Re: Very basic question on formbeans

2006-11-22 Thread Christopher Schultz
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Gallagher, Jim (RBoS ITDS Dublin) wrote:
 I'm wondering whether it's a better idea to create the
 formbean, populate it and use that to pass the information to the jsp?

This really is the struts way. But, in order to do this, you don't
have to do a ton of work. For instance, simply modify your
struts-config.xml action mappings to include the name attribute for
the mapping which initially displays your (empty) form. That will set up
the (empty) form bean for further use.

You can do nothing at this point, and you'll get an empty form, just
like you do, now. Or, you can add code to your action (if you are using
one) or to your JSP (though I highly recommend using an action instead
of putting code in your JSP) that grabs the form bean just like in your
form handling actions.

Once you have a reference to this form bean, you can fill it with data.
A simple example is loading a record from a DB for editing:

1. Hit the / URI which has myForm as the form bean.

2. Fetch the appropriate record from the database.

3. EditAction takes its form parameter and casts it to the appropriate
   type (MyBeanType).

4. Fill the bean with data from the DB record (don't forget to include
   the records PK).

5. Display your form, remembering to include all the data you just
   stuck into the bean, instead of just leaving the fields blank.


6. Post your form to your form handler (/
   If you use struts validation, it can check to make sure that your
   form fields are (at least mostly) valid and redisplay the form
   if there's a problem. This is a huge advantage that I recommend
   you .. umm, take advantage of.

7. Process your form normally.

Hope that helps,
- -chris

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Re: Very basic question on formbeans

2006-11-22 Thread Albert L Sapp


Basically, that is how our application is set up.  There are transfer 
object beans that handle the movement between our controller layer and 
model and form beans for moving data between the view and controller 
layer.  Sometimes, the TO and form bean may be exact matches and other 
times I may have additional fields of computed data that is needed in 
the form bean.

Just my 2 cents.


Gallagher, Jim (RBoS ITDS Dublin) wrote:


I've designed  written a couple of struts applications up to now,
and recently the solution to a problem has caused me to wonder if I'm making
a fundamental error in the way I've been doing it. 

Up to now, when designing a jsp I've only used the formbean to
collect the information entered, rather than to pass it to the jsp in the
first place. I'm wondering whether it's a better idea to create the
formbean, populate it and use that to pass the information to the jsp? I can
see there might be some MVC benefits, but I'd be interested in other
peoples' opinions.

Apologies if this is blindingly obvious, but I'm keen to determine
the best way of utilising struts.



Jim Gallagher,
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RE: Very basic question on formbeans

2006-11-22 Thread Dave Newton
From: Gallagher, Jim (RBoS ITDS Dublin)
 Up to now, when designing a jsp I've only used the formbean to
 collect the information entered, rather than to pass it to the jsp in
 the first place. I'm wondering whether it's a better idea to create 
 the formbean, populate it and use that to pass the information to the 

FWIW, I use form beans to only represent form data and using scoped
objects for anything not in the form. For me, decoupling those objects
from Struts makes more sense, although perhaps only slightly.


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