AW: AW: AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-19 Thread Marc Ende
Hi Adam,

> OK, I think I might have seen problem too, but at this time, 
> I am deploying my struts webapp war as a war file by copying 
> it into the deploy directory and it causes no problem but 
> redeploys nicely.

Now I'm deploying the webapp as a .war-file not as an exploded war anymore.
So I'm not running into any trouble with the locked struts.jar. The jar is
now located in the temporary directory and no real problem anymore.

> What version of JBoss are you using?

It's 4.0.2. But I don't think thats really a problem of
the jboss version. I've got this problem several times


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Re: AW: AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-19 Thread Adam Hardy

Marc Ende on 17/09/05 18:20, wrote:

Hi Adam,

hmmm... I always had this problem with the struts.jar. So I decided
to put the jar in the shared lib. The .war I do deploy is an
application wich have connections to an existing ejb on the same
server but there are no ejb's inside this project. There is only an 
webapp.war and an webapp.jar (which includes the relevant ejb's). And

these both archives are not packed in an .ear.

Now I'm deploying the war as an packed, not exploded, archive. This
way is no problem because the war is packed in an temporary location
and this changes from deployment to deployment. On undeployment the
jboss failes to delete the previous directory (in cause of a locked
struts.jar) but this is no real problem.

OK, I think I might have seen problem too, but at this time, I am 
deploying my struts webapp war as a war file by copying it into the 
deploy directory and it causes no problem but redeploys nicely.

What version of JBoss are you using?

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AW: AW: struts on jboss

2005-09-17 Thread Marc Ende
Hi Adam,

hmmm... I always had this problem with the struts.jar. So I decided to
put the jar in the shared lib.
The .war I do deploy is an application wich have connections to an existing
on the same server but there are no ejb's inside this project. There is only
webapp.war and an webapp.jar (which includes the relevant ejb's). And these
archives are not packed in an .ear.

Now I'm deploying the war as an packed, not exploded, archive. This way 
is no problem because the war is packed in an temporary location and this
from deployment to deployment. On undeployment the jboss failes to delete
the previous directory (in cause of a locked struts.jar) but this is no real


> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Adam Hardy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Gesendet: Samstag, 17. September 2005 18:56
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: Re: AW: struts on jboss
> Marc,
> I've never had that problem with JBoss locking up the 
> struts.jar. If it just a webapp with no EJB, then basically 
> you are just using tomcat and I can't see what would make it 
> lock the jars.
> Did you remove the struts.jar from the shared lib dir?
> Marc Ende on 16/09/05 18:49, wrote:
> > Okay... I've removed the struts.jar (and the other related jars of
> > struts) from the shared folder and put it in the proposed 
> WEB-INF/lib 
> > folder.
> > 
> > Great I've got no trouble with the DynaActionForm! Now I have to 
> > restart the jboss everytime I redeploy. The server does a 
> lock on the 
> > struts.jar so I couldn't redeploy without stopping the server. The 
> > error will never come back this way :)
> > 
> > Not really the way I liked but very consequent... :(

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