Re: Radio button selection is not being saved on the front end

2024-03-09 Thread Lukasz Lenart
śr., 6 mar 2024 o 08:08 Mahabir Gupta  napisał(a):
> DotsCarRental dotsCarRental = new DotsCarRental();
> dotsCarRental = (DotsCarRental) 
> session.getAttribute(DBConstants.sessionCarId);

You don't have to create an instance if in the next line you assign a
value from session, this is enough:

DotsCarRental dotsCarRental = (DotsCarRental)

> request.setAttribute("dotsCarRentalForm",frm);
>  listKey="lookupTitle" listValue="lookupTitle" />

You assign the form to the "dotsCarRentalForm" request attribute but
in the value attribute you call "#frm.rentalReason" - maybe this is
the problem.


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Re: Can I use Thymeleaf as the template engine for Struts 6?

2024-03-09 Thread Łukasz Lenart
Thymeleaf isn't officially supported by Struts (and the Struts Devs),
yet I checked the plugin [1] which doesn't look like a rocket since.
Because of legals, the author would have to donate the plugin to
Struts. In other case you can just include the plugin's code and a new
result in your code base (it uses Apache 2.0 license)


pt., 8 mar 2024 o 12:15 Nate Kerkhofs  napisał(a):
> Hi,
> We have a project that we're preparing to upgrade to Java 17. It currently 
> uses Struts 6.3 with jsp results as framework for the web interface and 
> Spring 5.2 as framework for a REST API. We are waiting for Struts 6.4, but we 
> also will eventually upgrade to Struts 7 once that's released, as well as 
> Spring 6. We are also migrating our frontend from Dojo 1.16 to Bootstrap 5.3 
> for better support of modern browsers alongside a graphical overhaul.
> We're considering also migrating from jsps to html using Thymeleaf as a 
> templating engine. We have used Thymeleaf in a separate but related project 
> alongside Spring Boot and we enjoyed working with Thymeleaf over the JSPs 
> we're using in the current version with some overridden templates and 
> Displaytag tables, so we're wondering if we can use Thymeleaf in combination 
> with Struts 6 and eventually Struts 7. I did some preliminary Googling and 
> while I did find some outdated and discontinued plugins for Struts 2, it's 
> unclear whether Thymeleaf can be used with recent versions of Struts.
> Is Thymeleaf usable as a template engine for Struts 6? Or are we better off 
> looking for something else?
> Kind regards,
> Nate

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