Re: Struts2 + JPA + JSON - Help with error

2009-07-31 Thread Nathan Schulte
Nathan Schulte nathan.schulte at writes:

 Nathan Schulte nathan.schulte at writes:
  Here is a link to the error,
 Also, here is the exception report (of a similar action) given as the HTTP

I have found a fix for this issue.  As it turns out, because the JSON Plugin is
using reflection, and the entities the JSON Plugin is reflecting on are using
Hibernate/JPA lazy initialization magic, the JSON Plugin was serializing the
magic as well.  This magic contains references to underlying JPA
implementation, which also contains references, which also contain references,
all the way down past the JDBC layer.  I didn't go as far as to find out what
was causing this particular error/exception, but simply knew that I don't want
the Plugin to serialize the hibernateLazyInitializer instances in my entities. 
The Plugin supports property exclusion via regex, thus the simple fix.

Hey, perhaps this property exclusion property will come in handy to keep from
loading the whole database into memory for those self joins I have on my
entities... :P.

On another note, although this fixes my particular issue, perhaps there is some
more elegant solution to help with anything implementing this (or other
problematic) OOP patterns.


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Struts2 + JPA + JSON - Help with error

2009-07-30 Thread Nathan Schulte
Hey all, I've got an issue I can't seem to solve.

I'm using Struts2 with the JSON Plugin.  The error I am receiving is below. 
This occurs when trying to access the Action.  I am not sure why this error is
being thrown, but I believe it has something to do with the way I implemented
the Open Session in View pattern.

The Action consists of querying via JPA for a List of entities, and returning
ActionSupport.SUCCESS.  The Action has a single result, result name=success
type=json/.  The entities that the list consists of have lazily fetched
associations.  My solution to the Open Session in View pattern is described
here,, and works
for other result types (specifically the dispatcher type).

Here is a link to the error,


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Re: EJB Injection in Interceptor

2009-07-30 Thread Nathan Schulte
Robin Mannering robin at writes:
Are you using that plugin, or the following?

With the JBoss plugin, I am able to use Local interfaces rather than remote. 
I can show an example of this as well if you think it might help.

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Re: Struts2 + JPA + JSON - Help with error

2009-07-30 Thread Nathan Schulte
Nathan Schulte nathan.schulte at writes:

 Here is a link to the error,

Also, here is the exception report (of a similar action) given as the HTTP

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Re: Struts2 + JPA - Lazy Initialization During View Generation

2009-07-17 Thread Nathan Schulte
So is this the only resolution out there?  To lazily initialize the contents I
know I'll need before the container decides to trash the persistence context? 
There is no way to extend the context such that the lazy initialization will
work when rendering the view?

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Re: Struts2 + JPA - Lazy Initialization During View Generation

2009-07-17 Thread Nathan Schulte
Jim Kiley jhkiley at writes:
 I assume that the OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter is not the solution for you?

I'm not using Spring.  As such, I'm not familiar with this filter, but from the
description, yes, that is what is needed.  However, the app server manages the
transactions, and injects the EntityManager when needed.  I can do a JDNI lookup
and receive an EntityManager, but I'm unsure of where this would actually need
to be placed (an interceptor? in the action, to be placed on the stack
somewhere(so a reference is held?)).

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Re: Struts2 + JPA - Lazy Initialization During View Generation

2009-07-17 Thread Nathan Schulte
Wes Wannemacher wesw at writes:
 This is not exactly what you want, and it's based on Hibernate and a
 hibernate session, but if you think of hibernate sessions as jpa EMs,
 then you can just make the appropriate changes to this and at least be
 further than you are now.

Thanks Wes, I don't know how I didn't catch that page when browsing the docs. 
That's actually very similar to the interceptor I just started working on.  I'll
let you know what I come up with.

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Re: Struts2 + JPA - Lazy Initialization During View Generation

2009-07-17 Thread Nathan Schulte
Nathan Schulte nathan.schulte at writes:
 I'll let you know what I come up with.

Well, I was able to get this to work.  The interceptor is placed on the end of
the stack, although it's location oughtn't matter.  Also, it is placed on the
stack for _all_ actions.  I'm not sure if this is a problem, it may actually be
a good thing (at least in my case, I was not wrapping all of the actions' calls
to the EJBs in a UserTransaction, this takes care of that, everywhere).  Also
note, this doesn't support transaction rollback in it's current form.  As a
simple test, it worked though.

This would look ten times prettier if only the container supported resource
injection, :).


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EJB Injection in Interceptor

2009-07-16 Thread Nathan Schulte
This may be more related to XWork2, but I'll start by asking here.

I'm creating a custom Interceptor to handle user permissions for an application.
 Rather than redirecting to an action to actually process a login attempt
(requiring a custom result type), the Interceptor itself will process the login
attempt.  However, in order for this to work, the Interceptor needs access to a
session bean that is the interface to the persistence layer.

Is it possible to use the Java EE 5 @EJB annotation to inject an EJB, or even
the Inject EJB Plugin?  I've tried both, and neither seem to work (both result
in a null object reference).  I realize I can use a JNDI lookup to get a
reference to the bean, but I would much rather use injection if possible, as
that's why it's there.


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Re: EJB Injection in Interceptor

2009-07-16 Thread Nathan Schulte
Nils-Helge Garli Hegvik nilsga at writes:
 The short answer - You have to do the lookup yourself.

 The long answer - There's a similar discussion going on that pretty
 much covers the topic:
Yes, I'm familiar with this issue.  I guess, in order to resolve it in an
Interceptor as opposed to an Action (the method of using an Interceptor and
reflection to do the injection), one would have to do the same for the

Oh well, you can't win all of the time.

Thanks for the speedy reply!

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Re: EJB Injection in Interceptor

2009-07-16 Thread Nathan Schulte
Wes Wannemacher wesw at writes:
 Seems to me that my idea to create an ObjectFactory based plugin ... needs to
pick up some steam.
 I only have one question for the EJB users out there... Do you guys need
Spring integration as well?

To answer your question, _I_ personally don't need Spring integration.  I've
never used Spring, and for this project, it was too much overhead to learn (on
top of Java EE, the JPA, Hibernate intricacies, Struts2...), and from what I
understand, it seemed like using it and S2 together provided duplicate
functionality (another topic altogether...).

On another note, I find it awesome that the community (or whatever group you're
part of) is so willing to provide support.  I mean, in my eyes, this is
something that I could see myself writing to make my coding easier, it's just
that given my situation, it's easier to use the workaround.  Admittedly, I'm
not very familiar with JEE5.  Some of this is still black magic, and I don't
fully understand the issue, I just know enough to understand that the
architecture permits it as an issue (and not everyone is just blowing smoke my
way) and can leave all of the intricate details be, as they don't directly
affect my project.


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Re: Struts2 Action Class and EJB Injection

2009-07-15 Thread Nathan Schulte
Robin Mannering wrote:
 Is there anybody that is using Struts2 as the 'frontend' to an EJB 3 
 'backend' and what solution do you currently employ.

I am using the described setup, yes.  Our solution was to use the mentioned EJB3
plugin and it's @InjectEJB annotation.  It works well, I have not had any issues
thus far.

 Wes Wannemacher wrote:
  Would anyone else be interested in an ObjectFactory based plugin?
  If so, would any of you also want it to work with Spring?

I am interested in this, particularly for supporting persistence annotations,
like the aforementioned @PersistenceContext.  Most of the persistence support
that I have seen for struts, and the questions posted regarding persistence, all
seem to be using application managed persistence.  Getting things to work with
CMT would be excellent.

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Struts2 + JPA - Lazy Initialization During View Generation

2009-07-15 Thread Nathan Schulte
I'm currently using Struts2 in a project that is utilizing the Java Persistence
API (JPA, specifically Hibernate) with container managed transactions (CMT).  To
access the Persistence layer, a layer was created using SLSBs as service
objects which provide simple entity_type getentity_typeById( int ) and
Listentity_type getentity_types() type methods.  The Struts2 Actions use
these beans (by injection (provided by some interceptor, such as the EJB3
Plugin) or a JNDI lookup, it doesn't matter really) to get the instances of the

Up until now, all of the properties of the entities that were being accessed to
create the view were either eagerly fetched associations, or private members of
the entity.  Recently, I have the need to start using lazily fetched
associations (self joins and the like), and need to find a way to extend the
Persistence context through to the view generation.

Although there isn't much need to explain, the error I am receiving is the
ERROR [LazyInitializationException] failed to lazily initialize a collection of
role: private_member_name, no session or session was closed

I noticed recently that there was a Full Hibernate Plugin that supports
injection of a Session (presumably into an Action?) and will close the Session
after the view generation.  This works fine for application managed persistence,
but does not solve the issue of when using CMT (or at least to my knowledge).

Searching the web for solutions to the problem resulted in a suggestion to
create an interceptor (that runs after the Action, but before the view
generation?) that does a JNDI lookup to create an EntityManager (extending the
Persistence Context to the interceptor, I think).  I'm not sure what this was
supposed to resolve, but I have not tried this as 1) I'm not sure how to create
such an interceptor and get it to intercept at the appropriate time, and 2) I
don't think this would resolve anything, as I don't think this would really
extend the Persistence Context through to the view generation.

How are others resolving this issue and using lazy initialization?

I have a few more ideas as last resorts, but I don't want to taint the
responses, so I will hold onto them for now.


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Re: Struts2 Action Class and EJB Injection

2009-07-15 Thread Nathan Schulte
Robin Mannering robin at writes:
 Can you please tell me how you obtained the EJB plugin and a short 
 example of using it.
 I would prefer to use this if possible.

Sorr, I misspoke earlier.  I'm actually using the EJB3 JBoss Plugin, from here

However, browsing the source for the EJB3 Plugin, the annotations and even
classes are named the same, so the following example should still apply;

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Re: Struts2 + JPA - Lazy Initialization During View Generation

2009-07-15 Thread Nathan Schulte
David Canos davidcanos at writes:
 I use a Hibernate.initilize() call in the DAO layer for every object I need
 to see in the presentation layer (common jsp files).it avoids Lazy
 Initializations without passing Hibernate Proxy around layers.

This was one of my last resort ideas.  It completely flies in the face of lazy
initialization, by proactively initializing them.  Obviously something I want to

There ought to be no need to pass around a hibernate proxy at all, the container
should take care of everything for you, that's the point of CMT.  I know there
has to be a proper solution out there, I just have to wait for the right person
to stumble onto the mailing list.

Thanks for letting me know that this method does indeed work though.  I have not
tested it myself, but at least I know now that not _all_ hope is lost.


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