Re: transforming Struts apps to services

2010-04-03 Thread Nitesh Jain

You can consider using AXIS with struts for Webservices.


On 4 April 2010 06:50, Frans Thamura wrote:

 On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 7:40 AM, Dave Newton wrote:

  Frans Thamura wrote:
  any idea to make a struts2 application using @Webservices or any, to
  the result is SOA compliance?
  SOA compliance meaning what? The rendered result can be in any format
  conform to any standard you wish. Is your question regarding using the
  actual JAX-RS @Webservice annotation on an S2 action?

 hi dave

 right, that is the idea


Display Doc or PDF file in JSP

2009-07-27 Thread Nitesh Jain
Hi All,


I have requirement to display a Doc or PDF file into a div
tag of the JSP. It means that JSP will display a DOC/PDF file in half of the
page and remaining space will be used to display some other information. Can
anyone guide me to achieve this with or without using the struts? 







RE: Display Doc or PDF file in JSP

2009-07-27 Thread Nitesh Jain
Thanks Pawel,

It works for PDF file. Cant we find out any solution for DOC.



-Original Message-
From: Paweł Wielgus [] 
Sent: 27 July 2009 18:01
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Display Doc or PDF file in JSP

Hi Nitesh,
as far as i know it's impossible with DOC, but pretty easy with PDF,
just create iframe with source that will point to that pdf file.
Most browsers on computers where acrobat reader is installed will
display it as an inline document,
i don't know if it will work with div only.

Best greetings,
Paweł Wielgus.

2009/7/27 Nitesh Jain
 Hi All,

I have requirement to display a Doc or PDF file into a div
 tag of the JSP. It means that JSP will display a DOC/PDF file in half of the
 page and remaining space will be used to display some other information. Can
 anyone guide me to achieve this with or without using the struts?



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RE: Freemarker and Select Tag

2009-07-17 Thread Nitesh Jain
Hi Robin,

Select tag expects an list object in the list attribute but in your
case you are providing an Map that's why it is not behaving correctly.
I suggest create an object called UserType with two fields id and name. And
put these objects into a list (lets say usertypes). Now use following tag to
display a select box.

s:select   name=userTypes headerKey=-1 theme=ajax

headerValue=-- Please Select -- list=#application.usertypes listKey=id
listValue=name label=Select User Type/

Hope it will help you.


Nitesh Jain

-Original Message-
From: Robin Mannering [] 
Sent: 16 July 2009 20:36
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Freemarker and Select Tag


Platform : Struts 2, EJB 3.0, Glassfish 2.1

I'm having trouble using the Freemarker equivalent of the JSP Struts 2 
Select Tag.

I need to convert:

s:select list=application.userTypes /

into the Freemarker equivalent.

userTypes is an application defined attribute.  I have checked the 
existence of the attribute within the page and it is shown as expected.

My List/Map is defined as

MapInteger, String userTypes = new HashMapInteger, String();
userTypes.put(1, AGENCY_USER);
userTypes.put(2, SHOP_USER);
userTypes.put(3, TOUR_OPERATOR_USER);

I have tried the following, none of which work (or work correclty). list=application.userTypes/   -- elements are placed into 
the select box, but are valued as 1=AGENCY_USER, 2=SHOP_USER

The following produce empty select boxes (or errors) list=application.userTypes/ list=${application.userTypes}/

Does anybody have any ideas ?


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RE: Login with Struts2

2009-07-17 Thread Nitesh Jain

I have also implemented login mechanism but I have used Servlet
filter to check the user login status.
I have applied filer on the restricted URI of my application by just a small
configuration in web.xml. 


Nitesh Jain

-Original Message-
From: Robin Mannering [] 
Sent: 17 July 2009 01:18
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Login with Struts2


I recently implemented a login mechanism but did it slightly differently 
after recommendations from this mailing list to use an interceptor.

Each action/page that requires a validated login is directed via a 

The sole purpose of the interceptor is to verify the existence of an 
object in the session.  Here is the guts of the method:

public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
ActionContext ac = invocation.getInvocationContext();
Map session = ac.getSession();
// retrieve the login status from the session by key name.
User user = (User) session.get(Constants.USER_SESSION_SCOPE);
// if the user object is non null, the user is logged in.
if (user != null) {;
return invocation.invoke();
return notLoggedIn;

It is then necessary to create a new interceptor stack:

interceptor-stack name=my.validationWorkflowStack
interceptor-ref name=defaultStack/
interceptor-ref name=amr.validation/

I also defined a global-result as follows to take care of directing the 
client when not logged in.

result name=notLoggedIn type=redirectAction
param name=actionNameshowLogin/param

Finally, here is an example of a protected action using the new 
interceptor stack:

action name=showControlPanel
!-- Include our validation stack to ensure user is logged 
in --
interceptor-ref name=my.validationWorkflowStack/
result type=freemarker/controlPanel.ftl/result

You then simply need a regular action to take of the login which will 
place a valid object/flag in the session.

Hope this helps

mathias-ewald wrote:

 I am trying to implement a login mechanism. I will now explain what I did
 and what error I get but in case there is a more sophisticated way to do
 that - please tell me!

 I created a BaseAction which is the parent of all my Actions. The
 is supposed to be responsible for displaying a login page if there is no
 User object in session scope. Then the login form should put the username
 and password into the BaseAction. The BaseAction then tries to find a
 in the database and places the User object into session scope:

 public abstract class BaseAction {

   private String username;
   private String password;
   protected Log log;
   private Boolean loginStatus;
   public String execute() {
   if(log == null) {
   log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
   if(isProtected()) {
   MapString, Object session =
   Object o = session.get(user);
   if(o instanceof User) {
   loginStatus = true;
   } else {
   return login;
   return executeAction();

   public abstract String executeAction();

   public abstract Boolean isProtected();

   public Boolean getLoginStatus() {
   return loginStatus;

   public void setLoginStatus(Boolean loginStatus) {
   this.loginStatus = loginStatus;

   public String getUsername() {
   return username;

   public void setUsername(String username) {
   this.username = username;

   public String getPassword() {
   return password;

   public void setPassword(String password) {
   this.password = password;

 An Action that wants to be password protected must implement
 to return true. This is my JSP file that is shown if #isProtected() ==
 true and there's no User in session scope:

   s:textfield label=Username
   s:password label=Password name=userData.password/s:password

 This is the error I get

 20:35:42,179  WARN

RE: [OT] Re: Fired???? was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

2005-07-08 Thread Nitesh Naveen
I agree with Craig here...
He is quiet right about the mailing problem...
I had been using my company id and have been told by them to unsubscribe
from the due to the volume of messages coming in.
Despite the volume if the mails had something to defend I could've done it.
But the never ending flow of OTs like these which are of no use to anyone is
not quiet the way anyone would like!

Friday of the week is over... At least from this point on let us cut this


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-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 4:04 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] Re: Fired was...Re: Struts Books Recommendations [OT]

On 7/8/05, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Andrew, you must be new here.  See, on Fridays (usually), we like to 
 cut up and have a little fun.  I think I've donated enough blood on 
 this list to deserve a break every now and then.

And perhaps its time to reign in the freedom to cut up a little on Fridays.
With freedom comes responsibility, and there's been way too many abuses of
that freedom lately (including this thread).

 If you don't like wasting time with [OT] posts, filter them.  Every 
 decent mail client will allow you to do that.

Note that filtering is not a complete answer.  Consider a scenario where you
are subscribed to a list like this from your company email address, where
you have (explicitly or implicitly) agreed to whatever terms of use your
company's IT department imposes on you.  In more than a few companies,
incoming email messages are scanned for inappropriate content -- and you
could be violating the policies even if you have a personal filter set up so
that *you* don't have to read the messages.  But I didn't read it isn't
going to be a very useful defense -- any more than if your mom caught you
reading Playboy when growing up, and you tried but I didn't look at the
pictures, I was only reading the articles!

I'd like to point you at a blog written recently by an industry colleague,
who has been observing what's going on here:

Even though Duncan works for a company that competes with my employer, and
builds a tool that is competitive with the one I work on, I still consider
him a friend, like many things about his product, and collaborate with him
where possible to improve the overall state of the industry.  I
wholeheartedly subscribe to his comments about respect, and would like to
see a return to the way that the Struts user list worked (nearly all of the
time) until fairly recently -- where respect was the norm.  Today it is not
... and even in jest many of the comments are innappropriate and embarrasing
(to the rest of the community, for having to be associated with it).

If you're only here for the Friday [OT] humor, then I suggest you find a
different place to cut loose.  The purpose of this list is to answer user
questions about Struts and all its related technologies -- and you'll sure
like how you look on a Google search ten years from now for your name if
you've posted like a mature adult instead of an immature 8-year-old.

Craig McClanahan

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RE: Struts and Generics

2005-07-06 Thread Nitesh Naveen
Generics is a Java 5.0 feature...
Don't think the features with 5.0 are introduced to Struts framework yet!

Thanks  Regards,

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-Original Message-
From: Kent Boogaart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 1:11 PM
Subject: Struts and Generics

Hi there,

I'm wondering whether it's possible to use generics with struts. Something

form-bean name=test type=org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm
form-property name=users

I tried doing this (with my class names of course) and I get this exception
on startup:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from


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RE: Question re html:select on the client

2005-07-06 Thread Nitesh Naveen
You could use JavaScript to submit the form on clicking the link.
Have a hidden field to track which link is clicked.

For e.g.. Use this function in the link...

function clickLink(linkId)

PS: you need to make sure there are no fields in your form with the name -


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-Original Message-
From: Kent Boogaart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 10:20 AM
Subject: Question re html:select on the client


I have an html:select populated from a collection. Alongside the select box
I have links to add, edit and delete items. I'm just wondering what the best
way is to handle passing the ID of the selected item to the edit and delete

For example, if the user selects the option with value 12, I'd like to
forward to something like /editAction?id=12. Is there some way to tell the
html:link tag to dynamically construct the querystring on the client?


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RE: howto with validator

2005-07-05 Thread Nitesh Naveen
Well... You need not extend the validator plugin. You could write your
custom validator class and write a method in that... For eg. You could
specify this in your validator-rule.xml...

 validator name=whatever classname=com.myvalidation.FieldChecks

All you need to have now is a class FieldChecks in the given package and a
method as specified. Now you have the validation. You could use this
validation - 'whatever' - in your validation.xml


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-Original Message-
From: Dewitte Rémi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 4:36 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: howto with validator

Ok thanks, i'll try to achieve with the validator-rule.xml. But if i can't
suggest me to extends the plugin validator to include more specific rules, 
didn't you ?


Le Mardi 5 Juillet 2005 07:45, Nitesh Naveen a écrit :
 You could do this with validator and indexed properties.
 When using indexed properties, JavaScript validations doesn't work. 
 However the server side validations does. This should suffice what you 
 need... In case you have some validations that involve business logic, 
 you could add more validations, customize the validator-rule.xml add 
 your own validation there point it to a custom validator method in the 
 validator you have coded.



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 -Original Message-
 From: Dewitte Rémi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 9:21 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: howto with validator

 Hello everybody !
 I have some howto questions related to validator.
 I'd like to do some checks on my form :

 1) in a multibox question, i'd like to check at least 2 are checked 
 and at most 4.

 2) I have a mapped property, I'd like to check every mymap(key) is 

 3) I have a form property of type java.lang.String[], which is an 
 array of

 names(html:text property=names[0]/). I'd like to check all the 
 names with usual validator features.

 Is it possible with the validator or may I make it in my actionForm ?



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RE: Velocity Question

2005-07-05 Thread Nitesh Naveen
You could probably use format macro for formatting the number...

Thanks  Regards,

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-Original Message-
From: Lucas Bern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 8:20 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Velocity Question

I´m not sre what you mean... but
StringUtils is not  an abstract class, so you could put in the context of
Velocity an instance of StringUtils velContext.put(StringUtils, new
StringUtils() ); In your template...
$StringUtils.leftPad( $, 6, '0') $StringUtils.leftPad( $car.na000me,
15, ' ')
wish it helps...

Vinicius Caldeira Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
Sorry for the OT. But since they're kinda related ... Does velocity provides
a way to fill gaps on my variables? Translating... I have a pojo car, which
has ID and Name Id must have size 6 with zero left padd, and Name 15 with
with white spaces padding. Now let's suppose I have:

Car beetle = new Car(1,beetle);
When printing:
$ $
I get
1 beetle
When the desirable would be:
1 beetle

This is for reporting purposes

Thanks all

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RE: ActionForm reset() and redirect.

2005-07-04 Thread Nitesh Naveen
Try putting in some logic where ever you are assigning the value... like if
it is not set then set it to false... if it is already set don't touch it!


-Original Message-
From: Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 1:05 PM
To: Struts
Subject: ActionForm reset() and redirect.


My form has some boolean properties and I set them to false in the
reset method. The Action that handles the form has redirect attribute
as true, i.e if there is an error, it redirects to the same page that
has the form with errors. When it redirects with errors, the form
retains values for other properties except the boolean ones. What I
can do to fix this? If I don't set the boolean properties to false in
the reset method, the form works fine.

Please help, thanks.

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RE: howto with validator

2005-07-04 Thread Nitesh Naveen
You could do this with validator and indexed properties.
When using indexed properties, JavaScript validations doesn't work. However
the server side validations does.
This should suffice what you need...
In case you have some validations that involve business logic, you could add
more validations, customize the validator-rule.xml add your own validation
there point it to a custom validator method in the validator you have coded.


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-Original Message-
From: Dewitte Rémi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2005 9:21 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: howto with validator

Hello everybody !
I have some howto questions related to validator.
I'd like to do some checks on my form :

1) in a multibox question, i'd like to check at least 2 are checked and at 
most 4.

2) I have a mapped property, I'd like to check every mymap(key) is answered.

3) I have a form property of type java.lang.String[], which is an array of

names(html:text property=names[0]/). I'd like to check all the names
usual validator features.

Is it possible with the validator or may I make it in my actionForm ?



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RE: deal with nested properties

2005-07-01 Thread Nitesh Naveen

You should probably have...

form-bean name=questionnaireForm
  form-property name=page type=java.lang.Integer initial=1/
  form-property name=firstName type=java.lang.String initial=Nom
  form-property name=lastName type=java.lang.String /
 form-property name=child type=java.lang.String initial=N/
  form-property name=numChild type=java.lang.Integer initial=0/
  form-property name= children  type=package.Personne[] /


-Original Message-
From: Dewitte Rémi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 5:54 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: deal with nested properties

Hi all !
I have another problem to submit :

Here is my bean
form-bean name=questionnaireForm 
  form-property name=page type=java.lang.Integer initial=1/
  form-property name=firstName type=java.lang.String initial=Nom
  form-property name=lastName type=java.lang.String /
 form-property name=child type=java.lang.String initial=N/
  form-property name=numChild type=java.lang.Integer initial=0/

where Personne is a class of two attributes {name,age} with their getters

In my jsp, I try do do this :

bean:define id=numChild name=questionnaireForm property=numChild 
c:forEach begin=1 end='%=numChild.intValue()%' var=ind
bean:define name=ind id=ind2 type=java.lang.Integer/
tdbean:write name=ind//td
tdhtml:text property='%=children[+(ind2.intValue()-1)+].name%' 
size=30 maxlength=30//td
tdhtml:text property='%=children[+(ind2.intValue()-1)+].age%' 
size=30 maxlength=30//td

And i get this error : 
No getter method for property children[0].name of bean 

Following the Struts FAQ for Indexed properties, it seems it should work...

Please tell me what I missed.

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Re: DynaActionForm values problem after submit

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh

Try putting some debugs into your action class...
probably your pre-population logic is running over your edited data!

- Original Message - 
From: Ciaran Hanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:11 PM
Subject: DynaActionForm values problem after submit

Can anybody help me with the problem below please. I've hit a brick wall
with it! :)

-Original Message-
From: Ciaran Hanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 June 2005 20:02
To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Subject: Unable to read DynaForm array values

I have the following DynaActionForm bean (where EditPaymentForm extends
DynaActionForm so I can use the validation method) and corresponding action

form-bean name=paymentsForm type=app.EditPaymentForm
 form-property name=payments type=app.PaymentBean[]/
 form-property name=name type=java.lang.String /

action path=/editpayments

I pre-populate this form in my Action class for display on a JSP for
editing. The values show up fine in the JSP text boxes. When the form is
submitted the String name property changes fine, but the values in the
payments array is not being saved. I just get the original pre-populated
data when I use the get methods after submitting.

Here is a snippet from the JSP

html:form action=/editpayments?action=edit
 logic:iterate name=paymentsForm property=payments id=PaymentBean
   html:text name=PaymentBean property=paymentAmount indexed=true /
 html:text property=name /

!-- etc --

And here is form class

public class EditPaymentForm extends DynaActionForm implements Serializable
 public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest
   //custom checks

Can anybody help me figure out why the values aren't being saved upon
submitting the form please?


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Re: DynaActionForm values problem after submit

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh

should've been
logic:iterate name=paymentsForm property=payments id=payments
   html:text name=payments property=paymentAmount indexed=true /

basically your generated html would look like...
input type=text name=payments[0].paymentAmount /
input type=text name=payments[1].paymentAmount /


- Original Message - 
From: Marsh-Bourdon, Christopher [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: DynaActionForm values problem after submit

Is it the name of the property is 'paymentAmount' yet in the form 

it states the name as 'payments'?

Christopher Marsh-Bourdon

-Original Message-
From: Ciaran Hanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 June 2005 10:42
To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Subject: DynaActionForm values problem after submit

Can anybody help me with the problem below please. I've hit a brick wall
with it! :)

-Original Message-
From: Ciaran Hanley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 June 2005 20:02
To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Subject: Unable to read DynaForm array values

I have the following DynaActionForm bean (where EditPaymentForm extends
DynaActionForm so I can use the validation method) and corresponding 


form-bean name=paymentsForm type=app.EditPaymentForm
 form-property name=payments type=app.PaymentBean[]/
 form-property name=name type=java.lang.String / /form-bean

action path=/editpayments

I pre-populate this form in my Action class for display on a JSP for
editing. The values show up fine in the JSP text boxes. When the form is
submitted the String name property changes fine, but the values in the
payments array is not being saved. I just get the original pre-populated
data when I use the get methods after submitting.

Here is a snippet from the JSP

html:form action=/editpayments?action=edit
 logic:iterate name=paymentsForm property=payments id=PaymentBean
   html:text name=PaymentBean property=paymentAmount indexed=true 

 html:text property=name /

!-- etc --

And here is form class

public class EditPaymentForm extends DynaActionForm implements 

 public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, 

   //custom checks

Can anybody help me figure out why the values aren't being saved upon
submitting the form please?


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Re: Using dynamic GET data

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh
Probably you could get the GET data in the action class which goes to a 
intermediate JSP which does nothing but forwards to the right JSP using the 
GET data.

- Original Message - 
From: Karianne Berg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 3:32 PM
Subject: Using dynamic GET data


I'm fairly new to Struts, and I'm trying to transform a web presentation
application of some size into using Struts for the Controller part, since 
it has

grown really, really long.

For the presentation part of the application, the users are supposed to 
links and get presented with information based on the GET data in the 
Normally, I would just extend DispathAction for this (that was my first 
anyway). Problem is, the information in the GET data is given by the user 
made the presentation in the publishing part of the application. How can I 
Actions that can handle any type of GET data and still get the user 

to the right jsp page?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: multiselect checkbox inside multiselect dropdown

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh
You should probably try to put in the DHTML Folder tree to display your 

There should be script available online for doing this...
the change you'll have to put in your folder tree would be to add checkboxes 
in addition to the text.

- Original Message - 

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: multiselect checkbox inside multiselect dropdown

Anybody with the solutions please?

--- Vicky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I need to design a control on Struts UI page with
following functionalities.

* I have two attributes: Region, office. I have to
design following tree structure on UI
+Region 1 (checkbox)
office1 (checkbox)
office2 (checkbox)
office3 (checkbox)

+Region 2 (checkbox)
office1 (checkbox)
office2 (checkbox)

Based on above UI (which I don't quite sure how to
achieve in multi select dropdown) if user selects
office1 thenregion1 should get selected
If user selects Region 2 then it should select all
offices underneadh automatically.

can anyone guide me how do i go achieve these two
first to auto select things and second how do I
this kind of UI (multi select , multi select in drop
down). Any help with code examples would be much


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Re: Passing collection Objects from html form to Action class

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh
You could probably think of putting them as a session/request attribute and 
access it from action class!

- Original Message - 

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:08 PM
Subject: RE: Passing collection Objects from html form to Action class

Tell me which is performance efficient  desired way:

Putting the form in session or making a trip to the

assuming we have collection of 50 - 60 records..


--- Mark Benussi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sadly you cannot unless you make the scope of the
form session.

I find it limiting to say the least!

-Original Message-
From: Phani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 30 June 2005 16:14
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Passing collection Objects from html form
to Action class

I have a Collection Object in my JSP which I am able
to display using display Tag.

I want to render those collection objects when I
submit my html form, so that I can retrieve them in
Action class as form property.

If it is a string, I can render it as hidden field..

input type=hidden name=name

And in the Action class I can just say,

String name = myForm.getName();

How can I achieve the same thing for a collection


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Re: iterate on a value

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh

Use a normal JSP scriptlet and loop over to put in the required fields.


- Original Message - 
From: Dewitte Rémi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:46 PM
Subject: iterate on a value

Hello !
In my form , i ask the number of children. On the next page, i'd like to
display as many textboxes as children to get their name.
logic:iterate provides iteration on array or collection, how can i 

on the number of children ?
Thanks !

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Re: check role - isUserInRole in jstl

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh

Try if  this works...
c:if test=%= request.isUserInRole('aa') %


- Original Message - 
From: Grzegorz Stasica [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:18 PM
Subject: check role - isUserInRole in jstl

I've a code like that
c:if test=${request.isUserInRole('aa')}

but I get an error that namespace has to be specified.
IsUserInRole is a function so probably I invoke it incorectlly.
How can I check user's role in jstl?

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Re: Using html:file

2005-06-30 Thread Nitesh

The page expiring has probably nothing to do with the html:file.
Try removing that html:file and then go through the same steps and verify if 
you get the same problem.

Mostly this may have to do with the page you are going back to being a 
submitted reuqest which has expired


- Original Message - 
From: vinod varghese [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 10:30 PM
Subject: Using html:file


I have a particular issue using the html:file tag. The situation is that 
my jsp uses a html:file tag.First I submit the jsp which returns a 
validation error through the html:errors tag. I correct those errors and 
again submit the form which after processing in the action takes to 
another jsp and brings up the screen. Now my problem is that when I hit 
the browser back button the page is shown as expired.

In both the above cases my jsp just contains a html:file tag but I havent 
used it.

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Re: How to create form rows dynamically

2005-06-29 Thread Nitesh

Probably you should try using the validator framework for validation.
you could avoid using the custom form in case you just use it for 

You could add in your validations into the validation-rules and use it.

Make sure your form has sesion scope.
That apart, Im not sure why you don't get the updated values...


- Original Message - 
From: Ciaran Hanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: How to create form rows dynamically


I followed the example you attached and it seemed to have worked except when
I submit the form I cannot get at the form values.

For example when I submit the form if the newAmnt text box gets a new value
of say 10.00, the value on the server side is still returned as 0.00 (the
original value).

Would you know what might cause this? I am using a form which extends
DynaActionForm so I can use the validation method.

-Original Message-
From: Nitesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23 June 2005 10:50
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How to create form rows dynamically

Attaching the answer John had given me for indexed properties.
Hope this would help...

- Original Message - 
From: Ciaran Hanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:01 PM
Subject: How to create form rows dynamically

Can somebody help me or propose a solution to the following please.

I wish to create a form dynamically. Depending on the business logic there
could be 0 to N rows in the form. I tried to use a form with an array of
strings and use the indexed=true setting in the html:text boxes but as I
was not following any example I ran into problems and didn't have any
as to where I was going wrong.

I also need to iterate over a bean containing information which
to the form as the form boxes are being displayed.

Say if there is 3 rows required, it should ok like the following.

Payment Old AmntNew Amnt  Date

1   35  [45]  [12/12/04]

2   35  [45]  [12/01/05]

3   35  [45]  [12/02/05]

Where [] represents a html:text box.

I am also unsure as to how to access these values when I get to the
form/action classes.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Re: Problems with validator and IE 5.0

2005-06-28 Thread Nitesh
Guess you would need to modify the JavaScript in your validator-rules 

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 4:08 PM
Subject: Problems with validator and IE 5.0

Hi all!

How can I use struts validator with IE 5.0 ?
The getAttributeNode javascript function which is called to get the form
name is not supported by IE 5.0.
(using would work...)

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Re: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

2005-06-26 Thread Nitesh

Try out...

function setParam(mode)
 document.forms[myform].action =%=(String) 
request.getAttribute(origin)%+ mode+ .do;


- Original Message - 

I need to change the action of my form on the fly. I use the following
function setParam(mode)
document.getElementById(myform).action =%=(String)
+ mode+ .do;

and my form is :
html:form action=%=(String) request.getAttribute(origin)%

It works perfect under mozilla but not IE. I think the problem is that IE
looks for Id in the name field of form and he couln't find it.
Could anyone help me?

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Re: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

2005-06-26 Thread Nitesh

Forgot to add that myform should be the form name!

- Original Message - 

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

Try out...

function setParam(mode)
 document.forms[myform].action =%=(String) 
request.getAttribute(origin)%+ mode+ .do;


- Original Message - 

I need to change the action of my form on the fly. I use the following
function setParam(mode)
document.getElementById(myform).action =%=(String)
+ mode+ .do;

and my form is :
html:form action=%=(String) request.getAttribute(origin)%

It works perfect under mozilla but not IE. I think the problem is that IE
looks for Id in the name field of form and he couln't find it.
Could anyone help me?

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Re: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

2005-06-26 Thread Nitesh
getElementById is indeed the standards-compliant method... but something 
which came in a bit late!!! Browser  IE 5+ and Netscape 6+ support them... 
but the earlier version browsers does not support getElementById (since 
these browsers date before the standard was introduced.

Also the standard practice followed for manipulating forms in the HTML 
document using JavaScript is the form array/object rather than 
getElementById. (Doesn't mean that you cannot/should not use getElementById) 
getElementById is introduced keeping in mind the DHTML parts and as a 
standard way to access the DOM elements which were not exposed as 
arrays/object for JavaScript. For e.g.. accessing the table cells/rows or 
DIV/SPAN elements etc to bring in DHTML effects.

Nitesh Naveen

- Original Message - 
From: Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

Remember that getElementById is the standards-compliant method, the 
others are not, IIRC.  They of course work too, but when manipulating DOM 
objects, getElementById is supposed to be used, according to the current 

Is there such a thing as casting in JS?  I'm not sure.  I don't think 
there is as far as object references go anyway, but I could be wrong.


-Original Message-
   From: Nitish Kumar[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: 6/27/05 12:37:42 AM
   To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
   Subject: RE: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

   I geuss, some thing working or not working in JavaScript is a lot 

   on what version of what browser, are you using.

   Well, Any ways, from my previous experience with JavaScript, usually

   document.getElementById gives you an object, and casting it to form 

   work all the time..

   it is always better to use document.forms[i].action .

   Thanks and Regards,
   Nitish Kumar

   -Original Message-
   From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 3:05 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Re: javascript html:fprm and getElementById

   Why do you believe this does not work?  I just tried in IE and it 

   fine, as I would expect since I do this sort of thing all the time.

   I would suggest throwing an alert before and after the code setting the
   action, display what the action of the form is.  I did this and it does
   indeed change.

   Frank W. Zammetti

   Founder and Chief Software Architect
   Omnytex Technologies

   Arash Bijanzadeh wrote:
I need to change the action of my form on the fly. I use the 

function setParam(mode)
document.getElementById(myform).action =%=(String)
+ mode+ .do;
and my form is :
html:form action=%=(String) request.getAttribute(origin)%
It works perfect under mozilla but not IE. I think the problem is 
that IE

looks for Id in the name field of form and he couln't find it.
Could anyone help me?

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Re: JAAS example

2005-06-23 Thread Nitesh 

could be a starting point...

- Original Message - 
From: Arash Bijanzadeh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:47 PM
Subject: JAAS example

Hi all,
I am searching for an example of using struts security framework and JAAS
maybe. Could anyone lead me to a document/tutorial/example?
Arash B.

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Re: How to create form rows dynamically

2005-06-23 Thread Nitesh

Attaching the answer John had given me for indexed properties.
Hope this would help...

- Original Message - 
From: Ciaran Hanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:01 PM
Subject: How to create form rows dynamically

Can somebody help me or propose a solution to the following please.

I wish to create a form dynamically. Depending on the business logic there
could be 0 to N rows in the form. I tried to use a form with an array of
strings and use the indexed=true setting in the html:text boxes but as I
was not following any example I ran into problems and didn't have any 

as to where I was going wrong.

I also need to iterate over a bean containing information which 

to the form as the form boxes are being displayed.

Say if there is 3 rows required, it should ok like the following.

Payment Old AmntNew Amnt  Date

1   35  [45]  [12/12/04]

2   35  [45]  [12/01/05]

3   35  [45]  [12/02/05]

Where [] represents a html:text box.

I am also unsure as to how to access these values when I get to the
form/action classes.

Any help would be much appreciated!

In the struts-config.xml:

form-bean name=ManageAccountsForm type=application.EditUsersForm
form-property name=users type=application.UserBean[]



In execute method

// get collection of users from the database
Collection users = getUserBeans ();

// put collection into form as an array for editing
form.set ( users, users.toArray ( new UserBean[0] ) );

In editUsers.jsp

logic:iterate id=users name=EditUsersForm property=users
html:text name=users property=name indexed=true

In the produced HTML:

input type=text name=users[0].name /

If you need to client side validation, you'll probably need to write your
own JSP to deal with the element above.

As for using validate.xml to validate on the server side. I've never tried
it with arrays, I just iterate over them in the validate (...) method of the
form, like so:

UserBean users[] = (UserBean[]) form.get ( users );
for ( int i = 0; i  users.length; i++ ) {
// check on the attributes of UserBean users[i]

Hope that example clears it up for you.


On 20050603 5:05 AM, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the answer John...
 Could you give me an example as to how we pre populate the array?
 - Original Message -
 From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:00 PM
 Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework
 For an Array in a DynaForm property, you can either set the size in the
 form-property descriptor or, in the case of a session form, pre-populate
 Array in your action with the number of elements you desire.
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Re: JAAS example

2005-06-23 Thread Nitesh
Googling results...


- Original Message - 
  From: Arash Bijanzadeh 
  To: Nitesh 
  Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:14 PM
  Subject: Re: JAAS example

  I am familiar with JASS. My question is how struts using the JAAS for 
security, how shall I implement it and for the starting point how can I get a 
JAAS user in a Action working with the tomcat?

  On 6/23/05, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

could be a starting point...

- Original Message - 
From: Arash Bijanzadeh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:47 PM
Subject: JAAS example

Hi all,
I am searching for an example of using struts security framework and JAAS
maybe. Could anyone lead me to a document/tutorial/example? 
Arash B.

Re: JAAS example

2005-06-23 Thread Nitesh


  Googling results...


  - Original Message - 
From: Arash Bijanzadeh 
To: Nitesh 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: JAAS example

I am familiar with JASS. My question is how struts using the JAAS for 
security, how shall I implement it and for the starting point how can I get a 
JAAS user in a Action working with the tomcat?

On 6/23/05, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

  could be a starting point...

  - Original Message - 
  From: Arash Bijanzadeh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Users Mailing List 
  Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 2:47 PM
  Subject: JAAS example

  Hi all,
  I am searching for an example of using struts security framework and JAAS
  maybe. Could anyone lead me to a document/tutorial/example? 
  Arash B.

Re: Accessing nested properties

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

Guess this is not standard way of doing it...
kinda wicked way... try this... might work

logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
  % pageContext.setAttribute(fooBar,foos.getBar()); %
  logic:greaterThan name=fooBar property=test value=1000
 //do something


 Fredrik Bostrom wrote:

 Hi list,

 How do I access a nested property in an iterated object?

 I've got two classes like this (heavily simplified and stripped):

 class Foo {
   Bar bar = new Bar();

 class Bar {
   int test = 10; //any value

 In my jsp-page, I'm iterating an array of foo-objects and I want to
 access the test-field in the Bar-class from within the iteration. How
 do I do that?

 This is what I'd like to do:

 logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
   logic:greaterThan name=foos property=bar.test value=1000
  //do something

 But this doesn't work... Any ideas?

   Fredrik Boström

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Fredrik Boström
+358 44 306 1324

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Re: Accessing nested properties

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

Ok... got that now!. The standard struts way of doing this would be...

logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
  bean:define id=fooBar property=bar name=foos/
  logic:greaterThan name=fooBar property=test value=1000
 //do something

(somehow that was not working in the example I tried to make sure before I 
send the solution. now it works!!!)


- Original Message - 

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: Accessing nested properties

Guess this is not standard way of doing it...
kinda wicked way... try this... might work

logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
  % pageContext.setAttribute(fooBar,foos.getBar()); %
  logic:greaterThan name=fooBar property=test value=1000
 //do something


 Fredrik Bostrom wrote:

 Hi list,

 How do I access a nested property in an iterated object?

 I've got two classes like this (heavily simplified and stripped):

 class Foo {
   Bar bar = new Bar();

 class Bar {
   int test = 10; //any value

 In my jsp-page, I'm iterating an array of foo-objects and I want to
 access the test-field in the Bar-class from within the iteration. How
 do I do that?

 This is what I'd like to do:

 logic:iterate id=foos name=foo_array
   logic:greaterThan name=foos property=bar.test value=1000
  //do something

 But this doesn't work... Any ideas?

   Fredrik Boström

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Re: How to use multiple tiles definitions files for multi channel

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

Tageting multiple channels is definitely possible with Struts...
Tiles coudl aid you doing this.
But times is not the prime technology involved...

Your UI components need to be XML-based rather than JSP based for this.
You could use plug-ins to fomat your xmls for the channel intended.

There are some plug-ins avaiable for this already... I couldn't find much 
abt these...

I stumbled upon this on a search...


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Mattox [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Laurie Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: How to use multiple tiles definitions files for multi channel

In the tiles documentation webapp, it's stated:

A mechanism similar to Java properties files is used for definitions
files : you can have one definition file per key. The appropriate
definition is loaded according to the key.

I'd like to use this to have different tiles for web  wap devices.  Can
someone explain how to do this?  I cannot find any information on how
works, I've searched everywhere.  I see how it's done for the language
based on the Locale, but not for a user defined key in the session.

Struts doesn't provide anything specifically for this. There's all sorts
of ways you could approach it; one possibility would be to map user
agent header strings to local variants and define separate resource
bundles for web vs. wap.

The text I quoted above was from the tiles documentation, which claims
Tiles *is* able to do this.  I just can't figure out how.  I'm now
wondering if this text is incorrect and tiles does not offer this.

The problem isn't related to resource bundles, the problem is I need
separate JSPs for web  wap.  I'd like to have a tiles-defs-web.xml
associated with a session key device value web and tiles-defs-wap.xml
associated with a session key device value wap.  Default would be
web.  Is this possible?  It seems like an easy thing to do.


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Re: validator and xdoclet

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

You could use
!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
 -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules 
Configuration 1.1.3//EN;

Better still you could get the latest struts jar from Jakarta struts and use 
the vlaidator-rule bundled with that...


- Original Message - 
From: roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:58 PM
Subject: validator and xdoclet

Hi people,
I'm an italian student and i have a problem with
struts validator.
I'm working in a universitary project based on
standard j2ee for a web applicaton. This project works
on jboss with struts, ejb, all handled with xdoclet.
The deployment is made by Ant.
I have a form written to works with the validator
framework. I followed the tutorial finded in old email
and the books programming with jakarta struts.

The problem is that this line
html:javascript formName=SignupForm/
throws an NullException.
Forward the jboss after the deployment throws
FileNotFoundException: \WEB-INF\validator_1_1.dtd
because the validator-rules.xml has this line:
!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
 -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons
Validator Rules Configuration 1.0//EN

Why I have this exceptions?
If I was inexact I can explain it another time.


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Re: How to use multiple tiles definitions files for multi channel

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

This javaworld article might help

- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List; 

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: How to use multiple tiles definitions files for multi channel

Tageting multiple channels is definitely possible with Struts...
Tiles coudl aid you doing this.
But times is not the prime technology involved...

Your UI components need to be XML-based rather than JSP based for this.
You could use plug-ins to fomat your xmls for the channel intended.

There are some plug-ins avaiable for this already... I couldn't find much 
abt these...

I stumbled upon this on a search...


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Mattox [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Laurie Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: How to use multiple tiles definitions files for multi channel

In the tiles documentation webapp, it's stated:

A mechanism similar to Java properties files is used for definitions
files : you can have one definition file per key. The appropriate
definition is loaded according to the key.

I'd like to use this to have different tiles for web  wap devices. 

someone explain how to do this?  I cannot find any information on how
works, I've searched everywhere.  I see how it's done for the language
based on the Locale, but not for a user defined key in the session.

Struts doesn't provide anything specifically for this. There's all sorts
of ways you could approach it; one possibility would be to map user
agent header strings to local variants and define separate resource
bundles for web vs. wap.

The text I quoted above was from the tiles documentation, which claims
Tiles *is* able to do this.  I just can't figure out how.  I'm now
wondering if this text is incorrect and tiles does not offer this.

The problem isn't related to resource bundles, the problem is I need
separate JSPs for web  wap.  I'd like to have a tiles-defs-web.xml
associated with a session key device value web and tiles-defs-wap.xml
associated with a session key device value wap.  Default would be
web.  Is this possible?  It seems like an easy thing to do.


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Re: validator and xdoclet

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh
May be you could go to the URL get the required DTD and put the same in your 


- Original Message - 
From: roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: validator and xdoclet

Unfortunately this solution not resolve my problem. I
work with jboss in localhost therefore when I deploy
my appication the server respond wiht the exception
and the form not works.

thank's for fast reply.


--- Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

You could use
!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD
Commons Validator Rules
Configuration 1.1.3//EN;

Better still you could get the latest struts jar
from Jakarta struts and use
the vlaidator-rule bundled with that...


- Original Message - 
From: roberto [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:58 PM
Subject: validator and xdoclet

 Hi people,
 I'm an italian student and i have a problem with
 struts validator.
 I'm working in a universitary project based on
 standard j2ee for a web applicaton. This project
 on jboss with struts, ejb, all handled with
 The deployment is made by Ant.
 I have a form written to works with the validator
 framework. I followed the tutorial finded in old
 and the books programming with jakarta struts.

 The problem is that this line
 html:javascript formName=SignupForm/
 throws an NullException.
 Forward the jboss after the deployment throws
 because the validator-rules.xml has this line:
 !DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
  -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD
 Validator Rules Configuration 1.0//EN

 Why I have this exceptions?
 If I was inexact I can explain it another time.


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Re: Setting value at runtime in logic:equal

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

You are probably looking for...
logic:equal name=orderObj property=statusCode  value=%= 
OrderObj.getWhatever() %


- Original Message - 
From: Brad Rhoads [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: Setting value at runtime in logic:equal

Nitesh wrote:

You could use logic:equal name=orderObj property=statusCode 
value=%= val %

where you can set val depending on any conditions, input at runtime!

That's exactly what I *want* to do. orderObj is a collection that I'm 
iterating through. How do I get val to come from the current iteration?



- Original Message - From: Brad Rhoads [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:08 PM
Subject: Setting value at runtime in logic:equal

How do I test statusCode for some other property in my orderObj, instead 
of hard coding On Hold as I'm doing now?

logic:iterate id='orderObj' collection='%= 
request.getAttribute(orders)  %'

   tr class=lstLine1
   logic:equal name=orderObj property=statusCode 
value=On Hold
   html:multibox property='selectedOrders' 
   bean:write name=orderObj property=orderID 
filter=true/-bean:write name=orderObj property=shipID 


Thanks for the help.

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Re: Indexed Values

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh
indexed properties are probably used when you have a no of rows of the same 
set of properties. For eg. it would be like a collection of objects with one 
or more membersin each row.

Eg: in case you have the object in the form bean
logic:iterate id=users name=UserListAdmin property=users
   html:text property=userName indexed=true name=users /
logic:iterate id=users name=userObjCol type=com.whatever.User
   html:text property=userName indexed=true name=users /


- Original Message - 
From: Ciaran Hanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: 'Struts User Mailing List'
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:54 PM
Subject: Indexed Values

Can somebody please explain why properties of a bean appear on a JSP like
this when the indexed=true property is set


instead of propertyName[0], propertyName[1] as I would expect.


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Re: regarding javascript problem

2005-06-22 Thread Nitesh

You could use the onsubmit of the form tag as well...

html:form name=delForm action=/DeleteForm onsubmit=return delete()

html:submit value=Delete/ 

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: regarding javascript problem

 I have problem in submiting my form through javascript by onclick event, 
it say that this property cant be supported. The form gets submitted by 
html:submit button, no prob. Any idea how to proceed but through 
javascript only.

My code:
script language=javascript
function delete(){
checking some validations
document.delForm.submit(); // from here i want to submit the form

html:form name=delForm action=/DeleteForm

html:button value=Delete onclick=Javascript:delete();
!-- html:submit value=Delete/ --
Thanks in advance

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Re: Setting value at runtime in logic:equal

2005-06-21 Thread Nitesh
You could use logic:equal name=orderObj property=statusCode  value=%= 
val %

where you can set val depending on any conditions, input at runtime!



- Original Message - 
From: Brad Rhoads [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 11:08 PM
Subject: Setting value at runtime in logic:equal

How do I test statusCode for some other property in my orderObj, instead 
of hard coding On Hold as I'm doing now?

logic:iterate id='orderObj' collection='%= 
request.getAttribute(orders)  %'

   tr class=lstLine1
   logic:equal name=orderObj property=statusCode 
value=On Hold
   html:multibox property='selectedOrders' 
   bean:write name=orderObj property=orderID 
filter=true/-bean:write name=orderObj property=shipID 


Thanks for the help.

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Re: long struts-config.xml file

2005-06-17 Thread Nitesh
You could also think about using multiple struts-config files... say one for 
each module and use them (in the web.xml for action param-value give the 
comma separated config file list.)


- Original Message - 
From: John Henry Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 9:34 AM
Subject: long struts-config.xml file

Hi all,

In a project I am working on, we have a very lengthy struts-config.xml
file to handle complex actions jsps (200+) take.

Does anyone have this situation (very complex struts-config.xml)? Please
tell me about your experience.

Also, anyone see a blog or forum written by struts technology? If you
know, can you tell me the link?


Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and 

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Re: another newbie

2005-06-17 Thread Nitesh
Looks like you have an action in the html:form in submit.jsp which is not 
there in the struts-config action mappings (checkout the case of the actions 
as well)

- Original Message - 
From: Amin Mohd Sani [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 11:59 AM
Subject: RE: another newbie

Anyone using eclipse and jboss with struts?

I'm getting this error as below :

12:30:48,329 ERROR [Engine] StandardWrapperValve[jsp]: Servlet.service()
for ser
vlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot retrieve mapping for action

it looks like I'm missing something on the eclipse side.



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Re: long struts-config.xml file

2005-06-17 Thread Nitesh

There may not be a performance issue...
probably could have some effect in startup (not sure if there are any 
though!) .

Mainly this would be done to make your config files more 'readable'
Also it makes sense to group the related ones together depending on 
functionality/module or whatever parameters that could separate/group 
actions/jsps/etc together.


- Original Message - 
From: Yuniar Setiawan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: long struts-config.xml file

Is there any performance issue when you have very long struts-config.xml?
I'm having about 200+ action either but so far everything is running well,
or perhaps not yet?

On 6/17/05, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You could also think about using multiple struts-config files... say one
each module and use them (in the web.xml for action param-value give the
comma separated config file list.)


- Original Message -
From: John Henry Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 9:34 AM
Subject: long struts-config.xml file

Hi all,

In a project I am working on, we have a very lengthy struts-config.xml
file to handle complex actions jsps (200+) take.

Does anyone have this situation (very complex struts-config.xml)? Please
tell me about your experience.

Also, anyone see a blog or forum written by struts technology? If you
know, can you tell me the link?


Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and

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Re: [OT] Convert Java Object into XML. Is there a simple tool in Jakarta projects or elsewere

2005-06-17 Thread Nitesh
You could probably try using JAXB... That API is given by sun for Java for 
XML binding... gives you option to create java objects from an XML schema so 
that converting xml to java and vice-versa can be done without much work! 
Take a look at

- Original Message - 
From: David Gagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 6:43 PM
Subject: [OT] Convert Java Object into XML. Is there a simple tool in 
Jakarta projects or elsewere

Hi all,

 Sorry for this OT.  I'm looking for a way to output an object into XML 
for debugging purpose.
I'm pretty sure I can do it myself with beanUtils and xml-api ..but I hate 
reinventing the whell and pretty sure there is a simple tool somewhere.

Thanks for your help!

Have a nice week-end

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Re: Howto display errors when using Struts Validator

2005-06-17 Thread Nitesh

1. Displaying errors on the JSP page is not differnt from the normal action
form validation. You could add html:errors / whereever you need to display
the error. In addition you could add a html:javascript
formName=YourFormName / in your JSP along with  adding onsubmit=return
validateYourFormName(this) in the html:form would give you an additional
client side JavaScript validation automatically plugged in.

2. You could have the reset method in the formbean as normal. I din't see
any reason why you couldn't.

3. Well.. in struts all the error and success actions are forwards and a JSP
forward does the forward without coming back to the client browser. Hence
url will remain the same... Does that really matter... you would look at the
page rather than what is there in the URL!

- Original Message - 
From: Thai Dang Vu [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 2:08 AM
Subject: Howto display errors when using Struts Validator


I don't know how to display errors in the jsp input page when using Struts
Validator. This is my case:

- validation.xml
 form name=getNameForm
   field property=name depends=required
 arg0 key=Name resource=false/
   field property=phone depends=required, mask
 msg key=Phone number name=mask resource=false/
 arg0 key=A phone number resource=false/

- struts-config.xml
 form-bean name=getNameForm type=GetNameForm/
 action input=/inputname.jsp name=getNameForm path=/greeting
  scope=request type=GreetingAction validate=true
  forward name=greeting path=/greeting.jsp/
message-resources parameter=MyMessageResources/
plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn
 set-property property=pathnames value=/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,

- validator-rules.xml isn't changed.

public class GetNameForm extends ValidatorForm {
private String name;
private String phone;
... getter, setter methods

My questions are:

1. How can I dislay the errors in the input jsp file when the name and phone
values don't meet the requirement?

2. Can I have the reset method in the Form Bean? If I can't, how can I reset
those values?

3.  When I run it with the invalid values for name or phone, Struts forwards
me to the jsp input page but the address in the address bar is
How can I make it inputname.jsp?



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Re: another newbie

2005-06-16 Thread Nitesh

Map the action class in the struts config and have the link point to the
i.e. a href=/

- Original Message - 
From: Anand Vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:34 AM
Subject: Re: another newbie


Thanks for the help ...

How to invoke an action class if it is a link ?

Nitesh said the following on 16/06/2005 10:33 AM:

You could populate the combo independently using a logic:iterate tag in
Use a bean/helper to get the values as a collection and pass the same to

alternate method is to have an action class before the control comes to
JSP where in you could get the collection. (Here also you need to use the
logic:iterate tag in the JSP)




- Original Message - From: Anand Vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:00 PM
Subject: another newbie

Hi All

I have a link in my application for user registration form . Form has
combo box that needs to be populated from database. How to achieve this?
Where do we write our bean to fetch the data?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Pass parameter to javascript function

2005-06-16 Thread Nitesh

Hope you are getting the values (see the source on your page and find out)
The reason JavaScript doesn't work is that the value of idProveedor is a 
string which is not declared. So it should work if you give the same within 

html:radio idName=lista
property=idProveedor value=idProveedor /
html:radio idName=lista
property=idProveedor value=idProveedor /


- Original Message - 
From: Rafael Taboada [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: Pass parameter to javascript function

I tried with all the suggestions but it doesn't work:
Does anybody know the problem?
My code is:
logic:iterate id=lista name=busquedaproveedorForm
html:radio idName=lista
property=idProveedor value=idProveedor /
I try to pass idProveedor and strRazonSocial to a javascript function...
But it doesn't work. I tried with lista.idProveedor but nothing...
Do u know the correct declaration???

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida

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Re: Pass parameter to javascript function

2005-06-16 Thread Nitesh
Did you try using the expression tags... that may work. (you may need to 
change the methods to the right ones...)

html:radio idName='lista'
onclick='setBusquedaProveedor(%= lista.getIdProveedor() %,%= 
lista.getStrRazonSocial() %)'

property='idProveedor' value='idProveedor' /

The bean:write would not work in html:radio since the tag doesn't 
allow/recognize nested tags.


- Original Message - 
From: Rafael Taboada [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: Pass parameter to javascript function

Thank u very much for all ur help...
 Zarar: the same thing, it takes as String value
In my code:
html:radio idName='lista'
property='idProveedor' value='idProveedor' /
In the source code(runtime):
input type=radio name=idProveedor value=1

Rafael Taboada
Software Engineer

Cell : +511-97753290

No creo en el destino pues no me gusta tener la idea de controlar mi vida

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Re: another newbie

2005-06-15 Thread Nitesh

You could populate the combo independently using a logic:iterate tag in the
Use a bean/helper to get the values as a collection and pass the same to the

alternate method is to have an action class before the control comes to the
JSP where in you could get the collection. (Here also you need to use the
logic:iterate tag in the JSP)




- Original Message - 
From: Anand Vijay [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 4:00 PM
Subject: another newbie

Hi All

I have a link in my application for user registration form . Form has 
combo box that needs to be populated from database. How to achieve this? 
Where do we write our bean to fetch the data?

Thanks in advance


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Re: [OT] Validating email addresses

2005-06-15 Thread Nitesh


JavaScript validations are majorly done on client side and so it would be 
possible to do a actual validation of the email addresses. The JavaScript 
email validations mostly will check
whether the email is in a valid format. (i.e. even [EMAIL PROTECTED] would pass a 

If you have to do a whois validation the best would be to use the struts 
validator framework. This gives you a two-pronged validation - both client 
side as well as server side. The clientside Javascript validation ill check 
if the email is of valid format. You could probably override the server side 
validation to actually plug-in the code to validate with whois.

The other option would be to have a hidden frame, while validating the email 
address, use the hidden frame to redirect to a JSP or servlet which 
validates the email with whois and prompt the user accordingly.



- Original Message - 
From: Richard Reyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [OT] Validating email addresses

Unfortunately guys all will be done on javascript. Any suggestion on
proven downloadble javascript components would be very much
appreciated. I might just code for the domain name validations.

Can I get the valid list from

Thanks All

On 6/15/05, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can you run basic DNS nslookup utilities and or have access to

You may want to use a combination of parsing the URL such as


public class ParseURL {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
   URL aURL = new URL(;
  + tutorial/index.html#DOWNLOADING);
   System.out.println(protocol =  + aURL.getProtocol());
   System.out.println(host =  + aURL.getHost());
   System.out.println(filename =  + aURL.getFile());
   System.out.println(port =  + aURL.getPort());
   System.out.println(ref =  + aURL.getRef());

and then attempting to access the URL
try {
   URL yahoo = new URL(;);
   URLConnection yahooConnection = yahoo.openConnection();

} catch (MalformedURLException e) { // new URL() failed
   . . .
} catch (IOException e) {   // openConnection() failed
   . . .

- Original Message -
From: Richard Reyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 6:02 AM
Subject: [OT] Validating email addresses

Hi Guys,

I plan to validate email addresses and Domain names entered by users
via those downloadable
javascripts. Any suggestions?

Also if I am to validate these fields do I need to know the valid .com
or .net domains?

Please advise


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Re: problem with indexed property and logic:iterate

2005-06-14 Thread Nitesh

Just passing you a solution I had got from the user list earlier


- Original Message - 
From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

In the struts-config.xml:

   form-bean name=ManageAccountsForm type=application.EditUsersForm
   form-property name=users type=application.UserBean[]


In execute method

   // get collection of users from the database
   Collection users = getUserBeans ();

   // put collection into form as an array for editing
   form.set ( users, users.toArray ( new UserBean[0] ) );

In editUsers.jsp

   logic:iterate id=users name=EditUsersForm property=users
   html:text name=users property=name indexed=true

In the produced HTML:

   input type=text name=users[0].name /

If you need to client side validation, you'll probably need to write your
own JSP to deal with the element above.

As for using validate.xml to validate on the server side. I've never tried
it with arrays, I just iterate over them in the validate (...) method of 

form, like so:

   UserBean users[] = (UserBean[]) form.get ( users );
   for ( int i = 0; i  users.length; i++ ) {
   // check on the attributes of UserBean users[i]

Hope that example clears it up for you.


On 20050603 5:05 AM, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the answer John...

Could you give me an example as to how we pre populate the array?

- Original Message -
From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

For an Array in a DynaForm property, you can either set the size in the
form-property descriptor or, in the case of a session form, pre-populate
Array in your action with the number of elements you desire.

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Re: Prob with html:select id -- Plz help me OUT

2005-06-09 Thread Nitesh


Any specific reason as to why you have to have the id attribute?

- Original Message - 
From: Kade Jeevan Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: Prob with html:select id -- Plz help me OUT

Hi Nitin!

I am using Struts 1.1

Nitin Mandolkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello can I know which struts you are using.

Then and then only I can ans you.


-Original Message-
From: Kade Jeevan Kumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 June 2005 13:28
Subject: Prob with -- Plz help me OUT


i have an html code

i need to convert the above code using struts library. but the problemhere 
is,struts-tld cann't take id attribute. i strictly need to use id. 
Give me the solution for this ASAP. -Thanks in 
AdvanceJeevan -Discover Yahoo! Get 
on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news  more. Check it 
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Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news  more. Check it out! 

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Re: select box with lot of options. Need help.

2005-06-06 Thread Nitesh

Looks like a Javascript problem...
try this script... hope it helps.

 function addMapping(objSourceElement, objTargetElement)

   if (objSourceElement.selectedIndex == -1)
alert(Please select the tasks from the Available Tasks);

var objectsToRemove = new Array();
  objTargetElement.options.length +=1;
  objTargetElement.options[objTargetElement.options.length-1].text = 
  objTargetElement.options[objTargetElement.options.length-1].value = 

  objectsToRemove[objectsToRemove.length] = objSourceElement.options[i];


- Original Message - 
From: senthil Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 11:06 AM
Subject: select box with lot of options. Need help.

Hi all.,

I have a select box with lot of options. I want to add a selected 
options with another select box once click a add button.

Now i can add one by one.But  once i selected more than one options, still 
it is adding one, remaining all are deleted.

I want add to another select box once selected more than one options also.

Any can help me.

Here i am putting my JavaScript code.

Thanks in advance.

html:button property=next styleClass=buttonwidthlarge value=gt;gt 
onclick=addMapping(this.form.taskList, this.form.mappingTask); 

// This function gets called when ADD button clicked
 function addMapping(objSourceElement, objTargetElement)

   if (objSourceElement.selectedIndex == -1)
alert(Please select the tasks from the Available Tasks);

   var aryTempSourceOptions = new Array();
   var x = 0;
   var intTargetLen = objTargetElement.length++;

   //populate the mapping name list box with CSV file column and the 
sample field column
   objTargetElement.options[intTargetLen].text = 
   objTargetElement.options[intTargetLen].value = 

   //This is to recreate the fileheaders list box
   for (var i = 0; i  objSourceElement.length; i++) {
if (!objSourceElement.options[i].selected) {
 var objTempValues = new Object();
 objTempValues.text = objSourceElement.options[i].text;
 objTempValues.value = objSourceElement.options[i].value; 
aryTempSourceOptions[x] = objTempValues;

   objSourceElement.length = aryTempSourceOptions.length;
   for (var i = 0; i  aryTempSourceOptions.length; i++) {
 objSourceElement.options[i].text = aryTempSourceOptions[i].text; 
objSourceElement.options[i].value = aryTempSourceOptions[i].value;

   x = 0;
   aryTempSourceOptions = new Array();
   objSourceElement.selectedIndex = -1;

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Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework (fixed)

2005-06-05 Thread Nitesh

Thanks for all the help John.
I could work it out tweaking on your solution.


- Original Message - 
From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

In the struts-config.xml:

   form-bean name=ManageAccountsForm type=application.EditUsersForm
   form-property name=users type=application.UserBean[]


In execute method

   // get collection of users from the database
   Collection users = getUserBeans ();

   // put collection into form as an array for editing
   form.set ( users, users.toArray ( new UserBean[0] ) );

In editUsers.jsp

   logic:iterate id=users name=EditUsersForm property=users
   html:text name=users property=name indexed=true

In the produced HTML:

   input type=text name=users[0].name /

If you need to client side validation, you'll probably need to write your
own JSP to deal with the element above.

As for using validate.xml to validate on the server side. I've never tried
it with arrays, I just iterate over them in the validate (...) method of 

form, like so:

   UserBean users[] = (UserBean[]) form.get ( users );
   for ( int i = 0; i  users.length; i++ ) {
   // check on the attributes of UserBean users[i]

Hope that example clears it up for you.


On 20050603 5:05 AM, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks for the answer John...

Could you give me an example as to how we pre populate the array?

- Original Message -
From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

For an Array in a DynaForm property, you can either set the size in the
form-property descriptor or, in the case of a session form, pre-populate
Array in your action with the number of elements you desire.

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Problem using validator framework

2005-06-03 Thread Nitesh
I'm trying to use the validator framework. for client and server side 
validations. I'm using Struts 1.1.

I have in my struts-config.xml

  form-bean name=UserListAdmin dynamic=true 
   form-property name=test type=java.lang.String /
 action path=/ModifyUserList type=com.sample.actions.UserListAdminAction 
name=UserListAdmin scope=session
  forward name=failure path=/UserAdmin.jsp/
  forward name=success path=/UserList.jsp /
 plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn
  set-property property=pathnames 

a form which look like...

 public class SampleDynaForm extends DynaValidatorForm

 * Constructor
 public SampleDynaForm()
  System.out.println(initiated a SampleDynaForm);
 public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
  // Reset values are provided as samples only. Change as appropriate.
  System.out.println(reset in SampleDynaForm);
 public ActionErrors validate(
  ActionMapping mapping,
  HttpServletRequest request)
  ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);
  System.out.println(errors after validation:+errors.size());
  if(errors == null)
   errors = new ActionErrors();
  System.out.println(errors returned:+errors.size());
  return errors;

an action class execute method which...

 public ActionForward execute(
  ActionMapping mapping,
  ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {

  ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
  ActionForward forward = new ActionForward();
  DynaActionForm theForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
  // return value

  try {
   String testInput = (String)theForm.get(test);
  } catch (Exception e) {
   // Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
   errors.add(action.error, new ActionError(e.toString()));

  // If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
  // into the request for use by the struts:errors tag.
  for(Iterator iter=errors.get();iter.hasNext();)
   forward = mapping.findForward(success);
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   forward = mapping.findForward(failure);

  // Finish with
  return (forward);



  form name=userListAdmin
   field property=test depends=required
arg0 key=label.test/arg0

JSP page

 html:form action=/ModifyUserList method=post onsubmit=return 
table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0
 tr tdhtml:text property=test //td /tr
 tr tdhtml:submit property=bSubmit //td

I've copied the validation-rules.xml from the one available with the downloaded.

The problem is that it doesn't seem to be validating on server side at all!!! I 
modified the validation-rule.xml javascript to return true always in the 
javascript method so that it gives a prompt and still goes on to submit the 
form. But once the form is submitted, looks like the validator framework 
doesn't do anything!!!

Am I doing something wrong here!!! 

Thanks in advance for any help


Re: Problem using validator framework

2005-06-03 Thread Nitesh

How much careless one can be!!!

The problem was with the form name in validation.xml (userListAdmin instead 
of UserListAdmin)


- Original Message - 

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 12:40 PM
Subject: Problem using validator framework

I'm trying to use the validator framework. for client and server side 
validations. I'm using Struts 1.1.

I have in my struts-config.xml

 form-bean name=UserListAdmin dynamic=true 

  form-property name=test type=java.lang.String /
action path=/ModifyUserList 
type=com.sample.actions.UserListAdminAction name=UserListAdmin 

 forward name=failure path=/UserAdmin.jsp/
 forward name=success path=/UserList.jsp /
plug-in className=org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn
 set-property property=pathnames 


a form which look like...

public class SampleDynaForm extends DynaValidatorForm

* Constructor
public SampleDynaForm()
 System.out.println(initiated a SampleDynaForm);
public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
 // Reset values are provided as samples only. Change as appropriate.
 System.out.println(reset in SampleDynaForm);
public ActionErrors validate(
 ActionMapping mapping,
 HttpServletRequest request)
 ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);
 System.out.println(errors after validation:+errors.size());
 if(errors == null)
  errors = new ActionErrors();
 System.out.println(errors returned:+errors.size());
 return errors;

an action class execute method which...

public ActionForward execute(
 ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception {

 ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 ActionForward forward = new ActionForward();
 DynaActionForm theForm = (DynaActionForm) form;
 // return value

 try {
  String testInput = (String)theForm.get(test);
 } catch (Exception e) {
  // Report the error using the appropriate name and ID.
  errors.add(action.error, new ActionError(e.toString()));

 // If a message is required, save the specified key(s)
 // into the request for use by the struts:errors tag.
 for(Iterator iter=errors.get();iter.hasNext();)
  forward = mapping.findForward(success);
  saveErrors(request, errors);
  forward = mapping.findForward(failure);

 // Finish with
 return (forward);



 form name=userListAdmin
  field property=test depends=required
   arg0 key=label.test/arg0

JSP page

html:form action=/ModifyUserList method=post onsubmit=return 

table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0
tr tdhtml:text property=test //td /tr
tr tdhtml:submit property=bSubmit //td

I've copied the validation-rules.xml from the one available with the downloaded.

The problem is that it doesn't seem to be validating on server side at 
all!!! I modified the validation-rule.xml javascript to return true always 
in the javascript method so that it gives a prompt and still goes on to 
submit the form. But once the form is submitted, looks like the validator 
framework doesn't do anything!!!

Am I doing something wrong here!!!

Thanks in advance for any help


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Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

2005-06-03 Thread Nitesh

Thanks for the answer John...

Could you give me an example as to how we pre populate the array?

- Original Message - 
From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

For an Array in a DynaForm property, you can either set the size in the
form-property descriptor or, in the case of a session form, pre-populate 

Array in your action with the number of elements you desire.

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Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

2005-06-02 Thread Nitesh

I'm trying to use the validator framework with dyna forms.

In the JSP page I have a list of user details being listed for edit.

 logic:iterate name=userList id=userList collection=%= userListCol % 
  tdhtml:text property=userName indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userAddress indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userCountry indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userZipCode indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userEmail indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userPhone indexed=true name=userList //td

I want this part to be validated on submit, and I intend to use validator 
framework with dynaforms.
My Struts config looks like...

  form-bean name=UserListAdmin 
   form-property name=userList type=com.sample.vo.UserDetails[] size=3 /
   form-property name=test type=java.lang.String /

and my validation.xml looks like

  form name=userListAdmin
   field property=test depends=required
arg0 key=label.test/arg0
   field property=userList depends=required indexedListProperty=userName
arg0 key=label.username/arg0
   field property=userList depends=required 
arg0 key=label.address/arg0


The problems I face are:
1. When I try to use ArrayList instead of UserDetails[] for flexibility since I 
cannot predict the no of users in the list, I get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds 
2. The client side validation defined in the validation-rules is not generated 
for the indexed property. (Same page I have a non-indexed property and the 
client side validation is generated for this!)
3. By using UserDetails[], I do get the list in the Action class, but 
validation is not happening! (again problem only for the indexed property. 
works fine for the normal one.

Any help to resolve this would be great!

Thanks in Advance

Nitesh N

Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

2005-06-02 Thread Nitesh

I'm trying to use the validator framework with dyna forms.

In the JSP page I have a list of user details being listed for edit.

 logic:iterate name=userList id=userList collection=%= userListCol % 
  tdhtml:text property=userName indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userAddress indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userCountry indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userZipCode indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userEmail indexed=true name=userList //td
  tdhtml:text property=userPhone indexed=true name=userList //td

I want this part to be validated on submit, and I intend to use validator 
framework with dynaforms.
My Struts config looks like...

  form-bean name=UserListAdmin 
   form-property name=userList type=com.sample.vo.UserDetails[] size=3 /
   form-property name=test type=java.lang.String /

and my validation.xml looks like

  form name=userListAdmin
   field property=test depends=required
arg0 key=label.test/arg0
   field property=userList depends=required indexedListProperty=userName
arg0 key=label.username/arg0
   field property=userList depends=required 
arg0 key=label.address/arg0


The problems I face are:
1. When I try to use ArrayList instead of UserDetails[] for flexibility since I 
cannot predict the no of users in the list, I get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds 
2. The client side validation defined in the validation-rules is not generated 
for the indexed property. (Same page I have a non-indexed property and the 
client side validation is generated for this!)
3. By using UserDetails[], I do get the list in the Action class, but 
validation is not happening! (again problem only for the indexed property. 
works fine for the normal one.

Any help to resolve this would be great!

Thanks in Advance

Nitesh N

Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

2005-06-02 Thread Nitesh


Thank you for the answer.

I tried removing size with the form having session scope and it gave me 

Tried using ArrayList and gives me java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException



- Original Message - 

From: John Fitzpatrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: Problem using indexed properties and validator framework

Looks like you've got a few issues. Let me answer what I can and see if 


On 20050602 7:34 AM, Nitesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm trying to use the validator framework with dyna forms.

In the JSP page I have a list of user details being listed for edit.

logic:iterate name=userList id=userList collection=%= userListCol 

tdhtml:text property=userName indexed=true name=userList //td
tdhtml:text property=userAddress indexed=true name=userList 
tdhtml:text property=userCountry indexed=true name=userList 
tdhtml:text property=userZipCode indexed=true name=userList 
tdhtml:text property=userEmail indexed=true name=userList 
tdhtml:text property=userPhone indexed=true name=userList 


I want this part to be validated on submit, and I intend to use validator
framework with dynaforms.
My Struts config looks like...

form-bean name=UserListAdmin
 form-property name=userList type=com.sample.vo.UserDetails[] 
size=3 /

 form-property name=test type=java.lang.String /

and my validation.xml looks like

form name=userListAdmin
 field property=test depends=required
  arg0 key=label.test/arg0
 field property=userList depends=required 

  arg0 key=label.username/arg0
 field property=userList depends=required
  arg0 key=label.address/arg0


The problems I face are:
1. When I try to use ArrayList instead of UserDetails[] for flexibility 

I cannot predict the no of users in the list, I get ArrayIndexOutOfBounds

If you make your form session scoped, you can drop the size attribute from
the 'userList' form-property. The Array will the size of the array you put
into the form in your Action.

2. The client side validation defined in the validation-rules is not 
for the indexed property. (Same page I have a non-indexed property and 

client side validation is generated for this!)

This may be a situation where you cannot generate automatic client-side
validation and will have to either write it yourself, or just use server
side validation and represent the form if you have an error.

3. By using UserDetails[], I do get the list in the Action class, but
validation is not happening! (again problem only for the indexed 

works fine for the normal one.

In my experience, whenever I deal with Indexed properties, I've had to
create the actual Form class and put the validation into the validate 


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