Hey guys; I have a really annoying problem that I've killed far too much
time on- I was hoping someone might have some additional insight. I
created a page that uses a <logic:iterate> to populate a table with an
ArrayList of Beans. This works beautifully on first view, but subsequent
page views and refreshes do not reflect updates in the ArrayList that
should be populating the table (i.e. if I delete an item from this
ArrayList and refresh, the item still appears in the table; likewise if
I add something). If I redeploy my war and refresh, the table again
renders properly. I'm serving with JBoss 3.2.x; is it possible that
JBoss could be caching the page and not rerendering the html/javascript
from my tags intentionally? If so, is there a way to turn this off?
Thanks. Here's a code snippet from my page:



/*------------------------------------------------- */



                    <logic:iterate name="TradeHistorySummaryForm"
id="schedule_array" property="MSchedules">

                        <logic:present name="schedule_array">

                            <bean:define id="MName"
name="schedule_array" property="MName" />

                            <bean:define id="MConfigurations"
name="schedule_array" property="MConfigurations" />

                            <bean:define id="MInitialStartDate"
name="schedule_array" property="MInitialStartDate" />

                            <bean:define id="MSchedulablePeriod"
name="schedule_array" property="MSchedulablePeriod" />

                            <bean:define id="MStartAtStartup"
name="schedule_array" property="MStartAtStartup" />

                            <bean:define id="MInitialRepetitions"
name="schedule_array" property="MInitialRepetitions" />



                                    <bean:write name="MName" />



                                    <bean:write name="MConfigurations"



                                    <bean:write name="MInitialStartDate"



name="MSchedulablePeriod" />



                                    <bean:write name="MStartAtStartup"



name="MInitialRepetitions" />



                                    <form:form action="/DeleteFile" >

                                        <form:hidden property="MFile"
value="<%=MName.toString().replaceAll(" ", "_") + ".xml"%>" />

                                        <form:submit property=""
value="Delete" />








/*------------------------------------------------- */


I know that the 'MSchedules' ArrayList is properly being updated because
I have it write its contents to console in my ActionForm 'reset' method.




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