Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations

2005-07-06 Thread Carlos Duque
Take a look at the original email thread to which I responded.  Take a look 
at the addressees of the email.  Your answer will lie there.   Be careful 
about whom you tar, since it very well be someone you may justifiably hold 
in high regard.

As for whether that person deserves to be chastised for the consequences of 
the boorish behavior of others,  you may just want to rethink the target of 
your ire.

Finally, what's to say this isn't just another game being played?


At 09:42 AM 7/6/2005, you wrote:

Mark Galbreath wrote the following on 7/6/2005 10:19 AM:

Thanks to whomever emailed last weeks nonsense thread to the Director
of the Board of Elections.  It made me look like a racist and I was
fired this morning.  The State is also looking into whether my use of
an official email address for that discussion is in violation of state
law.  You did your work well, you low-life bastard.
Signing off

Whoever did send something is such a loser it's not even funny. At least 
step forward and admit who you are. I constantly here bigotted stuff on 
mailing lists and forums, yet I don't go running like a little baby to 
find out their employeer so I can "tattle" on them like a 3rd grader. I'd 
much rather the internet be open for a free exchange of ideas (regardless 
of whether we agree with them or not) without having to fear someone is 
going to hunt down who I am and state my comments to my employeer or wife.

I can't believe I now have to watch what I say on this mailing list. Guess 
I will be making up a gmail account that doesn't use my real name just to 
help protect myself from losers like this person.

It's sad the same thing happened to a guy working at Allstate who happened 
to post that he felt homosexulaity was wrong on a non-company related 

The irony is I guess Mark should have said how "The US is so evil for 
being in Iraq" or "How he hates pro-life Christians" and maybe he would 
have gotten a promotion. Or better yet, what if he was gay and posted all 
over some homosexual website about how he wanted to do all these sexual 
things with some other males and farm animals, and I as his employeer, 
found out about it and found it was offensive so I fired him. I will bet 
you *anything* that the ACLU would be on my back so fast it wouldn't even 
be funny and I as the employeer would lose my job for firing him! I just 
love the double-standards in the U.S. today.  A guy can get state funding 
from the National Endowment of the Arts by putting a crucifix in a jar of 
urine and calling it 'art', yet at the same time people get fired for 
off-color comments they make on a mailing list?


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[OT]Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

2005-07-05 Thread Carlos Duque


Threats are self-perceived.  And name calling behind a keyboard is  
quite the brave act.

I've no issue with objective criticism of any technology.  I do tire  
of inane and repetitive assertions of opinions based as fact.  I  
prefer to code grounded upon something other than faith-based  

And if your efforts are intended to be humorous, trust me you  
current  career choice was a wise one.


On Jun 30, 2005, at 7:30 AM, Mark Galbreath wrote:

Carlos, this sounds like a threat.  That is REALLY intolerable, u  
obtuse little shmuck.

On Wed, Jun 29, 2005 at 08:50:47PM -0700, Carlos Duque wrote:
} Actually, I wonder just how happy the State of Maryland would be  
know the
} amount of time this fellow expends pontificating on topics far  

} from any work for the Department of Elections.

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Re: Unacceptable Behaviour of Mark Galbreath @

2005-06-29 Thread Carlos Duque
Actually, I wonder just how happy the State of Maryland would be know the 
amount of time this fellow expends pontificating on topics far removed from 
any work for the Department of Elections.

A troll is a troll is a troll.  Trolls spam.  Span is odious in any form.

This long time lurker, and beneficiary of the discussions, says:  Stop the 


At 07:08 PM 6/29/2005, Niall Pemberton wrote:

Pretty much all of Mark Galbreath's posts to this mailing list are IMO
either rude, obnoxious or irrelevant. Its obvious that he has no interest in
Struts or contributing constructively to this community and his only purpose
is to disrupt. Below I include a selection of the rubbish he has posted - I
find this unacceptable and propose that we remove/bar him from the struts


- Original Message -
From: "Mark Galbreath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List"

* I just asked one of our analysts about this and she said, "Don't be silly,
it's ALL about the TOOL!"  When I asked her what she meant, exactly, she
replied, "The bigger the tool, the more room for error."  "And that's a GOOD
thing?" I asked astounded.  She assured me that the best programmers she
ever dated had the biggest tools.

* Us "old" guys still know a quiche-eater like you when we see one. If you
can't debug with Lint, get the hell off the keyboard.

*I have noticed over the years that those who are the most adamant about the
virtues of IDEs are the worst programmers...and think emacs is a kid's meal
from McDonalds.

* Craig?  Is that old fart still around?  I thought he was deeply involved
in JSF now.

* Does it spell-check for you, too?  No wonder you need an IDE

* I see the morons around this list are as gullible to my posts as ever

* Sun's Creator Studio rulez the inexpensive Java IDE world; JetBrain's IDEA
rulez the $300+ IDEs.  Eclipse isn't worth a shit. But REAL programmers
prefer ed or vi.

* Aside from the fact that Validator is a kluge, why ru developing for an
obsolete browser?

* Yes - use .NET or JSF; Struts is dead.

* I have "no doubt" my boss is looking for a friggin' H-1B Indian faggot to
replace me for 1/2 the rate.  And I'm leaving for home in a few, so I'll be
back on #funkycodemonkey in about a half an hour.  Rick: did you send those
nekid pics of your wife yet?  James: when ru going to port struts to a Lisp

* I know you've missed me!  When I signed off the list a couple of years ago
(wow!  that long???) I was doing an R&D PHP/MySQL/Linux gig with the Dept of
State; for the past year I've been building C#.NET/SQL Server/IIS apps for
the local county fire and rescue dept.  Now, I'm at the Maryland State Board
of Erec..., er, Elections doing system and application upgrades on a
Python/PHP/phpWiki/PostgreSQL-Oracle/Linux portal
( - horrendous, isn't it?).  Covertly, I'm sticking
Mono and Java frameworks in the rebuild, and since I haven't used Struts
since 1.0, thought I'd lurk around and see what's going on.

* Your sure did: C#.NET makes stuff like this soo easy!  Struts is dead.

* That would be the "Friggin' Ignorant Newbie Encyclopaedia?"

* Your root problem is using Validator in the first place.  (1) It is a
bogus design from the start, and (2) it never has worked as advertised

* huh?  Me thinks you better be reading the J2EE spec first

* Validator is crap...and always has been.  If you look in the archive, you
will see more complaints about Validator working over the past 3 years and
any other 2 subjects combined.

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