Hello all,
        HUUUUUUGE apologies to Struts 1.3 & Tiles 1.3 team..
Tiles worked just fine..it was me that in migrating app
>From 1.2 to 1.3 I removed one plugin that was storing
Some data in applicationContext

The null pointer exception in tiles made me think that
Tiles was the problem..

Again, apologies, everything is working just fine..


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 27 April 2005 15:34
To: Marco Mistroni; 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: problem with Tiles & Struts 1.3 / Found exception stack

At 2:58 PM +0100 4/27/05, Marco Mistroni wrote:
>       I am not blaming Struts 1.3  :-)
>I am actually more concerned with Tiles by itself, since I was not
>Able to use the same .tld file that I was able to use with Struts 1.1

Yes, we should make sure to note that on the "migrating to Struts 
1.3" page -- which I just got started...
Oh, wait -- the TLD hasn't changed since 1.2, and I think we should 
continue to have each migration notes page be focused on "since the 
last version" -- so I left this out -- but still, Marco and any 
others who are checking out Struts 1.3 are encouraged to help build 
this page:


By the way, I'm currently in active development on a Struts 1.3 
application, and people should not be too nervous about checking it 
out -- things are humming along smoothly, and while I'm not claiming 
that 1.3 is tested enough to be deemed GA, it's not showing any 
really weird behavior.  You don't need to do anything differently to 
use Struts 1.3 (besides understanding the new multi-jar packaging); 
you should be able to totally ignore most of the new stuff until 
you're ready for it.  In fact, we need some users like that to help 
verify our goal of backwards compatibility!



Joe Germuska            
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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