Proxy Problem to run the application......................

2004-09-26 Thread Srinivas
Hi Guys,
I am using the Struts Frame Work and Servlets in my Application. And It's working 
But the Problem is 
It's working only the Static IP Address Systems  ...but Some of the systems connected 
through Proxy ,those on systems my application is not working properly .
In my application one of the main future is "Download the File to a Specified 
It's working on the Static IP Addres System but the probles comes here is those 
systems connected through Proxy it's not working ...
I don't know How to solve the Problem..
Here is the code i have wrote
f = new File(fPath);
FileManagerHelper fHelper=new FileManagerHelper();
String mimeType=fHelper.getMimeType(f.getName());
httpServletResponse.setContentLength( (int) f.length());
System.out.println("File Name from MtDownloadAction 

os = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream();
stream = new FileInputStream(f);
bis = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
is = new BufferedInputStream(bis);
int count;
byte buf[] = new byte[4096];
while ((count = > -1)
os.write(buf, 0, count);
Please help Me How to Solve Proxy Problem..
I am waiting for ur Valuable Suggestions..

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Proxy Problem to run the Application....................

2004-09-20 Thread Srinivas
Hi Guys,
I am using the Struts Frame Work and Servlets in my Application. And It's working 
But the Problem is 
It's working only the Static IP Address Systems  ...but through Proxy my application 
is not working .
In my application one of the main future is "Download the File to a Specified 
It's working on the Static IP Addres System but through Proxy it's not working ...
I don't know How to solve the Proble..
Here is the code i have wrote
f = new File(fPath);
FileManagerHelper fHelper=new FileManagerHelper();
String mimeType=fHelper.getMimeType(f.getName());
httpServletResponse.setContentLength( (int) f.length());
System.out.println("File Name from MtDownloadAction 

os = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream();
stream = new FileInputStream(f);
bis = new BufferedInputStream(stream);
is = new BufferedInputStream(bis);
int count;
byte buf[] = new byte[4096];
while ((count = > -1)
os.write(buf, 0, count);
Please help Me How to Solve Proxy Problem..
I am waiting for ur Valuable Suggestions..

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