ValidatorForm vs. ValidatorActionForm

2006-10-18 Thread Jennifer Jacobs


I'm in the process of writing all the Java standards for my company right
now, and I'm making my way through our Struts standards and I realized we
have some projects that are using ValidatorForm and some that are using
ValidatorActionForm. I understand the difference between them, and it seems
to me that there would be no harm in making ValidatorActionForm our
standard.  There are reasons to use ValidatorActionForm over ValidatorForm,
but none that I can think of to use ValidatorForm over ValidatorActionForm. 
Am I missing something?  Can anyone think of a reason why I would not want
to use this as our standard?

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RE: JspException: null in doStartTag() of form tag

2006-10-02 Thread Jennifer Jacobs


Thanks so much!  You wouldn't believe it, but I already HAD log4j in there
and totally missed the error message that was causing me problems.  Your
response made me recheck it, though, and I caught it - my local engine
couldn't connect to the location I had for my dtd file in my web.xml.  Of
all things!


David Pinho (Hexadecimal) wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
> You can try to put a with something like:
> log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, console
> log4j.appender.console=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
> log4j.appender.console.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
> log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d - %5p [%t] (%l) -
> %m%n
> in WEB-INF/classes to catch all the detailed debug messages from server
> and struts, to see "under the hood".
> Maybe it can shed some light.
> Tks,
> David 
> -Original Message-
> From: Jennifer Jacobs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: segunda-feira, 2 de Outubro de 2006 18:44
> To:
> Subject: JspException: null in doStartTag() of form tag
> Hello,
> I've created struts forms before with no problems, and have been working
> with them for over a year, and I'm suddenly having a horrible time
> creating
> a small test form, and I have no idea what I'm missing.  The error that
> I'm
> getting is completely unhelpful:
> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null
> I've been able to debug and know that the error is occuring when doing
> the
> lookup() method in the doStartTag() method of the form tag.  It's like
> it's
> not able to bring in the struts-config?
> I feel like I've done everything possible to strip this down to the most
> basic form possible, and I'm ripping my hair out trying to figure out
> what's
> happening.
> Here's my struts-config:
>   name="MyForm" scope="session" input="/contactTest.jsp">
> Here's my jsp:
>   Submit
> I can't make it any easier!  Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
> -- 
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JspException: null in doStartTag() of form tag

2006-10-02 Thread Jennifer Jacobs


I've created struts forms before with no problems, and have been working
with them for over a year, and I'm suddenly having a horrible time creating
a small test form, and I have no idea what I'm missing.  The error that I'm
getting is completely unhelpful:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: null

I've been able to debug and know that the error is occuring when doing the
lookup() method in the doStartTag() method of the form tag.  It's like it's
not able to bring in the struts-config?

I feel like I've done everything possible to strip this down to the most
basic form possible, and I'm ripping my hair out trying to figure out what's

Here's my struts-config:

Here's my jsp:


I can't make it any easier!  Anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: Validate just certain fields

2006-06-27 Thread Jennifer Jacobs


Thank you for your response.  I'm not sure you understand my issue, though. 
Either that, or I didn't understand your response, which is quite likely, as
I'm no old pro at this validation stuff.

The form has working validation on all the fields that require validation,
using the validation framework.  Let's say the form has 10 fields and 7 of
them need validated for whatever reason.  There's also two buttons on the
form: ButtonA and ButtonB.  ButtonA submits the form to our backend system. 
When ButtonA is hit, the 7 fields are validated and everything is working
perfectly.  ButtonB does NOT submit the form, it just does a simple
calculation.  However, because it needs to use 2 of the fields in order to
do that calculation, it needs to validate those two fields (that are part of
the 7).  Because it does NOT need to validate the other 5 fields, I can't do
validation on the whole form (or at least, don't want to).

I know I can programmatically do validation on the 2 fields, but that means
I have validation in two separate places - one in my validation framework,
and one in my code.  For instance, one of the fields is an integer that
can't be higher than 5.  What if that changes to 10 one day?  I have to
change it in two places, and I don't want to do that.  Is it possible for me
to make it use the validation I have set up in the validation.xml file for
only 2 of the 7 fields?
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Validate just certain fields

2006-06-26 Thread Jennifer Jacobs

I'm using the Struts Validator framework.

I have a form with two buttons on it, one that calculates a subtotal and one
that submits the form.  I have validation set to false, because I don't want
to validate the shipping address/email/phone number/etc when they calculate
the subtotal.  So, I do a form.validate() when the submit button is hit.

However, I DO want to validate the values they put in for quantity, etc.  I
know I can write validation for it all, but then my validation is in two
places - is there any way to "tell" it to validate JUST a certain set of

Thanks in advance,
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How to skip validation?

2006-06-15 Thread Jennifer Jacobs


I have a number of Struts forms that are using the Validator.  This works
great except for on a couple of the forms.  The ones in question have two
submit buttons on them.  One updates the form somehow - calculates a
subtotal, or adds an attachment to a list of attachments, etc.  And the
other actually submits the form.

How to do I turn OFF the validation for the subtotal calculation, etc.
buttons?  I don't want to validate the data until the form is actually

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