I have a struts application that allows me to update a list of employees

The following is a 'desired' Update screen to update all employees
information on 'one' screen:
Employee Name   Employee Age    Department (this is a drop down)

Anderson, John  30                      a drop-down list of Boston-branch
departments to choose from
Johnson, Mary   35                      a drop-down list of Portland-branch
departments to choose from
Wilson   Bob    25                      a drop-down list of L.A-branch
departments to choose from
My Data Beans:
//  the department property will be populated based on the selection from
the drop-down 
// 'departmentDropDown'.  Each employee has it's unique drop-down
public class EmployeeDTO {
    private String name;
    private String age;
    private String department;
    private ArrayList departmentDropDown; // this list can be different for
different employees

Public class DepartmentBean {
    private String id;
    private String dName;

My EmployeeForm:
public class EmployeeForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm
implements Serializable {
        private ArrayList listOfEmployees;  
        private EmployeeDTO employee;
        private ArrayList aDropDown; 

My UpdateEmployees.jsp:
<jsp:useBean id="listOfEmployees" type="java.util.Collection"

<logic:iterate id="emp" name="listOfEmployees"
type="com.myCompany.EmployeeDTO ">
    <td><html:text property="name"/></td>
    <td><html:text property="age"/></td>
       <html:select name="emp" property="department">
        <html:options collection="emp.departmentDropDown" property="id"

** listOfEmployees is an ArrayList of 'EmployeeDTO' in session.
** each empoloyee's departmentDropDown has been set as an ArrayList of

But when I ran I keep getting an error like this:
Cannot find bean under name emp.departmentDropDown'
 Cannot find bean under name emp.departmentDropDown at

Did I struture my <html:options> within the <logic:iterate> wrong? If it is
wrong, how do I display a <html:options> within a <logic:iterate>?   

I modiefied my JSP and tried another way but it doesn't work either:

<jsp:useBean id="listOfEmployees" type="java.util.Collection"

<logic:iterate id="emp" name="listOfEmployees"
type="com.myCompany.EmployeeDTO ">
<bean:define id="aDropDown" property="emp.departmentDropDown"
    <td><html:text property="name"/></td>
    <td><html:text property="age"/></td>
       <html:select name="emp" property="department">
        <html:options collection="aDropDown" property="id"
Then I will get this error:
[ServletException in:/jsp/part/editSubsystemPart.jsp] Cannot find bean under
name aDropDown'
 javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean under name aDropDown
at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.OptionsTag.getIterator(OptionsTag.java:407)

Any help will be appreciated...

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