
I am able  to use datetimepicker for time field. But the selection is the 
problem. If I want to select 10:45 PM - I have to click the picker icon three 
times to select 10 then 45 then PM. Does anybody know how to make this user 
friendly - I mean the selection popup screen does not disappear after first 
selection and force to select hours and minutes. 

The code, if needed. 

< s:datetimepicker type = "time" name = "time" label = "Time" toggleType = 
"fade" toggleDuration = "300" > </ s:datetimepicker > s:datetimepicker type = 
"time" name = "time" label = "Time" toggleType = "fade" toggleDuration = "300" 
> </ s:datetimepicker > Any help will be appreciated. I guess this could be a 
common problem. Any work arounds??????? 



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