Re: Accessing nested properties

2005-06-21 Thread Fredrik Boström
No, the foo_array is an array of Foo. Each Foo object holds a Bar object 
wich holds a test field (see sample code). I'm trying to access the 
test-field's value from within the iteration over Foo objects.


Laurie Harper wrote:
Change property=bar.test to property=test; assuming foos_array is an 
array of Bar then, within the iterate tag body, 'foos' is bound to an 
instance of Bar on each iteration.


Fredrik Bostrom wrote:

Hi list,

How do I access a nested property in an iterated object?

I've got two classes like this (heavily simplified and stripped):

class Foo {
  Bar bar = new Bar();

class Bar {
  int test = 10; //any value

In my jsp-page, I'm iterating an array of foo-objects and I want to 
access the test-field in the Bar-class from within the iteration. How 
do I do that?

This is what I'd like to do:

logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
  logic:greaterThan name=foos property=bar.test value=1000
 //do something

But this doesn't work... Any ideas?

  Fredrik Boström

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Fredrik Boström
+358 44 306 1324

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Re: Accessing nested properties

2005-06-21 Thread Fredrik Boström
Thanks, but I couldn't wait any longer for a solution, so I rewrote the 
whole page with jstl instead. Works like a charm :)


rajiv verma wrote:

Try adding the type attribute  to the logic:iterate tag.
I always do something like this:
logic:iterate name=adminAuthCompany id=adminAuthCompanyId
and it works for me.

On 6/21/05, Fredrik Boström [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

No, the foo_array is an array of Foo. Each Foo object holds a Bar object
wich holds a test field (see sample code). I'm trying to access the
test-field's value from within the iteration over Foo objects.


Laurie Harper wrote:

Change property=bar.test to property=test; assuming foos_array is an
array of Bar then, within the iterate tag body, 'foos' is bound to an
instance of Bar on each iteration.


Fredrik Bostrom wrote:

Hi list,

How do I access a nested property in an iterated object?

I've got two classes like this (heavily simplified and stripped):

class Foo {
 Bar bar = new Bar();

class Bar {
 int test = 10; //any value

In my jsp-page, I'm iterating an array of foo-objects and I want to
access the test-field in the Bar-class from within the iteration. How
do I do that?

This is what I'd like to do:

logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
 logic:greaterThan name=foos property=bar.test value=1000
//do something

But this doesn't work... Any ideas?

 Fredrik Boström

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Fredrik Boström
+358 44 306 1324

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Fredrik Boström
+358 44 306 1324

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logic:lessThan inside logic:iterate

2005-06-16 Thread Fredrik Boström

Dear list,

I've been fighting this problem for some time now, and can't come up
with a solution. Please advice.

In my jsp page I'm iterating an array of Category objects which resides
in the request scope. This is done with the logic:iterate tag like this:

logic:iterate id=categories name=category_array

Each Category-object contains a Message-object field called lastmessage
which in turn contains a timestamp-field (a long).

In session-scope, there is a User object with a lastlogin field (a long).

All objects have the appropriate getters (and setters) for all fields.

Inside the iteration, I'm trying to do a comparison between the
timestamp field of the Message object inside the Category object
currently processed and the lastlogin field of the user object. This is
how I'd like it to work:

logic:iterate id=categories name=category_array
  logic:present name=user scope=session
logic:lessThan name=user
   //do something

Now this doesn't work since the timestamp field is referenced wrongly.
My next thought was to use logic-el taglib, but there's no lessThan tag
in that library, because the jstl-c library is supposed to offer the
same functionality. I tried jstl-c's c:if tag, but the problem is that I
can't reference the iterating categories object, like this:

c:if test=${user.lastlogin  categories.lastmessage.timestamp}
  //do something

This doesn't recognize the categories property. So then I'd have to use
the c:iterate tag, but then again I have a bunch of bean:write/ and
other el-tags inside the iteration as well, using the categories
property created by the logic:iterate tag. These tags wouldn't work
properly if using inside a c:iterate tag (i suppose).

So, what should I do? How can I reference the timestamp-field in the
Message-object inside the Category object in a lessThan tag inside an
iteration? (phew)

Thankful for any advice.

   Fredrik Bostrm

The relevant code:

table class=categorytable
 logic:iterate id=categories name=category_array
  html:link action=/
bean:write name=categories
filter=false /
  logic:present name=user scope=session
logic:lessThan  !-- compare user.lastlogin to  --
  !-- category.lastmessage.timestamp --
  New messages!
 th class=categorycontrols
   logic:present name=user scope=session
 logic:equal name=user property=sumode value=true
 td colspan=2
  bean:write name=categories

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Losing form values after validating

2005-03-09 Thread Fredrik Boström
Hi all.
I'm working on a small message-forum project and have stumbled upon many 
problems along the way, most of which I've been able to more or less 
solve. To the most recent problem, though, I haven't found any solution 
despite lots of googling.

I'm using a DynaValidatorActionForm to validate input from a form 
(actually several forms). The form is one of three forms in the same 
jsp-page. The form to be used is determined by a logic-tag that looks 
for an action-parameter and ckecks its value. If the value is thread 
the thread-form is displayed. So the URI to display the thread-form 
would be /

I also have to pass another parameter to the thread-form, namely to 
which category the thread belongs. This parameter's value is inserted 
into a hidden field in the form. So, the final URI would be 

Other fields in the form are
 - a hidden username field, value from user session bean
 - thread topic (input type=text)
 - message (input type=textarea)
So, the populated form (but not yet filled in by the user) would look 
like this:

form name=createForm method=post action=/forum_dev/
 input type=hidden name=author value=Joe -- from bean
 input type=hidden name=categoryId value=1 -- from request 
 Topic: input type=text name=topic maxlength=40 size=20 
 Message: textarea name=message cols=60 rows=10/textareabr/
 input type=submit value=Create

When submitting the form, I want it to be validated and if the 
validation fails, the user is returned to the same page with 
error-messages displayed. This is currently done by using the following 
action (which is the action the form submits to):

forward name=input   path=/ /
forward name=success path=/ /
forward name=failure path=/ /
Validation works fine (when it's failing :), the validator returns to 
the right page with the right form visible, messages display as they 
should and everythings seems to be a-ok.

But, the problem is that when the validation fails, all form values 
(except author which comes from the session bean) are lost. This is 
surely due to the fact that control passes through another action before 
getting back to the form page. The values somehow get lost on the way.

Is there any way to keep the form data through this process? I've tried 
putting scope=session in the /CreateThread action but with no success. 
Another alternative would be to maintain a session bean which contains 
fields for the current category, thread etc, but that bean would demand 
lots of updating all the time. Any simple solution to this problem?

Grateful for any suggestions.
Regards, Fredrik
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Re: Losing form values after validating

2005-03-09 Thread Fredrik Boström
Just for completeness, I'll post some more relevant information about 
the application.

newForm.jsp (partly)

logic:equal parameter=action value=thread
!-- Create new thread --
  h1New Thread/h1
  html:form action=/CreateThread
html-el:hidden property=author value=${user.nickname}/
html-el:hidden property=categoryId value=${param.category}/
Topic: html:text property=topic value= size=20 
maxlength=40 /br/
Message: html:textarea property=message value= cols=60 
rows=10 /br/
html:submit value=Create /

struts-config.xml (partly)
!-- Multi purpose form for creating stuff --
form-bean   name=createForm
  form-property  name=author
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=categoryId
  type=java.lang.Integer /
  form-property  name=threadId
  type=java.lang.Integer /
  form-property  name=topic
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=message
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=replyto
  type=java.lang.Integer /
  form-property  name=categoryName
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=categoryDescription
  type=java.lang.String /
!-- Display new user|category|thread|message form --
   forward=.view.newForm /
!-- Process new Category --
  forward name=input path=/ /
  forward name=success path=/
tiles-defs.xml (partly)
  !-- main layout --
  definition name=.layout.main path=/layout/layout.jsp
put name=title value=Manegen Forum/
put name=body value=/
  !-- views = extensions to the main layout --
  definition name=.view.newForm extends=.layout.main
put name=body value=/newForm.jsp /

This is really bothering me, so any ideas would help.
Best regards,

Fredrik Boström wrote:
Hi all.
I'm working on a small message-forum project and have stumbled upon many 
problems along the way, most of which I've been able to more or less 
solve. To the most recent problem, though, I haven't found any solution 
despite lots of googling.

I'm using a DynaValidatorActionForm to validate input from a form 
(actually several forms). The form is one of three forms in the same 
jsp-page. The form to be used is determined by a logic-tag that looks 
for an action-parameter and ckecks its value. If the value is thread 
the thread-form is displayed. So the URI to display the thread-form 
would be /

I also have to pass another parameter to the thread-form, namely to 
which category the thread belongs. This parameter's value is inserted 
into a hidden field in the form. So, the final URI would be 

Other fields in the form are
 - a hidden username field, value from user session bean
 - thread topic (input type=text)
 - message (input type=textarea)
So, the populated form (but not yet filled in by the user) would look 
like this:

form name=createForm method=post action=/forum_dev/
 input type=hidden name=author value=Joe -- from bean
 input type=hidden name=categoryId value=1 -- from request 
 Topic: input type=text name=topic maxlength=40 size=20 
 Message: textarea name=message cols=60 rows=10/textareabr/
 input type=submit value=Create

When submitting the form, I want it to be validated and if the 
validation fails, the user is returned to the same page with 
error-messages displayed. This is currently done by using the following 
action (which is the action the form submits to):

forward name=input   path=/ /
forward name=success path=/ /
forward name=failure path=/ /
Validation works fine (when it's failing :), the validator returns to 
the right page with the right form visible, messages display as they 
should and everythings seems to be a-ok.

But, the problem is that when the validation fails, all form values 
(except author which comes from the session bean) are lost. This is 
surely due to the fact that control passes through another action before 
getting back to the form page. The values somehow get lost on the way.

Is there any way to keep the form data through this process? I've tried 
putting scope=session

Re: Losing form values after validating

2005-03-09 Thread Fredrik Boström
Thanks for your comment.
I tried what you proposed, replacing the action path with the tile 
definition name. The result was that the tile didn't know which form to 
display (because the page containes three forms, one of which is 
selected according to the action request parameter), and thus didn't 
display anything.

So, I thought if I put another hidden field into the form holding the 
action value... Like this:

logic:equal parameter=action value=thread
!-- Create new thread --
  h1New Thread/h1
  html:form action=/CreateThread
html-el:hidden property=author value=${user.nickname}/
html-el:hidden property=action value=${param.action}/
html-el:hidden property=categoryId value=${param.category}/
Topic: html:text property=topic value= size=20 
maxlength=40 /br/
Message: html:textarea property=message value= cols=60 
rows=10 /br/
html:submit value=Create /

I also added the action field to the DynaValidatorActionForm definition 
in the struts-config.xml. But in the validator configuration files, the 
field is ignored.

The action definition in the struts-config.xml file still has 

The result of this was quite surprising:
When submitting invalid information
 - the validation works fine
 - the form returns to the correct page with the correct form displayed
 - the form fields' values are still missing EXCEPT FOR the user and 
action fields

So the missing fields are still:
 - categoryId
 - topic
 - message
Like this:
!-- Create new thread --
  h1New Thread/h1
  form name=createForm method=post 
input type=hidden name=author value=fredde
input type=hidden name=action value=thread
input type=hidden name=categoryId value=
Topic: input type=text name=topic maxlength=40 size=20 
Message: textarea name=message cols=60 rows=10/textareabr/
input type=submit value=Create

As I see it, the action and categoryId fields should be treated the 
exact same way. But still only action gets re-populated when returning 
from the validation. Confusing...


Antony Joseph wrote:
Try this. The input point to your tile. 

!-- Process new Category --
   forward name=input path=.view.newForm /
   forward name=success path=/

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Boström [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Losing form values after validating
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 19:46:23 +0200

Just for completeness, I'll post some more relevant information 
about the application.

newForm.jsp (partly)

logic:equal parameter=action value=thread
!-- Create new thread --
  h1New Thread/h1
  html:form action=/CreateThread
html-el:hidden property=author value=${user.nickname}/
html-el:hidden property=categoryId value=${param.category}/
Topic: html:text property=topic value= size=20 
maxlength=40 /br/
Message: html:textarea property=message value= cols=60 
rows=10 /br/
html:submit value=Create /

struts-config.xml (partly)
!-- Multi purpose form for creating stuff --
form-bean   name=createForm
  form-property  name=author
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=categoryId
  type=java.lang.Integer /
  form-property  name=threadId
  type=java.lang.Integer /
  form-property  name=topic
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=message
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=replyto
  type=java.lang.Integer /
  form-property  name=categoryName
  type=java.lang.String /
  form-property  name=categoryDescription
  type=java.lang.String /
!-- Display new user|category|thread|message form --
   forward=.view.newForm /
!-- Process new Category --
  forward name=input path=/ /
  forward name=success path=/
tiles-defs.xml (partly)
  !-- main layout --
  definition name=.layout.main path=/layout/layout.jsp
put name=title value=Manegen Forum/
put name=body value=/
  !-- views = extensions to the main layout --
  definition name=.view.newForm extends=.layout.main
put name=body value=/newForm.jsp /

This is really bothering me, so any ideas would help.

Re: Losing form values after validating

2005-03-09 Thread Fredrik Boström
Phew.. after some testing, recompiling and more testing and more 
recompiling, I have finally found a solution.

After posting the last message, I realised that the categoryId form 
field's value was searched for in a request parameter named category, 
while the form field's name (property) that got submitted and thus 
returned after validation was categoryId. Thus, the EL 
${param.category} naturally didn't find the categoryId parameter.

Changing all occurrences of category to categoryId solved this 
problem, the categoryId value got re-populated when returning from 
validation. Yee!

But the user-fillable fields topic and message were still empty when 
returning from validation. I realised that if I put an EL in their 
value-attributes as well, I'd probably be able to pick those values up 
from the returning request. So, I changed the tags to

Topic: html-el:text property=topic value=${param.topic} size=20 
maxlength=40 /br/
Message: html-el:textarea property=message value=${param.message} 
cols=60 rows=10 /br/

Everything worked out fine! Yee!
Then I thought about my login-form in the application, which works about 
the same way. That form does get re-populated after validation without 
the value=${} attributes. In fact, the tags didn't have a 
value-attribute at all.

So the next step was to remove the value-attributes all together from 
the topic and message tags. I recalled that this of some reason didn't 
work earlier (I got some sort of exception about not finding a bean or 
something), so that's why I put those value-attributes there in the 
first place. Well, everything worked fine without the value-attributes. 

But when visiting the form later on, the values I filled in earlier was 
still there. Why? Ah, the scope=session in the action definition! 
Replacing session with request did the job. Now everything works as it 

So, the working configuration:
 - html-el-tags with value-attributes that pick up the request 
parameters when entering the page
 - consistent naming of form field names throughout the app (also in 
form beans, their configurations and business logic beans for safety :)
 - html-tags without the value-attribute where no data has to be picked 
up when entering the page
 - scope=request in the action mapping
 - in the action mapping

Thanks Antony for the tiles name tip, which got me going again! :)
Regards, Fredrik

Fredrik Boström wrote:
Thanks for your comment.
I tried what you proposed, replacing the action path with the tile 
definition name. The result was that the tile didn't know which form to 
display (because the page containes three forms, one of which is 
selected according to the action request parameter), and thus didn't 
display anything.

So, I thought if I put another hidden field into the form holding the 
action value... Like this:

logic:equal parameter=action value=thread
!-- Create new thread --
  h1New Thread/h1
  html:form action=/CreateThread
html-el:hidden property=author value=${user.nickname}/
html-el:hidden property=action value=${param.action}/
html-el:hidden property=categoryId value=${param.category}/
Topic: html:text property=topic value= size=20 maxlength=40 
Message: html:textarea property=message value= cols=60 
rows=10 /br/
html:submit value=Create /

I also added the action field to the DynaValidatorActionForm definition 
in the struts-config.xml. But in the validator configuration files, the 
field is ignored.

The action definition in the struts-config.xml file still has 

The result of this was quite surprising:
When submitting invalid information
 - the validation works fine
 - the form returns to the correct page with the correct form displayed
 - the form fields' values are still missing EXCEPT FOR the user and 
action fields

So the missing fields are still:
 - categoryId
 - topic
 - message
Like this:
!-- Create new thread --
  h1New Thread/h1
  form name=createForm method=post 
input type=hidden name=author value=fredde
input type=hidden name=action value=thread
input type=hidden name=categoryId value=
Topic: input type=text name=topic maxlength=40 size=20 
Message: textarea name=message cols=60 rows=10/textareabr/
input type=submit value=Create

As I see it, the action and categoryId fields should be treated the 
exact same way. But still only action gets re-populated when returning 
from the validation. Confusing...


Antony Joseph wrote:
Try this. The input point to your tile.
!-- Process new Category --
   forward name=input path=.view.newForm /
   forward name=success path=/

- Original Message -
From: Fredrik Boström [EMAIL