I think what you're looking for is a more flexible Mapping which can be 
achieved via Spring


which would enable you to define your own DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping
   <property name="interceptors">
 </bean>If your annotated class is a Web Controller then you can use 
 your spring framework is achieved you can implement RequestMapping
Annotation for mapping web requests onto specific handler classes and/or
 handler methods. Provides consistent style between Servlet and Portlet
 environments, with the semantics adapting to the concrete environment.


so as you can see there is alot of flexibility with Handlers,Annotations and 
Controller available with Spring
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> From: unmesh_jo...@hotmail.com
> To: user@struts.apache.org
> Subject: Usecases for ModelDriven interface
> Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 17:47:09 +0000
> Hi, 
> I am using struts2 on my current project and find ModelDriven interface very 
> inconvenient. The intent of the interface is documented as, "it helps 
> directly populating domain model". But if the domain model is little more 
> complex than a simple bean, it becomes very inconvinient. e.g.
> If my domain model is as follows
> class Order {
> String orderNumber;
> UserInformation user;
> }
> class UserInformation {
> String firstName;
> String lastName;
> Address address;
> }
> class Address {
> String addressLine1;
> String city;
> String state;
> }
> The problem with ModelDriven is that I have to use OGNL expressions like 
> user.address.addressLine1 in my HTML form. While this is not a bigger issue 
> for the simple example as above, it can be awkward for little more complex 
> domain models. What suits better for those domain models is to have a 
> builder, which has setters for all the parameters on the form and has 
> responsibility to build the actual domain model objects. Something like 
> following
> class OrderBuilder {
> String orderNumber;
> String firstName;
> String lastName;
> String addressLine1;
> String city;
> String state;
> public Order build() {
>   ......
> } 
> }
> I can offcourse use this builder as Model, fooling struts framework like 
> following
> class MyAction imeplements ModelDriven<OrderBuilder> {
> private OrderBuilder builder;
> public OrderBuilder getModel() {
> builder = new OrderBuilder();
> return builder; 
> }
> public void execute() {
> orderBuilder.build(); // Then use order
> }
> }
> But I think this reads very badly. Instead, will it make more sense to have a 
> annotation for "parameter mapping strategy"? Something like
> Instead of
> class MyAction implements ModelDriven<Order>
> have following
> @BeanMappingStrategy(beanName="order") //expects OGNL in parameter names to 
> map to bean
> class MyAction {
>   Order order;
> }
> or 
> @BuilderMappingStrategy(builderName="oderBuilder") // knows that its dealing 
> with builder, so will call build method.
> class MyAction {
> OrderBuilder orderBuilder;
> }
> What do you guys think?
> Thanks,
> Unmesh
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