RE: E-Commerce website using struts

2010-12-13 Thread Martin Gainty

salesforce..peoplesoft..goldmine are crm packages that work as well
if you want to drive sales for your software why not find the limitations of 
these other packages
and post how your software meets or exceeds the limitations inherent with each 

Not a shill for peoplesoft..salesforce..goldmine or shopizer

Viel Gluck!
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 Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 11:14:50 +0530
 Subject: Re: E-Commerce website using struts
 if taking about struts2 here it is
 On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:40 AM, ashish chawre
  Hi, Is any body having any idea about the source/example of any ecommerce
  website implementation using struts?
  I am looking to implement a checkout using struts and I need to implement
  shopping cart as well.
  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  -- Ashish

Re: [S2.2.1] Struts Type Converter for sub-model objects not working?

2010-12-13 Thread Burton Rhodes
Thanks guys for your reponses, but I think I may have been unclear in
my question.  I have a class called MyCurrencyConverter that converts
a string to a BigDecimal by stripping the $, commas, etc. - this
works fine.  The problem arises when struts does not call
MyCurrencyConverter for the nested class Contact - ContactLead
(Contact class has a member variable ContactLead class all with

For the code below, the first field converts just fine and I can track
this in my debugger.  But for the second field, MyCurrencyConverter is
never called by Struts.  I am wondering if this is a bug.  I would
have thought Struts would be smart enough to map the nested
ContactLead class to the file.

JSP snippet:
!-- First Field: Works fine, MyCurrencyConverter is called --
s:textfield key=contactLead.income
value=%{getText('',{contactLead.income != null ?
contactLead.income :''})}  /
!-- Second Field: MyCurrencyConveter is never called for this textfield --
s:textfield key=contact.contactLead.income
value=%{getText('',{contact.contactLead.income != null ?
contact.contactLead.income :''})}  /


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:09 AM, Lukasz Lenart wrote:
 2010/12/12 Burton Rhodes
 I know. I don't have a setIncome(String) method. But I do have
 setIncome(BigDecimal) method , hence the type conversion. Normally the
 class MyCurrencyCoverter will covert the String to BigDecimal, but
 it's never called. I am wondering what I am doing wrong that the
 conversion class is not called.

 String to BigDecimal conversion is built-in functionality and looks
 like your user is entering $ at the beginning of the field Income
 that's why Sturts falling with conversion.

 The current converter treats an input string as whole, there is no
 parsing to extract numbers, you write your own and assign it to all
 BigDecimal types

 + 48 606 323 122
 Kapituła Javarsovia 2010

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Struts 2.2.1 and Tag Lib oddities

2010-12-13 Thread RogerV


I've just upgraded to 2.2.1 from 2.1.8 and I guess I must have missed a
piece of documentation somewhere. My IDE (Eclipse Helios) is now flagging
all my .jsp files as being in error. Specifically, it complains that it
cannot find the tag library descriptor /struts-tags (%@ taglib prefix=s
uri=/struts-tags%)although this seems to have had no effect on deploying
them to Tomcat successfully. At first I thought I'd fsked up somewhere so I
reverted back to 2.1.8 and the problem dissappeared, going back to 2.2.1 the
problem re-appears, so it definitely struts related. I'm getting the same
problem with the sitemesh tags as well (%@ taglib prefix=decorator
uri=; %)

Anyone got any idea as to what has changed?


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2010-12-13 Thread Greg Akins
I just tried to use as an email , and the
Struts EmailValidator doesn't like it (Struts 2.2.1)

I'm not that great at reading regexp.. it looks like maybe the regexp
should support that email address.. but I'm not sure.

Can anyone comment on whether EmailValidator is the best approach?

Greg Akins

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Re: EmailValidator

2010-12-13 Thread Dave Newton
IIRC the default email validator isn't as robust as the page- long RFC email
regex. I'd suggest either a patch, ora custom validator.

 On Dec 13, 2010 12:11 PM, Greg Akins wrote:
 I just tried to use as
an email , and the
 Struts EmailValidator doesn't like it (Struts 2.2.1)

 I'm not that great at reading regexp.. it looks like maybe the regexp
 should support that email address.. but I'm not sure.

 Can anyone comment on whether EmailValidator is the best approach?

 Greg Akins

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Re: EmailValidator

2010-12-13 Thread Brian Thompson
I've looked into this before.  The email validator resolved down to some
really old code in XWork with a regex that looked something like this:


I strongly agree with Dave's advice.  Broken email validators are too common
on the web.


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Dave Newton wrote:

 IIRC the default email validator isn't as robust as the page- long RFC
 regex. I'd suggest either a patch, ora custom validator.

  On Dec 13, 2010 12:11 PM, Greg Akins wrote:
  I just tried to use as
 an email , and the
  Struts EmailValidator doesn't like it (Struts 2.2.1)
  I'm not that great at reading regexp.. it looks like maybe the regexp
  should support that email address.. but I'm not sure.
  Can anyone comment on whether EmailValidator is the best approach?
  Greg Akins
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Re: EmailValidator

2010-12-13 Thread Greg Akins
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Dave Newton wrote:
 IIRC the default email validator isn't as robust as the page- long RFC email
 regex. I'd suggest either a patch, ora custom validator.

Thanks.  I'll try to submit a patch after I get something more robust working

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Re: EmailValidator

2010-12-13 Thread Greg Akins
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Brian Thompson wrote:
 I've looked into this before.  The email validator resolved down to some
 really old code in XWork with a regex that looked something like this:


Thanks.. I hadn't looked at the source.. It looks like the API docs
don't quite match the source then, either.
Greg Akins

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Re: EmailValidator

2010-12-13 Thread Brian Thompson
TBF, it was a really old version of XWork.  It was addressed and made more
complicated in the most recent version at the time I looked into it (still
not *fixed*, though ... everyone knows how to validate an email address
until they actually read the RFCs!).


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Greg Akins wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Brian Thompson
  I've looked into this before.  The email validator resolved down to some
  really old code in XWork with a regex that looked something like this:

 Thanks.. I hadn't looked at the source.. It looks like the API docs
 don't quite match the source then, either.
 Greg Akins

Re: [S2.2.1] Struts Type Converter for sub-model objects not working?

2010-12-13 Thread Lukasz Lenart
Did you try to user annotation @TypeConversion ?

+ 48 606 323 122
Kapituła Javarsovia

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Re: execAndWait Interceptor

2010-12-13 Thread Zoran Avtarovski
We use the interceptor for interrogating a legacy database where we have
no control over the execution or timing of the query.

We basically have an API we call and then wait in hope.

I have to say that I've found the interceptor to be inconsistent at best.

For example we have some queries that are actually quite quick but the
interceptor insists on doing at least one page refresh before returning a
result. We've tried tweaking all the setting with absolutely no joy.

On the last project, we actually implemented an ajax solution which was
far more elegant result.


On 10/12/10 3:11 AM, wrote:

Does anyone actually use this interceptor?  I have a team asking me about
it's use in production and how this solution would compare to a jQuery
solution.  I played around with it lst night and am skeptical about it.
one thing, the documentation says

The ExecuteAndWaitInterceptor is great for running long-lived actions in
the background while showing the user a nice progress meter. This also
prevents the HTTP request from timing out when the action takes more than
or 10 minutes.

and a request like that would get me fired!


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cssClass attribute with @s.textfield ignored when inputError happens

2010-12-13 Thread struts . rgm
When a validation error occurs with the css_xhtml theme, the CSS class for a 
form input does not have the correct class attributes, if a cssClass has been 
supplied.   Instead of class inputError joining the existing class which is 
specified by the cssClass form tag attribute, two separate class attributes 
are added to the element.  Google Chrome only sees the first CSS class.

Given the following struts2 freemarker snippet:

@s.textfield name=port value=port key=service.port maxsize=5 
cssClass=prop-port / 

When a validation error occurs, I end up with a form input element like:

input type=text name=port class=inputError value= class=prop-port/

I would expect one single class attribute containing both class values 
separated by a space, like  class=prop-port inputError
I'm using Struts 2.2.1.  I do see code meant to handle this in simple/css.ftl, 
but I'm not sure why that isn't being used.
Instead, I seem to be getting the code from simple/text.ftl, which blindly adds 
a class attribute without checking about errors.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Struts2 2.2.1 exploring annotations with struts2-convention-plugin and struts2-json-plugin

2010-12-13 Thread Ken McWilliams
I'm experimenting with Struts2 annotations and have some observations
that I'd like clarification on.

1) When using the convention plug-in the book Apache Struts 2 Web
application Developement states :

The plug-in will scan ... in Java packages whose names contain struts,
struts2, action, and actions, and whose classname ends in

What I've found is that the package must end with one of those names,
can I set it to scan for packages actually containing those names?

Also in my configuration I can omit the Action suffix.  IE: can be renamed and everything still works.

2) Well this is not annotation related but when working with the
struts2-json-plugin-2.2.1 I find it interesting that it needs getters
and setters as demonstrated by:

(Take note of the 3 commented lines near the end)
/ START ***/

package struts2;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;

@Result(type = json)
public class JSONExmapleSimple extends ActionSupport {
public String name = ken;

public String execute(){
return SUCCESS;
//If uncommented action returns {name:ken}
//If commented action returns {}
//public String getName() {return name;}

/* END /

This is a small detail I don't mind adding getters and setters the IDE
makes it easy but I just find it interesting that this isn't consistent
with what I'd expect based on the struts OGNL access: s:property

3) I was wondering if it is possible to apply a struts package
automatically based on the java package name.  I wonder this because...

@ParentPackage(json-default) can be applied to the java source package
statement or the Class although when I apply it to the package statement
I receive:

package annotations should be in file from my IDE
(Netbeans 6.9.1) so if anyone knows if this is a Java standard great
otherwise it's an IDE specific thing and of no further issue here.

So simply that I found @ParentPackage which by it's application to a
package statement and the earlier statement from 1) about the package
name merely needing to contain the string struts2 (among others) I was
hoping that the last name in the package could be used to specify the
struts xml package to which it belongs? It would be pretty cool! 

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Re: Struts2 2.2.1 exploring annotations with struts2-convention-plugin and struts2-json-plugin

2010-12-13 Thread Ken McWilliams
My bad #1 is resolved... 
I had left my jsp's in /WEB-INF/content not realizing that the java 

package mypackage.struts2.otherpackage.MyAction

Didn't map to: /my but /otherpackage/my

The examples I'd seen had a package ending in actions and I'd made an

On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 15:37 -0700, Ken McWilliams wrote:
 I'm experimenting with Struts2 annotations and have some observations
 that I'd like clarification on.
 1) When using the convention plug-in the book Apache Struts 2 Web
 application Developement states :
 The plug-in will scan ... in Java packages whose names contain struts,
 struts2, action, and actions, and whose classname ends in
 What I've found is that the package must end with one of those names,
 can I set it to scan for packages actually containing those names?
 Also in my configuration I can omit the Action suffix.  IE: can be renamed and everything still works.
 2) Well this is not annotation related but when working with the
 struts2-json-plugin-2.2.1 I find it interesting that it needs getters
 and setters as demonstrated by:
 (Take note of the 3 commented lines near the end)
 / START ***/
 package struts2;
 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
 import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action;
 import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage;
 import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;
 @Result(type = json)
 public class JSONExmapleSimple extends ActionSupport {
 public String name = ken;
 public String execute(){
 return SUCCESS;
 //If uncommented action returns {name:ken}
 //If commented action returns {}
 //public String getName() {return name;}
 /* END /
 This is a small detail I don't mind adding getters and setters the IDE
 makes it easy but I just find it interesting that this isn't consistent
 with what I'd expect based on the struts OGNL access: s:property
 3) I was wondering if it is possible to apply a struts package
 automatically based on the java package name.  I wonder this because...
 @ParentPackage(json-default) can be applied to the java source package
 statement or the Class although when I apply it to the package statement
 I receive:
 package annotations should be in file from my IDE
 (Netbeans 6.9.1) so if anyone knows if this is a Java standard great
 otherwise it's an IDE specific thing and of no further issue here.
 So simply that I found @ParentPackage which by it's application to a
 package statement and the earlier statement from 1) about the package
 name merely needing to contain the string struts2 (among others) I was
 hoping that the last name in the package could be used to specify the
 struts xml package to which it belongs? It would be pretty cool! 
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Struts2 2.2.1 exploring annotations with struts2-convention-plugin and struts2-json-plugin

2010-12-13 Thread Ken McWilliams
I'm experimenting with Struts2 annotations and have some observations
that I'd like clarification on.

1) When using the convention plug-in the book Apache Struts 2 Web
application Developement states :

The plug-in will scan ... in Java packages whose names contain struts,
struts2, action, and actions, and whose classname ends in

What I've found is that the package must end with one of those names,
can I set it to scan for packages actually containing those names?

Also in my configuration I can omit the Action suffix.  IE: can be renamed and everything still works.

2) Well this is not annotation related but when working with the
struts2-json-plugin-2.2.1 I find it interesting that it needs getters
and setters as demonstrated by:

(Take note of the 3 commented lines near the end)
/ START ***/

package struts2;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;

@Result(type = json)
public class JSONExmapleSimple extends ActionSupport {
public String name = ken;

public String execute(){
return SUCCESS;
//If uncommented action returns {name:ken}
//If commented action returns {}
//public String getName() {return name;}

/* END /

This is a small detail I don't mind adding getters and setters the IDE
makes it easy but I just find it interesting that this isn't consistent
with what I'd expect based on the struts OGNL access: s:property

3) I was wondering if it is possible to apply a struts package
automatically based on the java package name.  I wonder this because...

@ParentPackage(json-default) can be applied to the java source package
statement or the Class although when I apply it to the package statement
I receive:

package annotations should be in file from my IDE
(Netbeans 6.9.1) so if anyone knows if this is a Java standard great
otherwise it's an IDE specific thing and of no further issue here.

So simply that I found @ParentPackage which by it's application to a
package statement and the earlier statement from 1) about the package
name merely needing to contain the string struts2 (among others) I was
hoping that the last name in the package could be used to specify the
struts xml package to which it belongs? It would be pretty cool!

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Struts2 2.2.1 exploring annotations with struts2-convention-plugin and struts2-json-plugin

2010-12-13 Thread Ken McWilliams
I'm experimenting with Struts2 annotations and have some observations
that I'd like clarification on.

1) When using the convention plug-in the book Apache Struts 2 Web
application Developement states :

The plug-in will scan ... in Java packages whose names contain struts,
struts2, action, and actions, and whose classname ends in

What I've found is that the package must end with one of those names,
can I set it to scan for packages actually containing those names?

Also in my configuration I can omit the Action suffix.  IE: can be renamed and everything still works.

2) Well this is not annotation related but when working with the
struts2-json-plugin-2.2.1 I find it interesting that it needs getters
and setters as demonstrated by:

(Take note of the 3 commented lines near the end)
/ START ***/

package struts2;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;

@Result(type = json)
public class JSONExmapleSimple extends ActionSupport {
public String name = ken;

public String execute(){
return SUCCESS;
//If uncommented action returns {name:ken}
//If commented action returns {}
//public String getName() {return name;}

/* END /

This is a small detail I don't mind adding getters and setters the IDE
makes it easy but I just find it interesting that this isn't consistent
with what I'd expect based on the struts OGNL access: s:property

3) I was wondering if it is possible to apply a struts package
automatically based on the java package name.  I wonder this because...

@ParentPackage(json-default) can be applied to the java source package
statement or the Class although when I apply it to the package statement
I receive:

package annotations should be in file from my IDE
(Netbeans 6.9.1) so if anyone knows if this is a Java standard great
otherwise it's an IDE specific thing and of no further issue here.

So simply that I found @ParentPackage which by it's application to a
package statement and the earlier statement from 1) about the package
name merely needing to contain the string struts2 (among others) I was
hoping that the last name in the package could be used to specify the
struts xml package to which it belongs? It would be pretty cool! 

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Re: Struts 2.2.1 and Tag Lib oddities

2010-12-13 Thread Li Ying
I think the tag-lib [/struts-tags] is defined in

Can you see this file in your Eclipse, under the [Web App Libraries]?

Or, can you see the [Web App Libraries] in the [Java Build Path =
Libraries] of your web-app?

Or, you can [refresh] your whole app, see if the errors remain.

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Re: cssClass attribute with @s.textfield ignored when inputError happens

2010-12-13 Thread Li Ying
I read the source code of [simple/css.ftl],
it looks like trying to combine [cssClass] and [cssErrorClass].

So you can try:

@s.textfield name=port value=port key=service.port maxsize=5

see if the result is what you want?

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Re: cssClass attribute with @s.textfield ignored when inputError happens

2010-12-13 Thread struts . rgm
I did try that -- but unless simple/text.ftl changes, there will *still* be an 
unwanted class='inputError' before my cssClass and cssErrorClass attributes 
are handled by css.ftl.  Your example produces the following broken tag:

input name=port value= maxsize=5 class=inputError class=prop-port 
inputError /

It's closer -- but I believe that a change needs to be made in the 
simple/text.ftl template to check for existence of the cssClass attribute, or 
determine if it's being called from the css_xhtml theme's text.ftl, in which 
case it could decide not to handle adding the inputError error class (because 
it would know that css.ftl handled the situation).  I plan on extending 
css_xhtml myself to deal with this problem, but was hoping to verify this issue 
with someone else, and get it on the dev team's radar if it's a real problem.

On Dec 13, 2010, at 6:32 PM, Li Ying - wrote:

 I read the source code of [simple/css.ftl],
 it looks like trying to combine [cssClass] and [cssErrorClass].
 So you can try:
 @s.textfield name=port value=port key=service.port maxsize=5
 see if the result is what you want?
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Re: cssClass attribute with @s.textfield ignored when inputError happens

2010-12-13 Thread Li Ying
I read the source of [simple/text.ftl], and found nothing
looks like rendering the extra [class=inputError] attribute.

Can you tell me where it is?

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Re: Invocation of type conversion manually

2010-12-13 Thread JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
Hi Maurizio, Li,
   Thanks for your suggestion, but the problem with the approaches you
suggested is that they link the security rules too much to the actions. We
want to be as abstract as possible. For that, we have developed the
following implementation:

   We created some entities called SecurityResource which represent a set of
possible user actions. For example, we can have a SecurityResource called
SeeCustomer, that would be applied to any request related with seeing a
customer, or a SecurityResource called ModifyOwnProfile, used to filter any
action related to the modification of the profile. Every Action (unless it
is public) in the system is associated to a resource.

   We have also define some entities called SecurityAssert. A SecurityAssert
is a rule that checks some conditions, and returns true or false. They are
implemented through classes that implement a specific interface. For each
SecurityResource we have a list of SecurityAsserts that need to be
validated. So our security definition look as follows:

security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertHasRole
descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
tiene un rol/description

security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertDistributionList
descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
puede acceder a las listas de distribucion/description

security-resource name=Eco
security-assert-ref name=SecurityAssertHasRole
parameter name=allowedRoles

   Some of the rules need information from the request(customer number, for
example). In an ideal world the interceptor should not know anything about
the action it is trying to check. It should only invoke the rules, and check
their results. So I(the interceptor) should to be able to pass parameters
from the request to the rule without actually having to know anything about
the request or the rules. Maybe the approach is complex, but we are planning
to have some hundredths of actions, and be able to be as granular and
modular as possible with respect to security. Any ideas?



2010/12/12 Li Ying

 I think you don't need this bothering job.

 You can:

 (1)Define some properties in your base class of all your action classes.
 (2)Use these properties to capture data from the request.
 (3)Run your interceptor AFTER the interceptors of struts2.
 But BEFORE the execution of the Action class

 The interceptors of struts2 will do the data-conversion for you.
 Your interceptor can simply extract parameters all you need from the
 Action instance.

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Iterate through a List of Maps

2010-12-13 Thread JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
Hello all, I'm trying to iterate through a List of Maps(I have a method
public ListMap getRecords() in the action) using s:iterator. I can
iterate through the List without problems, but I can not get it to iterate
through the entries of the map. So far I've got this:

s:iterator value=records status=recordsStatus var=record
s:if test=#recordsStatus.index ==0
td colspan=*/td
s:iterator value=record.entrySet() status=fieldStatus
s:property value=key//s:property value=value/

The tag generates the


for each entry, but it is not going through the second iterator, so I
suppose I'm doing something wrong with the value attribute. Can you help me
with it?



Re: Iterate through a List of Maps

2010-12-13 Thread Dave Newton
What version? Early versions sometimes required a # before the
variable name when referencing vars defined by things like an iterator


On Monday, December 13, 2010, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL wrote:
 Hello all, I'm trying to iterate through a List of Maps(I have a method
 public ListMap getRecords() in the action) using s:iterator. I can
 iterate through the List without problems, but I can not get it to iterate
 through the entries of the map. So far I've got this:

 s:iterator value=records status=recordsStatus var=record
         s:if test=#recordsStatus.index ==0
                 td colspan=*/td
             s:iterator value=record.entrySet() status=fieldStatus
                 s:property value=key//s:property value=value/

 The tag generates the


 for each entry, but it is not going through the second iterator, so I
 suppose I'm doing something wrong with the value attribute. Can you help me
 with it?



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Re: Iterate through a List of Maps

2010-12-13 Thread Steven Yang
yes try adding # before record - #record

and since record is a map you can iterate through it directly without
calling entrySet()

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Dave Newton wrote:

 What version? Early versions sometimes required a # before the
 variable name when referencing vars defined by things like an iterator


 On Monday, December 13, 2010, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
  Hello all, I'm trying to iterate through a List of Maps(I have a method
  public ListMap getRecords() in the action) using s:iterator. I can
  iterate through the List without problems, but I can not get it to
  through the entries of the map. So far I've got this:
  s:iterator value=records status=recordsStatus var=record
  s:if test=#recordsStatus.index ==0
  td colspan=*/td
  s:iterator value=record.entrySet() status=fieldStatus
  s:property value=key//s:property value=value/
  The tag generates the
  for each entry, but it is not going through the second iterator, so I
  suppose I'm doing something wrong with the value attribute. Can you help
  with it?

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Re: Iterate through a List of Maps

2010-12-13 Thread JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
That was fast! The version is I'm gonna try your suggestion right
now, and let you now.



2010/12/13 Steven Yang

 yes try adding # before record - #record

 and since record is a map you can iterate through it directly without
 calling entrySet()

 On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Dave Newton

  What version? Early versions sometimes required a # before the
  variable name when referencing vars defined by things like an iterator
  On Monday, December 13, 2010, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
   Hello all, I'm trying to iterate through a List of Maps(I have a method
   public ListMap getRecords() in the action) using s:iterator. I can
   iterate through the List without problems, but I can not get it to
   through the entries of the map. So far I've got this:
   s:iterator value=records status=recordsStatus var=record
   s:if test=#recordsStatus.index ==0
   td colspan=*/td
   s:iterator value=record.entrySet() status=fieldStatus
   s:property value=key//s:property value=value/
   The tag generates the
   for each entry, but it is not going through the second iterator, so I
   suppose I'm doing something wrong with the value attribute. Can you
   with it?
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Re: Invocation of type conversion manually

2010-12-13 Thread Maurizio Cucchiara
Ok, now it's definitively clear.
First every interceptor knows exactly which action is invoked through action
With that said your action could implement (1) your custom interface or (2)
a generic Request Aware interface in order to retrieve request parameters.
Does this answer your question?

Maurizio Cucchiara

Il giorno 14/dic/2010 03.27, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL ha
Hi Maurizio, Li,
  Thanks for your suggestion, but the problem with the approaches you
suggested is that they link the security rules too much to the actions. We
want to be as abstract as possible. For that, we have developed the
following implementation:

  We created some entities called SecurityResource which represent a set of
possible user actions. For example, we can have a SecurityResource called
SeeCustomer, that would be applied to any request related with seeing a
customer, or a SecurityResource called ModifyOwnProfile, used to filter any
action related to the modification of the profile. Every Action (unless it
is public) in the system is associated to a resource.

  We have also define some entities called SecurityAssert. A SecurityAssert
is a rule that checks some conditions, and returns true or false. They are
implemented through classes that implement a specific interface. For each
SecurityResource we have a list of SecurityAsserts that need to be
validated. So our security definition look as follows:

   security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertHasRole
   descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
tiene un rol/description

   security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertDistributionList
   descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
puede acceder a las listas de distribucion/description

   security-resource name=Eco
   security-assert-ref name=SecurityAssertHasRole
   parameter name=allowedRoles

  Some of the rules need information from the request(customer number, for
example). In an ideal world the interceptor should not know anything about
the action it is trying to check. It should only invoke the rules, and check
their results. So I(the interceptor) should to be able to pass parameters
from the request to the rule without actually having to know anything about
the request or the rules. Maybe the approach is complex, but we are planning
to have some hundredths of actions, and be able to be as granular and
modular as possible with respect to security. Any ideas?



2010/12/12 Li Ying

 I think you don't need this bothering job.

 You can:

 (1)Define some properties in your bas...

Re: Invocation of type conversion manually

2010-12-13 Thread JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
I know that the inteceptor knows which action is invoked. I just don't want
it to need to be aware of that. That's why I assigned a resource for each
action, using a parameter in the definition of the action:

action name=Dashboard class=com.test.action.Dashboard
interceptor-ref name=mvcStack
param name=AuthoritationInterceptor.resourceEco/param
result name=MenuGestor type=tilesMenuGestor/result
result name=MenuBanquero type=tilesMenuBanquero/result
result name=MenuCliente type=tiles MenuCliente/result

I could implement an interface for the action, but that would require
defining an interface for each rule(since each rule needs different
parameters). The second options is valid, but I like the idea of just
declaring the getXXX method in the rule, and having the framework do the
work for me(mostly, the type-conversion). What do you think?

2010/12/13 Maurizio Cucchiara

 Ok, now it's definitively clear.
 First every interceptor knows exactly which action is invoked through
 With that said your action could implement (1) your custom interface or (2)
 a generic Request Aware interface in order to retrieve request parameters.
 Does this answer your question?

 Maurizio Cucchiara

 Il giorno 14/dic/2010 03.27, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL ha
 Hi Maurizio, Li,
  Thanks for your suggestion, but the problem with the approaches you
 suggested is that they link the security rules too much to the actions. We
 want to be as abstract as possible. For that, we have developed the
 following implementation:

  We created some entities called SecurityResource which represent a set of
 possible user actions. For example, we can have a SecurityResource called
 SeeCustomer, that would be applied to any request related with seeing a
 customer, or a SecurityResource called ModifyOwnProfile, used to filter any
 action related to the modification of the profile. Every Action (unless it
 is public) in the system is associated to a resource.

  We have also define some entities called SecurityAssert. A SecurityAssert
 is a rule that checks some conditions, and returns true or false. They are
 implemented through classes that implement a specific interface. For each
 SecurityResource we have a list of SecurityAsserts that need to be
 validated. So our security definition look as follows:

   security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertHasRole
   descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
 tiene un rol/description

   security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertDistributionList
   descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
 puede acceder a las listas de distribucion/description

   security-resource name=Eco
   security-assert-ref name=SecurityAssertHasRole
   parameter name=allowedRoles

  Some of the rules need information from the request(customer number, for
 example). In an ideal world the interceptor should not know anything about
 the action it is trying to check. It should only invoke the rules, and
 their results. So I(the interceptor) should to be able to pass parameters
 from the request to the rule without actually having to know anything about
 the request or the rules. Maybe the approach is complex, but we are
 to have some hundredths of actions, and be able to be as granular and
 modular as possible with respect to security. Any ideas?



 2010/12/12 Li Ying

  I think you don't need this bothering job.
  You can:
  (1)Define some properties in your bas...

Re: Invocation of type conversion manually

2010-12-13 Thread Chris Pratt
If you just need access to the parameters from the action, you can use:

String resource =

I've used this several times to get parameters from the configuration, but I
usually put the parameters on the action instead of on the interceptor since
I consider them resources of the action invocation.  I don't know if this
would also access the interceptor params or not.  I would go with something
more like:

   action name=Dashboard class=com.test.action.

interceptor-ref name=mvcStack/
param name=AuthoritationInterceptor.resourceEco/param
result name=MenuGestor type=tilesMenuGestor/result
result name=MenuBanquero type=tilesMenuBanquero/result
result name=MenuCliente type=tiles MenuCliente/result


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 9:05 PM, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL jlm...@gmail.comwrote:

 I know that the inteceptor knows which action is invoked. I just don't want
 it to need to be aware of that. That's why I assigned a resource for each
 action, using a parameter in the definition of the action:

action name=Dashboard class=com.test.action.Dashboard
interceptor-ref name=mvcStack
param name=AuthoritationInterceptor.resourceEco/param
result name=MenuGestor type=tilesMenuGestor/result
result name=MenuBanquero type=tilesMenuBanquero/result
result name=MenuCliente type=tiles MenuCliente/result

 I could implement an interface for the action, but that would require
 defining an interface for each rule(since each rule needs different
 parameters). The second options is valid, but I like the idea of just
 declaring the getXXX method in the rule, and having the framework do the
 work for me(mostly, the type-conversion). What do you think?

 2010/12/13 Maurizio Cucchiara

  Ok, now it's definitively clear.
  First every interceptor knows exactly which action is invoked through
  With that said your action could implement (1) your custom interface or
  a generic Request Aware interface in order to retrieve request
  Does this answer your question?
  Maurizio Cucchiara
  Il giorno 14/dic/2010 03.27, JOSE L MARTINEZ-AVIAL
  Hi Maurizio, Li,
   Thanks for your suggestion, but the problem with the approaches you
  suggested is that they link the security rules too much to the actions.
  want to be as abstract as possible. For that, we have developed the
  following implementation:
   We created some entities called SecurityResource which represent a set
  possible user actions. For example, we can have a SecurityResource called
  SeeCustomer, that would be applied to any request related with seeing a
  customer, or a SecurityResource called ModifyOwnProfile, used to filter
  action related to the modification of the profile. Every Action (unless
  is public) in the system is associated to a resource.
   We have also define some entities called SecurityAssert. A
  is a rule that checks some conditions, and returns true or false. They
  implemented through classes that implement a specific interface. For each
  SecurityResource we have a list of SecurityAsserts that need to be
  validated. So our security definition look as follows:
security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertHasRole
descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
  tiene un rol/description
security-assert-definition name=SecurityAssertDistributionList
descriptionRegla de seguridad para comprobar si un usuario
  puede acceder a las listas de distribucion/description
security-resource name=Eco
security-assert-ref name=SecurityAssertHasRole
parameter name=allowedRoles
   Some of the rules need information from the request(customer number, for
  example). In an ideal world the interceptor should not know anything
  the action it is trying to check. It should only invoke the rules, and
  their results. So I(the interceptor) should to be able to pass parameters
  from the request to the rule without actually having to know anything
  the request or the rules. Maybe the approach is complex, but we are
  to have some hundredths of actions, and be able to be as granular and
  modular as