Spring + Tiles not working

2007-12-19 Thread Todd Prickett
I'm trying to wire tiles (from Struts 1.3 jars) into Spring 2.0.7 and Spring 
Web Flow 1.0.5.In doing so, I'm receiving the error: No Tiles definition found 
for name '/WEB-INF/jsp/defs/loginForm.jsp'My tiles-defs.xml looks 
like:definition id=template name=template 
controllerClass=org.apache.struts.tiles.actions.T ilesAction put 
name=heading value=/WEB-INF/jsp/fragments/heading.jspf/put name=header 
value=/WEB-INF/jsp/fragments/header.jspf/put name=nav 
value=/WEB-INF/jsp/fragments/nav.jspf/put name=content 
value=/WEB-INF/jsp/fragments/empty.jspf/put name=footer 
value=/WEB-INF/jsp/fragments/footer.jspf//definitionMy servlet-config.xml 
looks like:bean id=viewResolver 
alResourceViewResolverproperty name=order value=10/property 
name=requestContextAttribute value=requestContext/property 
name=viewClass value=eyemed.web.spring.tiles.CustomTilesJstlView 
/property name=prefix value=/WEB-INF/jsp/defs/ /property name=suffix 
value=.jsp //beanbean id=tilesConfigurer 
class=org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles. TilesConfigurerproperty 
name=factoryClass value=org.apache.struts.tiles.xmlDefinition.I18nF 
 flow I'm executing is:view-state id=login 
view=loginFormentry-actionsaction bean=loginAction 
method=setupForm//entry-actionstransition on=submit 
to=landingPageaction bean=loginAction 
 looks like:tiles:insert beanName=template beanScope=application tiles: 
put name=title value=Place your Order /tiles: put name=body 
value=/WEB-INF/jsp/fragments/loginForm.jspf //tiles:insertCan anyone 
please help me? I'm at wit's end. (note: there are spaces showing in the code 
above that don't really exist in my source code. They are either CR/LF's or I 
had to add them to avoid having the edit convert them to smilies)TIA
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FW: Tiles (Struts 1.3) standalone not working

2007-11-30 Thread Todd Prickett

Hi all,
I'm trying to implement Tiles ( from Struts 1.3 ) into a web that is NOT using 
Struts.  I've found and followed instruction on doing this and the docs I've 
found don't seem to work.  The latest docs I've been able to find to do this, 
BTW, are for 1.1.
The problem I'm having is that tiles isn't finding my tiles-defs.xml file.  At 
least that is what I assume this error means:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context. at 
 Source) at 
 Source) at org.apache.struts.tiles.taglib.InsertTag.doStartTag()I(Unknown 
How do I configure my app to see the tiles-defs.xml?  I've tried each of the 
following entries (the one currently uncommented and the one that is currently 
commented) in my web.xml file:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 
2.3//EN http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd;web-app
!-- Uncommented and tried - did not work - TilesServlet doesn't exist in 
any of the Struts jars --!-- servletservlet-nameTiles 
load-on-startup2/load-on-startup/servlet --
Note:  Using the servlet definition ( Tiles Servlet ) failed because 
TilesServlet doesn't seem to be exist since Struts 1.1.
Can anyone please point me in the correct direction?  TIA
Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live.

Re:Tiles (Struts 1.3) standalone not working

2007-11-30 Thread Todd Prickett
--Forwarded Message Attachment--Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 20:44:02 +0100From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: FW: Tiles (Struts 1.3) standalone not 
working2007/11/30, Todd Prickett [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I'm trying to implement 
Tiles ( from Struts 1.3 ) into a web that is NOT using Struts Can 
anyone please point me in the correct direction? Yes, Tiles 
2:http://tiles.apache.org/ CiaoAntonioThanks for the reply.  Unfortunately, 
our company is using Struts/Tiles 1.3, not Tiles 2.0, so that is not an option.
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