
2005-06-13 Thread Franck


in my webapp,  I have the following tag :

html:link action=folder paramName=folder  paramId=folder 

In some case, fullName has special chars
In the result source I can see :

a href=folder.do?folder=Courrier+ind%C%A9sirablefolder/a

The URL seems  to be correctly UTF-8 encoded

In the folder.do Action, if I SysOut the folder parameter, I just can 
see some other special chars in the String (a special A and a copyright)

an URLDecode.decode(myString, UTF-8) doesn't work.

Where is my mistake ?


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Validation Problem with depends=URL

2005-05-04 Thread Franck Wiegner


i am trying to validate the input of a form bean containing various fields.
One of the fields requires the entry of an URL.

The field-tag in my validation.xml looks like that:


field property=otherProperty(webURL) depends=required,url

  msg name=required key= errors.required/

  msg name=url key=errors.url/

  arg key= webURL position=0/  











Validation works just fine with all the other fields, but not with this one.
When I leave it empty, I get an error-msg, that's okay, when i enter an
invalid url I also get an error-msg, still okay. but when I enter a valid
url (example:  http://www.myurl.com/ http://www.myurl.com) I also get the
message that this is an invalid url, which is not okay, cause as long as I
am not able to enter valid urls my form bean will never parse.


What am I doing wrong? Why is struts telling me that every valid url I enter
is invalid?


Best regards



DynaValidatorForm properties Initialisation

2005-04-13 Thread Franck
I'm migrating apps from Struts 1.1 to Struts 1.2 and have some difficulties 
with DynaActionForm
My DynaForm look like :

form-bean name=loginForm 
form-property name=user type=com.myClasses.User/

The problem is that the properties are not initialised, the default 
constructor isn't called
So I can't call in the jsp for example html:text property=user.name/

I've looked in Struts source. The init of properties seem to be initialised 
in FormBeanConfig.createActionForm(Servlet servlet)

But the code it depends of the test :
if (form instanceof DynaBean 
((DynaBean)form).getDynaClass() instanceof MutableDynaClass) {
The condition (DynaBean)form).getDynaClass() instanceof 
MutableDynaClass  isn't true,
... So the properties are not initialised

What did I miss ?


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Re: DynaValidatorForm properties Initialisation

2005-04-13 Thread Franck
Sorry, classpath problem :-( 


Orange Caraibe 
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Https to HTTP - Rewrite URL with login and password parameter

2005-03-16 Thread Franck DARRAS

I have a problem with my login page. I want to use the SSL extensions 
just for my login page, but i pass to a non secure page after the login, 
the plug-ins rewrite url with the login and the password in paramter. 

Where is my error ? 

Thsk for your help 

This is my struts config 

!-- Go to the login JSP page -- 
action path=/authentification forward=/index.jsp  
set-property property=secure value=true/ 

!-- Action to validate login and password -- 
action path=/j_security_check 
set-property property=secure value=true/ 
forward name=success path=/authenticate.do / 
forward name=retry path=/index.jsp / 

!-- Action to forward in non secure page -- 
action path=/authenticate 
set-property property=secure value=false/ 
forward name=success contextRelative=false 
path=/switch.do?page=/accueil.doamp;prefix= / 

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Re: Https to HTTP - Rewrite URL with login and password parameter [Plain Format]

2005-03-16 Thread Franck DARRAS
I have a proble with my login page. I want to use the SSL extensions
just for my login page, but i pass to a non secure page after the login,
the plug-ins rewrite url with the login and the password in paramter.
Where is my error ?
Thsk for your help
This is my struts config
!-- Go to the login JSP page --
action path=/authentification forward=/index.jsp 
  set-property property=secure value=true/
!-- Action to validate login and password --
action path=/j_security_check
set-property property=secure value=true/
forward name=success path=/authenticate.do /
   forward name=retry path=/index.jsp /
!-- Action to forward in non secure page --
action path=/authenticate
set-property property=secure value=false/
forward name=success contextRelative=false
path=/switch.do?page=/accueil.doamp;prefix= /

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obfuscation Struts config

2004-12-02 Thread Franck DARRAS
I search a product (free or commercial) for obfuscation of my source. 
But I have a problem with the file struts-config.xml or jsp file 
(usebean for e.g.).

This files declare the class, but if in my bytecode, i rename the class 
how does it work.

I search a product for struts framework with facilities to modify all 
text/xml/jsp files.

if you know link to a product, an another method to protect the code 
source, i'm interesting

Tks for your help
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use strutsed jsp as email template ?

2004-10-20 Thread Franck Lefebure

I would like to know if there is a way to use a jsp file to format an email body
(something like a velocity template)

(I don't want to embed emailer custom tags in the jsp)

In my idea I would like to find a way to do something like that :

example.jsp :
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
Some String : bean:write name=myBean
example.java :
Template myEmailTemplate = new Template(example.jsp);
myEmailTemplate.setAttribute(request, myBean, the value of my string);
String messageBody = myEmailTemplate.format();

Any idea ?
Franck Lefebure
equipe web http://www.orangecaraibe.com