
I have a form that may contain one or more "rows". Each row has a
passenger data. All the passengers in the form consists in a

Number  Title           Name                    ExtraSeat

1               Mr              Carlos Gardel   Yes(1)  No(1)
2               Mr              J.Manuel Fangio No(2)           No(2)
3               Mr              Guillermo Vilas No(3)           No(3)
4               Mr              Diego Maradona  Yes(4)  Yes(4)

ExtraSeat and CabinBaggage uses multiboxes and should be boolean values.
When I submit this form, the multiboxes that are checked are sent, but
the unchecked arent.

When posted, I receive arrays of string with:

Number={"1", "2", "3", "4"}
Title={"Mr", "Mr", "Mr", "Mr"}
Name={"Carlos Gardel", "J.Manuel Fangio", "Guillermo Vilas", "Diego
ExtraSeat={"1", "4"}

What is the usual solution for this using plain struts?
Do i should calculate the "missing" extraseat and cabinbaggage in the
reset form?
Is there any "helper" class for completing the missing non posted
checkboxes to indicate true or false in that porperties?

In fact, i should need to have this arrays in order proceed in
persisting this reservation:

Number={"1", "2", "3", "4"}
Title={"Mr", "Mr", "Mr", "Mr"}
Name={"Carlos Gardel", "J.Manuel Fangio", "Guillermo Vilas", "Diego
ExtraSeat={true, false, false, true}
CabinBaggage={false, false, false, true}

Thanks in advance.

Guillermo Meyer
System Engineer
EDS Argentina - Proyecto X71 Interbanking.

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