Re: question about DWR integration

2006-10-24 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Hi Lig,

I think you would want to do two things... first, abstract out your 
authorization code from the RP into a filter... you should be able to 
slap this in front of vanilla Struts and get the same effect (perhaps 
with a little tweaking, since I'm not familiar with your implementation).

Next, map this filter to ActionServlet, as well as DWRServlet... DWR and 
Struts are really two different things (existing integration aside), and 
I don't think it would make much sense to run requests through Struts 
and then DWR... I can see why you'd think that with the auth code in the 
RP, but once its externalized, I think everything becomes quite a bit 


Ilya Liubovich wrote:

I've asked this on the DWR mailing list, but never got a response.
May you be you can help.
The issue is the following:

I have an extension to requestProcessor which deals with authorizing 
requests based on request parameteres. I'd like to do the same to the 
requests directed to the DWR servlet.
My thinking was first, map url /dwr* to the ActionServlet, do the 
required checks in the
processMapping() of the extension of RequestProcessor, and then forward 
the request to the

DWR servlet.

Is this a right approach?
If so, could somebody advice how to do it?
Thanks, Lig

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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form bean with composition, is it possible?

2006-10-24 Thread xianwinwin

Hi guys,

I wonder if it's possible to create a form bean with a composition. I mean,
assuming I have the following classes:
AccountInformation ( fname, lname...) 
CreditCard (number, type...)

I would like to know if I can create a form (registration) that is composed
from AccountInformation and CreditCard???

I don't want to retype all properties again (doesn't sound right)

my question is this:
1. is it possible to do that?
2. if yes, how would the registration.jsp page will look like?

If it was a regular form, it would have been:

thanks for any advise.

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question about DWR integration

2006-10-24 Thread Ilya Liubovich

I've asked this on the DWR mailing list, but never got a response.
May you be you can help.
The issue is the following:

I have an extension to requestProcessor which deals with authorizing 
requests based on request parameteres. I'd like to do the same to the 
requests directed to the DWR servlet.
My thinking was first, map url /dwr* to the ActionServlet, do the required 
checks in the
processMapping() of the extension of RequestProcessor, and then forward the 
request to the

DWR servlet.

Is this a right approach?
If so, could somebody advice how to do it?
Thanks, Lig

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Re: Debugging struts applications with eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread Ed Griebel

This should answer all your questions:

Google is your friend, this is the first link for "tomcat eclipse
debugging" search.


On 10/24/06, Joe Yuen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to debug an application running under tomcat? Is there 
any special setup I have to do in eclipse?


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Re: javabeans with Collection (Set)

2006-10-24 Thread BISO

Thanks Laurie for your response. 
I used BeanUtils and It worked well with me  :) 

Unfortunately, convert(Class type, Object value) works only with single
Object not Object array. Do you know away to make it work with arrays. 
My goal to Convert String[] to a java.util.Set

Thanks again

Laurie Harper wrote:
> That's because Struts doesn't know how to turn a set of HTML request 
> parameters into a Set of Something. There are a couple of options: you 
> could, perhaps, register a converter with BeanUtils what would do this 
> for you, at which point your existing code would probably work as you 
> were expecting; or you could change your form bean to expose the 
> 'values' field as an indexed property [1]. The latter is probably the 
> one you want.
> L.
> [1]
> BISO wrote:
>> Dears,
>> I have a "User" bean with java.util.Set property.
>> I create a struts form with a list to select multiple values from and
>> then
>> store them in the set. 
>> I am getting this exception:
>> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot invoke
>> com.myapp.struts.User.setValues - argument type mismatch
>> ---
>> public class User extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {
>> private String name;
>> private Set values;
>> public String getName() {
>> return name;
>> }
>> public void setName( String name) {
>> = name;
>> }
>> public Set getValues() {
>> return values;
>> }
>> public void setValues(Set values) {
>> this.values = values;
>> } 
>> }
>> --
>> Thanks in advance
> -
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Re: Debugging struts applications with eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread Martin Gainty
I would look at implementing either commons-logging or Log4j for loggin using 
socket/smtp/ftp protocols which is organised to categories
For more info take a look at

Anyone else?
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distribution or copying of it or its 
- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Yuen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:57 PM
Subject: Debugging struts applications with eclipse

Can anyone tell me how to debug an application running under tomcat? Is there 
any special setup I have to do in eclipse?


Debugging struts applications with eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread Joe Yuen

Can anyone tell me how to debug an application running under tomcat? Is there 
any special setup I have to do in eclipse?


Re: Add request parameter in

2006-10-24 Thread Martin Gainty
The request parameter is available thru bean:parameter
be mindful that multiple="true" must be specified in the event you are sotring 
an array
For more info check out

Anyone else?

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distribution or copying of it or its 
- Original Message - 
From: "Antonis Lebesis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "struts" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:08 PM
Subject: Add request parameter in 

> Hello,
>  I want to add a request parameter in  tag. I searched
> the user guide, but I didn't find anything relevant. Have you any idea
> on how to do this?
> The code I 'm using is:
> Thanks,
> Antonis.
> -
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Add request parameter in

2006-10-24 Thread Antonis Lebesis


 I want to add a request parameter in  tag. I searched
the user guide, but I didn't find anything relevant. Have you any idea
on how to do this?

The code I 'm using is:


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Re: Struts2 runs in Eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread Don Brown

The easiest way to get started is to use the Maven 2 archetype and let
Maven 2 generate your eclipse project files.  Unfortunately, the
Apache servers are currently down, so this method won't immedately
work.  But when they come back up, here are the three commands that
you can run if you have Maven 2 installed:

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=tutorial \
  -DartifactId=tutorial \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.struts \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=struts2-archetype-starter \
  -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.1-SNAPSHOT \


cd tutorial

mvn -Dwtpversion=1.0 eclipse:eclipse

That should give you a starter Struts 2 application, and all the
eclipse project files you need.  I'll put this into a proper tutorial
as it is a frequently asked question, but in the meantime, hope this


On 10/24/06, frankiestd168 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

Is there any tutorial for setting up Struts2 webapps in Eclipse?

sorry, i'm new to Eclipse, and Struts2.. really have no

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several html forms

2006-10-24 Thread Jean-Marie Pitre


What do you think about using several html forms with same name in the
same page ?

I explain me, my JSP displays (with iterate) content of a tab element
(object in my formbean).
I would like to update one of these elements, so my idea was to create a
html form block for each element of my tab in the JSP and post one html
form  to an action.

Regards, Jean-Marie.

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Struts2 runs in Eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread frankiestd168

Hi all,

Is there any tutorial for setting up Struts2 webapps in Eclipse?

sorry, i'm new to Eclipse, and Struts2.. really have no

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Re: Subject: Struts 2.0 vs JSF

2006-10-24 Thread Garner Shawn

I was using MyFaces JSF/Tomahawk/Facelets with Tomcat.
I like some features of JSF but not all. Plus I kept running into bug
after bug between JSF, Tomahawk, Facelets, and Tomcat.

I finally ran into troubles with JSTL and Facelets so I switched to
Struts 2 and sitemesh.
I had to write my own custom extension to sitemesh but am pleased with
the results.

I really like Struts 2 other than the occasional bug (feature) which
I'm not sure if it is me or the framework but have found workarounds
pretty easily.  I'm utilizing the prepareable, validateable, spring
interjection, and hibernate itegration and really like it.


From: Mike Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:57:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Struts 2.0 vs JSF
I just finished a JSF project and I was not pleased with "ease of use"
or the overhead (is JSF a
conspiracy to sell hardware?).

I am thinking that the best way to go for a new commercial level
project is Struts 2.0 with AJAX
components for a "coolness factor".

Any suggestions?


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RE: Struts1.3.5 error

2006-10-24 Thread Levan Dvalishvili

Please make sure In JSP pages : remove/change local references to tag libs
to absolute URLs:
It should look like that :
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="bean" %> <%@
taglib uri=""; prefix="html" %> <%@ taglib
uri=""; prefix="logic" %> <%@ taglib
uri=""; prefix="tiles" %>

, and remove struts/tiles tld files, remove tld  declarations from web.xml
file and  that should take care of the issue, It did for me :) Best regards.


-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:28 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts1.3.5 error


> I was using struts1.2.9 previously , every thing worked fine. When I 
> migrated to struts1.3.5, I am getting below error message.I am not 
> sure about this behaviour.
> Any particular reason for this behaviour?
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate 
> TagExtraInfo class: org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.UseAttributeTei

See #6 on the upgrade notes...

The Struts Tiles package name was changed.  Try clearing out your
container's 'work' directory so the JSPs will be recompiled.


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Re: Too many moving parts in Tiles

2006-10-24 Thread Chris Pratt

Hmmm, I'm not using Tiles alone or Struts 2.  I'm using the Tiles integrated
into Struts 1.2.9.  I've tried using the ForwardAction to forward something


But it doesn't work, it just returns 404's.

As far as 2 definitions per page, I've been told by others on the list that
because you can only define variables at the first level (or something like
that) that you have to separate the layout from the definition into two
definitions.  It seems very kludgy to me, which is why I'm asking here.  I
agree that the ability to nest and extend Tiles is an excellent idea, but if
this is the "best practice" approach, it leaves a lot to be desired.

I've tried implementing it the way I'd like it to work, and with help from
people on the list, this was the only way I could get it to work, so my
wishes are a bit moot at this point.

I'm just trying to get a handle on this "simplifying" technology and make
sure I'm not making things harder than they should be.  If anyone can point
to a simpler solution (using Tiles and Struts, please refrain from
suggesting "switch to a completely different package"), I'd be very

On 10/24/06, Greg Reddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Oct 24, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Chris Pratt wrote:

> First I have to create
> an essentially empty file for each page that uses Tiles, something
> like:
> <%@ taglib prefix="tiles" uri="
> el"%>

First off, I'm assuming you're using Tiles 2?  That may affect the
way we answer the rest of your questions.

This is a drawback to using Tiles in standalone mode.  Tiles is meant
to be inserted into the view layer of an MVC application.  It is
meant to interface with the controller component of an MVC
framework.  So, if you're using Struts or JSF, you'd configure your
controller layer to forward requests to Tiles.  Instead of a 2-line
JSP page along with a Tile definition and associated pages for every
"page" you'd have 2 lines of configuration in your controller layer
along with the Tiles components for every page.  But in standalone
mode you don't have a front controller so your intermediate JSP page
becomes the front controller.  In my current project I'm using
Facelets.  I'd like to see Tiles implement a feature of Facelets in
which the "page" calls the template.  Tiles works the other way
around.  In Tiles you have to define a definition that references
both the template and the page content.  In Facelets you invoke a
page that, in turn, pulls in a template.

But Tiles is currently missing this feature.  Maybe you should
consider including a controller in your app to avoid this problem.
Currently, there is no Struts 1.x support for Tiles 2, but there is
Struts 2 and JSF (by way of Shale) support.  Note that I haven't used
either in an application yet.

> Then since 90% of our files are separated into a blue section (with
> breadcrumbs) at the top of the page and a white section at the
> bottom, I
> extended the main layout definition to add those tiles.  But to
> extend a
> tile it apparently takes two definitions (which doesn't make any
> sense to
> me):

The above defines the frame of your template, but you don't have to
provide 2 defs for every page do you?  For example, for a "foobar"
page you only need the following (plus the intermediate JSP page),


Or have I missed something?

I've heard talk of nested definitions whereby maybe you could combine
default.pane and default.layout into one, but I'm not sure if it
works or if it would be a best practice.  It might depend on who you
ask :-)  The fact that you can extend definitions is a good thing,
IMO, but you can only take the inheritance paradigm so far before it
breaks down when dealing with XML-based definitions.

> And since our site is internationalized we have externalized text in
> resources as well as internationalized tiles_defs_fr.xml files.  It
> seems
> like Tiles is making flow and maintainability harder not easier.

To this point, in some cases, you're probably correct.  It would be
helpful if you would think for a minute about how you might "like" it
to work.  If you can post some example defs and pages that would
represent your ideal environment we might be able to modify Tiles to
suit.For example:

*  What would be your alternative to using the intermediate JSP?
*  What would be your alternative to using 2 extension defs to build
90% of your pages?  (I know the answer is "one" def, but what would
it look like?)

With Tiles 2, we're still in development so, pretty much anything goes.

> Is there a
> best practice document somewhere that defines how to use this
> technology to
> make life easier rather than just making more work?

Well, the doc is in progress.  This is the best we can provide right

I think we have some best practices in mind, we just haven't had a

doubt with multibox

2006-10-24 Thread Yariel Ramos Moreno

I´m using html:multibox to generate a dynamic list of items... so far so
good, but I have a problem because at the same time I generate a dynamic
list too, but this list print always the same (example "working")... then,
what can I do if the second list always print the same and this is not
the way html:multibox work?...


My items:

[] item 1 [] working
[] item 2 [] working
[] item 3 [] working
[] item 4 [] working
[] item n [] working



XIII Convención Científica de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
28/noviembre al 1/diciembre de 2006
Cujae, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

Re: Unable to Download Struts2

2006-10-24 Thread Wendy Smoak

On 10/24/06, Matthew J. Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I get a connection timeout everytime I try to download:

Anyone else getting this?

Yes, that server was part of some infrastructure work that started on
Saturday.  The original estimate was Monday, but it's taking longer
than expected.

There is a monitoring page, though there is no further information
about on it:


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RE: Struts1.3.5 error

2006-10-24 Thread Levan Dvalishvili
Please make sure In JSP pages : remove/change local references to tag libs
to absolute URLs:
It should look like that :
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="tiles" %>

, and remove struts/tiles tld files, remove tld  declarations from web.xml
file and  that should take care of the issue, 
It did for me :)
Best regards.


-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:28 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts1.3.5 error


> I was using struts1.2.9 previously , every thing worked fine. When I 
> migrated to struts1.3.5, I am getting below error message.I am not 
> sure about this behaviour.
> Any particular reason for this behaviour?
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate 
> TagExtraInfo class: org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.UseAttributeTei

See #6 on the upgrade notes...

The Struts Tiles package name was changed.  Try clearing out your
container's 'work' directory so the JSPs will be recompiled.


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Re: Performance of my code

2006-10-24 Thread Martin Gainty
this is the best Ive seen thus far-

This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and 
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- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel Chacón Sánchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 12:55 PM
Subject: Performance of my code

> Hi all, this is not a question about struts, but is a question about java,
> Is there a tool that let me check performance issues in my code, like
> example the variables that I declared but never used?
> Can you tell me where I can download that tool,

Unable to Download Struts2

2006-10-24 Thread Matthew J. Vincent

Hi all,

I get a connection timeout everytime I try to download:

Anyone else getting this?



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Re: Too many moving parts in Tiles

2006-10-24 Thread Greg Reddin

On Oct 24, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Chris Pratt wrote:

First I have to create
an essentially empty file for each page that uses Tiles, something  

<%@ taglib prefix="tiles" uri=" 

First off, I'm assuming you're using Tiles 2?  That may affect the  
way we answer the rest of your questions.

This is a drawback to using Tiles in standalone mode.  Tiles is meant  
to be inserted into the view layer of an MVC application.  It is  
meant to interface with the controller component of an MVC  
framework.  So, if you're using Struts or JSF, you'd configure your  
controller layer to forward requests to Tiles.  Instead of a 2-line  
JSP page along with a Tile definition and associated pages for every  
"page" you'd have 2 lines of configuration in your controller layer  
along with the Tiles components for every page.  But in standalone  
mode you don't have a front controller so your intermediate JSP page  
becomes the front controller.  In my current project I'm using  
Facelets.  I'd like to see Tiles implement a feature of Facelets in  
which the "page" calls the template.  Tiles works the other way  
around.  In Tiles you have to define a definition that references  
both the template and the page content.  In Facelets you invoke a  
page that, in turn, pulls in a template.

But Tiles is currently missing this feature.  Maybe you should  
consider including a controller in your app to avoid this problem.   
Currently, there is no Struts 1.x support for Tiles 2, but there is  
Struts 2 and JSF (by way of Shale) support.  Note that I haven't used  
either in an application yet.

Then since 90% of our files are separated into a blue section (with
breadcrumbs) at the top of the page and a white section at the  
bottom, I
extended the main layout definition to add those tiles.  But to  
extend a
tile it apparently takes two definitions (which doesn't make any  
sense to




The above defines the frame of your template, but you don't have to  
provide 2 defs for every page do you?  For example, for a "foobar"  
page you only need the following (plus the intermediate JSP page),  


Or have I missed something?

I've heard talk of nested definitions whereby maybe you could combine  
default.pane and default.layout into one, but I'm not sure if it  
works or if it would be a best practice.  It might depend on who you  
ask :-)  The fact that you can extend definitions is a good thing,  
IMO, but you can only take the inheritance paradigm so far before it  
breaks down when dealing with XML-based definitions.

And since our site is internationalized we have externalized text in
resources as well as internationalized tiles_defs_fr.xml files.  It  

like Tiles is making flow and maintainability harder not easier.

To this point, in some cases, you're probably correct.  It would be  
helpful if you would think for a minute about how you might "like" it  
to work.  If you can post some example defs and pages that would  
represent your ideal environment we might be able to modify Tiles to  
suit.For example:

*  What would be your alternative to using the intermediate JSP?
*  What would be your alternative to using 2 extension defs to build  
90% of your pages?  (I know the answer is "one" def, but what would  
it look like?)

With Tiles 2, we're still in development so, pretty much anything goes.

Is there a
best practice document somewhere that defines how to use this  
technology to

make life easier rather than just making more work?

Well, the doc is in progress.  This is the best we can provide right  

I think we have some best practices in mind, we just haven't had a  
chance to get them into the official docs yet.


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RE: Struts 2.0 vs JSF

2006-10-24 Thread Levan Dvalishvili
I agree, JSF is not the most pleasing technologies out there, :))  I would
say Tapestry or wicket are way beyond, better, , but  I don’t like component
based event-driven blablalba.. so my vote is for struts 2.0, actually Struts
1.3.5 as a fact  I am still little bit fishy about new dependency
injection  ways that struts 2.0 got ...

Levan Dvalishvili 
Support Lead  US
(646) 736 - 6075

-Original Message-
From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 5:57 PM
Subject: Struts 2.0 vs JSF

I just finished a JSF project and I was not pleased with "ease of use" or
the overhead (is JSF a conspiracy to sell hardware?).

I am thinking that the best way to go for a new commercial level project is
Struts 2.0 with AJAX components for a "coolness factor".  

Any suggestions?


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Re: Performance of my code

2006-10-24 Thread Daniel Chacón Sánchez

If you don´t know the answer then don´t write :P

Thanks Jerome, I just downloaded an extension for JDeveloper that check
that, thanks!!!

2006/10/24, Ed Griebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 10/24/06, Daniel Chacón Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all, this is not a question about struts, but is a question about

Well then it probably shouldn't be asked here :-)

> Is there a tool that let me check performance issues in my code, like
> example the variables that I declared but never used?

Anyway, your example is more about static analysis than [speed or
memory] performance; Eclipse will do some basic static analysis, also
look at:

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Adding Elements to a

2006-10-24 Thread Chris Pratt

Is it possible to add elements to a list started by a "super" tile
definition?  In other words, is something like this doable?

Define a layout that has as list of breadcrumbs:



Extend that layout and add additional breadcrumbs:



And end up with the breadcrumbs:

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Re: Performance of my code

2006-10-24 Thread Jerome Gagner

Unused variables:

Use and IDE like Eclipse or IDEA. They both have rule checking. Maven
also has a plugin for this.

In terms of performance, I'd look for a Java profiler. I've personally
had very good experiences with Yourkit (

On 10/24/06, Daniel Chacón Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all, this is not a question about struts, but is a question about java,

Is there a tool that let me check performance issues in my code, like
example the variables that I declared but never used?

Can you tell me where I can download that tool,


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Re: Performance of my code

2006-10-24 Thread Ed Griebel

On 10/24/06, Daniel Chacón Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all, this is not a question about struts, but is a question about java,

Well then it probably shouldn't be asked here :-)

Is there a tool that let me check performance issues in my code, like
example the variables that I declared but never used?

Anyway, your example is more about static analysis than [speed or
memory] performance; Eclipse will do some basic static analysis, also
look at:

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Too many moving parts in Tiles

2006-10-24 Thread Chris Pratt

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, (or at least not using the "Best
Practices").  Because my Tiles site has a LOT of moving parts, way more than
if I didn't use this simplifying technology at all.  First I have to create
an essentially empty file for each page that uses Tiles, something like:

<%@ taglib prefix="tiles" uri=""%>

Since our site always has a header (with a title), footer, and body section,
I defined a main layout with those sections and defined it in tiles-def.xmlas:

  * Page Level Initialization
 function init () {
 } //init


Then since 90% of our files are separated into a blue section (with
breadcrumbs) at the top of the page and a white section at the bottom, I
extended the main layout definition to add those tiles.  But to extend a
tile it apparently takes two definitions (which doesn't make any sense to



And since our site is internationalized we have externalized text in
resources as well as internationalized tiles_defs_fr.xml files.  It seems
like Tiles is making flow and maintainability harder not easier.  Is there a
best practice document somewhere that defines how to use this technology to
make life easier rather than just making more work?

Performance of my code

2006-10-24 Thread Daniel Chacón Sánchez

Hi all, this is not a question about struts, but is a question about java,

Is there a tool that let me check performance issues in my code, like
example the variables that I declared but never used?

Can you tell me where I can download that tool,


Re: Struts2 Showcase Example and Eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread frankiestd168


After reading this message, I got further question…

I am new to Eclipse, and Struts 2, 
Here trying to run/debug the application within Eclipse with JBoss,

I downloaded the Struts 2 sample src, C:\\struts-2.0.1\src\apps\showcase
And run “mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=1.0 -Papps,plugins”

Yes, I get the eclipse project for Showcase. Then import the project to
eclipse, so far so good..

When I click the option "Run on Server", Jboss started up and said some
classpath not found, or missing files..

I guess, it's because the structure in Eclipse project is different from the
standard webapps structure,
So, how can I build/deploy it, and run it in Eclipse?

Do I need to write a ANT build script to do it?


Jim Reynolds wrote:
> I have downloaded and deployed the showcase examples for Struts2 as a
> learning tool. I have been going through the code file by file, and
> was wondering if there was a better way to handle this. I have Eclipse
> IDE and was wondering if the project could be imported into Eclipse,
> so I can walk the classes easier. I am new with Eclipse and also
> Struts2. So I am looking for advice on how I could configure this and
> also be able to make changes and see the changes within the web app.
> Make sense? Thanks,
> -
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Re: Struts1.3.5 error

2006-10-24 Thread Wendy Smoak


I was using struts1.2.9 previously , every thing worked fine. When I
migrated to struts1.3.5, I am getting below error message.I am not sure
about this behaviour.
Any particular reason for this behaviour?

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate
TagExtraInfo class: org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.UseAttributeTei

See #6 on the upgrade notes...

The Struts Tiles package name was changed.  Try clearing out your
container's 'work' directory so the JSPs will be recompiled.


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RE: Form not found for locale 'en_US' warning message

2006-10-24 Thread kumar.vinodh


Struts-config has separate message-resource tag for the language
But still I am seeing the warning message.


-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 5:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Form not found for locale 'en_US' warning message


from struts-config.xml please display the value of parameter for

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review, disclosure, dissemination, distribution or copying of it or its
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:37 AM
Subject: Form not found for locale 'en_US' warning message


I am the getting the below warning message whenever I access the

Form not found for locale 'en_US'

I am using the downloaded version of the Struts 1.3.5 that was available
in struts site.

With reference to BugId -  this bug is
fixed in struts 1.3.

I am not sure what more files i need to include here.

Any help asap is appreciated.


Note: I copied all of the jar files in lib directory of struts 1.3.5
where there was no 'struts.jar' file available.

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Struts1.3.5 error

2006-10-24 Thread kumar.vinodh


I was using struts1.2.9 previously , every thing worked fine. When I
migrated to struts1.3.5, I am getting below error message.I am not sure
about this behaviour.
Any particular reason for this behaviour?

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Failed to load or instantiate
TagExtraInfo class: org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.UseAttributeTei


















root cause


















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Re: Form not found for locale 'en_US' warning message

2006-10-24 Thread Martin Gainty

from struts-config.xml please display the value of parameter for 

This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and 
privileged information for the use of the 
designated recipients named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you 
are hereby notified that you have received
this communication in error and that any review, disclosure, dissemination, 
distribution or copying of it or its 
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:37 AM
Subject: Form not found for locale 'en_US' warning message


I am the getting the below warning message whenever I access the

Form not found for locale 'en_US'

I am using the downloaded version of the Struts 1.3.5 that was available
in struts site.

With reference to BugId -  this bug is
fixed in struts 1.3.

I am not sure what more files i need to include here.

Any help asap is appreciated.


Note: I copied all of the jar files in lib directory of struts 1.3.5
where there was no 'struts.jar' file available.

The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to 
this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may 
contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the 
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Form not found for locale 'en_US' warning message

2006-10-24 Thread kumar.vinodh


I am the getting the below warning message whenever I access the

Form not found for locale 'en_US'

I am using the downloaded version of the Struts 1.3.5 that was available
in struts site.

With reference to BugId -  this bug is
fixed in struts 1.3.

I am not sure what more files i need to include here.

Any help asap is appreciated.


Note: I copied all of the jar files in lib directory of struts 1.3.5
where there was no 'struts.jar' file available.

The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to 
this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may 
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2 different FormFile size restrictions

2006-10-24 Thread Marcolino

a short question:

I have a /createShortEntry and a /createLargeEntry.
I want to limit filesize for /createShortEntry to 250kb and for 
/createLargeEntry to 350kb.

is this possible in a simple way?

Thanks, Markus

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