If you are using struts, why go back to a .jsp page? You should be going
back to a .do page.

Since the .do is a struts action it will be able to get to your jsp page.

"Todd Bryant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I have need for every page in my web app to be secure. What I originally
> was extend the Action class to make a secure action class. The
> SecureAction's perform method validates that the user is logged in and if
> not, sends them to the login page. All actions in my app extend
> SecureAction. To protect my jsp's, I put them in a subfolder of WEB-INF,
> WEB-INF/jsp. This way a user cannot directly access any jsp. They can only
> be accessed through a forward in an action. This completely secures all
> resources in my application.
> This is where I run into a problem. If I use the validate() method of the
> formbean and it returns a non-empty ActionErrors object, then the request
> diverted to resource that is set as the "input", in this case a jsp.
> of this, if a user were to put in some bogus field values in the url, she
> would be able to cause the formbean to no validate and get the jsp to
> display, bypassing the secure action. I can secure each jsp, but this is
> redundant if I have them in the WEB-INF folder in the first place. I would
> rather avoid this "fix".
> I know that overriding the default action class is a common way to secure
> your app as I have read about it more than one place, however, I have
> seen this problem addressed. Has anyone else ran across this problem
> and come up with a solution? Thanks in advance.
> Todd Bryant
> Programmer/Analyst
> University of Nebraska Foundation
> 402-472-0107

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