Re: [S2] JasperReports plugin vs. Subreports

2008-01-15 Thread Jeromy Evans

Hi Dave,

Did you make any progress with this?

The approach I've used is for the action to set up a JRDataSource 
instance in a public property.  The DataSource is defined as a normal 
parameter in the Master Report.  The Jasper Result passes this 
JRDataSource instance to the Master report through the parameter and the 
Master report passes the datasource to the subreport through a 

Although it's possible for the action to setup a 
JRHibernateListDataSource/JRJpaDataSource/other JRDataSource instance, I 
instead created a subclass of JRAbstactBeanDataSource that performs an 
nested iteration over the nested collection(s).  I'm not sure if that 
makes sense - it runs multiple iterators to unroll the nested collection 
as the master collection is iterated over.

This basically means there's no additional code in the action other than 
to define the JRDataSources for the subreports.

I'm interested to hear if you solved it another way.

Jeromy Evans

Dave Newton wrote:

This might be a JasperReports question; not sure yet.

I'm trying to figure out if there's a way I can use sub-reports via the
JasperReports plugin. I have a reasonably complicated data structure with
multiple nested collections.

At this point I might just write XML and use an XML datasource and use JR by
hand, but I'd really like to avoid that if possible.


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Question on Application, Session, Request Awareness best practices ...

2008-01-15 Thread Mufaddal Khumri


Since struts2 actions are not shared amongst requests and if these  
actions are Aware of one of the scopes they essentially have a copy  
of that scope's parameters in a map. Lets say the application has  
about 15 attributes and the session has about 7 attributes.

Que1. When you add a new application attribute, does it automatically  
get added to all the present maps of that particular scope in all the  
instances of a particular action that are ApplicationAware?

Que2. What are the performance implications of having such a map on  
each application instance that requires access to a particular  
application scoped attribute and not all?

Que3. If an action needs just one application attribute, is it better  
to have an interceptor extract that from the application scope and  
set it on the action?

Que4. Is it better to implement the "Awareness" of one or more of the  
scope in an interceptor ? (Since interceptor instances are shared  
across requests) If yes, would this map of attributes from the  
particular scope get updated when a new attribute is added to that  
particular scope?


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Re: i want to use the source luke.

2008-01-15 Thread Piero Sartini
> However, i
> did not see
> the source for any of the "com.opensymphony.xwork2.*" classes.  Is the
> source
> for these classes available?

XWork is a seperate project at opensymphony. You can get the sources from


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Re: i want to use the source luke.

2008-01-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Jan 15, 2008 5:24 PM, Darren James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently downloaded the 2.0.11 distribution, and was able to find the
> sources to
> all of the java classes under the "org.apache.struts2.*".  However, i
> did not see
> the source for any of the "com.opensymphony.xwork2.*" classes.  Is the
> source
> for these classes available?

According to the struts2-core 2.0.11 pom, it depends on xwork 2.0.4.

Try the -sources jar, here:


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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread Jeromy Evans

GF wrote:

It could be a solution, but:
simply works.

Unfortunately simply HTML Escaping the href attribute isn't 
satisfactory.  It would corrupt valid javascript.

Link A

HTML escaped is not equivalent:
Link B

As Martin suggested, you could write code that parses the attribute to 
ensure it's not prematurely terminated by a quote.  The complication is 
that it can't replace double quotes/single quotes with an html 
equivalent as it will need to be aware of quote nesting and escaping, 
and the tag implementation doesn't know whether the template uses a 
single quote or double quote to open the attribute.  This problem has 
been solved plenty of times before though.

Despite all that, the developer of the tag library did decide to html 
escape all the scripting-event attributes already (onclick etc) so maybe 
I'm making a pointless point.

More importantly, the developer needs to ensure user-entered data is 
escaped, which brings us back to s:url's encode attribute and the use of 
variables generally.

Perhaps it would be more useful if could easily escape variables before 
inserting them into the HTML:

eg. as per freemarker notation:

I've used this reliably before
Where encode is a function in the context.

Similarly this will work:

The developer knows best whether a variable can be trusted in the 
current context and there are sufficient tools at his disposal to 
protect against this particular XSS vulnerability.  I agree it may be 
useful if s:url encoded the entire query string through.

Jeromy Evans

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Re: i want to use the source luke.

2008-01-15 Thread Dave Newton
--- Darren James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently downloaded the 2.0.11 distribution, and was able to find the 
> sources to
> all of the java classes under the "org.apache.struts2.*".  However, i 
> did not see
> the source for any of the "com.opensymphony.xwork2.*" classes.  Is the 
> source
> for these classes available?

Sure, but not in the S2 source download. XWork is a separate project.

I believe building using Maven does include the XWork source (or it's in the
repository; I forget which), so that's another option.


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i want to use the source luke.

2008-01-15 Thread Darren James

I recently downloaded the 2.0.11 distribution, and was able to find the 
sources to
all of the java classes under the "org.apache.struts2.*".  However, i 
did not see
the source for any of the "com.opensymphony.xwork2.*" classes.  Is the 

for these classes available?

thanks in advance,

- darren.

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Re: Struts2 actions' extension

2008-01-15 Thread Laurie Harper

Filipe David Manana wrote:

Yes, I use Tomcat 5.5. Where in tomcat do I configure directories not
handled with mod_jk?

He said 'apache+tomcat'; mod_jk is an Apache Httpd component, so it's 
not relevant if you aren't using Apache Httpd.

See below for further comments.

By the way, is there a Struts2 config only?

thank you

On Jan 12, 2008 6:56 PM, GF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are using apache+tomcat, you can place static file in a
directory not handled with mod_jk

On Jan 12, 2008 6:28 PM, Filipe David Manana <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:


I have set the property struts.action.extension to the empty string. I


now invoke my actions with the default ".action" suffix, although I have



You mean without the default .action suffix, right?

css files (ending in .css) and javascript (.js) are no longer accessible


the client.

How can I fix this?

If you don't want to use a URL extension (e.g. .action) to identify 
which requests should be processed by Struts, you need to partition the 
URL namespace. For example, /struts/* gets handled by Struts and 
/static/* gets handled by Tomcat for serving CSS, JS, etc.


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Re: AW: struts 2 and ognl

2008-01-15 Thread Laurie Harper

Otto, Frank wrote:


thanks for your answer.

how can I build a ognl variable dynamic? Example:

I have an iteration with different url-definitions, because 

I need always another parameter (index):



		href="%{myMethod%{#stat.index}}"/>  <--- I need 

here: %{myMethod0}, %{myMethod1}, ..., but it wasn't evaluated

Has someone an idea?
Firstly, it's not valid to nest OGNL expression 
(%{...%{...}}) but you 
can get the result you want something like this (untested):


This may also work:


However, based on the code you posted, I suspect this isn't what you 
want; aren't you trying to set the autocompleter's href to 
the URL you 
built with s:url above? In that case, just simplify:


In my opinion I need the indifier. I have 2 or more (dynamic) autocompleter, 
and the first autocompleter refreshs the second, the second and so one. I have 
the same action for the refresh, but I need the index of the autcompleter, 
which sends the notfiyTopic. So I need a dynamic build url id, because there is 
different parameter for it. f.e.:

I guess I just don't understand your question. You'd get the same result 
from the above if each s:url tag used the same id value, as in:


There's still no need for the id attribute to have a dynamic value.


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Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Brian Relph
Thank you so much for you help.  Yes, we do want the other action to execute
before reaching the jsp ... as i was refactoring the code, i read your next
response, and yes, the "chain" result is exactly the fix for me.  I think
action chaining is in general frowned on, but for my initial login, i think
it fits perfectly.  Again, thanks for you time looking at it!

On 1/15/08, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just realized that the proposed solution won't do what you want it
> to do either, since you obviously want the other action to run before
> the jsps are dispatched... So, you either have to re-structure your
> code a bit and invoke the other actions directly (either manually or
> by specifying it as the default action in portlet.xml), or you could
> try playing with the "chain" result to see if that does the trick.
> Nils-H
> On Jan 15, 2008 11:32 PM, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I think I have figured out the problem. The problem is that
> > "redirectAction" doesn't really do what you think it does, not when
> > used in the render phase. I should probably implement a check for
> > this, as you can't do a sendRedirect in a portlet. "redirectAction" in
> > a portlet should only be used after executing an action in the action
> > phase (I need to document this). So...with that in mind, you
> > should change your configuration:
> >
> > struts.xml
> >
> >  > class="">
> > /WEB-INF/view/advisor.jsp
> > /WEB-INF/view/consumer.jsp
> > 
> >
> > Then make sure you use the "redirectAction" result type only when your
> > action has been executed in the action phase (form submit, or s:url
> > created with the attribute 'portletUrlType' set to 'action').
> >
> > Hope that made sense...
> >
> > Nils-H
> >
> >
> > On Jan 15, 2008 8:45 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have debugged through my own code, but not too deeply through the
> struts2
> > > code.  I did notice when running it with struts 2.0.11, that there was
> a
> > > warning that the actionMapper property of the
> PortletActionRedirectResult
> > > was not set b/c the bean could not be found.
> > >
> > > Would something in the web.xml affect it?  I noticed in the portlet
> > > archetype, that it is empty.  I have included that as well.
> > >
> > >
> > > portlet.xml
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > >  > > xmlns:xsi=
> > > xsi:schemaLocation="
> > >
> > >";
> > >  id="healthehealthmanagementvitals">
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
> > > 
> > >
> > > HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> > >
> > >  xml:lang="EN">HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> > >
> > > 
> > > org.apache.struts2.portlet.dispatcher.Jsr168Dispatcher
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   viewNamespace
> > >   /view
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   defaultViewAction
> > >   index
> > > 
> > >
> > > 0
> > >
> > > 
> > >   text/html
> > >   view
> > > 
> > >
> > > en
> > >
> > > 
> > >   Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
> > >   HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> > >   struts
> 2,portlet,healthe,health,management,vitals
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   Role_Consumers
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > > web.xml
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >  > > Application 2.3//EN"
> > > "";>
> > > 
> > >
> > > healthe-health-management-vitals-war
> > >
> > > 
> > >   contextConfigLocation
> > >   /WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   
> > > org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
> > >   
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   index.html
> > >   index.htm
> > >   index.jsp
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   
> > > Healthe Health Management
> Vitals
> > > /HealtheHealthManagementVitals/*
> > >   
> > >   
> > > Role_Consumers
> > >   
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >   Role_Consumers
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On 1/15/08, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Hm I usually experience this behaviour when the JSPs aren't
> > > > found... Other than that, redirectAction runs just fine in my sample
> > > > applications. Have you tried launching in debug mode and step
> through
> > > > the code? Can you show your portlet.xml file?
> > > >
> > > > Nils-H
> > > >
> > > > On Jan 15, 2008 7:58 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > My WEB-INF/index.jsp is used so that i can use the same
> installation as
> > > > both
> > > > > a portlet and a servlet.  Websphere comes with an embedded portlet
> > > > container
> > > > > as well as a servlet that can serve portlets as servlets, so i can
> > > > install
> > > > > my webapp a single time and have it accessible both in and out of
> my
> > > 

Re: question about interceptors

2008-01-15 Thread Dave Newton
--- Darren James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If your action does not define an interceptor does it get the default 
> one (i.e. "defaultStack")?


> also, if your action *does* define an interceptor, does that augment the 
> default one or override it?


>   // do i get 
> defaultStack, or did i just override it?
> /myAction.jsp

You need to include another  element if you want the
default stack in addition to the "myinterceptor" interceptor. (Or define an
interceptor stack with your interceptor in it, etc.)


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question about interceptors

2008-01-15 Thread Darren James

Hi all,

I'm new to struts2 and have some questions about configuring Interceptors.

If your action does not define an interceptor does it get the default 
one (i.e. "defaultStack")?

  // does this action get 
the struts2 default interceptor stack


also, if your action *does* define an interceptor, does that augment the 
default one or override it?

 // do i get 
defaultStack, or did i just override it?



- darren.

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Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
I just realized that the proposed solution won't do what you want it
to do either, since you obviously want the other action to run before
the jsps are dispatched... So, you either have to re-structure your
code a bit and invoke the other actions directly (either manually or
by specifying it as the default action in portlet.xml), or you could
try playing with the "chain" result to see if that does the trick.


On Jan 15, 2008 11:32 PM, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I have figured out the problem. The problem is that
> "redirectAction" doesn't really do what you think it does, not when
> used in the render phase. I should probably implement a check for
> this, as you can't do a sendRedirect in a portlet. "redirectAction" in
> a portlet should only be used after executing an action in the action
> phase (I need to document this). So...with that in mind, you
> should change your configuration:
> struts.xml
>  class="">
> /WEB-INF/view/advisor.jsp
> /WEB-INF/view/consumer.jsp
> Then make sure you use the "redirectAction" result type only when your
> action has been executed in the action phase (form submit, or s:url
> created with the attribute 'portletUrlType' set to 'action').
> Hope that made sense...
> Nils-H
> On Jan 15, 2008 8:45 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have debugged through my own code, but not too deeply through the struts2
> > code.  I did notice when running it with struts 2.0.11, that there was a
> > warning that the actionMapper property of the PortletActionRedirectResult
> > was not set b/c the bean could not be found.
> >
> > Would something in the web.xml affect it?  I noticed in the portlet
> > archetype, that it is empty.  I have included that as well.
> >
> >
> > portlet.xml
> > 
> > 
> >
> >  > xmlns:xsi=
> > xsi:schemaLocation="
> >
> >";
> >  id="healthehealthmanagementvitals">
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
> > 
> >
> > HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> >
> > HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> >
> > 
> > org.apache.struts2.portlet.dispatcher.Jsr168Dispatcher
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >   viewNamespace
> >   /view
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >   defaultViewAction
> >   index
> > 
> >
> > 0
> >
> > 
> >   text/html
> >   view
> > 
> >
> > en
> >
> > 
> >   Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
> >   HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> >   struts 2,portlet,healthe,health,management,vitals
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   Role_Consumers
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> > web.xml
> > 
> >
> > 
> >  > Application 2.3//EN"
> > "";>
> > 
> >
> > healthe-health-management-vitals-war
> >
> > 
> >   contextConfigLocation
> >   /WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   
> > org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
> >   
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   index.html
> >   index.htm
> >   index.jsp
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   
> > Healthe Health Management Vitals
> > /HealtheHealthManagementVitals/*
> >   
> >   
> > Role_Consumers
> >   
> > 
> >
> > 
> >   Role_Consumers
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> > On 1/15/08, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hm I usually experience this behaviour when the JSPs aren't
> > > found... Other than that, redirectAction runs just fine in my sample
> > > applications. Have you tried launching in debug mode and step through
> > > the code? Can you show your portlet.xml file?
> > >
> > > Nils-H
> > >
> > > On Jan 15, 2008 7:58 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > My WEB-INF/index.jsp is used so that i can use the same installation as
> > > both
> > > > a portlet and a servlet.  Websphere comes with an embedded portlet
> > > container
> > > > as well as a servlet that can serve portlets as servlets, so i can
> > > install
> > > > my webapp a single time and have it accessible both in and out of my
> > > portal.
> > > >
> > > > I may have led you astray by including that file in my post - the
> > > redirect
> > > > from there is working fine.  I am testing using the JettyPlutoLauncher
> > > class
> > > > and the maven-pluto-plugin / maven-jetty-plugin.  When accessing my
> > > portlet
> > > > at http://localhost/portlet/view/index, control goes into my index
> > > action
> > > > and i return "consumer" - the logs show:
> > > >
> > > > 5227707 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > > > -
> > > Bean
> > > > 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult'
> > > instantiated
> > > > via constructor [public
> > > > org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> > > > 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > > >

Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
I think I have figured out the problem. The problem is that
"redirectAction" doesn't really do what you think it does, not when
used in the render phase. I should probably implement a check for
this, as you can't do a sendRedirect in a portlet. "redirectAction" in
a portlet should only be used after executing an action in the action
phase (I need to document this). So...with that in mind, you
should change your configuration:



Then make sure you use the "redirectAction" result type only when your
action has been executed in the action phase (form submit, or s:url
created with the attribute 'portletUrlType' set to 'action').

Hope that made sense...


On Jan 15, 2008 8:45 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have debugged through my own code, but not too deeply through the struts2
> code.  I did notice when running it with struts 2.0.11, that there was a
> warning that the actionMapper property of the PortletActionRedirectResult
> was not set b/c the bean could not be found.
> Would something in the web.xml affect it?  I noticed in the portlet
> archetype, that it is empty.  I have included that as well.
> portlet.xml
> xmlns:xsi=
> xsi:schemaLocation="
>  id="healthehealthmanagementvitals">
> Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
> HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> org.apache.struts2.portlet.dispatcher.Jsr168Dispatcher
>   viewNamespace
>   /view
>   defaultViewAction
>   index
> 0
>   text/html
>   view
> en
>   Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
>   HealtheHealthManagementVitals
>   struts 2,portlet,healthe,health,management,vitals
>   Role_Consumers
> web.xml
>  Application 2.3//EN"
> "";>
> healthe-health-management-vitals-war
>   contextConfigLocation
>   /WEB-INF/applicationContext*.xml
> org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
>   index.html
>   index.htm
>   index.jsp
> Healthe Health Management Vitals
> /HealtheHealthManagementVitals/*
> Role_Consumers
>   Role_Consumers
> On 1/15/08, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hm I usually experience this behaviour when the JSPs aren't
> > found... Other than that, redirectAction runs just fine in my sample
> > applications. Have you tried launching in debug mode and step through
> > the code? Can you show your portlet.xml file?
> >
> > Nils-H
> >
> > On Jan 15, 2008 7:58 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > My WEB-INF/index.jsp is used so that i can use the same installation as
> > both
> > > a portlet and a servlet.  Websphere comes with an embedded portlet
> > container
> > > as well as a servlet that can serve portlets as servlets, so i can
> > install
> > > my webapp a single time and have it accessible both in and out of my
> > portal.
> > >
> > > I may have led you astray by including that file in my post - the
> > redirect
> > > from there is working fine.  I am testing using the JettyPlutoLauncher
> > class
> > > and the maven-pluto-plugin / maven-jetty-plugin.  When accessing my
> > portlet
> > > at http://localhost/portlet/view/index, control goes into my index
> > action
> > > and i return "consumer" - the logs show:
> > >
> > > 5227707 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > > -
> > Bean
> > > 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult'
> > instantiated
> > > via constructor [public
> > > org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> > > 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - after Locale=en_US
> > > 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - intercept }
> > >
> > > but the page remains blank.
> > >
> > > If i instead access http://localhost/portlet/pluto/index.jsp, again,
> > control
> > > goes into my index action, i return "consumer" and the logs show:
> > >
> > > 316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > > -
> > Bean
> > > 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult'
> > instantiated
> > > via constructor [public
> > > org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> > > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
> > > Executing result in Render phase
> > > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletEntityImpl -
> > > Retrieved cross con

Re: struts2: how to return an validate-error if user entered incorrect email format?

2008-01-15 Thread Laurie Harper

xianwinwin wrote:

I would like to validate if the user has entered a valid email.
for this I have the method

@TypeConversion(converter = 
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;

the conversion (where I'm a bit perplexed) is:

public String convertToString(Map context, Object o)
System.out.println("hey - I'm checking the convert to 
 boolean isEmailValid =
//what comes here? ??

assuming the  isEmailValid is false, how can I advise that the validation

Why are you trying to do validation with a type converter? If you want 
to validate that the user has entered a valid email, use validation -- 
specifically, the email validator:


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Re: captcha + struts2

2008-01-15 Thread Brian Relph
I use an ImageCaptchaServlet that is generally like the one in the appfuse
example, but without the security stuff.  Also, i am usually not able to
store the captcha's based on session id, so i pass a parameter in called
'captchaId' on my request.

I register the servlet in my web.xml, and since i only need 1 captcha on a
page/request, i map it to captcha.jpg.

In my jsp, i create an image with 'captcha.jpg' as the source, along with an
input to grab the user's response.

Finally, i validate the captcha in my action.

There is quite a bit of spring configuration options for the captcha,
reference the appfuse implementation for it, or check the jcaptcha site.  I
autowire my actions by name (the default) and my jcaptchaService bean is
declared like so:



Code snips below:

private ImageCaptchaService jcaptchaService;

private Map session;

public void validate()
  Boolean human = jcaptchaService.validateResponseForID(captchaId,
  if (human)
getSession().put("human", human);
this.addFieldError("captcha", getText("healthe.user.claim.captcha.failed




" name="captcha" alt="If the
image is illegible, refresh to get another one." />






package com.cerner.healthe.struts2.captcha;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;

import com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaServiceException;
import com.octo.captcha.service.image.ImageCaptchaService;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder;

 * Servlet generates CAPTCHA jpeg images based on the JCAPTCHA package. It's
configured via spring, and requires a
 * ImageCaptchaService bean with the id=japtchaService
 * @author Jason Thrasher
public class ImageCaptchaServlet extends HttpServlet
 private static final long serialVersionUID = 3258417209566116145L;

 private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

 public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) throws ServletException

 protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
   HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws
ServletException, IOException
  byte[] captchaChallengeAsJpeg = null;
  // the output stream to render the captcha image as jpeg into
  ByteArrayOutputStream jpegOutputStream = new
   // get the image captcha service defined via the
   ApplicationContext ctx =
   Object bean = ctx.getBean("jcaptchaService");
   ImageCaptchaService imageCaptchaService =
(ImageCaptchaService) bean;

   // get the id that will identify the generated captcha.
   // the same id must be used to validate the response
   String captchaId = httpServletRequest.getParameter
   logger.debug("captchaIdParameter: " +
   if (captchaId == null)
// If a captcha id is not passed in, use the session id
captchaId = httpServletRequest.getSession().getId();
logger.debug(" "
  + httpServletRequest.getSession().getId());

   logger.debug("captchaId: " + captchaId);
   // call the ImageCaptchaService getChallenge method
   BufferedImage challenge =


   // a jpeg encoder
   JPEGImageEncoder jpegEncoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder
  catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
  catch(CaptchaServiceException e)

Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Brian Relph
I have debugged through my own code, but not too deeply through the struts2
code.  I did notice when running it with struts 2.0.11, that there was a
warning that the actionMapper property of the PortletActionRedirectResult
was not set b/c the bean could not be found.

Would something in the web.xml affect it?  I noticed in the portlet
archetype, that it is empty.  I have included that as well.

portlet.xml xmlns:xsi= xsi:schemaLocation="";

Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet









  Healthe Health Management Vitals Portlet
  struts 2,portlet,healthe,health,management,vitals







Healthe Health Management Vitals


On 1/15/08, Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hm I usually experience this behaviour when the JSPs aren't
> found... Other than that, redirectAction runs just fine in my sample
> applications. Have you tried launching in debug mode and step through
> the code? Can you show your portlet.xml file?
> Nils-H
> On Jan 15, 2008 7:58 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My WEB-INF/index.jsp is used so that i can use the same installation as
> both
> > a portlet and a servlet.  Websphere comes with an embedded portlet
> container
> > as well as a servlet that can serve portlets as servlets, so i can
> install
> > my webapp a single time and have it accessible both in and out of my
> portal.
> >
> > I may have led you astray by including that file in my post - the
> redirect
> > from there is working fine.  I am testing using the JettyPlutoLauncher
> class
> > and the maven-pluto-plugin / maven-jetty-plugin.  When accessing my
> portlet
> > at http://localhost/portlet/view/index, control goes into my index
> action
> > and i return "consumer" - the logs show:
> >
> > 5227707 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > -
> Bean
> > 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult'
> instantiated
> > via constructor [public
> > org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> > 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - after Locale=en_US
> > 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - intercept }
> >
> > but the page remains blank.
> >
> > If i instead access http://localhost/portlet/pluto/index.jsp, again,
> control
> > goes into my index action, i return "consumer" and the logs show:
> >
> > 316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > -
> Bean
> > 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult'
> instantiated
> > via constructor [public
> > org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
> > Executing result in Render phase
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletEntityImpl -
> > Retrieved cross context: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> /portlet,file:/C:/workspaces/hin-portal-test/healthe-health-management-vitals/src/main/webapp/}
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
> > Location: /view/consumerView.action
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletContextImpl-
> > PortletRequestDispatcher requested: /view/consumerView.action
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletRequestDispatcherImpl - Named
> > dispatcher created.
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> > org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletRequestDispatcherImpl - Request
> > dispatcher created.
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
> > Render request's included mode: true
> > 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
> > No query string appended to the included request.
> > 5316405 [btpool0-1] WARN com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack -
> Could
> > not find property
> >
> [Pluto_/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!_org.mortbay.jetty.included]
> > 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG

Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
Hm I usually experience this behaviour when the JSPs aren't
found... Other than that, redirectAction runs just fine in my sample
applications. Have you tried launching in debug mode and step through
the code? Can you show your portlet.xml file?


On Jan 15, 2008 7:58 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My WEB-INF/index.jsp is used so that i can use the same installation as both
> a portlet and a servlet.  Websphere comes with an embedded portlet container
> as well as a servlet that can serve portlets as servlets, so i can install
> my webapp a single time and have it accessible both in and out of my portal.
> I may have led you astray by including that file in my post - the redirect
> from there is working fine.  I am testing using the JettyPlutoLauncher class
> and the maven-pluto-plugin / maven-jetty-plugin.  When accessing my portlet
> at http://localhost/portlet/view/index, control goes into my index action
> and i return "consumer" - the logs show:
> 5227707 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> - Bean
> 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult' instantiated
> via constructor [public
> org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - after Locale=en_US
> 5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - intercept }
> but the page remains blank.
> If i instead access http://localhost/portlet/pluto/index.jsp, again, control
> goes into my index action, i return "consumer" and the logs show:
> 316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> - Bean
> 'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult' instantiated
> via constructor [public
> org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult()]
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
> Executing result in Render phase
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletEntityImpl -
> Retrieved cross context: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /portlet,file:/C:/workspaces/hin-portal-test/healthe-health-management-vitals/src/main/webapp/}
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
> Location: /view/consumerView.action
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletContextImpl-
> PortletRequestDispatcher requested: /view/consumerView.action
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletRequestDispatcherImpl - Named
> dispatcher created.
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletRequestDispatcherImpl - Request
> dispatcher created.
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
> Render request's included mode: true
> 5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
> No query string appended to the included request.
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] WARN com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack - Could
> not find property
> [Pluto_/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!_org.mortbay.jetty.included]
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
> Render request's included mode: false
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - after Locale=en_US
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - intercept }
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.struts2.portlet.dispatcher.Jsr168Dispatcher - Leaving render
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.core.PortletContainerImpl -
> Portlet Container [Pluto Portal Driver]: Portlet rendered for:
> HealtheHealthManagementVitals
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Evaluated portletId
> to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Testing if
> PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!]
> supports mode [view]
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Evaluated portletId
> to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Testing if
> PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!]
> supports mode [edit]
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] INFO
> -
> Portlet mode 'edit' not found for portletId:
> '/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!'
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Evaluated portletId
> to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
> org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Testing if
> PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!]
> supports mode [help]
> 5316405 [btpool0-1] INFO
> org.apache.plu

Re: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

2008-01-15 Thread Martin Gainty
provided if the comprehensive route is always the most difficult

2 quick questions-
1)In struts-2.0.11 has resetToken/saveToken/generateToken morphed into a
different entity ?
2)can I assume a session.invalidate() will effect a resetToken

- Original Message -
From: "Givler, Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:36 PM
Subject: RE: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

I don't know why I overlooked that.  All I had to do was put saveToken()
in a calling action, and make sure I called saveToken again if any
validation or system errors occurred when I was returning to the form.
If the token is invalid, There was a nice thread here about it:

Thanks and apologies for not looking at this first - I guess I was going
the more difficult route.


-Original Message-
From: Manos Batsis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:02 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

Givler, Eric wrote:
> The problem is the
> user double clicks [login] and can get two calls to the service method

> to execute simultaneously.  They both don't see a row, so they both do

> an INSERT.  One of the inserts fails due to a PK on the username.

See generateToken[1] and isTokenValid [2]. The token will be valid for
only one request. What to do with the invalid request (also the latest)
is up to you.




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Strange behaviour -- [s:property] modifies Map???

2008-01-15 Thread saint_john


I've encountered very strange behaviour of struts: 
 adds new entry to myMap - ('testKey',
''). Why??

Details: My action:
private Map myMap = new HashMap();  // it's
empty jsp:
   // displays  {}  - it's ok because is empty
  // displays  nothing  as it should
   // displays {testKey=}  - ?? WHY? 

What's wrong?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at

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Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Brian Relph
My WEB-INF/index.jsp is used so that i can use the same installation as both
a portlet and a servlet.  Websphere comes with an embedded portlet container
as well as a servlet that can serve portlets as servlets, so i can install
my webapp a single time and have it accessible both in and out of my portal.

I may have led you astray by including that file in my post - the redirect
from there is working fine.  I am testing using the JettyPlutoLauncher class
and the maven-pluto-plugin / maven-jetty-plugin.  When accessing my portlet
at http://localhost/portlet/view/index, control goes into my index action
and i return "consumer" - the logs show:

5227707 [btpool0-1] DEBUG - Bean
'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult' instantiated
via constructor [public
5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - after Locale=en_US
5227722 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - intercept }

but the page remains blank.

If i instead access http://localhost/portlet/pluto/index.jsp, again, control
goes into my index action, i return "consumer" and the logs show:

316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG - Bean
'org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletActionRedirectResult' instantiated
via constructor [public
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
Executing result in Render phase
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletEntityImpl -
Retrieved cross context: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.struts2.portlet.result.PortletResult -
Location: /view/consumerView.action
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
PortletRequestDispatcher requested: /view/consumerView.action
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletRequestDispatcherImpl - Named
dispatcher created.
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.PortletRequestDispatcherImpl - Request
dispatcher created.
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
Render request's included mode: true
5316389 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
No query string appended to the included request.
5316405 [btpool0-1] WARN com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack - Could
not find property
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.internal.impl.RenderRequestImpl -
Render request's included mode: false
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - after Locale=en_US
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor.I18nInterceptor - intercept }
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.struts2.portlet.dispatcher.Jsr168Dispatcher - Leaving render
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG org.apache.pluto.core.PortletContainerImpl -
Portlet Container [Pluto Portal Driver]: Portlet rendered for:
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Evaluated portletId
to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Testing if
PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!]
supports mode [view]
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Evaluated portletId
to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Testing if
PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!]
supports mode [edit]
5316405 [btpool0-1] INFO -
Portlet mode 'edit' not found for portletId:
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Evaluated portletId
to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletModeAnchorTag- Testing if
PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!]
supports mode [help]
5316405 [btpool0-1] INFO -
Portlet mode 'help' not found for portletId:
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletWindowStateAnchorTag - Evaluated
portletId to: /portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!
5316405 [btpool0-1] DEBUG
org.apache.pluto.driver.tags.PortletWindowStateAnchorTag - Testing if
PortletWindowConfig [/portlet.HealtheHealthManagementVitals!] supports
window state [minimized]
5316405 [btp

RE: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

2008-01-15 Thread Givler, Eric
I don't know why I overlooked that.  All I had to do was put saveToken()
in a calling action, and make sure I called saveToken again if any
validation or system errors occurred when I was returning to the form.
If the token is invalid, There was a nice thread here about it:  

Thanks and apologies for not looking at this first - I guess I was going
the more difficult route.


-Original Message-
From: Manos Batsis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 10:02 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

Givler, Eric wrote:
> The problem is the
> user double clicks [login] and can get two calls to the service method

> to execute simultaneously.  They both don't see a row, so they both do

> an INSERT.  One of the inserts fails due to a PK on the username.

See generateToken[1] and isTokenValid [2]. The token will be valid for 
only one request. What to do with the invalid request (also the latest) 
is up to you.




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Re: struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
Are you running this in a portlet container? Your index.jsp and the
redirect url does not make sense i a portal server (unless you are
embedding it in some way)? Please provide some more information.


On Jan 15, 2008 6:38 PM, Brian Relph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having trouble getting a redirectAction to work.  I am using
> struts2-portlet-plugin-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT, i have also tried using
> struts-2.0.11with no luck.  Any advice?  Here are my configs:
> WEB-INF/index.jsp
> <%
> String redirectURL = "view/index.action";
> response.sendRedirect(redirectURL);
> %>
> struts.xml
> ---
>   advisorView
>   consumerView
> /WEB-INF/view/advisor.jsp
> /WEB-INF/view/consumer.jsp

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[S2] s:a Problem

2008-01-15 Thread Marc Eckart

I have rendered a link with  and 


   Alle Konten

In HTML this is generated.

Alle Konten anzeigen

1. When I move the cursor over the link the calling url from my application
is shown not a link with showAccountView.action in it. I click on it
showAccountView is executed. Alright!
2 Now I open the link in a new window my application with the start action
is shown not the showAccountView. After that I click in the old window and
an error is occurs in my backend instead of executing the correct action.

Why does the application behave different after open a ajax link in a new

Best regards,


struts2 redirect action

2008-01-15 Thread Brian Relph
I am having trouble getting a redirectAction to work.  I am using
struts2-portlet-plugin-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT, i have also tried using
struts-2.0.11with no luck.  Any advice?  Here are my configs:


String redirectURL = "view/index.action";








Struts 2 Validation Error

2008-01-15 Thread Liz . Johnston
Hi all,

I'm new to this mailing list and still a bit confused on how to look 
things up, so apologies if this one is already up there!

I'm using Tomcat to serve up JSPs using Struts 2 with java action classes 
and xml validation files.  For example:

All runs fine in Tomcat until you click a button that triggers validation 
then the following error is displayed:

Caused by: Connection timed out: connect - [unknown location]

Any pointers would be gratefully received!

Liz Johnston
Software Engineer
IT Development
0845 213 5152

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Re: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

2008-01-15 Thread Mufaddal Khumri


How would I prevent this from occurring?

1. Is it simply a matter of making my service an instance
variable of this action and making the login method synchronized?  2.
Are there situations where I would not want there to be a single  

instance?  Could it cause a bottleneck?

 One simple technique that has worked out well for me and will  
depend on your use case is to disable to login button after the first  
time the user clicks on it.

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Re: struts 2.1 release date

2008-01-15 Thread rburton

First I wanted to say that I totally agree with Ted's view about the lack of
support for Struts. I do believe that things for the Struts 2.x project will
pick up now since the Holiday's are over now. 

I wanted to extend a personal thanks to all of the developers who contribute
to the Struts 2 project. They spend a lot of their own personal time to make
the project a success. 

With that being said, I need to send over some patches myself instead of
slacking. =)  

Best Regards,
Richard L. Burton III

Ted Husted wrote:
> There's a test-build available,
>  *
> But, there are still a lot of outstanding patches to apply, and no one
> seems to have time to commit them right now.
> Sadly, despite being the most popular Java web framework on the
> planet, Struts still has no "corporate" support, and so the project
> only moves forward when the volunteers are not too busy with their own
> day-jobs.
> - Ted
> On Jan 11, 2008 7:54 AM, Otto, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hi,
>> is there a deadline for struts 2.1 release?
>> I have download the nightly build, but I can't find the new dojo plugin.
>> kind regards
>> Frank
> -
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Re: How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

2008-01-15 Thread Manos Batsis

Givler, Eric wrote:

The problem is the
user double clicks [login] and can get two calls to the service method
to execute simultaneously.  They both don't see a row, so they both do
an INSERT.  One of the inserts fails due to a PK on the username.  

See generateToken[1] and isTokenValid [2]. The token will be valid for 
only one request. What to do with the invalid request (also the latest) 
is up to you.




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How do I prevent two calls concurrently?

2008-01-15 Thread Givler, Eric
I have a Struts application where a user enters an account id#
and a pin to enter the application.  The user will already be
authenticated via an LDAP server prior to accessing my application, so
the remote user name is there, as well as role information.  After the
user clicks [login], I fire a method that calls a stored proc to see if
the combination of their account/pin is valid in the database.  I pass
their username as well.  If the user has entered an invalid account# 5
times, they are to be locked out of just my application.  When I issue
the check to see if the account# is invalid, I have to create a row to
track these invalid login attempts per this account.  The problem is the
user double clicks [login] and can get two calls to the service method
to execute simultaneously.  They both don't see a row, so they both do
an INSERT.  One of the inserts fails due to a PK on the username.  

How would I prevent this from occurring?  My code that invokes
this service call is like:

   public ActionForward login( ... )
  // retrieve acct/pin from struts form

  // I'd like to track/log user interaction with service, so
  // has username as property
  String user = request.getRemoteUser();
  LoginService svc = new LoginService( user );
  // acct object has other information about call (# bad
attempts, success flag, failure msg, last access date, etc.
  Account acct = svc.login( user, acct, pin );
  if (acct.isLoginSuccessful() {
  // forward to next page
  // return to input page, storing failure msg with #
attempts into ActionMessage

I'd appreciate any suggestions.  I tried to simulate how this
might happen by creating multiple threads of the service, but then I
realized that each instance I created would still allow me to run the
login method concurrently, even if it was synchronized.  I can imagine
that there are probably other areas in the application that might allow
multiple inserts of the EXACT same data if this double click occurs if
the PK is based on a sequence.

1. Is it simply a matter of making my service an instance
variable of this action and making the login method synchronized?  2.
Are there situations where I would not want there to be a single service
instance?  Could it cause a bottleneck?  

Every day I realize how little I know.  Thanks for any/all


Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread GF
> It could be a solution, but:
> Greet
> simply works.

Didn't know.
I'm not very into javascript coding :-)
However I think that preventing double quote in some way, can be good.

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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/1/15, GF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Or better, escape them with their corresponding entity.
> What do you think about
> Greet
simply works.


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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread GF
> Are you suggesting that javascript injection in href be disabled to prevent
> XSS attacks?

I'm suggesting that is better that the variable inside 

Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread Martin Gainty
Are you suggesting that javascript injection in href be disabled to prevent
XSS attacks?

- Original Message -
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:27 AM
Subject: Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using 

> > Hi Antonio, as I mentioned in a previous post, it's not so simple as the
> > href attribute of s:a can legally contain javascript or vbscript.
> I think that the problem about  in href attribute is the double
> quote " character, because it will close the href attribute, then with
> a greater than symbol, you will close the  too and finally you can
> inject any kind of Javascript inside the page.
> I think that  can implement this kind of checking, no?
> -
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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread GF
> Or better, escape them with their corresponding entity.

What do you think about

Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread GF

> Or better, escape them with their corresponding entity.
> Antonio
Myabe i'm wrong, but:

In XHTML this is wrong:

because i use double quotes inside a javascript, inside a href tag
delimited by double quotes.

it would be ok to do:

So since  can be used to generate a "good"  tag, I think that
can be a nice idea to add some automatic checking and conversion to
prevent exploiting of the generated .

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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/1/15, GF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Jan 15, 2008 2:45 PM, Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ganfab
> > Are you suggesting the href contents disable javascript to disable XSS
> script attacks?Martin
> No, I think that maybe can be useful to think if doing some checks to
> href attribute of  is possible to look for double quotes
> characters that can eventually close the attribute and tag.

Or better, escape them with their corresponding entity.


Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread GF
On Jan 15, 2008 2:45 PM, Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ganfab
> Are you suggesting the href contents disable javascript to disable XSS script 
> attacks?Martin

No, I think that maybe can be useful to think if doing some checks to
href attribute of  is possible to look for double quotes
characters that can eventually close the attribute and tag.
When someone uses javascript inside the href a the XHTML  it's
common to not use double quotes (and use single quotes) because double
quotes would close the href attribute.

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RE: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread Martin Gainty

Hi Ganfab
Are you suggesting the href contents disable javascript to disable XSS script 
attacks?Martin __Disclaimer and 
confidentiality noteEverything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to 
the official business of Sender. This transmission is of a confidential nature 
and Sender does not endorse distribution to any party other than intended 
recipient. Sender does not necessarily endorse content contained within this 
transmission.> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:27:03 +0100> Wrom: 
Make distant family not so distant with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™.


2008-01-15 Thread Adam Hardy
Setting XWorkConverter.REPORT_CONVERSION_ERRORS to stop conversion errors being 
reported - is it possible?

I hope I don't appear to0 lazy to look for an answer but I could only find 
non-specific references to this on, and nothing on the mailing 
list or the wiki. So short of searching the XWork codebase, I'm stuck.

I assumed I could put

in the struts.xml but it didn't pay any attention to it.

What is one supposed to do to repress conversion errors per action?


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HDIV (HTTP Data Integrity Validator) 2.0.3 Released

2008-01-15 Thread Gorka Vicente

Hi all,

HDIV 2.0.3 has just been released including new features.

HDIV project is an Apache-licensed Java Web Application Security Framework that
adds security functionalities to Struts 1.x, Struts 2.x, Spring MVC and JSTL in
a transparent way to the programmer and without adding any complexity to the
application development.

New features included in this release:

1. Support for Webflow (SWF) + Spring MVC: HDIV inserts automatically the flow
id (_flowExecutionKey) into the forms so that we don't have to add it manually
as a hidden field to all JSP pages.

Besides, HDIV optimizes memory consumption for SWF applications because it
deletes from session HDIV data from finished flows, avoiding expired data in

2. Support for Spring 2.5

You can have a look at:
You can subscribe to mailing list at:
You can download it from by following this link:


Gorka Vicente.

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struts 2.0.11: autocompleter

2008-01-15 Thread Otto, Frank

I have 6 autocompleter. The first refreshs the second, the second the third and 
so one.

But If I clear the second autocompleter value, so that the combo box is empty, 
the notifyTopics-Event will not be send. Has someone an idea? I have to refresh 
the third combo box and then the next...

kind regards,


Re: JSP syntax errors through icnlude

2008-01-15 Thread Maxx
On Jan 14, 2008 2:27 PM, Al Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just re-read your original message. So you have tried it on an app server
> and everything is OK. Doesn't that indicate the problem lies with eclipse
> and not struts?, shouldn't it be the Eclipse bug tracking system you put
> your report in and not Struts Jira?

Well, I thought it might be related to the use of Struts2 tags/taglib,
and then related to the translation into JSP's java code.
But hey, I'm gonna try the Eclipse thing.


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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread GF
> Hi Antonio, as I mentioned in a previous post, it's not so simple as the
> href attribute of s:a can legally contain javascript or vbscript.

I think that the problem about  in href attribute is the double
quote " character, because it will close the href attribute, then with
a greater than symbol, you will close the  too and finally you can
inject any kind of Javascript inside the page.
I think that  can implement this kind of checking, no?

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Re: Feedback: WW-2414, XSS attack is possible if using and

2008-01-15 Thread Antonio Petrelli
2008/1/15, Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Antonio, as I mentioned in a previous post, it's not so simple as the
> href attribute of s:a can legally contain javascript or vbscript.
> This is precisely why the href attribute is not escaped/encoded in the
> template.  It's deliberate.

Sorry but I cannot understand: the HTML code, to be valid, needs that every
attribute values that contain special characters ('<' '>' '&') need to be
encoded with the corresponding HTML entity ('<', '>', '&'). I
don't see anything wrong in it.
