Re: Question about multiple fields in forms

2004-11-12 Thread Radu Badita

It could be done using indexed properties and nested properties. Take a look at:
You can find lots of threads on this.

On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:15:45 +0100, Hevia Vega, Andrés
> Hi,
> We have a dynamic table that we would like to submit to an action.
> The number of columns and records are unknown.
> Is there any built in mechanism or trick in Struts that we can use in order
> to do this?
> A possible solution is to use arrays of fields that are send to the action:
> Cheers,
> -
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Radu Badita
Galati, Romania
Phone : 004-0745-36.10.17

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Question about multiple fields in forms

2004-11-12 Thread "Hevia Vega, Andrés"

We have a dynamic table that we would like to submit to an action. 
The number of columns and records are unknown. 
Is there any built in mechanism or trick in Struts that we can use in order
to do this?
A possible solution is to use arrays of fields that are send to the action:

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