Handling probel.

2008-12-08 Thread Cappelletti Marc
Hi all,
Does anyone aver encountered this problem:
My webApp is running on a Tomcat server. When I dispatch a request
through a "welcome.do" action, everything is well done. But when I type
or I click on a link which points on a "contact.do" for example, Apache
cannot handle this.
Does anyone have an idea on how make Apache handling the *.do patterns
in order to interpret them correctly?
Thank you very much.

Re: setting a text field

2008-12-08 Thread hello_everyone
i am doing all what you are suggesting, but it is not working. i think there
is some problem in configurations. i will look into it.

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Dimitar Vlasev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> have you ever read something about struts forms before asking questions
> here?
> Don't feel offended but this is a base functionality and I'm pretty
> sure you will not receive much help about issues like this.
> And you'll need to provide at least the version of Struts you're using.
> I guess you're using Struts 1.x
> Setting the value of the form field in the action that precedes the
> forward to the jsp will do what you need if all your configurations
> are OK.
> The form field is property of a struts form configured for your action.
> If this does not ring any bells for you you'll really need to read
> something for the version of Struts you're using.
> -
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Re: redirect

2008-12-08 Thread Dirk Forchel

Aditya Lukman wrote:
> Hi all,,
> i want to redirect from http://localhost:8080/cimeng/adhit *to*
> http://localhost:8080/cimeng/profile.action?nickname=aray
> so,, how to solve my problem
> please, give me a descriptions for my problem
> thank's for your help

Seems to be quite simple. In your struts.xml add the following (replace the

[action name="adhit" class="com.foo.AdhitAction"]
   [result type="redirectAction"]
  [param name="actionName"]profile[/param]
  [param name="param1"]nickname[/param]
  [param name="param2"]${name}[/param]

[action name="profile" class="com.foo.ProfileAction"]

Be aware of the difference of the result types in Struts 2.0.x
("redirect-action") and Struts 2.1 ("redirectAction"). In your AdhitAction
class you need a getter-method for the "name" property and in your
ProfileAction class a setter-method for your "nickname" property.
That's all. With OGNL the parameter name is dynamically added to the
redirect URL.

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2008-12-08 Thread Aditya Lukman
Hi all,,
i want to redirect from http://localhost:8080/cimeng/adhit *to*

so,, how to solve my problem

please, give me a descriptions for my problem
thank's for your help

Aditya Lukman Afandi
Programmer / Blueoxygen Developer

Web Office : http://www.meruvian.org
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Forum : http://www.mervforum.com/
Blog : http://nagasakti.mervpolis.com/roller/adhit

Re: problem with s:inputtransferselect

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
> It is of type "ArrayList".

Er... of what type? What's *in* the list?

> It does renders fine.

Are the form values from the inputtransferselect being submitted? You can 
verify this by using a tool like Firebug or similar.

Does the *rendered* select element have a "name" attribute? Without a "name" or 
"key" attribute in the  tag I just don't think it'll 
work--the name or key is what names the action property that will be set with 
the values in the list. It may be different in S2.0; I don't have the means to 
test that quickly. Without it in S2.1 it will fail.

It may also use the Dojo stuff (not sure about S2.0, I know it does in 
S2.1)--are you using the  tag?


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Re: problem with s:inputtransferselect

2008-12-08 Thread Leena Borle
 It is of type "ArrayList". It does renders fine.

> Without a "key" or "name" attribute, from the way all the other tags work,
> I wouldn't expect it to work right. If you're saying the select box is being
> rendered properly with a name (and you've verified the form values are being
> sent in the request) then I'd want to know the type of the "shoes"
> collection to know if it's a type conversion issue.


> Dave
> -
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Re: problem with s:inputtransferselect

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Leena Borle wrote:
>  No, I do mean "inputtransferselect". [...]

Oh, weird; I'll try to add that to the documentation this week.

> I'm not using name field because I have these keys defined in
> package.properties file from which it picks up name and
> lable which should match with the name in the beans.

I don't see anything in the API doc that would lead me to think the list value 
is anything other than the populating list.

Without a "key" or "name" attribute, from the way all the other tags work, I 
wouldn't expect it to work right. If you're saying the select box is being 
rendered properly with a name (and you've verified the form values are being 
sent in the request) then I'd want to know the type of the "shoes" collection 
to know if it's a type conversion issue.


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Re: problem with s:inputtransferselect

2008-12-08 Thread Leena Borle
Hi Dave,
  No, I do mean "inputtransferselect". It is the tag with textfield and a
list. Values that you enter in the text field appear in the list. They have
shown in Struts2 Showcase UI tag examples. I don't know why its not listed
in "Tag reference Guide". (

  I'm not using name field because I have these keys defined in
package.properties file from which it picks up name and lable which should
match with the name in the beans.

User user
user.shoes=Shoes  (User is valriable in action, shoes is variable in
User object).

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 1:14 PM, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You mean optiontransferselect, right?
> Don't you need a "name" attribute or something? I thought the "list"
> attribute was what populated the control.
> Dave
> --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Leena Borle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Leena Borle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: problem with s:inputtransferselect
> > To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> > Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 3:54 PM
> > Hi,
> >   I am having problem with the tag
> > "s:inputtransferselect". All I have is a
> > list defined inside a bean. This bean is used by action to
> > add/edit the
> > values. I see all the values except values of this tag does
> > not get
> > reflected back to the action. Am I missing something in
> > this tag ?
> >   My Jsp code is,
> >  > list="user.shoes"  theme="ajax"
> > labelposition="left">
> > Variable "user" and it's getter/setter are
> > defined in my action. Variable
> > "shoes" is an ArrayList declared and defined in
> > user object.
> >
> >
> > I would appreciate help with this.
> > Thanks
> > Leena
> -
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Re: problem with s:inputtransferselect

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
You mean optiontransferselect, right?

Don't you need a "name" attribute or something? I thought the "list" attribute 
was what populated the control.


--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Leena Borle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Leena Borle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: problem with s:inputtransferselect
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 3:54 PM
> Hi,
>   I am having problem with the tag
> "s:inputtransferselect". All I have is a
> list defined inside a bean. This bean is used by action to
> add/edit the
> values. I see all the values except values of this tag does
> not get
> reflected back to the action. Am I missing something in
> this tag ?
>   My Jsp code is,
>  list="user.shoes"  theme="ajax"
> labelposition="left">
> Variable "user" and it's getter/setter are
> defined in my action. Variable
> "shoes" is an ArrayList declared and defined in
> user object.
> I would appreciate help with this.
> Thanks
> Leena

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RE: Multiple Validation Options?

2008-12-08 Thread Givler, Eric
I'm using Struts 1.3.5 and when I last checked there was a method 

getValidationKey(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
  Returns the Validation key.

This is fired inside of the validate() method to determine which validation 
ruleset to use inside the validation.xml file.  So, I would think you could now 
determine what this method should return and then it would lookup another 
ruleset from the validations.xml file.

From: dancerjohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 3:22 PM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: RE: Multiple Validation Options?

I am not sure what you mean. I don't see anything about a key or path in the
API for ValidatorActionForm or ValidatorForm. Also, I would think that
hitting these would be too late. If I understand it correctly (and I am new
so maybe not), struts-config.xml specifies that ValidatorPlugin should be
used to parse validation.xml to do validation on various forms. I want to
make a change so that ValidatorPlugIn will use a different set of rules
depending on what site is being run (determined by a database query).

 seems to provide this type of capability but it seems to be
limited to Locale variability.

Eric J Givler wrote:
> Doesn't the ValidatorActionForm provide a means of getting/setting the
> validation key to be used (normally set to the mapping.getPath())?  If
> that's the case, can't you inject your own key programmatically?

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How struts discovers config files

2008-12-08 Thread Arash Bizhan zadeh
Hi everybody,
I am curious to know how struts discovers its configuration files from
inside different jar files bundled in the WAR file. Can somebody point me in
the right direction please?

thanks in advance

The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book.

Walt Whitman

Re: Cannot find bean in any scope

2008-12-08 Thread Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik
Do you have any null values in your collection? The only way I could
reproduce something similar was if I added "null" to the collection.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:43 AM, gbattine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks very much for your help.
> I understood your explanation but I didn't solve.
> Now I did:
> but I still have:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find
> bean: "DVD" in any scope
> I'm missing something?
> Thanks
> Nils-Helge Garli wrote:
>> From the taglib reference for "iterate" [1]:
>> id - The name of a page scope JSP bean that will contain the current
>> element of the collection on each iteration, if it is not null.
>> In your example, you have used id="dvds" which means that you would
>> have to use >
>> Nils-H
>> [1] -
>> http://struts.apache.org/1.3.8/struts-taglib/tagreference.html#logic:iterate
>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 5:39 PM, gbattine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> I'm newbie of Struts, please help me.
>>> I've an action that calls some business logic, retrieve a a list and set
>>> it
>>> into request, calling later a jsp, in which I try to show this list
>>> through
>>> iterate tag.
>>> this is jsp to show list
>>> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean"%>
>>> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
>>>JSP Page
>>>Ricerca film
>>> Titolo
>>> Regia
>>> Sceneggiatura
>>> this is action that pass to list a list of dvds
>>> Collection c = new ArrayList();
>>>try {
>>>c = manager.getAll();
>>>} catch (DAOException e) {
>>>String message = "DVDs could not be listed";
>>>errors.add("label", new ActionError("error.listfailed"));
>>>saveErrors(request, errors);
>>>return (mapping.findForward("error"));
>>> session.setAttribute("dvds", c);
>>> besides dvd (shown in jsp) is a bean to show each item of dvds list.
>>> Instead of show jsp with list of dvd I've this error:
>>> javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot
>>> find
>>> bean: "DVD" in any scope
>>> How can I solve it?
>>> please help me,
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Cannot-find-bean-in-any-scope-tp20882790p20882790.html
>>> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>> -
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> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://www.nabble.com/Cannot-find-bean-in-any-scope-tp20882790p20893064.html
> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -
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problem with s:inputtransferselect

2008-12-08 Thread Leena Borle
  I am having problem with the tag "s:inputtransferselect". All I have is a
list defined inside a bean. This bean is used by action to add/edit the
values. I see all the values except values of this tag does not get
reflected back to the action. Am I missing something in this tag ?
  My Jsp code is,

Variable "user" and it's getter/setter are defined in my action. Variable
"shoes" is an ArrayList declared and defined in user object.

I would appreciate help with this.

RE: Multiple Validation Options?

2008-12-08 Thread dancerjohn

I am not sure what you mean. I don't see anything about a key or path in the
API for ValidatorActionForm or ValidatorForm. Also, I would think that
hitting these would be too late. If I understand it correctly (and I am new
so maybe not), struts-config.xml specifies that ValidatorPlugin should be
used to parse validation.xml to do validation on various forms. I want to
make a change so that ValidatorPlugIn will use a different set of rules
depending on what site is being run (determined by a database query). 

 seems to provide this type of capability but it seems to be
limited to Locale variability.

Eric J Givler wrote:
> Doesn't the ValidatorActionForm provide a means of getting/setting the
> validation key to be used (normally set to the mapping.getPath())?  If
> that's the case, can't you inject your own key programmatically?

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RE: Multiple Validation Options?

2008-12-08 Thread Givler, Eric
Doesn't the ValidatorActionForm provide a means of getting/setting the 
validation key to be used (normally set to the mapping.getPath())?  If that's 
the case, can't you inject your own key programmatically?

From: dancerjohn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 11:08 AM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: Multiple Validation Options?

I have a situation where we have a single code base and struts config files
that support multiple sites. I want to be able to do different validation on
each site. If I have a form A that has field a, I want to apply one set of
rules for web-site 123 and a different set of rules for web-site abc. How
would I do this?

I see that struts supports formsets but selection of the formset seems to be
solely by locale. Is there a way to use the formset framework and have my
code specify dynamically which formset to use?

I thought about overloading org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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2008-12-08 Thread David Loup

I'm using a tabbedPanel to include a call to several actions in tabs, each 
action displaying a form on its own:
How can the "main" (or parent) JSP access what's in the forms of the actions in 
each tab?

I.e., I have something like mainTabs.jsp:


And for example, the first tab is rendered in basicInfo.jsp, with a form:


In mainTabs.jsp, I'm trying to get ahold of the form object included in the 
tab, but getElementById('basicInfo') returns null, and looking at 
document.forms.length returns only 1 (the other form that's defined in 

Is there any way the parent JSP can access the form objects contained in the 


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Re: Any issues with using OGNL ver 2.7.3

2008-12-08 Thread Adam Ruggles

Good news, thanks.

Chris Pratt wrote:
> I've been using OGNL 2.7.2 with Struts 2.1.2 for a while and haven't
> noticed
> any problems.
>   (*Chris*)
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Adam Ruggles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Are there any known issues with using OGNL 2.7.3 with Struts 2.1.2?
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Any-issues-with-using-OGNL-ver-2.7.3-tp20889755p20889755.html
>> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> -
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Re: Getter Method call twice - S2

2008-12-08 Thread Paweł Wielgus
Hi Eugenio,
i just tried to replicate Your problem,
the thing is that i remember in S1 (don't know which version) that was
normal behavior,
getter was called n times where n is list.size() - more or less.

But in S2 i don't see it anymore.
So if You want to find what's going on try to add some debuging.

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

2008/12/5 Felipe Lorenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Did you try to debug your application? Or try to see from what
> Action/JSP its called! Or create a Interceptor to print a log:
> public class Log4JInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor {
>public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
>String comando = invocation.getInvocationContext().getName();
>Map parametros = invocation.getInvocationContext().getParameters();
>Map sessao = invocation.getInvocationContext().getSession();
>String loginUsuario = "anonimo";
>if( sessao.containsKey(SessionSuport.USER_SESSION) ) {
>Colaborador colaborador = (Colaborador) sessao.get(
> SessionSuport.USER_SESSION );
>loginUsuario = colaborador.getLogin();
>String linhaLog = "";
>Logger log = Logger.getLogger( comando );
>String retorno = invocation.invoke();
>if( !retorno.equals("erro") ) {
>for( Object chave : parametros.keySet() ) {
>Object valor = parametros.get( chave );
>String valorStr = "";
>if( valor instanceof String[] ) {
>for( String atual : ((String[])valor) )
>valorStr += atual + ",";
>valorStr = valorStr.substring( 0, valorStr.length()-1 );
>linhaLog += chave + "=" + valorStr + ";";
>linhaLog = linhaLog.trim();
>if( !linhaLog.equals("") ) {
>PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(
> "%d{HH:mm:ss} - " + loginUsuario + " - %c - %m%n" );
>String formatoData = "dd-MM-";
>SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( formatoData );
>String hoje = sdf.format( new Date() );
>String nomeArquivo = "logGerAtividade.log";
>DailyRollingFileAppender appender = new
> DailyRollingFileAppender( layout, nomeArquivo, "dd-MM-" );
>appender.setEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" );
>ConsoleAppender consoleAppender = new ConsoleAppender(
> layout, "System.out" );
>consoleAppender.setEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" );
>log.addAppender( appender );
>log.addAppender( consoleAppender );
>log.info( linhaLog );
>} else {
>ActionSupport action = ActionSupport.class.cast(
> invocation.getAction() );
>Collection erros = action.getActionErrors();
>for( Object erro : erros ) {
>linhaLog += erro + ",";
>linhaLog = linhaLog.substring( 0, linhaLog.length()-1 );
>if( !linhaLog.equals("") ) {
>PatternLayout layout = new PatternLayout(
> "%d{HH:mm:ss} - " + loginUsuario + " - %c - %m%n" );
>String formatoData = "dd-MM-";
>SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( formatoData );
>String hoje = sdf.format( new Date() );
>String nomeArquivo = "logGerAtividadeERROR.log";
>DailyRollingFileAppender appender = new
> DailyRollingFileAppender( layout, nomeArquivo, "dd-MM-" );
>appender.setEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" );
>ConsoleAppender consoleAppender = new ConsoleAppender(
> layout, "System.out" );
>consoleAppender.setEncoding( "ISO-8859-1" );
>log.addAppender( appender );
>log.addAppender( consoleAppender );
>log.info( linhaLog );
>return retorno;
> }
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:07 AM, Eugenio Perrotta Neto
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> anybody has the answer?
>> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:05 PM, Eugenio Perrotta Neto <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> the code is here:
>>> i have a tag file called page.tag
>>> <%@ tag body-content="scriptless" %>
>>> <%@ tag pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="sicat2" uri="/WEB-INF/sicat2.tld"  %>
>>> >> http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd";>
>>> >> />
>>> " type="text/css"/>
>>>  : >> value="moduleName" /> : 
>>> >> type="text/javascript">
>>> >> charset="UTF-8" type="text/javascript">
>>>  :

Re: launching some code after action execution and before result

2008-12-08 Thread Adam Hardy (struts)

Thanks for that. Don't know how I missed it in the documentation, it is of
course pretty much exactly what I need. 

Ideally I guess I'd like it to be configurable in the struts.xml, but it's
fine as it is. 


--- On Sun, 12/7/08, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: launching some code after action execution and before result
> To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
> Date: Sunday, December 7, 2008, 3:29 PM
> Is this possible somehow in the struts2 framework?
> I'd like to execute some code for all requests after
> the action has executed, but before the result, the JSP and
> all are processed.
> The code will look at the result type from the action and
> do some work based on that.
> Something like an interceptor would be great, but obviously
> the interceptor framework doesn't enable me to do
> anything at that particular stage.
> I am using Tiles and I guess a bit of research there will
> show up something I can employ, but I'd rather have the
> code logically nearer the Action class - actually on the
> action class would be ideal since that's where I already
> have the various managers and entities.
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Multiple Validation Options?

2008-12-08 Thread dancerjohn

I have a situation where we have a single code base and struts config files
that support multiple sites. I want to be able to do different validation on
each site. If I have a form A that has field a, I want to apply one set of
rules for web-site 123 and a different set of rules for web-site abc. How
would I do this? 

I see that struts supports formsets but selection of the formset seems to be
solely by locale. Is there a way to use the formset framework and have my
code specify dynamically which formset to use? 

I thought about overloading org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated. 
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Re: setting a text field

2008-12-08 Thread Dimitar Vlasev
have you ever read something about struts forms before asking questions here?
Don't feel offended but this is a base functionality and I'm pretty
sure you will not receive much help about issues like this.
And you'll need to provide at least the version of Struts you're using.

I guess you're using Struts 1.x
Setting the value of the form field in the action that precedes the
forward to the jsp will do what you need if all your configurations
are OK.
The form field is property of a struts form configured for your action.
If this does not ring any bells for you you'll really need to read
something for the version of Struts you're using.

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Re: JSP tags calling action directives

2008-12-08 Thread Raquel Pau Fernández
2008/12/8 Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Raquel Pau Fernández wrote:
> > Excuse me for insisting, but the problem of using  is that
> > you need to offer always it as url...
> Using Codebehind you don't need to configure it via XML; I don't see any
> practical difference between using URLs or classnames to access an action.

An URL can be accessible from the browser but not a class. Codebehind offers
automatically an URL...but I don't want it.
All is for security reasons...
Is the same reason that you don't have to permit access directly to your
JSPs.. For instance, you only want to show this data under some conditions
(submit an specific form). In order to satisfy it, the people puts the
service call code in the previous action but it produces a dependency
between what do you want to show and what do you need perform under a

> > [...] but also perhaps is necessary pass some request or session
> > parameters to this service and they have not been necessary for the
> > executed action.
> Another reason I think it's a bad idea and more trouble than it's worth.

I only need to execute the logic of Params interceptor...or getting all the
parameters and using BeanUtils to put their value to the action.

> IIRC the action tag uses the current value stack (which includes the
> request and session maps) for the action being executed, so (if that's
> correct) the only thing you're asking for is the ability to instantiate the
> action based on its classname rather than a URL?

Yes because my action may not be an URL.

> > Therefore, using Spring or any other IoC framework having
> > Struts2 is unnecessary and you lost a lot of performance [...]
> S2 uses (a version of) Guice to do its IoC/DI by default. I also think
> you're over-estimating the performance penalties of Spring (for example).

Anyway, you need to call two java reflections..

> Dave
> -
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Raquel Pau

setting a text field

2008-12-08 Thread hello_everyone

I am trying to set a html:text value from one action. That text field is in
the jsp page which is shown once the page (for action action is defined) is
successfully submitted. But the problem is that the value in the jsp page is
not set. It is null all the time.

Do I have to send value with url? If so then where should I fill that text

Any idea?

No action instance for path [/path] could be created

2008-12-08 Thread Evert Lammerts
Hi list,

With my last question still standing (even though the struts list might not be 
the right resource for it), I'm off to the next question.

I've created a portlet application wrapping two portlets. My first goal should 
be an easy one - trying to link from the one portlet to the other. In order to 
do so I've created a JSP for each portlet:




Using struts I defined these actions:

And with Tiles I created these:

In the JSP I link to the other JSP and vica versa using:


The links do work - they do load the other JSP - but also generate the 
following error:

ERROR [RequestProcessor:296] No action instance for path 
/my/namespace/submit/view could be created

Why is this happening, can anybody explain?

Evert Lammerts

Re: JSP tags calling action directives

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Raquel Pau Fernández wrote:
> Excuse me for insisting, but the problem of using  is that 
> you need to offer always it as url... 

Using Codebehind you don't need to configure it via XML; I don't see any 
practical difference between using URLs or classnames to access an action.

> [...] but also perhaps is necessary pass some request or session 
> parameters to this service and they have not been necessary for the
> executed action.

Another reason I think it's a bad idea and more trouble than it's worth. 

IIRC the action tag uses the current value stack (which includes the request 
and session maps) for the action being executed, so (if that's correct) the 
only thing you're asking for is the ability to instantiate the action based on 
its classname rather than a URL?

> Therefore, using Spring or any other IoC framework having 
> Struts2 is unnecessary and you lost a lot of performance [...]

S2 uses (a version of) Guice to do its IoC/DI by default. I also think you're 
over-estimating the performance penalties of Spring (for example).


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Re: How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?

2008-12-08 Thread taj uddin

  Thanks a lot. :-)
--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 7:47 AM

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, taj uddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank u for ur suggestion. As given, the application is
> able to display three boxes(textfields) in one row but how
> to append label name( phonenumber)  and hyphens(-) b/w the
> textfields(boxes).

(1) Use the text or label tag.
(2) ... 
Put a hyphen between each textfield tag???


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Re: How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
--- On Mon, 12/8/08, taj uddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank u for ur suggestion. As given, the application is
> able to display three boxes(textfields) in one row but how
> to append label name( phonenumber)  and hyphens(-) b/w the
> textfields(boxes).

(1) Use the text or label tag.
(2) ... 
Put a hyphen between each textfield tag???


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Re: JSP tags calling action directives

2008-12-08 Thread Raquel Pau Fernández

Excuse me for insisting, but the problem of using  is that you
need to offer always it as url... In other words, 'yes' i need to call a
service from the JSP without an action mapping that serves it and skip the
intermediate layer, but also perhaps is necessary pass some request or
session parameters to this service and they have not been necessary for the
executed action. Any solution?

I would want to insist that with Struts2 (as main difference with Struts1)
you do not need an intermediate layer.. It has become unnecessary because
you have lost the coupling with the kind of communication interface (in this
case HTTP) and you could use your actions for instance, in a swing
application. Therefore, using Spring or any other IoC framework having
Struts2 is unnecessary and you lost a lot of performance because you need to
use reflection twice (one for the action and another one for the service).
In fact, when I used Struts1, I used the commons-chain library to make the
same task as Struts 2 to call the command passing a map with all request and
session parameters. Therefore, in general, only one action class was
necessary in all the configuration, because this default action returns the
result (put by the command) than gives the forward..

Thank you very much

2008/12/8 Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Raquel Pau Fernández wrote:
> > I want to call services, but if I put the service in the
> > action, at code level, the action must know(implicitly)
> > what is the following content page.
> IMO the action should always be responsible for what's available in the
> view, but that may just be me.
> I'm still not sure I like the idea of calling *action* code to get the data
> that you want, though--I think it would be much cleaner to provide a
> mechanism for accessing service instances in the JSP and skip the
> intermediate layer.
> > I need to call an action code from a JSP page without
> > becoming it an URL. I've not found that the framework
> > could provide it because always calls an action that
> > must be an URL.
> Again, while I don't think this is a good idea, it'd be easy enough to use
> Codebehind and the  tag to do this, although there are a few
> potential "gotchas" with the action tag.
> > PD: Excuse me for my poor English.
> It's better than mine ;)
> Dave
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Raquel Pau

Re: How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?

2008-12-08 Thread taj uddin

Thank u for ur suggestion. As given, the application is able to display three 
boxes(textfields) in one row but how to append label name( phonenumber)  and 
hyphens(-) b/w the textfields(boxes).
Here i used the label attribute in the textfield tag but the name was not being 
rendered as well the hyphens even.
So, could u pls help me out

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 6:55 AM

The mailing list usually (always?) doesn't allow attachments.

I feel, however, that I have understood the requirement of "three text
boxes on a single row separated by hypens".

You can use theme="simple" on each one to render only the textbox and
build the rest of the form row manually. You'll need to do validation
manually (which you'd probably want to do anyway for this composite field)
and check for the presence of the "field" error manually.


--- On Mon, 12/8/08, taj uddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First please go through the attachment in which the rquired
> GUI to be generated using struts2 tags was shown.
> In
> my application, the GUI should appear with three textfield
> boxes
> separated with hyphens(-), ("as shown in the
> attachment")where each textfield boxes has unique
> names.
> I'm working on the label PhoneNumber which displays
> three boxes(one for STD code, second and third for phone
> number prefix and suffix). Here three textfileds should have
> the label name as PhoneNumber but each textfield or box is
> of unique name.
> Note: all the three boxes should appear in GUI separated by
> hyphens.
> I hope u have understood.
> Pls help me in this issue
> -
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Re: JSP tags calling action directives

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Raquel Pau Fernández wrote:
> I want to call services, but if I put the service in the
> action, at code level, the action must know(implicitly) 
> what is the following content page.

IMO the action should always be responsible for what's available in the view, 
but that may just be me.

I'm still not sure I like the idea of calling *action* code to get the data 
that you want, though--I think it would be much cleaner to provide a mechanism 
for accessing service instances in the JSP and skip the intermediate layer.

> I need to call an action code from a JSP page without
> becoming it an URL. I've not found that the framework 
> could provide it because always calls an action that 
> must be an URL.

Again, while I don't think this is a good idea, it'd be easy enough to use 
Codebehind and the  tag to do this, although there are a few 
potential "gotchas" with the action tag.

> PD: Excuse me for my poor English.

It's better than mine ;)


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Re: Can't get definitions factory from context

2008-12-08 Thread Lukasz Lenart
2008/12/5 Benjamin Dittwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> thanks for your help. i use tiles 2 now. with the common dependencies
> includet in the distribution.
> now, my tomcat log says:
> 05.12.2008 16:05:23 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext listenerStart
> SCHWERWIEGEND: Error configuring application listener of class
> org.apache.tiles.web.startup.TilesListener
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tiles.web.startup.TilesListener

There was a bug with that, which version do you use?


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Re: How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?

2008-12-08 Thread Dave Newton
The mailing list usually (always?) doesn't allow attachments.

I feel, however, that I have understood the requirement of "three text boxes on 
a single row separated by hypens".

You can use theme="simple" on each one to render only the textbox and build the 
rest of the form row manually. You'll need to do validation manually (which 
you'd probably want to do anyway for this composite field) and check for the 
presence of the "field" error manually.


--- On Mon, 12/8/08, taj uddin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First please go through the attachment in which the rquired
> GUI to be generated using struts2 tags was shown.
> In
> my application, the GUI should appear with three textfield
> boxes
> separated with hyphens(-), ("as shown in the
> attachment")where each textfield boxes has unique
> names.
> I'm working on the label PhoneNumber which displays
> three boxes(one for STD code, second and third for phone
> number prefix and suffix). Here three textfileds should have
> the label name as PhoneNumber but each textfield or box is
> of unique name.
> Note: all the three boxes should appear in GUI separated by
> hyphens.
> I hope u have understood.
> Pls help me in this issue
> -
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More portlets in portlet-app

2008-12-08 Thread Evert Lammerts
Hi list,

I'm trying to get a grip on portlet development with struts and it would be 
great if someone can help me out! I'm using a Tomcat 6 application server icw a 
Liferay 5.1.2 portal. I've managed to get struts 1.3.8 portlets working through 
a struts bridge and now I want to start developing. My use case is the 

I need to generate a list of available applications that run at different 
locations. The content of this list is based on user attributes, but that is 
out of the context of this use case. When a link to an application is clicked 
it should pull up an application specific form containing input fields for all 
parameters necessary to run the application.

Intuitively I'd say the list of applications is a single portlet, while the 
form represents a second portlet. There should be a parent class / portlet for 
the form that can handle submission. The portlet that lists the available 
applications needs to initialize the portlet that displays the form with 
specific parameters - it should tell the portlet which form to display.

So, starting to develop, I put two portlets inside a single portlet-app 
definition in portlet.xml and I started with defining two actions, one to 
display the list of applications and one to display a sample form. But now I 
need to find a way to specify which portlet when the portlet-app is started. 
How would I do that? If you need some more information just let me know. Also, 
I'd be very interested in suggestions on the design of this use case!

Thanks a bunch!
Evert Lammerts

Re: JSP tags calling action directives

2008-12-08 Thread Raquel Pau Fernández

I want to call services, but if I put the service in the action, at code
level, the action must know(implicitly) what is the following content page.
In addition, if an action code has two URL and for each URL has to send
different JSP content, your code must change or yo have to produce redundant
code in other action. It produces that if the workflow changes, your code
changes. You could also produce a chain of actions, but in my expirience, it
produces a bad maintenance because, for instance, you loss the traceability
between the code and the URL. Struts tutorials also says that it could
produce an spagetti code.

Consequently, I think that separating the workflow (actions) and the view
(calling it in some way, the service) is better . (I have solved it in
Struts 1 using a controller (now presented as view preparer) of the tiles

However, Struts2/Xwork implements the Command pattern without coupling with
the HTTP interface. For this reason, I think that it is unnecessary two
layers because the same framework offers the HTTP presentation/interface
layer, and then the action is a service.

Following these arguments, I need to call an action code from a JSP page
without becoming it an URL. I've not found that the framework could provide
it because always calls an action that must be an URL..


-Each action that produces a forward to the same JSP does not need to know
what data is necessary to load for creating the page.
-The action code can be used in any URL without changing the code to show
any JSP.

Thank you in advance.

PD: Excuse me for my poor English.

2008/12/7 Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- On Sun, 12/7/08, Raquel Pau Fernández wrote:
> > I'm thinking about calling actions code (that perhaps they are not
> > an URL and then they don't appear in the struts.xml) from JSP
> > [...]
> > For instance, in more than one page I could need the list
> > of users in different formats (combobox, lists and so on)
> > and perhaps I don't need to list them alone as an url
> > 'userList.action'.
> > [...]
> I'm not entirely sure I understand where you're coming from.
> The use-cases you describe sound like services. Service instances can be
> properties of actions, thus exposed to the JSP. Arbitrary methods can be
> called on action properties already.
> I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I just don't understand it or, so far, see
> a need for it.
> Dave
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Raquel Pau

Re: Cannot find bean in any scope

2008-12-08 Thread gbattine

thanks very much for your help.
I understood your explanation but I didn't solve.
Now I did:


but I still have:

javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find
bean: "DVD" in any scope

I'm missing something?

Nils-Helge Garli wrote:
> From the taglib reference for "iterate" [1]:
> id - The name of a page scope JSP bean that will contain the current
> element of the collection on each iteration, if it is not null.
> In your example, you have used id="dvds" which means that you would
> have to use  
> Nils-H
> [1] -
> http://struts.apache.org/1.3.8/struts-taglib/tagreference.html#logic:iterate
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 5:39 PM, gbattine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello guys,
>> I'm newbie of Struts, please help me.
>> I've an action that calls some business logic, retrieve a a list and set
>> it
>> into request, calling later a jsp, in which I try to show this list
>> through
>> iterate tag.
>> this is jsp to show list
>> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean"%>
>> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
>>JSP Page
>>Ricerca film
>> Titolo
>> Regia
>> Sceneggiatura
>> this is action that pass to list a list of dvds
>> Collection c = new ArrayList();
>>try {
>>c = manager.getAll();
>>} catch (DAOException e) {
>>String message = "DVDs could not be listed";
>>errors.add("label", new ActionError("error.listfailed"));
>>saveErrors(request, errors);
>>return (mapping.findForward("error"));
>> session.setAttribute("dvds", c);
>> besides dvd (shown in jsp) is a bean to show each item of dvds list.
>> Instead of show jsp with list of dvd I've this error:
>> javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot
>> find
>> bean: "DVD" in any scope
>> How can I solve it?
>> please help me,
>> Thanks
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Cannot-find-bean-in-any-scope-tp20882790p20882790.html
>> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> -
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>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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View this message in context: 
Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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How to make three text boxes appear in one row using struts2 tags?

2008-12-08 Thread taj uddin

First please go through the attachment in which the rquired GUI to be generated 
using struts2 tags was shown.
my application, the GUI should appear with three textfield boxes
separated with hyphens(-), ("as shown in the attachment")where each textfield 
boxes has unique names.

I'm working on the label PhoneNumber which displays three boxes(one for STD 
code, second and third for phone number prefix and suffix). Here three 
textfileds should have the label name as PhoneNumber but each textfield or box 
is of unique name.
Note: all the three boxes should appear in GUI separated by hyphens.
I hope u have understood.
Pls help me in this issue

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How to represent three textfield boxes in one row?

2008-12-08 Thread taj uddin

In my application, the GUI should appear with three textfield boxes separated 
with hyphens(-), where each textfield boxes has unique names. 
I'm working on the label PhoneNumber which displays three boxes(one for STD 
code, second and third for phone number prefix and suffix). Here three 
textfileds should have the label name as PhoneNumber but each textfield or box 
is of unique name.
Note: all the three boxes should appear in GUI separated by hyphens.
I hope u have understood.
Pls help me in this issue


Re: How to append a string to a label name?

2008-12-08 Thread taj uddin
Thnak U :-)

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Andras Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Andras Balogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to append a string to a label name?
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" 
Date: Monday, December 8, 2008, 4:18 AM


You need to add required="true" than Struts will add the
"*" automatically.


taj uddin wrote:
> Hi,
>   In my application, the textfield label name should be appended with
"*". I tried to add the string (*) to my label name using
labelSeparator attribute. In my eclipse it shows the warning as "unknown
attribut name(labelSeparator). Can u pls help me out in this issue.
> here (*) was added to my label name to indicate that this particular field
is required to be filled.
> code:

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Re: How to append a string to a label name?

2008-12-08 Thread Andras Balogh


You need to add required="true" than Struts will add the "*" automatically.


taj uddin wrote:


  In my application, the textfield label name should be appended with "*". I tried 
to add the string (*) to my label name using labelSeparator attribute. In my eclipse it shows 
the warning as "unknown attribut name(labelSeparator). Can u pls help me out in this 

here (*) was added to my label name to indicate that this particular field is 
required to be filled.



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How to append a string to a label name?

2008-12-08 Thread taj uddin

  In my application, the textfield label name should be appended with "*". I 
tried to add the string (*) to my label name using labelSeparator attribute. In 
my eclipse it shows the warning as "unknown attribut name(labelSeparator). Can 
u pls help me out in this issue.

here (*) was added to my label name to indicate that this particular field is 
required to be filled.



Re: Any issues with using OGNL ver 2.7.3

2008-12-08 Thread Chris Pratt
I've been using OGNL 2.7.2 with Struts 2.1.2 for a while and haven't noticed
any problems.

On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Adam Ruggles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are there any known issues with using OGNL 2.7.3 with Struts 2.1.2?
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://www.nabble.com/Any-issues-with-using-OGNL-ver-2.7.3-tp20889755p20889755.html
> Sent from the Struts - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> -
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