RE: Validation help: One struts form, multiple actions

2006-05-08 Thread Quinn Stone
Your form name in validation.xml should be InputDataForm (no leading slash),
not /ClientA.

 -Original Message-
 From: Chaudhary, Harsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 1:16 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Validation help: One struts form, multiple actions
 I am having some trouble with struts validation. Here's the case:
 I have multiple actions corresponding to multiple pages.
 I have only one struts form for all these actions.
 I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to set up my
 validation. I am using ValidatorActionForm for my struts 
 form. My action
 class extends from Action.
 Here's a snippet of my struts-config.xml:
   action path=/ClientA 
   action path=/ClientB //This is diff
 from /ClientA type
 Snippet from my validation.xml:
 form name=/ClientA
   field property=clientaFirstName depends=required,mask
 msg key=lnra.clienta.clientaFirstName name=required/
 msg name=mask
 I thought this should be straight forward, i.e., associate your
 validation formName to actions and set validate to true in
 struts-config.xml. But, its blowing out. Any ideas?
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RE: Validation help: One struts form, multiple actions

2006-05-08 Thread Quinn Stone
My bad. Missed that. How is it blowing out?


 -Original Message-
 From: Chaudhary, Harsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 1:27 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Validation help: One struts form, multiple actions
 I intentionally used /ClientA for my form name as I said, I have one
 struts form but multiple actions using that same form. So while
 validating, I want to validate only the fields associated with a
 particular action e.g. for ClientA action, I want to validate only
 fields for ClientA and same for ClientB i.e. I want to validate only
 Client B fields for ClientB action. All the fields are using the same
 struts form.
 That is why I am using a ValidatorActionForm instead of a 
 -Original Message-
 From: Quinn Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 3:26 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: Validation help: One struts form, multiple actions
 Your form name in validation.xml should be InputDataForm (no leading
 not /ClientA.
  -Original Message-
  From: Chaudhary, Harsh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 1:16 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Validation help: One struts form, multiple actions
  I am having some trouble with struts validation. Here's the case:
  I have multiple actions corresponding to multiple pages.
  I have only one struts form for all these actions.
  I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to set up my
  validation. I am using ValidatorActionForm for my struts 
  form. My action
  class extends from Action.
  Here's a snippet of my struts-config.xml:
  action path=/ClientA 
  action path=/ClientB 
 //This is diff
  from /ClientA type
  Snippet from my validation.xml:
  form name=/ClientA
field property=clientaFirstName depends=required,mask
  msg key=lnra.clienta.clientaFirstName name=required/
  msg name=mask
  I thought this should be straight forward, i.e., associate your
  validation formName to actions and set validate to true in
  struts-config.xml. But, its blowing out. Any ideas?
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RE: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-07 Thread Quinn Stone
You can use the flow:


All of the POPULATE actions have validate=false in the config. So, if
validation fails after JSP2 is submitted, it forwards to POPULATE2 (ACTION2 has
input=POPULATE2 set), which won't try to validate. It makes for more (2x!)
actions, but also groups actions logically. POPULATE2 gets things ready for
JSP2, and ACTION2 does something with the form from JSP2, and doesn't care about
JSP3 at all. That way, you can move the xxx2 page somewhere else, and just have
to change the mapping in the config (assuming they're not named 1, 2, 3, that
could get a little confusing).

Not sure you'd want to change things at this point, but that's one way to
approach the problem.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jakub Milkiewicz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 2:14 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: page validation in wizzard app
 Hi Richard.
 I can't because of autovalidation. Remember that all my 
 action have the same
 actionForm which is storred in session.
 If validation fails i am forwarded to previous action but 
 this action is not
 even executed cause before this previous action can be 
 invoked validation
 process occurs. Page parameter isn't changed and validation 
 process fails
 If validation fails i do not enter any action's execute() method.
 2006/5/7, Richard Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Why can't you reset the page attribute to the appropriate 
 value in your
  Action classes when validation fails.
  Richard Yee wrote:
   I think the more elegant solution is to do the validations in the
   ActionForm validate method and also use a hidden static  'page'
   variable in the JSP. Your Action.execute method should be 
 fairly small
   and mainly have code that calls business delegates and 
 that necessary
   for determining where to forward to.
   Jakub Milkiewicz wrote:
   I have a wizzard application with 5 screens. All user inputs are
   in one bean, which is named: viewBean and is stored in 
 HTTP session.
   So each action has the same formBean - viewBean.
   I use commons-validator and viewBean properties to validate are
   present in
   validation.xml with page attributes.
   ViewBean extends ValidatorForm and it's validation occurs
   automatically - i
   have validation set to true for all ACTIONS.
   The structure of my app is:
   Populate view  - jsp -populate view -jsp -populate 
 view - jsp ...
   Population of view happens in ACTION class and can consists of
   some data from DB, sets these data in HTTP request.
   After population process i forward to appropriate jsp to 
 give user a
   to fill the form and to present population process results as for
   options in html:select.
   If form is correct i go to another action which populate 
 view for a
   screen (jsp).
   If form is not filled correctly i need to show it again, 
 but i can not
   forward to jsp - i need to forward to action that 
 prepares the form -
   why i have my input parameter of action tag set to action which
   the view - previous action.
   I have a problem with page attribute. Please take a look at the
   sample of
   processing in my app:
   ACTION1 - JSP1 -ACTION2 - JSP2  -Action3 -JSP3 ...
   Let's assume that user submits form in JSP2 to action3. After
   bean population, page property is set to 2. Next, 
 validation fails in
   Action3 and input parameter of action3 forwards user 
 to ACTION2.
   Before execute method in Action2 is invoked, ActionForm 
   validation occurs. The page attribute is still set to 2 ! and
   commons-validator tries to validate properties that has page
   attribute set
   to 2.Obviously validation fails and control is forwarded 
 to Action1.
   also has validation set to true and validation of 
 ActionForm occurs
   with page =2.
   Validation fails and control is forwarded to ...
   Does anyone have any idea to solve the problem.
   My idea is to not to use hidden page parameter in each 
 jsp action but
   page property of viewBean in each Action: for ACTION2 sets it to
  2,  for
   Action3 sets it to 3 ...
   and to override validate method in viewBean:
   public ActionErrors validate(
  ActionMapping mapping,
  HttpServletRequest request) {
  ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping,request);
  if(errors != null  errors.size()  0 )
  return errors;
   Maybe someone knows more elegant solution, or maybe 
 architecture of
   my app
   isn't valid.
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Validwhen and whitespace

2006-05-05 Thread Quinn Stone
Struts 1.2.9, Validator 1.2.0.

If I used the required validation, when the user enters whitespace in a form
field, the validation fails. However, when using validwhen it seems that
whitespace is accepted. 

In the validation I'm using (below), if the user leaves lastName empty, an error
is generated. However, if the user enters whitespace, the validation passes. 

Is this expected behavior? I would expect validwhen to trim, but it doesn't
seem to.

Here's the validation. I'm trying to ensure that lastName is entered if any of
the other parent info is entered:

!-- Validate second (optional) parent --
field property=parent[1].lastName depends=validwhen,maxlength,mask
arg key=labels.lastName/
arg key=labels.firstName/
arg key=Parent 2 resource=false/
msg name=validwhen key=errors.secondParent/
var-value(parent[1].firstName == null) and (parent[1].phoneData ==
false)) and (parent[1].email == null)) and (parent[1].preferredName == null))
or (*this* != null))/var-value
arg name=maxlength key=${var:maxlength} resource=false/
msg name=mask key=errors.nameMask/

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RE: Servlet Filter?

2006-04-10 Thread Quinn Stone
Frank, thanks for the link to javawebparts. The source code there helped me a
great deal.

Dakota, thanks for that very detailed explanation of creating my own dispatcher,
but I chose to use a filter for now. I'm just not ready to go change the buttons
and existing actions at the moment. I'll look at the code you provided and maybe
if I get ahead of timeline (yah, right) I'll make the move.

So, I'm the big ding bat. I totally whiffed on the what are you going to map
to comment made by Frank because I was under the impression that you could
define url-mappings with something like /Enroll*.do. I decided to just do a
path.startswith(/Enroll) to determine whether to make the check for the
session bean. It seems to be working. I started out with configurable paths and
ignorelists, but then thought you know what, this is a very specialized filter,
I don't want someone to fiddle with configuration parms without thinking about

My next question is whether there's a mechanism by which I can stick an
ActionError in the request so that the error page can display a message to the
user using the familiar Struts html:messages tag.

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 10:03 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Servlet Filter?
 Yeah, that's all reasonable.  Well, back to the filter then :)
 One thing you may want to do is have a look at the filters in 
 Java Web 
 Parts (  We have them all 
 implemented with some added flexibility in mapping to paths.  
 At least 
 that way you can only fire it when really appropriate... well... in 
 reality, it's *still* firing, but hopefully doing a lot less 
 work than 
 it might otherwise need to.  You can rip off the code for that extra 
 ability (it's in the FilterHelpers class).
 Then again, I may be micro-optimizing here... maybe for what 
 your filter 
 is doing it won't be that heavyweight anyway.  Sounds like 
 that may be 
 the case.  So, even if you mapped it to *.do for instance, it 
 might not 
 really be a problem.
 Quinn Stone wrote:
  OK. I contemplated creating a base class, but didn't like 
 the idea of having to
  create a basically empty Action class for Actions that use 
 ActionForward to
  forward to a jsp for display without calling an Action. 
 And, frankly, thought it
  would be more complex to go learn the order of method calls of
  LookupDispatchAction to figure out what to override and 
 when and how I return
  without bypassing some necessary processing. Sometimes I 
 like the easy way out
  (as long as it's not crappy).
  -Original Message-
  From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 8:24 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: Servlet Filter?
  Hi Quinn,
  Quinn Stone wrote:
  1. Does the Servlet filter seem a good solution?
  Yes, but not quite as described, and ironically its because of the 
  answer to #2 :)
  2. If I throw an EnrollmentDingBat exception from said 
 Servlet Filter, will a
  handler defined in global-exceptions catch it? My 
 suspicion is that the
  might executing too early, before struts mechanics cut in.
  No, it won't.  As you suspect, the filter fires before 
 Struts gets involved.
  However, what you *can* do, is simply forward somewhere 
 from the filter. 
It could be straight to a JSP, or it could be to an 
 Action mapping, 
  whatever is appropriate.
  I think using a filter is generally a decent idea, but one thing to 
  consider: what are you going to map it to?  It sounds like 
 you have many 
  possible URLs that you would need to check, hence the 
 reason for wanting 
  some central checkpoint in the first place.  The problem is, the 
  filter is of course going to fire for *any* mapped request 
  indiscriminately.  While filters, unless poorly written, 
 tend to not add 
  a horrible amount of overhead, you may not want to add any 
 at all where 
  it isn't necessary.  So, onto #3...
  No, three questions:
  3. Any better ideas?
  I would probably do it instead with a custom Action base 
 class that your 
  other Actions extend from.  Then, only extend from it those Actions 
  where this check is needed.  I mean, if you determine its 
 needed for all 
  of them, or nearly all of them, then I'd probably go with 
 the filter. 
  If you can narrow it down to just a handful though, the custom base 
  Action might be a better answer.
 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies
 AIM: fzammetti
 Yahoo: fzammetti
 Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!
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RE: Validator rule question

2006-04-09 Thread Quinn Stone
Oh. I guess you're right. Maybe you'll have to write your own validator plugin?
Or check the date in the action?


-Original Message-
From: Rivka Shisman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 11:02 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Validator rule question

Hi Quinn,

As much as I understand the validwhen is more like an enhanced
requiredif, but I need that the date rule on my property be checked
only when my other property has value X. I don't think the validwhen
can solve this.

Am I right?


-Original Message-
From: Quinn Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 8:06 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Validator rule question

Rivka, look into the validwhen validation. I think that should do the

-Original Message-
From: Rivka Shisman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 9:24 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Validator rule question

Hello Friends,


I have a DynaValidatorForm in which there 2 String properties: action
and student_birth_date.

I have a date validation like this:



property= student_birth_date


arg key=Student birth date resource=false

arg key=MM/YY resource=false position=1/








I need that the validation above to depend on the value of the action
property in the Form (i.e. if action equals create or update then do
the validation, else ignore it)


How can I do that?




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RE: Validator rule question

2006-04-08 Thread Quinn Stone
Rivka, look into the validwhen validation. I think that should do the trick.

-Original Message-
From: Rivka Shisman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 9:24 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Validator rule question

Hello Friends,


I have a DynaValidatorForm in which there 2 String properties: action
and student_birth_date.

I have a date validation like this:



property= student_birth_date


arg key=Student birth date resource=false

arg key=MM/YY resource=false position=1/








I need that the validation above to depend on the value of the action
property in the Form (i.e. if action equals create or update then do
the validation, else ignore it)


How can I do that?




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Servlet Filter?

2006-04-07 Thread Quinn Stone
I have a wizard-type flow for an enrollment process. I use a session scoped
EnrollmentBean to store the form-beans as they are gathered through the process.
If the user cancels the enrollment anywhere along the way, I remove the
EnrollmentBean from the session and forward to a Your enrollment has been
cancelled page.

If, after canceling, the pesky user uses history or the back button and tries to
keep going with their cancelled enrollment, we have an obvious problem. I was
starting off with the idea of simply checking for the EnrollmentBean in my
actions, and if it's gone, forwarding to a You ding-bat, you are trying to
finish off a cancelled enrollment page. It seemed like it was going to work,
even though I hated having the EnrollmentBean check code in a bunch of
different places. Well, the whole thing fell apart when it came to Actions that
were just ForwardActions:


Nowhere to intercept execution (that I know of) before the jsp tries to use the
EnrollmentBean. Rats.

Now I'm contemplating using a Servlet Filter (never tried that before) to check
for the EnrollmentBean in the session for all my Enroll*.do paths, and throw my
own EnrollmentDingBat exception if there's no Enrollment Bean. Then use a
global-exception to handle it.

Two questions to those of you who know more than I do (this is my first Struts

1. Does the Servlet filter seem a good solution?
2. If I throw an EnrollmentDingBat exception from said Servlet Filter, will a
handler defined in global-exceptions catch it? My suspicion is that the filter
might executing too early, before struts mechanics cut in.

No, three questions:

3. Any better ideas?


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RE: Servlet Filter?

2006-04-07 Thread Quinn Stone
OK. I contemplated creating a base class, but didn't like the idea of having to
create a basically empty Action class for Actions that use ActionForward to
forward to a jsp for display without calling an Action. And, frankly, thought it
would be more complex to go learn the order of method calls of
LookupDispatchAction to figure out what to override and when and how I return
without bypassing some necessary processing. Sometimes I like the easy way out
(as long as it's not crappy).


-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 8:24 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Servlet Filter?

Hi Quinn,

Quinn Stone wrote:
 1. Does the Servlet filter seem a good solution?

Yes, but not quite as described, and ironically its because of the 
answer to #2 :)

 2. If I throw an EnrollmentDingBat exception from said Servlet Filter, will a
 handler defined in global-exceptions catch it? My suspicion is that the
 might executing too early, before struts mechanics cut in.

No, it won't.  As you suspect, the filter fires before Struts gets involved.

However, what you *can* do, is simply forward somewhere from the filter. 
  It could be straight to a JSP, or it could be to an Action mapping, 
whatever is appropriate.

I think using a filter is generally a decent idea, but one thing to 
consider: what are you going to map it to?  It sounds like you have many 
possible URLs that you would need to check, hence the reason for wanting 
some central checkpoint in the first place.  The problem is, the 
filter is of course going to fire for *any* mapped request 
indiscriminately.  While filters, unless poorly written, tend to not add 
a horrible amount of overhead, you may not want to add any at all where 
it isn't necessary.  So, onto #3...

 No, three questions:
 3. Any better ideas?

I would probably do it instead with a custom Action base class that your 
other Actions extend from.  Then, only extend from it those Actions 
where this check is needed.  I mean, if you determine its needed for all 
of them, or nearly all of them, then I'd probably go with the filter. 
If you can narrow it down to just a handful though, the custom base 
Action might be a better answer.



Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti
Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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RE: Tomcat SSL Enabled - Popup information on pages : Contains se cure and non secure items

2006-03-31 Thread Quinn Stone

Did you check for references to other resources, not just links? I think that
if you have images, external javascript, stylesheets, etc. that are referenced
with http you'll get that message.


-Original Message-
From: vijay venkataraman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 9:57 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Tomcat SSL Enabled - Popup information on pages : Contains se cure
and non secure items

Richard thanks for information. This happens only with IE. There is no 
content in the page, which refers to a http request. Pages come fine 
with Firefox and Mozilla. I understand that the server will be strained, 
if i use https for all the pages.

-Vijay Venkataraman

Yee, Richard K CTR DMDC wrote:

The behavior you describe is a feature of the browser. You cannot prevent
the browser from displaying it when there are non-secure links when viewing
a secure page. One think you could do is make everything https, but then
your server may be strained by the extra use of https.


-Original Message-
From: vijay venkataraman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 6:42 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Tomcat SSL Enabled - Popup information on pages : Contains secure
and non secure items

I just enabled SSL  in  Tomcat Server 5.5.9 for my application. When i 
fetch a page i get a popup with message
This page contains both secure and non secure items. Do you want to 
display the non secure items.

When i did a view source on the page, there is a flash component which 
points to http url of macro media site, but when i click on a different 
link in the page which has no reference to the protocol (http or https) 
that navigates to another page, again i get the popup message. When i 
did a view source, i don't see any reference to http or there is no url 
in the page which starts with http/https. Can anyone let me know how to 
fix this or show me some leads to this problem.

Using Struts 1.2.4 and viewing on IE 6.0.2800.1106 + with latest patches.

Vijay Venkataraman

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I apologize for maintaining human standards

2006-03-27 Thread Quinn Stone
Larry Meadors, Rick Reumann, recently departed Jester Moose. Thank you.
Jonathon Revusky, Dakota Jack, James Mitchell, and anyone else who has really
got their knickers in a knot over these threads. C'mon. I'm tired of reading
this stuff. My problem is I don't know how to dev/null a thread, I guess. Or
even what it means.
I think maybe we should have user for users, dev for developers, and a new
ego for those that want to have pissing contests. Speaking of saturation...

Re-use field validations?

2005-08-26 Thread Quinn Stone
Is there any way to define the validation for a common form field once in
validation.xml and re-use the validation in other form blocks?

This would allow validation.xml to be updated in one place rather than many
places, if validation requirements change for a field that is used on many
forms. It would also help ensure that I (or others) won't accidentally
incorrectly code different validations for the same field on different forms.
The benefits will compound if I start writing custom validation routines.

I am new to Struts, and this is my first project using it, so I hope I'm not
missing something obvious.

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