I am exploring Struts2 and I have what may be a very simple question from the Tutorial at http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/bootstrap.html.

In the tutorial one sets the struts.xml to include the mapping

 <action name="Logon_*" method="{1}" class="tutorial.Logon">

Now, I understand why this works in response to the request Logon_input.action, but I can't see why it continues to match with the plain Login.action request, which is what the form in the Login.jsp file sends.

I've looked pretty widely through the Struts2 site and also experimented with this code and I can see that it works and that the idiom is also expected to work in this way in other examples. However the stated explanation of the wildcard character "matches with 0 or more characters" does not seem to show why "Logon" would match with "Logon_*".



Professor of Mathematics
University of Nebraska - Lincoln

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