Never mind, I have found the problem.  Thank you.
--- Caroline Jen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
> in the beginning of my JSP.
> This statement that makes an image clickable:
> <td nowrap><%if ( previousTopic != 0 ) {%><a
> page="/article/common/images/left.gif" border="0"
> alt="[previous topic]"></a><%}%></td>
> gives me an error message:
> /article/content/viewpostings.jsp(163,101) According
> to TLD, tag html:img must be empty, but is not'
> I have checked two things:
> 1. the JSP works if I replace the <html:img ...> tag
> with some text:
> <td nowrap><%if ( previousTopic != 0 ) {%><a
> topic]</a><%}%></td>  
> 2. the image left.gif ( I have checked the spelling
> and the extension) is in the
> MyApplication/article/common/images directory.
> I do not understand the error message.  Please help.
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