Re: LookupDispatchAction doesn't lookup mapping

2004-12-08 Thread Alexander Czernay
Dakota Jack wrote:
On Tue, 07 Dec 2004 12:02:52 +0100, Alexander Czernay
The problem is, that only one of those buttons
works, while the other throws a MissingResourceAction. That sounds like
a typo, but the strange thing is, that it tries to lookup the button's
value rather than it's name (eg. having a ressource mapping like
mybutton.forward=go it would try to lookup go). 

I presume that you know that lookup dispatch action DOES lookup the
buttons value rather than its name?  I just mention this because your
wording half indicates that you find this surprising.
Well, as far as I understand it, it takes the button value (eg. go) 
and tries to match it in, where it should find 
mybutton.forward that it looks up in the getKeyMethodMap() inside the 
LookupDispatchAction. My problem is, that my application tries to lookup 
go rather than mybutton.forward for one button, while it works for 
the other.

I double-checked all occurences of the lookup-string and also tried to 
rename it in case of some cruel naming conflict. It just doesn't work.

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Re: LookupDispatchAction doesn't lookup mapping

2004-12-08 Thread Alexander Czernay
Dakota Jack wrote:
My experience is that the computer is always right, so I would look in
my properites file, if I were you, and see whether or not I had
reversed the myButtonForward=go to go=myButtonForward.  Did you?  I
feel compelled to reiterate that LookupDispatchAction is a fairly poor
example of the code needed to do this stuff, in my opinion.

I will definitely try your suggestion out, but before that, I wanted to 
figure out, what I had done wrong using the LookupDispatchAction.

So now some direct copy  paste from my code.
My looks like this:
authors-form.button.forward = weiter
authors-form.button.back = zurück
The jsp:
html:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 
html:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 

And finally the Action-Map:
protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(authors-form.button.create,   create);
  map.put(authors-form.button.edit, edit);
  map.put(authors-form.button.remove,   remove);
  map.put(authors-form.button.forward,  forward);
  map.put(authors-form.button.back, back);
  return map;
The back-button works, while the forward doesn't.
The LookupDispatchAction tries to call a method named weiter instead 
of forward, while it calls the back-method as expected.

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LookupDispatchAction doesn't lookup mapping

2004-12-07 Thread Alexander Czernay
I have a strange problem with LookupDispatchAction:
I built a form displaying several entries from a db as a list. There are 
several buttons for editing/removing the entries an also two buttons for 
paging though the list. The problem is, that only one of those buttons 
works, while the other throws a MissingResourceAction. That sounds like 
a typo, but the strange thing is, that it tries to lookup the button's 
value rather than it's name (eg. having a ressource mapping like 
mybutton.forward=go it would try to lookup go). All this works 
perfectly well with my back-button on the same page, using the same action.

Any ideas?
# Form Labels
authors-form.button.create = Autor hinzufügen
authors-form.button.remove = Autor löschen
authors-form.button.edit = Autor bearbeiten
authors-form.button.list = Autoren auflisten
authors-form.button.forward = weiter
authors-form.button.back = zurück
%@ page language=java%
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=bean%
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=html%
%@ taglib uri=; 
logic:messagesPresent message=false
div class=error
	html:messages id=msg message=false
	  bean:write name=msg filter=false/
logic:messagesPresent message=true
div class=status
	html:messages id=msg message=true
	  bean:write name=msg filter=false/
div class=group
html:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 
html:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 
bean:write name=authorForm property=strutsPage/
html:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 
div class=group
table class=list
logic:iterate name=AUTHORS id=author indexId=author_id
trtdhtml:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 
property=id name=author//html:form/tdtdbean:write 
name=author property=name/ - bean:write name=author 
div class=group
html:form action=/authors-listhtml:submit 
package de.sbow.struts.action.Authors;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.actions.LookupDispatchAction;
import de.sbow.MSys.Authors.value.AuthorBeanValue;
import de.sbow.common.ServiceLocator;
import de.sbow.struts.form.AuthorEditForm;
import de.sbow.struts.model.AuthorModel;
 * @author Alexander
 * The Struts action-class for presenting
 * the Authors list.
public class AuthorsListAction extends LookupDispatchAction {
private static Log log = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getLog(
 * Key method for mapping methods to buttons
protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(authors-form.button.create,   create);
  map.put(authors-form.button.edit, edit);
  map.put(authors-form.button.remove,   remove);
  map.put(authors-form.button.back, back);
  return map;
 * Method create
 * @param mapping
 * @param form
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return ActionForward
public ActionForward create(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

// get form
AuthorEditForm authorForm = (AuthorEditForm) form;
// TODO check if this makes sense!
authorForm.reset(mapping, request);

log.debug(Forwarding to \authors create\.);
return mapping.findForward(create);
 * Method edit

Totally stuck handling forms

2004-12-01 Thread Alexander Czernay
I'm still trying to find a nice way for handling standard 

After browsing through all the hints and tips I got from here, I started 
building an initial form-setup-action using DispatchAction with a 
parameter dispatch that should be set to list, create, edit or delete, 
depending on the action wanted. That form-setup-action should 
pre-populate the form as needed and then forward to the apropriate 
action for display. There are two further actions; one for listing all 
existing entries (form-list-action, a LookupDispatchAction) and another 
for displaying an individual entry for editing (form-edit-action).

Now I tried to stick it all together passing parameters around. But 
exactly that doesn't work as expected: On the list-form I present a list 
of all entries available together with submit-buttons for 
edit/delete-actions for each individual entry. There also is a single 
create button for creating new entries. Pressing the create-button 
invokes a create-method in the form-list-action that calls a forward 
named create. That forward points back to the form-setup-action with 
?dispatch=create added to the path. The form-setup-action should then 
forward to the appropriate form-create-action, but it looks like the 
dispatch parameter isn't passed on to the form-setup-action.

I wonder if this approach is ok or if there are better ones? How could 
the parameters be passed from one action to another (I couldn't find any 
parameter one could add to a forward-tag to pass paramaters that way.

Thanks for your help,
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Re: Searching pattern/best-practise for forms

2004-11-30 Thread Alexander Czernay
Hollaway, Shedrick L CIV TRIREFFAC wrote:
This should help you understand applying DAO/DTO patterns in a Struts
Thanks for all your replys and suggestions, but I'm afraid I didn't ask 
the right question. What I really wanted to know was, how you would 
organize the controller/view in Struts for handling those standard 
create/update/delete actions. Like you have a database containing an 
address-book in the backend and want to display it as a list to the 
user, so he can select entries for editing/deletion or create new ones. 
When creating/editing entries you would present those as a form, 
validate it and write it back to the backend.

I've tried some ways to do this and ended up with three actions for one 
form: one for setting it up, one for displaying and validating it and 
one for the selected backend action. I just wonder if that is a good way 
or if I'm introducing some problems into my applications.

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Searching pattern/best-practise for forms

2004-11-29 Thread Alexander Czernay
I'm searching for a pattern/best-practise for handling standard 
data-manipulation forms (like list, create, edit, update, delete 
functionality) in Struts. I've read about the CRUD 
(create/read/update/delete) pattern many times, but couldn't find any 
in-depth papers on it.

Is there any recommended how-to/tutorial/paper on this?
Thanks for your help,
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DynaValidatorForm 'forgets' request-attribute on redisplay after validation

2004-11-23 Thread Alexander Czernay
I have a simple DynaValidatorForm
 form-bean name=categoryForm 
form-property name=description type=java.lang.String /
form-property name=name type=java.lang.String /
form-property name=id type=java.lang.String /
form-property name=parent type=java.lang.String /

that is called whtin an action
   action path=/categories-edit
   forward name=success path=/ /
that inserts so data into the request inside its execute method
   public ActionForward execute(
   ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
   // read CategoriesTree and put it into request scope
   try {
   CategoriesModel categories = new CategoriesModel();
   } catch (ApplicationException e) {
   request.setAttribute(Constants.CATEGORY_TREE, null);

   return mapping.findForward(success);

This works quite well during the form's initial display. But if I enter 
wrong values so that the validation fails, the CATEGORY_TREE-attribute 
is missing and thus the JSP-view fails.

Isn't the execute-method called again when the validation fails? 
Anything else wrong here?

Thanks for any help,
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Re: DynaValidatorForm 'forgets' request-attribute on redisplay after validation

2004-11-23 Thread Alexander Czernay
The problem is, that the given form actually edits the categories-tree 
and as it is presented to the user after editing it, it should be 
updated after the form is submitted.

Joe Germuska wrote:
Your action isn't executed if validation fails.  However, the validation 
is performed on a second request, so the object placed into the scope 
before the form was presented is no longer there.

If your categories are really relatively static, consider managing them 
in Application scope rather than request.  I often have one or more 
plugins which initialize common menus like states and provinces or 
months of the year and place them into the application scope (I like to 
use the DigestingPlugIn).  Your code doesn't look like there's anything 
particularly request-sensitive about the category tree.

Some people make lists a property of the form itself.  This is also one 
of the core use cases for some kind of view controller registered 
against the input forward's path, which is one of my goals to implement 
in a Struts 1.3.x timeframe.

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Prepopulate a DynaForm

2004-11-17 Thread Alexander Czernay
I'm trying to prepopulate a DynaForm with some values - right now just 
hard-coded, later should be taken from a DB. For that I'm using a 
SetupAction, that is called to prepopulate the form, insert it into the 
request and after that forward to the actual action for presenting the 
form to the user.

Looks like this:
public class MediaArchiveSetupAction extends Action {
 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response){

 ActionServlet servlet = this.getServlet();
 MediaArchiveForm mediaArchiveForm = new MediaArchiveForm();

 MessageResources messageResources = servlet.getInternal();
 mediaArchiveForm.set(author, test);

   // TODO: check why this doesn't work
   request.setAttribute(mediaArchiveForm, mediaArchiveForm);
   // this does actually work
   request.setAttribute(test, dummy);

 return (mapping.findForward(success));
Using this approach I always get a null pointer exception, leading me to 
the presumption that the actual form-object isn't built.

Any ideas why?
Thanks for any help,
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