean in the struts config, have you?


On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 This is my jsp

  I want  input textfield  from  jsp to represent porperty  state  of

  I mean when the form is submitted  I want property state from AddressVO
to get populated with the value of the textfiled.How can I acheive this.

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Re: cannot create iterator problem

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper


I've got a dynabean stored in session scope with a list of swift codes
and descriptions in it.  In an action form/jsp I want to output this
list to a combo box.  I can do this using an iterate of my own but don't
know how to get the current value from the actionform.  Alternatively I
thought I could use 

but this comes back with "Cannot create iterator for 

How can I do this?

So 'cyclist' names a bean of type RowSetDynaClass? 'collaction' is meant 
to name a bean which is a collection, (List, Set, etc) and 'property' 
should be the name of a property of the elements in the collection, not 
a property of the collection itself.

What you want is probably more like



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Re: Populating the form

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper
You didn't post the source for your form bean so I can't give you a 
specific answer, but the exception indicates that BeanUtils is unable to 
convert the String value from the HTTP request to whatever type setXXX 
is expecting.

If you're hoping to have a HibernateObject instance automatically 
created in the form bean when the form is submitted I think you're going 
to be out of luck (I haven't used Hibernate so I don't know what a 
HibernateObject is, but I doubt it's something you can create from a 
simple String value).

Perhaps you could post the relevant code and/or describe exactly what 
you're trying to achieve.




I have problem with form.

I have form with Hibernate attribute XXX. 
The form has method getXXX, setXXX and getAllXXX. 

I'm using this jsp snipplet:


When I submit the form, then I recieve this an exception (see bottom)

My questing: Is possible to save a Hibernate objects?

The method getAllXXX returns ArrayList of HibernateObject...

Thanks Mila

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from 
fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate


root cause

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
 sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)




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Re: how to pass value defined in a "nested:define" to a java script function?

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper

Anjishnu Bandyopadhyay wrote:

I have a  tag within another  tag.

  < nested:define id="year" value=".."/>

Here, on change of the text box in the inner , I want to
send some value to a java script function, that is available from a
/  value.

But, I am not being able to do so. Some syntax error is coming.

OK, what syntax error? My guess would be that you need to change your 
onchange attribute to

  onchange='<%= "calc(" + year + ")" %>'

If that's not the problem, post the error you're getting.


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2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper

Enda Dowling wrote:

Does anyone know is there a way to call an action from a page without
anything being pressed on the page. Pretty much it is just a temp page to
forward onto an action.

I tried a few things like the one below but nothing has worked so far.

What error do you get with the above? If is a valid action, 
and assuming your JSP doesn't generate response text before the redirect 
tag is reached, it should work fine.

Try posting relevant parts of your struts-config.xm and JSP file and the 
error(s) you get.


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Re: a paralell tag to html:select

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper

Rivka Shisman wrote:

Does someone know a parallel tag to html:select?

I mean that if in the Edit.jsp page i had an html:select tag to edit the
student_status field - and in the displayStudents.jsp i have a
bean:write to display the student_status field

What id the best way to get the decode in the display page (as the
html:select tag does) - because now what is displayed is the code itself
(the value) and i need the label from the LabelValueBean.

There isn't a direct equivalent to 's name/property attributes 
for  (I think that's what you are asking for?) You'll need 
to write the appropriate value from your LabelValueBean yourself. The 
easiest way would be to add a method, Map getLabelMap(), to your bean 
which returns an status to label map. Then, in your dosplayStudents.jsp, 
you can write the label value with


or something like


If that doesn't get you going, post your source code so I can see what 
you have to work with.


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Re:Question about tag in struts-config.xml file

2005-09-08 Thread zvonko
Thanks Wendy.

I appreciate the quick response. I'll check out that link.

We're using SAP's Netweaver Developer Studio. It's based on Eclipse 2.1 

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Re: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread Van
On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   public class ServiceSelectionForm extends
> ActionForm {
>private AddressVO  addressVO;
>public AddressVO getAddressVO() {
>return addressVO;
>public void setAddressVO(AddressVO addressVO) {
>this.addressVO = addressVO;
>  }
>  This is  AddressVO
>  public class AddressVO {
> private String state;
> public String getState() {
>return state;
> }
> public void setState(String state) {
>this.state = state;
> }
>  }

Just a wild guess, but, I suspect it would work if you renamed your
data member for the AddressVO class to something compliant with Java
Bean introspection expectations. For example:

  public class ServiceSelectionForm extends
ActionForm {

   private AddressVO  address;
   public AddressVO getAddress() {
   return address;
   public void setAddress(AddressVO address) {
   this.address = address;

Of course, you would change your JSP reference to reflect this name
change like so too:


This may seem like a silly unnecessary change, but, the java bean
introspection mechanism doesn't respond favorably when you don't
strictly follow the firstLetterOnlyCapitalized data member names. At
least, that has been my experience.

Hope this helps, Van

- Mike "Van" Riper

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Re: [OT] Looking for api to avoid form submission by robot

2005-09-08 Thread Laurie Harper

Francois D. wrote:

I am looking for a java api to avoid form submission
by robot:
- generate/display image with a code (text or number).

- validate the code entered by the user in the form. 

I have searched for solution on the web
but found nothing in java.

Google for 'captcha java' and you'll find plenty of links.


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Re: Chain of commands in 1.3

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
Found 1.3 nightlies under
Would be nice to have the same links under or to reduce number of links to
the sources/binaries down to one ;-)


On 9/8/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still have couple of questions before checking out the 1.3 source code.
> (1) The first one is where to check 1.3 out from? Ok, I might have not
> been following the list, but does not have
> links to 1.3 source code nor it explains how to set up Subversion. I
> think I knew where to check it out from, but forgot ;-((

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Re: Chain of commands in 1.3

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
I still have couple of questions before checking out the 1.3 source code. 

(1) The first one is where to check 1.3 out from? Ok, I might have not
been following the list, but does not have
links to 1.3 source code nor it explains how to set up Subversion. I
think I knew where to check it out from, but forgot ;-((

Also, I would like to get all sources in a jar file with a build
script. I do not really want to check out file by file from repository
unless this is really justified.

(2) How tight is integration between commands from chain-config.xml
and actions from struts-config.xml ? Should not it be possible to
define actions in chain-config.xml as commands? I know that actions
have more attributes and they have  elements, but tighter
integration would be a great thing.

I look at Vic's example [3]:

=== cut here ===


The classes (now there can be more than one!) to be executed in the
testCmd chain are specified in a chain-config.xml, similar to


=== cut here ===

Instead of one config file I have two files now. Um, I would rather
had less XML than more.

Command returns true or false, Action returns ActionForward. How does
this work? Where the action forward is returned to? Is it set into the

(4) Neither Bill's article nor Vic's example stress out the scope of
the Context. Is it filled out for each request? Can I set up the scope
for the Context? Considering that Context has accessors for request,
session and servletcontext, it should be a long-term object. Whom it
belongs to? Should access to it be synchronized?

(5) It is nice that process() is changed into a chain, but what are
the relations and dependencies between the commands? How do they
affect each other? What do they store in the context and what do they
expect? What would be the effect of removing a standard command or
adding a new one? This question does not require immediate answer,
rather a reminder for better docs ;-)

(6) Bill's article [2] shows a login interceptor implemented as
command, but all it does is displays 403 error. Well, it reminds that
request and response objects did not go nowhere, and can be used, but
what I would like to see is not short-circuiting the chain, but
redirecting to a login action. I am not sure how this is going to work
in the chain. Should I somehow preselect the interceptor action (login
action) before SelectAction command? Or exactly in this command? What
about other commands like PopulateActionForm or ValidateActionForm? I
do not need to execute them, but I need to execute CreateAction and
ExecuteAction, which are in the end of the chain. How do I jump to
them across other commands that I do not need? Or this use case should
be handled by creating a new small chain specifically for login
action, which would include only SelectAction, CreateAction and
ExecuteAction, and then short-circuiting?

[1] A Look at Commons Chain, Part 1:
[2] A Look at Commons Chain, Part 2:
[3] Better Code With Struts 1.3:


On 9/8/05, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, Joe.
> I jumped a gun a little, since the articles at OnJava give pretty good
> understanding of Struts chains:
> I need to play with it a bit. Seems that I will be able to use
> ActionForm only (or whatever other class I decide to use) for
> collecting request paramaters as well as for event handling, and to
> throw Action away altogether ;-)
> Michael.
> On 9/8/05, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Considering that 1.3 is on the radar, there should be better docs for
> > >this crucial feature, should not it?
> >
> > Indeed it should.  Alas, last time I set out to write docs, I instead
> > realized a bunch of things that had to be changed (rather than write
> > doc thinking "it should be like this, but it's really like that"...).
> >
> > Since then, I've had only enough time for Struts as needed to keep up
> > with stuff at work.  I will gladly try to answer questions on the
> > lists, and all the better if those answers help to support
> > documentation.
> >
> > >I would contribute writing it,
> > >but I don't know how to use it yet ;-)
> >
> > It's actually pretty straightforward; if you have time and interest,
> > dive in and let us know what your questions are.
> >
> > Joe
> >
> > --
> > Joe Germuska
> >
> > "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Re: Chain of commands in 1.3

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
Thanks, Joe.

I jumped a gun a little, since the articles at OnJava give pretty good
understanding of Struts chains:

I need to play with it a bit. Seems that I will be able to use
ActionForm only (or whatever other class I decide to use) for
collecting request paramaters as well as for event handling, and to
throw Action away altogether ;-)


On 9/8/05, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Considering that 1.3 is on the radar, there should be better docs for
> >this crucial feature, should not it?
> Indeed it should.  Alas, last time I set out to write docs, I instead
> realized a bunch of things that had to be changed (rather than write
> doc thinking "it should be like this, but it's really like that"...).
> Since then, I've had only enough time for Struts as needed to keep up
> with stuff at work.  I will gladly try to answer questions on the
> lists, and all the better if those answers help to support
> documentation.
> >I would contribute writing it,
> >but I don't know how to use it yet ;-)
> It's actually pretty straightforward; if you have time and interest,
> dive in and let us know what your questions are.
> Joe
> --
> Joe Germuska
> "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Re: Struts to Postgresql db connection refused

2005-09-08 Thread Murray Collingwood
Hi Raj

While I'm not using Postgresql (MySQL instead) there were a couple of things I 
that you might need to check:

1. You have specified the data source entry in your Struts-config.xml - on my 
5.0 I need to enter this in the META-INF/context.xml   (I have more on this if 
you need 
it, Tomcat 5.0 and 5.5 differ in where they look for the Data Source parameters)

2. The other thing is to ensure you have your Postgresql JDBC jar file added to 
Tomcat common/lib

Kind regards

On 8 Sep 2005 at 4:11, R Rajendran wrote:

> Hi,
> When I connect Struts to Postgresql 8.0 database using DataSource object I 
> get the 
following error messages:
> Source:
> DataSource dataSource = null;
> try {
> dataSource = getDataSource(request);
> conn = dataSource.getConnection();
> /* working 
> Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>conn = 
> stmt = conn.createStatement();
>String sql = "select * from stocks where "
> + "symbol ='" + symbol + "'";
> rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from stocks where "
> + "symbol ='" + symbol + "'"); 
> }catch(){..}
> * 
> struts-config.xml:
> value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
> value="jdbc:postgresql://" />
> value="postgres" />
> value="postgres" />
> *
> I am getting the following error message while running the struts application:
> INFO: Failed to create a non-pooled connection for null at 
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname 
port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
> Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the 
postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
> Could anyone tell me how to resolve this issue.
> Thanks
> Raj

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Re: Chain of commands in 1.3

2005-09-08 Thread Joe Germuska

Considering that 1.3 is on the radar, there should be better docs for
this crucial feature, should not it?

Indeed it should.  Alas, last time I set out to write docs, I instead 
realized a bunch of things that had to be changed (rather than write 
doc thinking "it should be like this, but it's really like that"...).

Since then, I've had only enough time for Struts as needed to keep up 
with stuff at work.  I will gladly try to answer questions on the 
lists, and all the better if those answers help to support 

I would contribute writing it,
but I don't know how to use it yet ;-)

It's actually pretty straightforward; if you have time and interest, 
dive in and let us know what your questions are.


Joe Germuska
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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Chain of commands in 1.3

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
I read through some older emails, couple of wiki pages, article at
OnJava (which is more about base Commons implementation) and the
Commons page.

Is there better docs on the subject? How to use, with examples? Or all
I can have is to check out the source code?

Considering that 1.3 is on the radar, there should be better docs for
this crucial feature, should not it? I would contribute writing it,
but I don't know how to use it yet ;-)


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Re: Multiple Webapps and the TLDs

2005-09-08 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: "Jason Kwon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Say I have multiple webapps.
Currently, I am deploying each webapp with their own copies of the
struts TLDs.
Is there any way I can deploy each webapp and deploy only a single set
of struts TLDs?

There is a way you can deploy *none* of the tlds. :)  Assuming you're on a
Servlet 2.3 or better container, and that by "deploying" you mean you're
putting the tlds under WEB-INF and configuring them in web.xml, all you have
to do is start using the right URI in your <@taglib> tags, and the tlds
which are already in (for example) struts.jar will be automatically used.

  <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="html" %>

If you're using the non-el version of the tags, the URI will be different--
look in the tld itself for the, and use that in your <%@
taglib> tag.

Then delete the .tld files from wherever you had them, and delete the
 tags from web.xml.

Wendy Smoak

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cannot create iterator problem

2005-09-08 Thread chhum
I've got a dynabean stored in session scope with a list of swift codes
and descriptions in it.  In an action form/jsp I want to output this
list to a combo box.  I can do this using an iterate of my own but don't
know how to get the current value from the actionform.  Alternatively I
thought I could use 

but this comes back with "Cannot create iterator for 

How can I do this?


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Multiple Webapps and the TLDs

2005-09-08 Thread Jason Kwon
Say I have multiple webapps. 
Currently, I am deploying each webapp with their own copies of the
struts TLDs.
Is there any way I can deploy each webapp and deploy only a single set
of struts TLDs?  

Re: JSF -> Shale transition

2005-09-08 Thread gramani
Dakota Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/08/2005 04:18:46 PM:

> Well, have you considered classic struts?  Shale is really meant for
> people who are trying to change an application from JSF to Struts, 

--do you really mean this?.. Even if you actually instead meant to say 
"from Struts to JSF", I am not sure Shale is really meant for this 

> not everyone, including myself, think this is a good idea.  Shale is
> not Struts improved but a transition to something entirely different,

...yes, "transition to something entirely different", this, I guess I can 

> and inferior in my opinion, if you are interested in performance.


Re: To maintain combobox selected

2005-09-08 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
On Thu, September 8, 2005 4:20 pm, Wendy Smoak said:
> From: "Pablo Wawrzyniak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> How can I do that a combobox is selected after reload the jsp page?

Do you mean how can you ensure that the selected item before the submit is
selected again?  If so...

Wow, am I missing something, or is there really no attribute to set the
selected item in a dropdown via the  tag?  Or does it do it
automatically all the time perhaps?  I hope I'm missing something frankly
because I can't imagine no one would have noticed that before.

Let's assume I'm *not* missing something for the moment... you can do this
via Javascript easy enough... call this function in response to the
pageLoad event, passing it a reference to the  element and the
value that was selected (get this out of your ActionForm):

  function selectDDValue(obj, val) {
for (i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
  if (obj.options[i].value == val) {
obj.options[i].selected = true;

That should do the trick.


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Re: To maintain combobox selected

2005-09-08 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: "Pablo Wawrzyniak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How can I do that a combobox is selected after reload the jsp page?
I have to fill combobox with a countries list, but if I not load it into 
the session then not appears the combobox filled.
The other problem is that the combobox must be selected when the page is 

I solved it by setting in struts-config the form scope value to session.
Is there any way of not have a collection and the form scope to level of 

What is your objection to session scope?  That's the easiest way to fix the 
problem of the form 'forgetting' its values.


A list of countries might be appropriate for context scope rather than 
session.  Will this list be the same for all users?  If so, adding a 
ServletContextListener to place the collection of countries in context scope 
when the application starts might be a good solution.

Wendy Smoak 

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Re: JSF -> Shale transition

2005-09-08 Thread Dakota Jack
Well, have you considered classic struts?  Shale is really meant for
people who are trying to change an application from JSF to Struts, and
not everyone, including myself, think this is a good idea.  Shale is
not Struts improved but a transition to something entirely different,
and inferior in my opinion, if you are interested in performance.

On 9/8/05, Walton, Kaleb (ISS Southfield) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're wanting to go from our home-brewed method of interaction using
> jsps and servlets that are not very consistent in their expression
> (other than the general jsp/servlet specs) to something that defines
> interactions more concretely. Our current frustrations include form
> handling, page transitions, forwarding, etc.
> Regards,
> Kaleb
> -Original Message-
> From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:44 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: JSF -> Shale transition
> Moving from Struts to JSF is moving to a "more defined" framework?
> That is pretty difficult to grasp.  Could you explain?
> On 9/6/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 9/6/05, Walton, Kaleb (ISS Southfield) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hey all,
> > >
> > > As I had mentioned in a previous post, our team is looking to move
> > > towards a more well defined web framework. From my limited
> > > experience using Shale (ran the shale-use-cases) I'm not feeling
> > > very confident that we could use it *right away*.
> > >
> > > I wanted to ask for opinions on what would be a gradual step for us
> > > to take towards the Shale framework (once it's stable enough to use
> > > in a production environment). For example, would JSF + Spring be a
> > > good combo that would make for an easy transition to Shale? Struts +
> > > WebFlow + Spring? Etc..
> > >
> > > Do the aforementioned framework combinations even matter? Will Shale
> > > just add another layer on top or glue together with what we would
> > > have already developed? Although I've been reading up on Shale quite
> > > a bit, my understanding is still limited so please excuse me if
> > > these questions are easily found through already documented sources.
> > > If they are, please share where they can be found :)
> >
> >
> >
> > The key to choosing a transition approach is what you want to use for
> > the "front controller" part of your architecture durng the interim. If
> > you're starting from Struts, a straightforward path would be to use
> > the integration library to start switching your pages to using JSF
> > components instead of Struts HTML tags (without having to modify your
> > actions), followed by a migration of the back-end logic to using JSF's
> > front controller and request processing lifecycle.
> >
> > If, on the other hand, you decide to commit to JSF's controller early
> > rather than late, you might as well just use Shale along with it from
> > the beginning. Unlike the way that other frameworks deal with JSF,
> > Shale
> > *assumes* you will be using the JSF controller architecture, and it
> > just adds ease of use around problems you'll face anyway. It doesn't
> > try to treat JSF as purely a component architecture.
> >
> > Craig McClanahan
> >
> > Regards,
> > > Kaleb
> > >
> > > 
> > > - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> "You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
> back."
> ~Dakota Jack~
> -
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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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Re: To maintain combobox selected

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
There is nothing wrong with session scope. You would have to store
this information somewhere anyway, so why not just use what is already


On 9/8/05, Pablo Wawrzyniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I do that a combobox is selected after reload the jsp page?
> I have to fill combobox with a countries list, but if I not load it into the 
> session then not appears the combobox filled.
> The other problem is that the combobox must be selected when the page is 
> reloaded.
> I solved it by setting in struts-config the form scope value to session.
> Is there any way of not have a collection and the form scope to level of 
> session?
> My jsp is:
>  labelProperty="description">
> struts-config.xml is:
>  type="com.main.struts.forms.SupplierForm">
>  redirect="true"/>
> Thks and regards
> -
>  1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam
>  Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo
>  Abrí tu cuenta aquí

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To maintain combobox selected

2005-09-08 Thread Pablo Wawrzyniak
How can I do that a combobox is selected after reload the jsp page?
I have to fill combobox with a countries list, but if I not load it into the 
session then not appears the combobox filled.
The other problem is that the combobox must be selected when the page is 
I solved it by setting in struts-config the form scope value to session.
Is there any way of not have a collection and the form scope to level of 
My jsp is:

struts-config.xml is:


Thks and regards

 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam
 Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo
 Abrí tu cuenta aquí

Fwd: Re: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread temp temp

I get the following error 

[Invalid argument looking up property addressVO.state
of bean serviceSelectionForm]:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Invalid argument
looking up property addressVO.state of bean

Note: forwarded message attached.
thanks & regards

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around --- Begin Message ---
So, what happens if you use 

Put a debug statement in the setter just in case, is it called?


On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> here is my struts config
>  type="com.bankerssystems.pac.onlinetrans.service.forms.ServiceSelectionForm">
>  name="serviceSelectionForm"
> type="com.bankerssystems.pac.onlinetrans.service.actions.ServiceSelectionAction"
> input="/jsp/onlinetrans/serviceSelection.jsp"
> scope="request">
>  path="/jsp/onlinetrans/test.jsp" />
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> thanks & regards
> __
> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:50:06 -0700
> Subject: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form
> What, it does not work? How about setting form name explicitly:
> You have defined the formbean in the struts config, have you?
> Michael.
> On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   This is my jsp
> >   
> >
> >
> >   
> >
> >I want  input textfield  from  jsp to represent porperty  state  of
> > AddressVO.
> >
> >I mean when the form is submitted  I want property state from AddressVO
> > to get populated with the value of the textfiled.How can I acheive this.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: reg. html:option tag -- solved

2005-09-08 Thread peru cheppanu


Here is the solution for the issue I raised. Yeah, it is a dumb question.

If it is only one preselected vlaue then use "value" in html:select.

The catch here that I understood later is property in html:select should be 
array of strings if strings are displayed in the option list. 


 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Re: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
So, what happens if you use 

Put a debug statement in the setter just in case, is it called?


On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> here is my struts config
>  type="com.bankerssystems.pac.onlinetrans.service.forms.ServiceSelectionForm">
>  name="serviceSelectionForm"
> type="com.bankerssystems.pac.onlinetrans.service.actions.ServiceSelectionAction"
> input="/jsp/onlinetrans/serviceSelection.jsp"
> scope="request">
>  path="/jsp/onlinetrans/test.jsp" />
> Note: forwarded message attached.
> thanks & regards
> __
> Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Users Mailing List 
> Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 11:50:06 -0700
> Subject: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form
> What, it does not work? How about setting form name explicitly:
> You have defined the formbean in the struts config, have you?
> Michael.
> On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   This is my jsp
> >   
> >
> >
> >   
> >
> >I want  input textfield  from  jsp to represent porperty  state  of
> > AddressVO.
> >
> >I mean when the form is submitted  I want property state from AddressVO
> > to get populated with the value of the textfiled.How can I acheive this.
> -
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> -
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Populating the form

2005-09-08 Thread miloslav . vlach

I have problem with form.

I have form with Hibernate attribute XXX. 
The form has method getXXX, setXXX and getAllXXX. 

I'm using this jsp snipplet:


When I submit the form, then I recieve this an exception (see bottom)

My questing: Is possible to save a Hibernate objects?

The method getAllXXX returns ArrayList of HibernateObject...

Thanks Mila

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from 
fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate

root cause

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
 sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

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Action based validations

2005-09-08 Thread rajiv verma
I am using struts 1.2 and my client side validations using based on action 
rather than form are not working? Is there a bug in the 1.2 release. I have 
worked previously with 1.1 and it used to work just fine.
In the validation file,
instead of 

I could use

Any clues??


Fwd: Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread temp temp

here is my struts config  


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thanks & regards

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Begin Message ---
What, it does not work? How about setting form name explicitly:

You have defined the formbean in the struts config, have you?


On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   This is my jsp
>I want  input textfield  from  jsp to represent porperty  state  of
> AddressVO.
>I mean when the form is submitted  I want property state from AddressVO
> to get populated with the value of the textfiled.How can I acheive this.

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Re: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
What, it does not work? How about setting form name explicitly:

You have defined the formbean in the struts config, have you?


On 9/8/05, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   This is my jsp
>I want  input textfield  from  jsp to represent porperty  state  of
> AddressVO.
>I mean when the form is submitted  I want property state from AddressVO
> to get populated with the value of the textfiled.How can I acheive this.

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class file mapping

2005-09-08 Thread Simons Kevin


Here is the struts file.";>


If I followed right. The class files need to be under web-inf/classes. But 
since I need to use the package statement since sdk1.4 (I use jdk1.5) I 
mention those. Then automatically this gets compiled to the 
web-inf/classes/test folder. How do I specify then where he needs to set the 
compiled classes? I am using a resin3.0.14 server. 

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RE: Question about checkboxes

2005-09-08 Thread Martin Gainty

Guten Tag Herr Ziemer

Viel Gluck,

Martin Gainty

(mobile) 617-852-7822

Hi everybody!

I have got a litte problem with checkboxes, and yes, I did check the list's 
archive before writing this post.

In my app, I display a variable number of options, each of which can 
contain a variable number of checkboxes.

A simple example:
Choose toppings for pizza:
1) Cheese:
- Mozzarella (checkbox)
- Dunno (checkbox)
- ... (checkbox)
2) Vegetables
- Tomatoes (checkbox)
- Onions (checkbox)
- ... (checkbox)
3) ...

Now, of course I am not programming an app for a pizza delivery service, 
but I thought, this example would be well suited to describe by problem.

Can I use mapbacked forms to do this? I would need to get an array of ints 
from my map - so I can determine: the following vegetables were selectes: 
1,5,9,... (meaning, the checkboxes need to be grouped!) - is this possible?

Any input would be appreciated,


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RE: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread temp temp
I am intrested only in nested elements how can I
represent them in jsp .

As I said I have a property called state in 
AddressVO.  AddressVO is a bean in my formbean. So
AddressVO is a nestedbean. My question is how can I
represent the nestedbean property (state) in my jsp.

--- Greg Pelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Temp temp,
> I'll need some more information from you before I
> can be much help.
> Is the Form class (ServiceSelectionForm) being
> invoked properly?
> Are non-nested elements being populated correctly?
> Are you getting any errors?
> -Greg
> -Original Message-
> From: temp temp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 10:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: RE: how to represent nested bean
> properties in a jsp form
> No I have no problem with property NEWSEARCH . I
> want to know how can my
> jsp represent nested property state (property from
> AddressVO ) ?
> thanks & regards
> __
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RE: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread Greg Pelly
Temp temp,

I'll need some more information from you before I can be much help.

Is the Form class (ServiceSelectionForm) being invoked properly?
Are non-nested elements being populated correctly?
Are you getting any errors?


-Original Message-
From: temp temp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 10:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

No I have no problem with property NEWSEARCH . I want to know how can my
jsp represent nested property state (property from AddressVO ) ?
thanks & regards

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Re: Question about tag in struts-config.xml file

2005-09-08 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: "zvonko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In sample struts-config.xml files I'm seeing a  tag that
looks like this:";>

The problem I'm running into is that my IDE is choking on the link. I'm
assuming that somehow it's trying to go out to the url.
Can someone explain the purpose of that url to me? Can I download that
file and store it somewhere on my internal network and replace the apache
link with my internal location?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Here's the best reference I've found on what all the parts of a doctype
declaration are for:

I've never had to change the URI when editing config files with JEdit.
It downloads the DTD and caches it... without an internet connection I'd
just place the DTD in the right directory and it would be happy.  I suspect
that's all you need to do for your IDE, but you'll have to figure out where
to put the file.

It would help to know what IDE you're using. :)

Wendy Smoak

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Fwd: RE: how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread temp temp

No I have no problem with property NEWSEARCH . I want
to know how can my jsp represent nested property state
(property from AddressVO ) ?
thanks & regards

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I think what you have should work. The only thing I see that 
could be wrong is that your ServiceSelectionForm will need a property for the 
NEWSEARCH variable because (I think) it is going to try to populate it.  In 
case this helps, here is sample code that I use that works. It's very similar to 
FORM class: public void 
windowDimensionObject){    _windowDimensionObject = 
windowDimensionObject;  }  public WindowDimensionObject 
getWindowDimensionObject() {    return 
_windowDimensionObject;  }WindowDimensionObject 
class:  public void setWindowWidth(int 
windowWidth){    _windowWidth = windowWidth;  
}  public int getWindowWidth(){    return 
_windowWidth;  }  public void setWindowHeight(int 
windowHeight){    _windowHeight = windowHeight;  
}  public int getWindowHeight(){    return 
_windowHeight;  }HTH - If you are getting a specific 
error I might be able to help more.Greg-Original 
Message-From: temp temp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Thursday, September 08, 2005 10:37 AMTo: user@struts.apache.orgSubject: 
how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp 
form   I have a jsp  a formbean and 
an action class.    My formbean has a value object and 
getter setter methods for that.   here is my 
forbean   public class ServiceSelectionForm extends 
ActionForm {    private AddressVO  
addressVO;  public 
AddressVO getAddressVO() {    return 
addressVO;    }    public void 
setAddressVO(AddressVO addressVO) 
{    this.addressVO = 
addressVO;    }    
}    This is  AddressVO   
public class AddressVO { private String 
state; public String getState() 
{    return 
state; } public void 
setState(String state) {    
this.state = state; }  
}   This is my jsp  
 I want  input 
textfield  from  jsp to represent porperty  state  of 
AddressVO.   I mean when the form is submitted  I want 
property state from AddressVO to get populated with the value of the 
textfiled.How can I acheive this. or How can 
I represent nested bean porperties in a jsp 
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Question about tag in struts-config.xml file

2005-09-08 Thread zvonko
In sample struts-config.xml files I'm seeing a  tag that looks 
like this:";>

The problem I'm running into is that my IDE is choking on the link. I'm 
assuming that somehow it's trying to go out to the url.
Can someone explain the purpose of that url to me? Can I download that file and 
store it somewhere on my internal network and replace the apache link with my 
internal location?
Thanks in advance for any help.

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how to represent nested bean properties in a jsp form

2005-09-08 Thread temp temp

   I have a jsp  a formbean and an action class.  

   My formbean has a value object and getter setter
methods for that.

   here is my forbean 

   public class ServiceSelectionForm extends
ActionForm {

private AddressVO  addressVO;   
public AddressVO getAddressVO() {
return addressVO;
public void setAddressVO(AddressVO addressVO) {
this.addressVO = addressVO;
  This is  AddressVO

  public class AddressVO {
 private String state;
 public String getState() {
return state;
 public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;

  This is my jsp 


   I want  input textfield  from  jsp to represent
porperty  state  of AddressVO.

   I mean when the form is submitted  I want property
state from AddressVO to get populated with the value
of the textfiled.How can I acheive this. 

   or How can I represent nested bean porperties in a
jsp form.


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Re: Struts forward and jsessionid

2005-09-08 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 9/8/05, Néstor Boscán <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> How can I guarantee that Struts will send the jsessionid parameter with each
> forward with redirection?.

Struts does not have to send session ID with forward, since forward
occurs on server only. Struts (actually, the servlet container) sends
session ID to browser when you create session on server. After initial
handshake, session ID is sent back and forth as a cookie if browser
supports cookies. If not, server rewrites all urls and includes
session ID into them, so when you click on link, session ID is sent
back to server.

JSP has session turned on by default. So even if you do not start
session explicitly, it will be started after first JSP is displayed.

As application developer you do not need to care about this. This is a
problem of servlet container and browser. All you need, is to make
sure that session is established and is not recreated anew each time.


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Re: reg. html:option tag

2005-09-08 Thread peru cheppanu
Let me rephrase my question here..
 has "value" attribute that is to be populated if one of the 
options is to be pre-selected.
What if I have to pre select multiple options.. may be using optionCollections 
etc. something like html:select having a "value[]" so that I can put in all 
values that are to be preselected. Do u know of a way to implement this?

peru cheppanu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How would I see that an element is pre-selected or highlighted just the 
way it happens with selected keyword in regular tag..

What I am trying to do here is populate a collection of objects on 
multi-select box, some of them pre-populated. I tried 
without having to use iterate tag and a regular option.

Thanks a bunch..

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Struts forward and jsessionid

2005-09-08 Thread Néstor Boscán
How can I guarantee that Struts will send the jsessionid parameter with each
forward with redirection?.
Néstor Boscán

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Starting a new Shale Dialog in a new window

2005-09-08 Thread Holshausen, Ron

I'm trying to start a new shale dialog flow in a new window. The
window is opened when the user clicks on a button, and is invoked with
the javascript function'/startdialog.jsf').

The problem is that to initiate a dialog flow, you need to setup an
action to return a logical logical outcome of dialog:x, yet I have
found no invoke an action from just a url.

I have currently put a form on the page with only a button with
action="dialog:x", and then autosubmit it with javascript when the
page loads.

Does anyone have a better way of doing this?

Yours Sincerely,

Ronald Holshausen
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reg. html:option tag

2005-09-08 Thread peru cheppanu

How would I see that an element is pre-selected or highlighted just the 
way it happens with selected keyword in regular  tag..
What I am trying to do here is populate a collection of objects on 
multi-select box, some of them pre-populated. I tried 

Looking for api to avoid form submission by robot

2005-09-08 Thread Francois D.
Good morning

I am looking for a java api to avoid form submission
by robot:
- generate/display image with a code (text or number).

- validate the code entered by the user in the form. 

I have searched for solution on the web
but found nothing in java.

Any clues would be appreciated
Thank you

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Re: Upload: strange characters in german filename

2005-09-08 Thread Bart Frackiewicz

Thanks Jason and Martin,

i solved it using following steps:

* struts-config.xml:
* adding the charset in HTML to ISO-8859-1
* adding-Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1 to Tomcats CATALINA_OPTS

My Database is still in UNICODE (Postgres).

Now it works, i am happy and my customer too.

Bye Bart

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Re: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Brandon Mercer
Lombart Vincent (DBB) wrote:

>That's the kind of solution I was looking at, although using  with 
>included  might be more robust. But I would prefer to use the action 
>name rather than the direct url.
Eh, good call!  I was trying to quickly relay a point and I don't
remeber the syntax for c:url  :-)  Cheers!

>   href="${icol.monitor}">${icol.monitor}
>What about something more like that??
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RE: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Lombart Vincent \(DBB\)

That's the kind of solution I was looking at, although using  with 
included  might be more robust. But I would prefer to use the action 
name rather than the direct url.


-Original Message-
From: Brandon Mercer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: jeudi 8 septembre 2005 15:35
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: nested  and 

Lombart Vincent (DBB) wrote:

>Dear all,
>Does anybody know why the following JSP code does not work:
>   paramName="icol">






What about something more like that??


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RE: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Karr, David
If you're using Tomcat 5, a JSP 2.0 container, you shouldn't use
Struts-EL.  Just use the plain Struts jar, and make sure your web.xml
uses the Servlet 2.4 schema.

> -Original Message-
> From: Lombart Vincent (DBB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Does anybody know why the following JSP code does not work:
>paramId="monitorName" paramName="icol">
> "monitorBean" contains rows, and each row contains columns 
> (of type String).
> The JSP code should build a table from this bean, displaying 
> one String in each cell, with a hyperlink of the type 
> ".../".
> However, I get the error:
> 2005-09-08 11:54:47,082 ERROR InsertTag - ServletException in 
> '/WEB-INF/jsp/multimonitor.jsp': Cannot find bean icol in any scope
> javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean icol in any scope
>   at 
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageExceptio
> n(
>   at 
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(
>   at 
> org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp.multimonitor_jsp._jspService(mu
>   at 
> org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
> ...
> I have tried to modify "icol" to be a bean with a String 
> property rather than a simple String, but it does not work 
> either. If I remove the  part, everything works 
> perfectly, i.e.  is able to find "icol". I have put 
> some code before the  that shows that "icol" is 
> defined in page scope. I have used  paramName="irow"> and it finds "irow", although "irow" is 
> defined just like "icol".
> I am using Tomcat 5.0.25 and Struts 1.2.7 with the included 
> struts-el.jar.
> Thanks in advance to anybody who can give me an answer...
> Best regards
> --
> Dexia Bank disclaimer :
> --
> -
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Re: nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Brandon Mercer
Lombart Vincent (DBB) wrote:

>Dear all,
>Does anybody know why the following JSP code does not work:
>   paramName="icol">






What about something more like that??


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Question about checkboxes

2005-09-08 Thread Tom Ziemer

Hi everybody!

I have got a litte problem with checkboxes, and yes, I did check the 
list's archive before writing this post.

In my app, I display a variable number of options, each of which can 
contain a variable number of checkboxes.

A simple example:
Choose toppings for pizza:
1) Cheese:
- Mozzarella (checkbox)
- Dunno (checkbox)
- ... (checkbox)
2) Vegetables
- Tomatoes (checkbox)
- Onions (checkbox)
- ... (checkbox)
3) ...

Now, of course I am not programming an app for a pizza delivery service, 
but I thought, this example would be well suited to describe by problem.

Can I use mapbacked forms to do this? I would need to get an array of 
ints from my map - so I can determine: the following vegetables were 
selectes: 1,5,9,... (meaning, the checkboxes need to be grouped!) - is 
this possible?

Any input would be appreciated,


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nested and

2005-09-08 Thread Lombart Vincent \(DBB\)

Dear all,

Does anybody know why the following JSP code does not work:






"monitorBean" contains rows, and each row contains columns (of type String).
The JSP code should build a table from this bean, displaying one String in each 
cell, with a hyperlink of the type ".../".

However, I get the error:
2005-09-08 11:54:47,082 ERROR InsertTag - ServletException in 
'/WEB-INF/jsp/multimonitor.jsp': Cannot find bean icol in any scope
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean icol in any scope
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(

I have tried to modify "icol" to be a bean with a String property rather than a 
simple String, but it does not work either.
If I remove the  part, everything works perfectly, i.e.  
is able to find "icol".
I have put some code before the  that shows that "icol" is 
defined in page scope.
I have used  and it finds "irow", although 
"irow" is defined just like "icol".

I am using Tomcat 5.0.25 and Struts 1.2.7 with the included struts-el.jar.

Thanks in advance to anybody who can give me an answer...

Best regards

Dexia Bank disclaimer :

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RE: JSF -> Shale transition

2005-09-08 Thread Walton, Kaleb \(ISS Southfield\)
We're wanting to go from our home-brewed method of interaction using
jsps and servlets that are not very consistent in their expression
(other than the general jsp/servlet specs) to something that defines
interactions more concretely. Our current frustrations include form
handling, page transitions, forwarding, etc.


-Original Message-
From: Dakota Jack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:44 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: JSF -> Shale transition

Moving from Struts to JSF is moving to a "more defined" framework? 
That is pretty difficult to grasp.  Could you explain?

On 9/6/05, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/6/05, Walton, Kaleb (ISS Southfield) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hey all,
> >
> > As I had mentioned in a previous post, our team is looking to move 
> > towards a more well defined web framework. From my limited 
> > experience using Shale (ran the shale-use-cases) I'm not feeling 
> > very confident that we could use it *right away*.
> >
> > I wanted to ask for opinions on what would be a gradual step for us 
> > to take towards the Shale framework (once it's stable enough to use 
> > in a production environment). For example, would JSF + Spring be a 
> > good combo that would make for an easy transition to Shale? Struts +

> > WebFlow + Spring? Etc..
> >
> > Do the aforementioned framework combinations even matter? Will Shale

> > just add another layer on top or glue together with what we would 
> > have already developed? Although I've been reading up on Shale quite

> > a bit, my understanding is still limited so please excuse me if 
> > these questions are easily found through already documented sources.

> > If they are, please share where they can be found :)
> The key to choosing a transition approach is what you want to use for 
> the "front controller" part of your architecture durng the interim. If

> you're starting from Struts, a straightforward path would be to use 
> the integration library to start switching your pages to using JSF 
> components instead of Struts HTML tags (without having to modify your 
> actions), followed by a migration of the back-end logic to using JSF's

> front controller and request processing lifecycle.
> If, on the other hand, you decide to commit to JSF's controller early 
> rather than late, you might as well just use Shale along with it from 
> the beginning. Unlike the way that other frameworks deal with JSF, 
> Shale
> *assumes* you will be using the JSF controller architecture, and it 
> just adds ease of use around problems you'll face anyway. It doesn't 
> try to treat JSF as purely a component architecture.
> Craig McClanahan
> Regards,
> > Kaleb
> >
> > 
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> >
> >

"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its
~Dakota Jack~

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SV: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

2005-09-08 Thread hermod . opstvedt

Of course you can use struts with eclipse. Its just a whole lot easier
putting 29 bucks on the table and get MyEclipse


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: M. Imran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 8. september 2005 13:59
Til: Struts Users Mailing List
Emne: Re: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

I was wondering if I can use Struts with Eclipse (3.1) or some free
MyEclipse is a good option but its not free.

- Original Message -
From: "Ayusman dikshit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

> Hi Imran,
> Try to download latest MyEclipse (just google it and u will find it)
> download this pdf
> will guide you thru. , hope this helps.
> Regards
> Ayusman
> -Original Message-
> From: M. Imran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7
> Dear all,
> I am trying to build my first application with Tomcat, Eclipse 3.1 &
> Struts 1.2.7, can anyone tell me how to configure them? Any help link
> example will be much appreciated?
> Thanks you,
> Imran
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Re: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

2005-09-08 Thread M. Imran
I was wondering if I can use Struts with Eclipse (3.1) or some free plugins.
MyEclipse is a good option but its not free.

- Original Message -
From: "Ayusman dikshit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:59 AM
Subject: RE: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

> Hi Imran,
> Try to download latest MyEclipse (just google it and u will find it) and
> download this pdf
>  this
> will guide you thru. , hope this helps.
> Regards
> Ayusman
> -Original Message-
> From: M. Imran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7
> Dear all,
> I am trying to build my first application with Tomcat, Eclipse 3.1 &
> Struts 1.2.7, can anyone tell me how to configure them? Any help link or
> example will be much appreciated?
> Thanks you,
> Imran
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Re: Problem with a Frameset and Struts (replacing frameset with tiles?)

2005-09-08 Thread gollinger
thank you Frank for your answer and your explanations!

-- Initial Header ---

>From  : "Frank W. Zammetti" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To  : "Struts Users Mailing List"
Cc  : "user"
Date  : Wed, 7 Sep 2005 09:31:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject : Re: Problem with a Frameset and Struts (replacing frameset with  

> Tiles and frames are not at all equivalent, so it's not a simple either-or
> answer.  It really depends on what your application needs are.
> I have done a lot of work with frames and am completely comfortable
> developing with them.  This is not so for everyone, and there are some
> good reasons for it.  Given my affection (well, acceptance anyway!) of
> frames, I would *still* say that if you don't truly need what they give
> you then you probably *don't* want to use them.  There are indeed added
> complexities with frames, and sometimes some very subtle problems come up
> that will give you fits if you don't have a lot of experience with frames,
> so if you don't truly need them, Tiles will probably be the better choice.
> Of course, you probably should ask whether you need Tiles or not too...
> Tiles does have some benefits, but it also adds complexity.  I don't want
> to overstate it, Tiles is *not* difficult, but you may not even ned that
> added complexity, however little it may be.
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> On Wed, September 7, 2005 2:13 am, gollinger said:
> > Hi!
> >
> > thank you very much for your answer.
> > Do you think it would generally be better
> > to use Tiles instead of frameset?
> > We would like to use the validador-framework
> > but when we have to use javascript in any case
> > do you think it would be better not to do this?
> >
> > Ciao
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- Initial Header ---
> >
> >>From  : "Frank W. Zammetti" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > To  : "Struts Users Mailing List"
> > Cc  : "user"
> > Date  : Tue, 6 Sep 2005 10:21:08 -0400 (EDT)
> > Subject : Re: Problem with a Frameset and Struts
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> This isn't really a Struts issue per se, it's a frames issue.
> >>
> >> When you set the target of the form to display, the response from the
> >> server is going to go into the bottom frame, regardless of what the
> >> outcome is (i.e., whether there are errors or not).  This is just how
> >> frames work.
> >>
> >> You can do what you want, but it will require client-side coding.
> >>
> >> I would suggest having a third frame with a size of 0 (making it hidden)
> >> and direct your response to it.  Add some Javascript to the page that is
> >> returned that fires in response to the onLoad event.  If errors came
> >> back,
> >> copy them over to the search frame, otherwise copy the whole page to
> >> display.  Let's assume you call the hidden frame "hiddenFrame", and
> >> let's
> >> assume there is a  with an ID of "errorDiv" in both the returned
> >> page
> >> and what's in the search frame... Here's what I would do:
> >>
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>  function loadHandler() {
> >>   if (errorDiv.innerHTML != '') {
> >> >
> >>;
> >>   } else {
> >>;
> >>
> >>;
> >>;
> >>   }
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ...
> >> 
> >>
> >> So, if errors are present in the  on the returned page, they will
> >> be
> >> copied over to the  in the search frame.  If the  is empty on
> >> the returned page, meaning no errors occurred, the entire page is copied
> >> over to the display frame.
> >>
> >> I'm not sure this is 100% cross-browser, you probably need to use
> >> getElementById() to make it so, but the basic theory works (I know
> >> because
> >> I do this in a prod app I have).
> >>
> >> --
> >> Frank W. Zammetti
> >> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> >> Omnytex Technologies
> >>
> >>
> >> On Tue, September 6, 2005 8:32 am, gollinger said:
> >> > I have a frameset with two included jsp's.
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> >   
> >> >   
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > this is the first jsp inside the frameset with validation
> >> >
> >> > and errors should be displayed there:
> >> >
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> >   
> >> > Home
> >> >   
> >> >   show group
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> >   
> >> >   
> >> >   
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> >   
> >> >
> >> > the large problem that I have is that I want the errors to be
> >> displayed in
> >> > the first jsp (in the part of the frameset above),
> >> > where the submit button original is!
> >> > But the effect is that the original page gets dupli

Re: Struts to Postgresql db connection refused

2005-09-08 Thread Brian Bruns
You need to add the "-i" switch to postmaster (-o -i to pg_ctl I
think) to enable tcp/ip connections.  Please see the PostgreSQL

2005/9/8, R Rajendran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> When I connect Struts to Postgresql 8.0 database using DataSource object I 
> get the following error messages:
> Source:
> DataSource dataSource = null;
> try {
> dataSource = getDataSource(request);
> conn = dataSource.getConnection();
> /* working
> Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>conn = 
> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://","postgres","postgres");
> stmt = conn.createStatement();
>String sql = "select * from stocks where "
> + "symbol ='" + symbol + "'";
> rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from stocks where "
> + "symbol ='" + symbol + "'");
> }catch(){..}
> *
> struts-config.xml:
> value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
> value="jdbc:postgresql://" />
> value="postgres" />
> value="postgres" />
> *
> I am getting the following error message while running the struts application:
> INFO: Failed to create a non-pooled connection for null at 
> jdbc:postgresql://localhost/null?prepareThreshold=0: 
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the 
> hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP 
> connections.
> Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the 
> postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
> Could anyone tell me how to resolve this issue.
> Thanks
> Raj
> -
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Struts to Postgresql db connection refused

2005-09-08 Thread R Rajendran
When I connect Struts to Postgresql 8.0 database using DataSource object I get 
the following error messages:
DataSource dataSource = null;

try {
dataSource = getDataSource(request);
conn = dataSource.getConnection();

/* working 
   conn = 
stmt = conn.createStatement();
   String sql = "select * from stocks where "
+ "symbol ='" + symbol + "'";
rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from stocks where "
+ "symbol ='" + symbol + "'"); 


I am getting the following error message while running the struts application:
INFO: Failed to create a non-pooled connection for null at 
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection refused. Check that the hostname 
and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.

Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the 
postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.

Could anyone tell me how to resolve this issue.


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SV: Exception after File Upload.

2005-09-08 Thread hermod . opstvedt

You can try and declare it as transient in your form/action


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Gareth Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 8. september 2005 10:54
Til: Struts Users Mailing List
Emne: Re: Exception after File Upload.

Because when you shutdown tomcat, it tries to serial all objects within
the session scope.  The 
class you are referring to
'org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream' does not 
implement '' and therefore tomcat throws this
exception when trying to serialize it.

Whilst I don't know what the class
'org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager' does, presumably is 
performs a check to see if an object stored within the session is
serializable before trying to 
write it disk, or it might remove non-serializable object from the
session scope on shutdown.



Anuradha S.Athreya wrote:

> I have a web application running on Tomcat 5.0.
> One of the features is this appln enables file upload. After an
upload, If I
> stop and restart the server , I get this particular expception.
> SEVERE: IOException while loading persisted sessions:
> writing aborted;
> NotSerializableException:
> org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream
> writing aborted;
> org.apache.commons.fileuploa
> d.DeferredFileOutputStream
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> 1401)
> at
> ava:895)
> at
> at
> at
> at
> at
> 49)
> at
> at
> 253)
> at
> at
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
> at
> org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
> at
> at
> at
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at
> )
> at
> .java:25)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> at
> at
> Caused by:
> org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream
> at
> at

2005-09-08 Thread Enda Dowling

Does anyone know is there a way to call an action from a page without
anything being pressed on the page. Pretty much it is just a temp page to
forward onto an action.

I tried a few things like the one below but nothing has worked so far.




RE: DynaForms & Radio Buttons

2005-09-08 Thread Enda Dowling
Thanks, I got that working. 
Appreciate it.

-Original Message-
From: Duane Rosengartner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 September 2005 16:58
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: DynaForms & Radio Buttons

use the Id (userId,accountId)or concatination of Id|someOtherVariable as
the value of the Radio button property. Then in your action you would
use the value of the radio to perform further processing. In most cases,
the rows are simple views of an object. The selection of the row would
require you to build a more complex view of the object(built from it's
ID) and send you to an edit screen. If you already have the complex
model built, you need a rowId as the value, which you would use as the
index of the list.

Easiest way:
String[] rowsSelected = form.get(propertyName); //in the action class
String[] rowsSelected = get(propertyName); //in the form

Going to an edit Screen? Perhaps you should use javascript to ensure
only one is selected. Or use rowsSelected.size here


-Original Message-
From: Enda Dowling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: DynaForms & Radio Buttons


I am running into a problem with trying to create radio buttons with
a dynamic amount of entries on the page. It is meant to be a very simple
page where there are options and you just select Yes or No. The only
thing is the number of options that are presented to the user is dynamic
which means there needs to be a dynamic number of radio buttons present
on the page. 

I started to use DynaForms but I don't think im configuring it
The form that holds the Radio Buttons will just take need to take in the
Yes or No answers as the other data is already stored in the session. 

What would be the best way to take those values in from the page? 






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Re: Exception after File Upload.

2005-09-08 Thread Gareth Evans
Because when you shutdown tomcat, it tries to serial all objects within the session scope.  The 
class you are referring to 'org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream' does not 
implement '' and therefore tomcat throws this exception when trying to serialize it.

Whilst I don't know what the class 'org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager' does, presumably is 
performs a check to see if an object stored within the session is serializable before trying to 
write it disk, or it might remove non-serializable object from the session scope on shutdown.



Anuradha S.Athreya wrote:

I have a web application running on Tomcat 5.0.

One of the features is this appln enables file upload. After an upload, If I
stop and restart the server , I get this particular expception.
SEVERE: IOException while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted;
org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream writing aborted; org.apache.commons.fileuploa
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by:

As a solution that I found , I added this to the server.xml of Tomcat.

Can someone tell me what could be the root of this problem.

Gareth Evans

MSoft eSolutions Limited
Technology Centre
Inward Way
Rossmore Business Park

Exception after File Upload.

2005-09-08 Thread Anuradha S.Athreya
I have a web application running on Tomcat 5.0.

One of the features is this appln enables file upload. After an upload, If I
stop and restart the server , I get this particular expception.
SEVERE: IOException while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted;
org.apache.commons.fileupload.DeferredFileOutputStream writing aborted; org.apache.commons.fileuploa
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Caused by:

As a solution that I found , I added this to the server.xml of Tomcat.

Can someone tell me what could be the root of this problem.

RE: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

2005-09-08 Thread Ayusman dikshit

Hi Imran,
Try to download latest MyEclipse (just google it and u will find it) and
download this pdf  this
will guide you thru. , hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: M. Imran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

Dear all,
I am trying to build my first application with Tomcat, Eclipse 3.1 &
Struts 1.2.7, can anyone tell me how to configure them? Any help link or
example will be much appreciated?

Thanks you,

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Re: Eclipse 3.1 and struts 1.2.7

2005-09-08 Thread d d is a useful link or u may use the 
book Tomcat-Bible.It has a chapter on Ecllipse-IDE installation.

On Thu, 08 Sep 2005 MImran wrote :
>Dear all,
>I am trying to build my first application with Tomcat, Eclipse 3.1 & Struts 
>1.2.7, can anyone tell me how to configure them? Any help link or example will 
>be much appreciated?
>Thanks you,

how to pass value defined in a "nested:define" to a java script function?

2005-09-08 Thread Anjishnu Bandyopadhyay

Hi all,

I have a  tag within another  tag.

  < nested:define id="year" value=".."/>





Here, on change of the text box in the inner , I want to
send some value to a java script function, that is available from a
/  value.

But, I am not being able to do so. Some syntax error is coming.

Thanks for your time.

With best regards,


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"Struts 1.3 and Beyond" Presentation

2005-09-08 Thread Don Brown
I just finished giving a presentation titled "Struts 1.3 and Beyond" to the 
Silicon Valley Web Developer JUG that I thought folks on this list might be 
interested in. In addition to the regular slide keyboard controls, press "T" 
to toggle the outline/printable view which contains extra notes.

Presentation software:
