> piloupy GOTTAPIL wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > What I want to do is quite simple. I'd like to know how to test in a
> > <logic:iterate> when I'm at the first or last iteration.
> > 
> > My present problem is to parse a collection of String and display the
> > results like this :
> > 
> > ### CODE : begin ###
> > value1, value2, value3
> > ### CODE : end ###
> > 
> > And as you can see, for the last iteration, I mustn't displey the
> > comma character.
> > 
> > My present code is :
> > 
> > ### CODE : begin ###
> > <logic:iterate id="e" name="myCollection">
> >   <bean:write name="e" property="name" />,
> > </logic:iterate>
> > ### CODE : end ###
> > 
> > Thanks in advance :)
> > 

Declare a counter variable in the loop. You can get the size of the 
collection in a page variable with the <bean:size > tag and use that to 
compare the current iteration. And then dont display the comma at the last 


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