I am working on a website which has mainly been a
total web application through its lifecycle. It uses
Struts and composes the interface using Tiles,
sometimes nested Tiles. I have setup my structure as

 |-- jsp
 |    |-- tiles
 |    |    |-- dir1
 |    |    |-- dir2

So I have creates a jsp/tiles/ directory under WEB-INF
and placed my jsp there. That's standard practice,

Well now I have to add ALOT of static content, like
promotional writings, help instructions, messages from
the boss, etc... and I am not exactly sure how to do

I still need my static content decorated with Tiles.
What do people recommend? And where should I store
these files? 

And do I create an Action which loads up the JSP
according to some virtual path (to be mapped
internally) in a request parameter? Example:
/viewDoc.do?path=/path1/path2/file.jsp - What i want
to avoid is creating many tile definitions for static

I am looking for best practices. Thank you.

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