Hi !!

am newbie to struts taglib, my requirement is want display the values from
DB in which there many fields includes date,resource_name, time and
etc...... Based on these 3 criteria i want display in table.

i am getting the values from DB with request scope... and am iterating using
<logic:iterate> taglib, through this tag i can able to display the values
one by one for eache and every row am putting a line to separate...

when come to my requirement based on the date , resource name and time i
want display in one row. for example ,


Date               ResourceName Time

14-12-10             XXX              09:00
                         YYY              01:00
                        ZZ                   05:00


15-12-10           AAA               04:00
                      BBB                 01:00
                       CC                     05:00

Like above want display in jsp......

but am using <logic:iterate> tagalib ,


Date             ResourceName Time

14-12-10             XXX           09:00
14-12-10             XXX             05:00
14-12-10               YYY           01:00
14-12-10            YYYY        02:00
14-12-10             ZZ              05:00


15-12-10             AAA       04:00
15-12-10              BBB           01:00

Like this am getting in jsp ...... and my jsp code is below ,


<logic:iterate id="item" name="list" type="com.bean.AppoinmentInformation"
    <div class="agenda_date"><bean:write name="item"  property="startDate"
    <div class="agenda_content_container">

    <div class="agenda_content_list">
    <ul class="agenda_content">

    <li class="agenda_schedule_name">
        <div><bean:write name="item"  property="rsc_name"/> </div>
        <li class="appointment_schedule_info">
            <table class="schedule_list" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    <td width="5%">
                    <div class=<bean:write name="item"  property="status"
                    <td width="18%"><bean:write name="item"  property=
"app_st_hr"/>  - <bean:write name="item"  property="app_end_hr"/>
                    <td width="77%">-------<bean:write name="item"
  property="service_name"/>  *** <bean:write name="item"  property=
                    ( <bean:write name="item"  property="ctitle_add"
/>  )</td>

    waiting for ur reply........

So i want break the condition and i want to compare two list date and
resource name.....

how to achieve this in <logic:iterate> or want to use another tag...........

suggest me plz ......

thanks in advance............


Thanks & Regards,


my skype : thangavel.nathan
gtalk : lthangavel

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