Create Text Box Dynamically

2010-10-09 Thread vinodh r
I want to create 'n' text box dynamically, the 'n' should comes from database 
Whether 'n' should be 3 or 4 or 12 it will be vary dynamically and decided by 
the end user.

Is it possible to create 'n' text Box dynamically or at run time with struts2, 
Also how text box can be accessed because i don't know the name! suppose I want 
to access a specific text box?



I cant load Select Box dynamically

2010-08-27 Thread vinodh r
Hi, Thanks for reply Mr.Michal Ciasnocha... I cant understand i need some 
explanation, i don't know how to set in a attribute. 
Also I can't copy the result returned from  Data_Conn.load_country() to 
another list or array list. only chance is to use  Data_Conn.load_country() 
as a original.
if you know please do some modification on action page and paste as reply. 
Thanks in advance.
Vinodh .R--- On Fri, 8/27/10, Michal Ciasnocha wrote:

From: Michal Ciasnocha
Subject: Re: I cant load Select Box dynamically
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Date: Friday, August 27, 2010, 3:14 AM


in class CountryAction you need assign retreived values from database to 
countryList attribute, not list (you have in jsp ... list=countryList 

vinodh r wrote on 27.8.2010 7:04:
 Hi,I cant load Select box dynamically. I am new to struts2, but i can do it 
 statically in action page so that it will refelect in jsp page. But what i 
 have to do modification in action page so that i get display in jsp page i 
 loaded array list dynamically from database. Thanks in advance.

 Here is the action
 //CountryAction .javapackage com.pac.struts.action;import 
 java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.ArrayList;
 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;import 
 com.pac.struts.DataConn.Data_Conn;import com.pac.struts.model.Country;public 
 class CountryAction extends ActionSupport{    private static final long 
 serialVersionUID = 1L;    private String country;    private 
 ArrayListCountry  countryList;    public ArrayList list;    public String 
 populate() throws Exception{        list = Data_Conn.load_country();        
 return populate;    }    public String execute(){        return SUCCESS;    
 }    public String getCountry(){        return country;    }    public void 
 setCountry(String country){ = country;    }    public 
 ArrayListCountry  getCountryList(){        return countryList;    }    
 public void setCountryList(ArrayListCountry  countryList){        
 this.countryList = countryList;    }}

 /**/package com.pac.struts.DataConn;
 import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import 
 java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import 
 java.sql.Statement;import java.util.ArrayList;
 import com.pac.struts.model.Country;
 public class Data_Conn {    static Connection con;    static Statement st;
     static ResultSet rs;    public static void connection_1() throws 
 ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{        
 Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver);        con = 
      st = con.createStatement();        System.out.println(Open Connection 
 Initiated);    }    public static void close_1() throws SQLException{    
     st.close();        con.close();        System.out.println(Close 
 Connection Initiated);    }        public static ArrayListCountry  
 load_country() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {        
 connection_1();        rs = st.executeQuery(select * from 
 test.country_tbl);        ArrayListCountry  countryList = null;    
     while({            countryList = new ArrayListCountry();      
       countryList.add(new Country(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)));        
 }        close_1();        System.out.println(List Operation Completed);    
     return countryList;    }            
 /****/package com.pac.struts.model;
 public class Country {    private int countryId;    private String 
 countryName;        public Country(int countryId, String countryName){        
 this.countryId = countryId;        this.countryName = countryName;    }

     public int getCountryId() {        return countryId;    }
     public void setCountryId(int countryId) {        this.countryId = 
 countryId;    }
     public String getCountryName() {        return countryName;    }
     public void setCountryName(String countryName) {        this.countryName 
 = countryName;    }    

 /*countryworld.jsp**/s:form action=CountryActs:select name=country 
 list=countryList listKey=countryId listValue=countryName headerKey=0 
 headerValue=Country label=Select a country //s:form


I cant load Select Box dynamically

2010-08-26 Thread vinodh r
Hi,I cant load Select box dynamically. I am new to struts2, but i can do it 
statically in action page so that it will refelect in jsp page. But what i have 
to do modification in action page so that i get display in jsp page i loaded 
array list dynamically from database. Thanks in advance.

Here is the action
//CountryAction .javapackage com.pac.struts.action;import 
java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;import 
com.pac.struts.DataConn.Data_Conn;import com.pac.struts.model.Country;public 
class CountryAction extends ActionSupport{ private static final long 
serialVersionUID = 1L;private String country; private 
ArrayListCountry countryList; public ArrayList list;  public String 
populate() throws Exception{  list = Data_Conn.load_country();  
  return populate;  }   public String execute(){  
  return SUCCESS; }   public String getCountry(){ return 
country; }   public void setCountry(String country){ = 
country; }   public ArrayListCountry getCountryList(){ return 
countryList; }   public void setCountryList(ArrayListCountry 
countryList){ this.countryList = countryList; }}

/**/package com.pac.struts.DataConn;
import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import 
java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import 
java.sql.Statement;import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.pac.struts.model.Country;
public class Data_Conn {static Connection con;  static Statement st;
static ResultSet rs;public static void connection_1() throws 
ClassNotFoundException, SQLException{  
Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver); con = 
  st = con.createStatement(); System.out.println(Open 
Connection Initiated);}   public static void close_1() throws 
st.close(); con.close();
System.out.println(Close Connection Initiated);   }   public 
static ArrayListCountry load_country() throws ClassNotFoundException, 
SQLException {   connection_1(); rs = st.executeQuery(select * 
from test.country_tbl); ArrayListCountry countryList = null;  
while({   countryList = new 
ArrayListCountry(); countryList.add(new Country(rs.getInt(1), 
rs.getString(2)));}   close_1();  
System.out.println(List Operation Completed); return countryList; 
/****/package com.pac.struts.model;
public class Country {  private int countryId;  private String countryName; 
public Country(int countryId, String countryName){  
this.countryId = countryId; this.countryName = countryName; }

public int getCountryId() { return countryId;   }
public void setCountryId(int countryId) {   this.countryId 
= countryId; }
public String getCountryName() {return countryName; 
public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
this.countryName = countryName; }   

/*countryworld.jsp**/s:form action=CountryActs:select name=country 
list=countryList listKey=countryId listValue=countryName headerKey=0 
headerValue=Country label=Select a country //s:form